Glitched Isekai

Chapter 79 – The Conquest of London

Hermione, Phoebe, Alex and Sabrina flew following the north bank of the Thames towards the Tower Bridge. 

As they arrived, they were shocked that a major battle was taking place between the werewolves and the vampires.

They were attacking each other in a berserk frenzy, and the team consisting of Diana, Sif, Susan, Mera, Wanda, Ororo, Jenny and Hannah were already there in the midst of the battle. 

They were the team sent to secure the Channel Tunnel between England and France, but since they were headed the same direction, they followed the team sent to secure London along the way. 

Ororo summoned wind and lightning, disintegrating both vampires and werewolves and Mera sent water spouts washing many away as well. 

Jenny and Hannah flew around at incredible speeds, smashing the evil creatures to bits. 

Lara, Chun Li, Natasha, Selina, Maxine, Annabeth, Ray, Raven, Yuriko, Rita, Wynona, Trix and Cameron fought the creatures from the south bank as Hermione, Alex, Phoebe and Sabrina were joined in the north by Tauriel, Selene, Mindy, Aeon, Alice, Buffy, Faith, Violet and Harley. 

Sam watched the scene from the Nexus. He was currently only a Level 2 and had no fighting capabilities, having decided on using his points to summon more familiars from now on. 

His basic Level 1 spells were the same as before being a mage, namely [Heal], [Summon Familiar] and [Magic Missile].  He kept the rest as spare in case he needed to summon someone else. 

Quorra was with him in the Nexus, and she was doing all she could to examine the one whole dice that he took from Merlin, hoping to find some use for it, like Merlin used the other totems from the other beings he took them from. 

Melinda and Mathilda appeared in the Nexus from their locations and immediately exited the Nexus, using the Nexus as a teleportation hub, allowing them to reappear near the battle. 

Melinda created her death aura and joined the battle while Mathilda burst into one of the nearby buildings, rushing to the top to find a suitable sniping site. 

The battle was intense. Not only were the vampires and werewolves getting killed, the familiars were getting badly injured as well.

Chun Li was surrounded as several werewolves chomped on to her body, ripping her flesh off with their fangs.

Both of Rita's arms were ripped off by several vampires after her Gantz suit gave out from too many attacks.

Violet was surrounded by 6 vampires, one using her own Gantz sword to impale her with it.

Selina was overpowered by several werewolves, some ripped her legs off.

Wynona was on her knees as a werewolf started twisting her head off after twisting off her arms.

If not for Sam retrieving them and healing them, they very well would have died due to the seriousness of their injuries.

On the other hand Diana and Sif were the most adept in such battles, plowing through the werewolves like a bowling ball through pins.

Mary got cornered but her extreme durability and super speed saved her as she used her super-strength to rip off the heads of a few vampires.

*Bang* a loud sound was heard as a large werewolf used Cameron's body like a bat, smashing her into one of the Tower Bridge metal frames

Trix fired her plasma rifle from her transformed right hand, burning the creature to a melted blob of flesh as Cameron struggled to get up.

She immediately was recalled into the Nexus as Sam initiated healing her.

A huge lightning bolt crashed and flash fried several vampires. It wasn't Ororo but Annabeth this time who summoned the lightning.

Mindy crashed the scene with a Gantz sword in each hand, slicing off two vampire heads, but she was tackled by a large werewolf who smashed her through a brick building.

Her Gantz suit started leaking fluid, indicating it could not protect her anymore so just as the werewolf attacked her again, she disappeared into the Nexus.

The werewolf looked around, confused that his prey disappeared into thin air. Even with his enhanced senses, he couldn't sense her.

"Looking for m cocksucker?" Mindy said as she suddenly reappeared out of nowhere, wearing a new Gantz suit with another two more Gantz swords.

Without mercy, she dismembered its arms then crossed her swords and decapitated it. 

On the outside, Rey was using her lightsaber rather than a Gantz sword. Like Tauriel, Buffy, Faith and Wynona, using their own weapons gave them a sense of identity.

They were all already wearing identical black skin tight Gantz suits. If they all used the same weapons, they would feel like they were one of many identical super soldiers.

Some like Mindy had decided to wear a bright purple cape to look different,

Others like Hermione wore a robe over her Gantz suit, uncomfortable that it was too tight and revealed all her curves, showing even her erect nipples and camel toe.

On the other hand, some like Selene, Aeon, Natasha, Selena and Alice did not mind at all wearing the identical Gantz suits even if they revealed too much. To them, it was fully functional, gave them extra speed, strength and durability, and felt liberating, like they were fighting nude like they were when they were first summoned.

The battle lasted 3 hours, with the werewolves attacking from the north of the Thames, and the vampires from the south. Sam's familiars attacked both sides which were in battle with each other, destroying the Tower Bridge and all the buildings within a 5 km radius.

Selene stood on the throat of the last vampire, plunging her Gantz sword into the vampire's forehead and crushing its windpipe with her foot.

"It is done. London is secured" Selene said as Sam exited the Nexus to survey the damage.

"Good. Now we hunt down the remnants. I've already sent Kara, Samantha, Linda, Rhea and Carol to petrol the boundaries of the town to ensure no one escapes" Sam said and the girls all nodded, breaking up into groups and going off in separate directions. 

Hermione was with Percy as they checked on the surviving wizards and witches.

"Is everything alright?" Sam asked Hermione

"There are less then 20 witches and wizards here left. The Ministry of Magic will be working on bare bones from now on" Percy reported.

"I'm sure there are more out there?" Sam asked. 

"The intergalactic wars with the aliens took most of our best. And the vampire and werewolf takeover practically wiped out the population of London, let alone wizards and witches" Percy sighed.

"What about Diagon Alley?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"We.. we've been holed up in the Ministry, no one has gone to or fro from Diagon Alley. We assumed no one is left alive" Percy said.

"Lets check it out then" Sam said, eager to visit the place.

Hermione nodded as she led Sam, Alex, Sabrina, Phoebe and Melinda heading towards Diagon Alley. 


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