Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 406

Chapter 389 “Death” first trailer

On August 21st, Berlin, Germany, Sunny, Hilton Hotel, the last stop of the film crew promotional conference.

“They’re here, it’s time for work.”

The new female colleague doesn’t seem to like the smell of smoke. As an old smoker, he still consciously fanned out the smoke with his palms to avoid the girl’s eyes. Although the old reporters like it, as long as she If you continue to do this job, you will get used to it sooner or later, but he hopes that this habit will come later.

Good people have a higher consciousness than bad people.

The cigarette **** was thrown into the ashtray that he carried, and he shook it twice, as if the child was listening carefully to a few candies in the sugar bowl. Finally, he pressed his mouth and put the ashtray into the chest pocket of the vest.

Turn on the camera, refocus, adjust the light and dark colors, aim at the coming convoy, take a quick step, grab the most suitable position, face close to the camera, close one eye tightly, wrinkles instantly rise, only the shutter sound continues to sound.

The team drove, the all-only Maybach, Kamiya, as the daughter of a Mercedes-Benz performance car design engineer, lacks nothing, there is no shortage of luxury cars.

Occasionally, fans who heard the news were already eagerly waiting until the convoy stopped on the side of the road and all the creative staff got off the car, and the cheers rang out. Of course, this cheer belongs to Kamiya for the time being.

“True scenery…”

The female colleague was young and had a lot of affection for Camia. She stood on tiptoe and craned her neck to look towards Camia, her eyes blurred, like worship and fantasy.

“In the future, there will be opportunities to watch such a beautiful scene. Now you should do your job Hannah, unless you want to go back to the **** head scolded by the editor.”

In her fantasy, she shouldn’t be a spectator, so this sentence is somewhat annoying, but she didn’t refute it. She squeezed into the crowd with a long tube microphone, hoping to find a good position.

The photo didn’t feel right. He put down the camera, checked the photo just taken, darkened it, readjusted the light, and ate a piece of gum by the way. He looked at the girl, she was only standing in the third row, in fact, she could do it again. She squeezed in, but she chose to stay where she was. He didn’t speak, just made the sound of chewing gum and raised the camera again.

There are 17 publicity conferences in 9 countries in Europe. Asia did not go, and China cannot be screened. Japan and China have fewer films and it is not worth a trip. Therefore, if Lu Ze wants to attend the event again in China, he still needs Waiting for a few years.

Due to the relatively low cost of publicity, the schedule is more or less tight. The twenty-seven stations are completed within 20 days. Every day they are either facing the reporters or staying in the sky. Now it is the last station, even Kamiya. In my hometown, everyone doesn’t have the physical strength to play energy.

Looking at it, a group of people were downcast, their heads swayed, and their faces full of depression. They really didn’t look like the important members of the crew participating in the movie conference, but rather like the families of the deceased who came to the funeral.

A group of people didn’t enter the venue one by one, they just got together and walked in. Even the big project of the red carpet press conference was omitted. They simply took a few photos and wrote their signatures on the curtain. In the surprised eyes of the reporter, this group It only took five minutes to finish the work of other crews that could drag on for an hour.

When the reporters and invited guests were all seated, Lu Ze and his party also stood outside the door quietly waiting for the host to notify everyone to enter.

At this time, Lu Ze raised his head and looked at the screen on the stage. Although it was not the first poster he saw, the throbbing would still rise in his heart as far as his eyes could go.

Although this poster was made in a hurry, it surprised everyone on the crew. The entire poster is composed of black and white, the upper part is black, and the lower part is white. It is divided into characters and scenery, like The sky and the earth are turned upside down.

The portraits and buildings are dark gray. They are conspicuous enough in black and white. They are not so obtrusive. The portraits are arranged in front of the big and small in the back. The standard roles are in order of priority. Lu Ze and Kamiya stand at the forefront, facing upright The audience outside the poster, without sadness or joy, just stared straight at the crowd.

The outstanding point of this poster is that the inversion of black and white reveals a little bit of the movie content. At the same time, the artist chose the refraction angle of unnatural light in the use of light, which is the angle of light that does not exist in nature, similar to a ghost film. The commonly used lighting technique in the book, like lighting the face from bottom to top, gives the audience a sense of anxiety and depression.

Unsurprisingly, the guests started whispering and whispering when they saw the poster for the first time. Lu Ze stood outside the door and could more or less hear the communication between the guests closest to the door.

“The poster looks a bit…repressive, I can’t tell what it feels like. Sure enough, the content of the new movie is that kind of repressive plot. I wanted to take my kids to see it. Now… forget it.”

“Unsurprisingly, the tune that Mickey Taylor often plays, I’m used to it. The newspaper called me this time, otherwise I won’t contribute to the box office of this kind of movie that will be depressed for several days after watching it. ”

“Who said no?”

Although Europe and the United States have always been the main source of box office for literary and artistic movies, you have to believe that, in fact, most audiences in Europe and the United States don’t like this kind of movies. People all over the world have surprisingly consistent attitudes on whether they don’t like seeking abuse.

“Then, now we invite the chief creators of the crew to come on stage to answer your questions, ladies and gentlemen, everyone applauds and encourages.

The host did not delay too much time, pointing his palm to the door, and then took the lead and gently clapped his palms. The vanguard Mickey tidied his clothes, coughed slightly, and strode the meteor onto the stage.

Not surprisingly, when in the UK, the media was most concerned about Mickey himself, but when he came to Berlin, the home of Camia, reporters naturally wanted to dig into Camia.

For a time, the focus of the question was not on the movie itself, but on Camilla’s life. Are there any new paintings recently? Why did you return to the showbiz? What are your plans in the future?

After all, he is a local star, and Kamiya is now returning to the big screen for the first time after six or seven years away from the film industry. Mickey and others have given enough time for reporters to communicate with Kamiya, but the atmosphere will be somewhat awkward. Lu Ze, who was fighting away in the away game, can only rejoice that there are a lot of mineral water on the table, otherwise it is really not enough for him to drink.

About ten minutes later, under the guidance of the host, the reporter’s question returned to the right track, and the discussion around the film itself, but… with Camia present, Lu Ze still panicked idle.

“Of course, I chose to continue filming this time because the script written by Mickey impressed me. To be honest, I started filming at the age of five, and playing other people took up most of the time I have gone through. Time is constantly killing me about the film. Love, until I was twenty-seven years old, I found that I couldn’t love movies anymore, I was bored, just like I didn’t feel like sex, until Mickey came to me, and after seeing the script, my scalp was all over. It’s numb, until now, I can’t guarantee that this movie has renewed my love for movies, but at that time, my consciousness kept telling me that I wanted to play her.”

“This is really a great team. It’s really not fun to work with them. It’s simply and neat and never procrastinated. Mickey, Kesha, Lucas, and Lu Ze, each of them possesses unique skills and is very good at movies. Imagination is unbelievable, especially Lu Ze. After working with him, I realized that there is indeed room for improvement in my acting skills, and the space is too big.”

This is not a lie, but the reporter friends took Kamiya’s remarks as an excessive compliment to Lu Ze. Some did not take it seriously. They just snapped a photo of Lu Ze awkwardly smiling.

At the end of the one-hour interview time, Lu Ze spoke less than 20 sentences, not less, at least more than the two brothers of the old family said, but for the actor’s identity, it was really shabby.

In the last part of the press conference, Mickey gave a speech. He picked up Mike and nodded gently to the audience, and by the way, he mentioned his trousers vaguely.

“The original plan was to launch the first version of the trailer at 8 o’clock tonight, but after thinking about it, since it’s here, let everyone see it first, so that everyone can quickly write a column, which is good for everyone. Thank you. The support of the media to the crew.”

This news was a surprise to reporters. Even if it was only a few hours before others saw the trailer, these few hours were enough for them to write a draft first and get a little more bonus. In an instant, the audience applauded. Much bigger, but also a lot sincere.

The lights were off, and only the wall lights were on, so as not to make the guests too alarmed, the creator and his party stepped down, seated in the first row, quietly looking at the screen, and the trailer began.

“Once, we believed that we could be free from this human suffering…”

The screen was dark, white characters appeared, the male voice whispered softly with a bubble sound, and then the sound of the engine gradually approached, the screen gradually lit up, the picture seemed to be early in the morning, and it seemed to be at sunset, the light blue filter revealed a calmness and sadness Style, a dark blue old Ford drove along the coastline from the end of the road.

The piano sound is accompanied by the violin, without a trace of excitement, the melody is like an endless spiral staircase, which makes the audience’s thinking continue to spiral, but it gradually rises, grabs the ear, and suppresses it.

“So how much should I pay back every month? Two thousand four hundred and nineteen?”

The tobacco burned at the fingertips, and the fingertips greeted the sea breeze on the car window. The wind could not move the fingers, but the tobacco burned at an accelerated rate, turning to ashes, being blown away by the wind, running along the arm, and then being overtaken by the vehicle.

The phone was hung up, the phone was thrown on the passenger seat, bounced twice on the soft sponge, and then stopped struggling, lying there quietly.

The cigarette **** was kissed by the stubble lips for the last time, and then he was thrown out the window without hesitation. The camera did not follow the vehicle anymore, but moved down, paying attention to the cigarette butt. It rolled twice on the asphalt, bright sparks Gradually dimmed, suddenly crushed by the following vehicles.

“It maintains the family with hypocritical emotions, and the family uses hypocritical emotions to warm us…”

The melody of the music began to become complicated, but it still hovered and rose, the screen dimmed, and then lit up again. It was a sharp knife that illuminated the screen, shaking on the baby’s head…

Jumping and cutting, a woman’s face appeared in the lens with a blank expression. Looking at the tip of the knife, it seemed flat, but the palm of the corner of the clothes was so hard that it changed color.

Breathing…heavy, trembling constantly, the fingers holding the handle of the knife began to engorge, and the screen flickered, dimmed, lit again, and dim, like a light that would go out at any time.

A drop of water fell and hit the baby’s face. He was still asleep, unaware of the danger, and the camera looked down. On the baby’s rosy skin, the water drop rolled off and was absorbed by the pillow…

“We are well aware that we are just ordinary people, our business will not succeed, our family will not be harmonious, our ideals… will never be realized.”

The body was pushed hard against the bookshelf, knocking down a large book of books. He bent down, his hands trembling, and he picked up the books in a panic and put them back where they should have been.

For the second time, he bent over to pick up the book. Before getting up, he greeted the second foot, knelt on the ground, clutching his abdomen, still wanting to continue to pack the books, and finally, the arm supporting him not to the ground trembled violently and he fell He was curled up, afraid to roll, and the book he had just picked up fell to the ground again, spread out, and was blown by the wind coming in from outside the window.

The pages of the book are scrolling and rustling. This is the book. It was blown away on a certain page. **** was nailed to the cross. The blood was flowing on the cross. No… this blood belongs to him.

The camera is down, staying on the book, blood flowing, flowing through Jesus, flowing through the cross, and finally flowing horizontally in the characters, as if adding a bright red mark to this sentence.

“The life is in him. This life is the light of man. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not accept the light.”

“When the false feelings of maintaining the family become genuine, it is destined to be the beginning of all pain…”

The tune began to excite, and it continued to circulate. The violin drove emotions. The audience in the audience gradually clenched their hands. Eventually, emotions exploded here.

“Jason! Maybe I can help you! Jason! What happened to you at school? Jason!”

He knocked on the door, his face was full of worry, he was aging, just like other parents, maybe he kept asking Jason, so he pushed the door out angrily and confronted his father.

“So what? I came out, so what! So what!”

“What’s the reason?”

“So what can you help me! Do I look like I need help? Save me is written on my face! Or let me learn to be like you and start complaining about the bad life when I was born? If I can’t save Myself, who else can save me? But…I can’t, I can’t hold on anymore…”

He grabbed his father’s collar, his face flushed, and roared. With force, tears also ran out secretly. In the end, he lost the strength and slowly fell to his knees and hid in his father’s arms, howling.

Jumping shears, she leaned against the door frame, looking at the father and son, and exhaled, her cheeks swelled hard. Finally, she looked out the window and wiped the corners of her eyes with her fingers. The camera looked down, tears streaming down her fingertips, slowly Slowly, it evaporates on the skin.

“One person was born, and one person died. Although we are here, in fact, we are completely sealed in our own body.”

Lying quietly on the cold iron bed, the old man folded his hands on his lower abdomen, with a little expectation in his face, turned his head and nodded with a smile to the crowd outside the glass window.

The white towel covers the face, the pillow slowly penetrates into the old and wrinkled skin, and the pink liquid flows slowly in the hose gradually…into the blood vessels.

be quiet……

Half a minute later, he started to react. He twisted his body, but was confined to the iron bed. His hands and feet were restrained. He couldn’t sit up. He began to struggle, dragging his limbs with all his strength, and smashing the iron bed straight. He started to twitch, his hands and feet were deformed, and the white towel collapsed into a pit. In fact, he could not breathe anymore. He just opened his mouth, eager to breathe in even a little oxygen.

Finally, quiet…

The picture was dark again, no longer lit, only the white handwriting changed again, and the smoky male voice spoke for the last time, sighing like an exclamation.

“I’m depreesed……”

The last time the picture changed, there was no more sound, even the music had come to an end, and at this moment, the whole venue was quiet and scary.

“, 2024, January 1, officially released…”


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