Glitched Isekai

Chapter 94 – Finishing the Survival Tutorial

It was already the second day and Sam was reaching some form of efficiency in his mana and time usage in surviving this phase. 

He has already leveled up to Level 7 and had raised his stats accordingly. 

[Name: Sam Serra
Class: None

Level: 7
Strength: 8 Speed: 8
Agility: 8 Durability: 8
Intelligence: 7 Charisma: 8
Life: 117 Mana: 116]

[Skill - Swordsmanship Lvl 5]
[Skill - Parry Lvl 1]
[Skill - Cleave Lvl 1]
[Special Skill - Summon Familiars]
[Special Skill - Heal]
[Special Skill - Magic Missile]

As his mana recovery was 1 per minute, it took under 2 hours to recover all his mana from zero. So he now had to be careful using his magic, unlike his previous experience.  

Because of this, rather than totally relying on his girls and hiding in the Nexus.

He concentrating on his swordsmanship instead, he wasn't able to summon as many familiars as before and didn't really want to use his magic missiles nor enter the Nexus, which he intended to only use sparingly or in an emergency. 

Instead, he summoned a familiar, one at a time to spend time catching up with them for around half an hour each. 

As they took up 1 mana per minute, and he recovered at the same rate, the mana usage actually was quite negligible if he only summoned one at a time. 

He could easily summon more than one at a time, but he wanted to spend personal time with each one of them. 

Unfortunately, the Gantz and Tron upgrades had disappeared and the familiars were summoned naked, so he had to pick up more weapons.

Over the past few hours, he also stumbled upon the dead bodies of other people who were summoned to this level and picked up their weapons, which gave him a total of 3 swords, a crossbow and bolts, a bow and quiver with 20 arrows, and a mage's staff.  

Unfortunately, he couldn't find any usable clothes for the familiars, so they had to go in the nude. 

Besides wargs, over the past few hours, they encountered orcs, hobgoblins and trolls.  

Sam used them to train, as who ever his partner was, thought him how to use his sword. Because of this, he initially summoned the familiars that were expert melee combatants like Selene, Alice or Violet, rather than the super powered ones or mages. 

And at night, Sam found out that he transformed back to Sharon, and she took over their shared body when he was sleeping. 

As she was aware of the whole situation, unlike in their previous experience, she was actually quite cooperative. 

She kept awake while Sam slept, and on the first night, he summoned Trix to guard her and keep her company. 

The T-X terminator Trix was actually quite talkative, as Sharon thought her more about human idiosyncrasies. 

On the second day, he was charging through the large forest with Mindy. She was actually his first ever familiar and spent the longest with him, hence they were particularly close. 

"Good. Slash, duck, stab! Excellent" Mindy commended as Sam pulled out his sword from the abdomen of an orc. 

Another orc charged from behind and he felt lazy, so he pointed his finger and killed it with a [Magic Missile]

"Wish I had a gun" Mindy sulked and Sam hugged her and kissed her on the forehead. 

"Hey! What are we? Platonic?" she asked as Sam smiled and kissed her on the lips instead. 

As his tongue entered her mouth and his hand grabbed her right boob, she pushed him away. 

"Ok... later. More training for now. Besides, you were already inside me when you summoned me" she said as she rushed off. 

Looking at her sexy naked butt running ahead of him, he charged after her. 

They reached a clearing around mid day and saw a portal in the middle of a large field.

"I guess its time to disappear" Mindy said sadly

"Yeah. You know I shouldn't show you guys off. But now that we're together again.. we have plenty of time together once this is done" he said

"Ok loverboy. See you around" Mindy said as she hugged and kissed him. 

As they embraced, her body merged with him into his mouth as his tongue entered her mouth, entering his body and into the Nexus.

"Alright then. Lets finish this mission" Sam said as he walked towards the portal.

Just as he covered half the distance, suddenly a large 9 headed hydra appeared as if summoned from thin air.

Sam looked at the 9 headed monster and simply sneered

[Magic Missile]

His bullet sized missile hit the hydra on one of its faces, but it didn't even flinch and prepared to attack

Although the destructive strength of the magic missile had increased to several times it's original strength, to the hydra, it was only a distraction.  

"Didn't think so. Who'll be able to pass this monster? I only have to get to the portal right?" Sam said

As the hydra descended upon him, shooting poison, Sam's body disappeared out of existence. 

The hydra waited for the poison to clear as even the ground had corroded, leaving a hole in the ground that was still disintegrating. 

Sam reappeared from the Nexus right in front of the portal, looking at the hydra from afar. 

"Hasta la vista baby" Sam waved, shooting 10 [Magic Missiles] at the monster for fun and entered the portal without looking back

The 10 missiles, shot from every finger in his outstretched hands, moved at a different trajectory each, shooting outwards, then bending in midair and turning back towards the hydra. 

All 10 bullets hit a head of the 9 headed creature, and the last one curved under it's tail, hitting it on it's anus, just to annoy it. 

As the creature screamed and looked around, Sam had already disappeared. 


Sam reappeared in a room that had wooden walls. It had a wooden door by the side, but it appeared this room has a purpose. 

[You have completed the first part of the tutorial. Your points are being awarded]

[Congratulations, you have leveled up. You are now Level 10]

"Level 10? Great! Lets fiddle around with my states with my new points" Sam said. He checked his stats again

[Name: Sam Serra
Class: Swordsman
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Level: 10
Strength: 9 Speed: 9
Agility: 9 Durability: 9
Intelligence: 9 Charisma: 8
Life: 124 Mana: 124]

[Skill - Swordsmanship Lvl 5]
[Skill - Parry Lvl 2]
[Skill - Cleave Lvl 2]
[Skill - Dodge Lvl 1]
[Special Skill - Summon Familiars]
[Special Skill - Heal]
[Special Skill - Magic Missile]

"Not bad. I guess it makes sense that the higher level you go, the more points it takes to level up. Thankfully, I was the first to clear the mission, giving me the points for being first" Sam said. 

He realized that he received 10 gold, 1 per level he gained. He also gained a bonus 10 gold coins for finishing the mission first.

As he fiddled around with his pop up window, he learned that in this new dimension, the currency is simple

1 gold coin = 10 silver coins

1 silver coin = 10 copper coins

He realized that there was a shop option in the pop up window and he knew he needed clothes, as he didn't want to be seen wearing a school girl's skirt and a torn blouse. 

He looked through the clothes, with his summoning of familiars in mind, since they exited his naked skin. He needed something loose, yet covered his body. 

He opted for a leather kilt, something that looked like what Brad Pitt wore in the movie Troy, and a leather chest mail and a roman style helmet with leather boots. 

He already had weapons from the survival part of the tutorial. Since his clothes were basic and were not magical, they only cost 20 silver coins. A further tunic for his familiar cost another 20 copper coins and repairing the 3 swords, and restocking the bolts and arrows cost another 10 silver coins

He then spent a whopping 15 gold coins for a dimension ring to keep all his stuff and he placed his weapons and spare tunic into the dimension ring.

He would never have needed such a ring if the Nexus could hold objects like it did previously. Unfortunately things have changed and this was an annoying limitation. 

Knowing that nobody else would be able to afford a dimension ring like him, he decided to keep it a secret.

Having played with it on multiple fingers on his hand, he realized that in grew and shrunk to fit each finger.

"Hmmm... maybe.." Sam thought as he took of the ring and reached under his kilt

As expected, it fit snugly on his hidden digit. 

"Ok, time to get out of here" he said as he approached the wooden door nearby.

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