Glitched Isekai

Chapter 80 – Diagon Alley

Hermione led the small team of Sam together with his Mage Team consisting of Alex, Sabrina, Phoebe and Melinda to the Leaky Cauldron in the heart of London. Percy had joined them too. 

The rest of his girls were sent to clean up London, getting rid of all the remaining werewolves and vampires. Selene treated them all as pariahs who no longer respected their Elders, so she had no hesitation in leading a team to get rid of them. 

The Leaky Cauldron pub was in a serious state of disrepair as signs of battle was clearly all over the place. There were no bodies around, but dried up blood was clearly seen all over.

Hermione took the team through the small courtyard wall behind the pub and entered into Diagon Alley.

The first sight that greeted them was an abandoned alley. The shops in the alley were all ransacked and damaged. There wasn't a soul in sight even though all the doors were smashed wide open. 

Gringott's Wizarding Bank's doors were in splinters all over the floor, and the hollowed floor were cracked with holes in the roof. The same goes for Oliivander's, Eeylop's Owl Emporium, Floutish and Blotts, Florean Fortesque's Ice Cream Parlour, Quality Quidditch Supplies and Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.  

Hermione ran into the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes with tears in her eyes, but no one was there. There were trinkets and all kinds of magical jokes all over the floor. Percy started searching frantically, but his brother George was nowhere to be found. 

The team raided whatever they needed, including magical books, wands, broomsticks etc and stored them in the Nexus before they gathered together in Gringotts. 

The trip to Diagon Alley was a disappointment for Sam. He had wanted to see if there were any other surviving wizards besides those at the Ministry of Magic. 

"Should we break into the vaults?" Alex asked mischievously.

"I cannot be a part of such a robbery" Percy stated immediately. 

"We are not looking for treasure. We just want to check if there are any survivors" Hermione explained. 

Percy reluctantly agreed. They levitated following antiquated tracks below the vault and passed by most of the magical barriers unhindered before arriving at the vaults. 

Surprisingly, they found several goblins there who immediately started taking defensive action against them. 

"Wait! I'm Percy Weasley from the Ministry of Magic! We come in peace. We are only looking for survivors!" Percy yelled

The goblins paused for a moment, still eyeing them warily. 

"You! You're Hermione Granger, perpetrator of the Second Gringott's Break-in in 1988!" one of the goblins yelled

"We're not here to break-in! We only want to search for survivors!" Hermione tried to explain.

"Oh! So miss goody two shoes was a bank robber!" Alex laughed

"It's not like that! We had to look for a horcrux in the Lestrange vault!" Hermione tried to explain

"Still, you human wizards betrayed us! You are trying to rob us!" one of the goblins said.

"We don't care about your vaults! Are there any human survivors?" Sam asked

"Human wizards? We killed them all. They were turning into werewolves and vampires. Our dragon guards killed several of them and we killed the rest" a goblin said.

"That's not exactly true is it?" Melinda suddenly spoke up

"What do you mean?" Sam asked

"You! Goblin! Not all of the wizards you killed were werewolves of vampires, were they?" Melinda asked, a fierce look in her eyes.

"All humans will turn into werewolves or vampires eventually! Then they will rob us! So we killed all the human wizards!" a goblin replied

"You... killed them all?" Hermione gasped. 

"Yes. We killed all humans. You are next" a goblin said as several of them suddenly disappeared into the vault and 3 Ukrainian Ironbelly dragons charged from several directions. 

"They've gotten more dragons?" Hermione asked as she ducked 

"Yes. After Ron, Harry and you broke in, they upped their security with more dragons!" Percy said as he countered by casting a spell at the dragon. 

"This is ridiculous" Sam said, summoning several more powerful familiars from elsewhere. 

Samantha, Rhea, Kara and Linda appeared and they took out the dragons pretty handily. 

The goblins were flabbergasted as the dragons they took so much cost and effort in raising were all smashed to bits in moments. 

"What.. what are you going to do with the goblins?" Percy asked.

"Kill them all! Raid all the vaults. This world is built with my karma points anyway. They belong to me. Take everything" Sam said coldly. 

It took them half a day to raid the hundreds of vaults in Gringotts, emptying them. Percy didn't say anything, but Sam left him his family's meager belongings in their vault as well as several galleons. They also didn't raid the Weasley joke shop. 

But Diagon Alley was no more. Everything remaining was taken by Sam and his girls and emptied into the Nexus. 

They raided all the nearby magical alleys too, including Knockturn Alley, Horizont Alley and Carkitt Market. 

Percy was appalled but he didn't say anything. Sam and his familiars were his rescuers anyway, and they were so powerful, he didn't dare say anything. 

"Aah. This was disappointing. I was hoping to gather more allies. I guess the intergalactic war and the werewolf vs vampire war practically took most of the lives on this island. I wonder how the rest are doing" Sam sighed

"Things are... not going so well in the scouting team across the English Channel" Quorra answered from the Nexus

"What do you mean?" Sam asked

"The scouting team had crossed the channel and secured a position on the other side, but they are currently under siege" Quorra answered

The scout team consisted of Diana, Sif, Susan, Mera, Wanda, Ororo, Jenny and Hannah, which was quite a powerful team. But Sam sent Rhea, Samantha, Kara, Carol, Linda and Hancock as immediate backup through the Nexus while the rest flew over using their Gantz flying bikes to clean up any remaining werewolves or vampires on the way.

They said goodbye to Percy, but gave him a device to contact them if needed. He left Mathilda, Chun Li and Annabeth in London to secure the city.

Sam immediately returned to the Nexus with his magician team. It was time he summoned more familiars as conquering and securing a land such as England, let alone the larger world required more help than he thought.


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