Glitched Isekai

Chapter 95 – Training Hall

Sam walked out the door and found himself in a large multi story wooden building which reminded him of a ski lodge. 

"Huh? You're early!" a pretty woman standing nearby said to him. 

She was a pretty blonde, wearing a chestplate, white skirt and had a sword on her back. She was holding a clipboard as she seemed to be inspecting the area.

"Er... yes.. I guess" Sam said, not knowing how to answer. The previous time he teleported into a strange world, he was dumped naked in his female form, and all that greeted him were rabbits and geese.

"You're.... Sam Serra. Wow, you're one day early. You must have passed through the portal. But how did you overcome the.... nevermind. Follow me" she said as she escorted her down the large central stairs. 

He peeked over her shoulder and was surprised that her clipboard now seemed to have his basic information on it. 

"Level 10? You must have done very well in the survival tutorial. I've never seen such a high leveling. I believe the previous record was Level 7!" she said as she continued walking and reading the clipboard

"Yeah... well... I was lucky I guess" Sam mumbled

"Anyway, this is the Training Hall, where you will be given training, then we let you out to Fantasia to grow and do your think. If you are powerful enough, you may even become creato...ahem. I'm getting ahead of myself. I am Marisol, and I am one of the administrators here" she said as she brought him to a tall man with brown hair.

He wore leather armor and had a sword by his side.

"Oh? An early arrival! Who is this?" he asked

"This is Sam Serra. Sam, this is Arthur. He is the head of this particular training period" Annabeth said

"Sam, pleased to meet you" Arthur said shaking Sam's hand firmly. 

"You too" Sam replied 

"Since you're one day early, Marisol will show you the facilities. The briefing will only start tomorrow after the survival tutorial ends. You are free to eat at the cafetaria for free, train at the facilities or rest in the dorms. Marisol will show you around. I will see you tomorrow" Arthur said and walked off busily. 

"You must forgive Arthur for this abruptness. This is his first time leading this training period, so he's a bit overwhelmed" Marisol said, leading him towards the cafetaria. 

"Overwhelmed my ass. See you fighting for your life for no reason" Sam mumbled under his breath. 

Having been given the tour, Sam entered a private room. Apparently you can pay for private rooms if you wish, but Sam received a room as a reward for finishing first.

Sam took a shower that was attached to his private room and he summoned Hermione since he hadn't spent any time with the mages yet.

"Are you going to wear that at all times, even in the shower?" Hermione asked while washing him down and touching his dimensional ring on his penis.

"Well, you never know when you need something. Besides, it shrinks and grows when needed and can act as a cock ring to prolong..." Sam explained

"Enough, I don't want to hear about it" she said as she embraced him and kissed him

While he did spend time individually with many of the familiars in the survival tutorial, it wasn't the time or place for intimate relations. 

So Sam had alot of catching up to do as he plowed into Hermione under the showers. 

Having decided to try to be fair to everyone, giving each of them 30 minutes, he finished his quickie with a quick session before drying off and spending time on the bed with her. 

"Well, among us mages, Sabrina is the most proficient without a wand. Next would probably be Phoebe" Hermione said

"It's too bad that now you cannot summon us equipped with clothes and weapons. All the Gantz gear was very useful" Hermione said

"Yeah, well. Hopefully I can figure this out. Alex can't create clothes without a wand, can she?" Sam asked

"You've seen her without her wand. Her magic is... erratic and possibly dangerous" Hermione said

"How about you? How is your magic?" Sam asked

"Well, I can do simple things without a wand like apparate, levitate objects and such. Large scale spells of destruction can be done as well, but precise and intricate magics will be difficult. I think Alex is the same" Hermione answered. 

"Aaah. Let's not talk about this now. I will figure it out later" Sam said as she pounced on Hermione for another round. 

He had one day to "recover" so he wanted to spend as much time intimately with as many of his familiars as possible. 

But he gave himself only 30 minutes each, and he needed time in between to recover his stamina. 



A loud gong chimed as Sam opened his eyes.

He saw that he was in Sharon's form again after having fallen asleep after nearly 32 hours of non stop fornication.

A quick [Heal] spell transformed his body back to his male form and he quickly got dressed.

He exited his room and found that the place was filled with people now.

There was probably about 200 people, making the hall look like a conference

They were all being ushered into a auditorium, so Sam followed the crowd and found a seat facing the stage.

On the stage, Arthur walked out

"Welcome survivors. The time period for the survival tutorial has ended, and out of 6000 people this term, only 197 of you have made it.

While most of you are here for surviving the whole 3 days, there are a few of you who made it to the portal. Well done" he said

"Soo... there are others who faced the hydra?" Sam wondered to himself

"Who is unimportant. You know who you are. What is important is the next part of the tutorial. You will be here for a one month period, whereby you will train, take training missions and improve yourself, after which you will be released into the sword and fantasy realm called Fantasia. 

Fantasia is a world where you will continue growing. I and my fellow instructors here are only your elders in the sense we were here before you. We are also from Earth and are not in charge of the world of Fantasia. 

However, legend has it that once you reach a certain power level, you will be able to become a creator God, where you can either create your own world or decide to return to Earth. 

I do not know if that is really true or not. But what is true is this.... Fantasia is a dangerous place. There will be orcs and goblins, trolls and ogres. There may even be dragons and other creatures from fantasy. 

And to survive and fight, we only have our swords, our bows, our magics. Yes, magics. This is also a world of magic and we have mages and priests. For warriors we also have aura which can enhance our fighting abilities to be able to fight such monsters. 

But perhaps just as dangerous or more, you will be facing your fellow man, who are not bound by the morality of Earth. These men will rob, rape and kill you.

This Training Hall will be your safe place to catch up, get up to speed and get to an acceptable level to survive. Those who think they can survive without training, you are free to leave straight away to Fantasia. In fact you can leave at any time within this month if you think the training is too much or a waste of time. But be aware, once you are out, you cannot get back in here. 

That is all from me. Good training!" Arthur concluded. 

Sam sat in his seat as the other people dispersed before he got up and took his time walking out. 

"Did Merlin and the others also  go through this? Is this the same beings that took me originally or are they a different group of beings?" he thought to himself

Unwittingly, he followed the crowd to an area where there were several lines. In front of each line was a glowing orb.

"This procedure was to test your aptitude and recommend classes. You are of course free to choose your class, and can change it at any time during your growth. However, if you choose wrongly, you may be at an disadvantage." the instructor said

Sam watched the people before him, and it quickly became his turn. He placed his palm on the orb and it glowed.

"Magic Swordsman" Sam shrugged. It was to be expected, as he had already set up his stats in that direction

"Now for missions" Sam said as he headed for the missions board

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