Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 407

Chapter 390 Day 1 back to Lu Hua


It is a beautiful day now. A ray of sunlight penetrates the thin layer of gauze curtains, fainting on the quilt or making circles and circles of light spots. This should have been a quiet morning, but someone who was sleeping was The neighbor upstairs was awakened by the noise of moving things, rubbed his eyes, smashed his somewhat thirsty mouth, and finally reached out to touch the lazy black cat beside him.

He returned to China. With the enthusiasm of many friends, he took a plane to China in Berlin and arrived home at 3:30 pm in the imperial capital. As for when he fell asleep, he can no longer remember.

The wall clock on the wall clearly told him the time. At 8:30 in the morning, although he was still physically and mentally exhausted, he could continue to sleep soundly, but the long sleep time caused him to have a dull pain in his head. Besides, it was almost half a year. The bedding that has been slept does not smell very good.

He closed his eyes again, rolled back and forth on the bed twice, his **** was a little itchy, he reached out and scratched, he sat up, leaned on the head of the bed, lit a cigarette, and smiled at the lame man who closed his eyes and enjoyed his massage.

“Good morning.”

The breakfast was not full. Before leaving the country, Lu Ze had cleaned up all the ingredients at home. Now there is only half a bag of toast left at home when he takes the high-speed train back to Lu Hua.

The eldest sister who opened the supermarket next door is still amorous, XXXL’s cheongsam is still so **** and enchanting, silk stockings wrap the thighs, drawing a visible mark, people can’t help but worry about blood circulation in the thighs, don’t wear silk stockings to wear amputations.

When Lu Ze came to the door, she was polite and restrained, and then she was suddenly enthusiastic. She only bought two Wang Zhongwang and two packages of instant noodles. She also planned to give Lu Ze a discount. Lu Ze did not accept it, but only asked for two eggs. , He put it in his pocket and thanked the lady who was sitting on the four supermarket chains, went out, turned left, and entered the house.

The vinyl collection in the store has gone ashes. Wipe clean a Yue Opera record produced in 1965, gently place it on the turntable, hand-crank the string, the film begins to rotate, and the stylus follows the track of the film and broadcasts. A beautiful and chronological singing voice.

“Fifteen years ago, he didn’t speak truth until today,”

“It turns out that the Yang family will change the name,”

“He can’t be reunited if he misses his hometown.”

“I’m here to come up and see you.”

The egg that the proprietress gave was good. The liquid egg was golden and swelled in hot oil. Layers of egg blossoms were swollen. A little ham sausage was added and spread on a large bowl of instant noodles. The **** seemed to be attracted by the fragrance. Looking at the big bowl, he wanted to come over and take a bite, but was pushed aside by Lu Ze.

A bowl of noodles, a non-authentic yellow cabbage, not to mention a clean meal, by the way, with soup and eat the leftover toast, he is really hungry, until everything is in the stomach , I got a long burp.

“Even if it’s driving…? Brother Lu? Are you back from abroad? Are you eating? This opera is very charming.”

A bloated man is really not suitable for wearing white clothes. Not to mention that he is fat. The flesh is out of shape. How do you look like a mental boy? This kid has been learning from the Sun Wukong for a long time in front of the glass. Then he opened the door to follow Lu Ze Say hello.

The boy Dahai has gained a lot more weight than in previous years, and Lu Ze hasn’t seen him for a while, and for a while, he really didn’t dare to recognize his deformed face squeezed by flesh.

On the contrary, after the lame saw him, he immediately turned around and jumped off the table, walked to the farthest point with his back to him, revealing an unspeakable dislike. It stayed at Dahai’s house for two months before, although it was Delicious and delicious offerings, but the **** is annoying him.

Lu Ze could see it too, so when he was filming “Death”, he didn’t ask the sea to take care of the cripple. Instead, he was fostered in a professional pet shop.

“Well, have you eaten yet? Either have some here with me? But I have to say something you don’t like. You are fat again. Quickly lose weight and exercise.”

“I’m worried too. When I do something with the girl, the girl feels that I’m too nervous, but she can’t help it. Drinking a scoop of cold water is two kilograms, saying that serious sports don’t like to practice now.

I heard that Dahai once belonged to the Provincial Sanda team and won several awards. Lu Ze also saw photos of him when he was young. He was 1.85 meters tall, weighed more than 180 kilograms, and he was full of tendons and body shape. Well-proportioned and beautiful, like this kind of athlete, if you can’t control your mouth after retiring, you will get fat as if you are breathing. After a few years, you will get fat like a new person.

This is the end of this topic. Anyone who is overweight does not like others to use his body as a topic. For the sake of friendship, just mention it and care about it. What is the choice of others, he said that he is sure If he didn’t like to listen, Lu Ze put his arms around his mouth, instead he glanced at the phone and asked in confusion.

“Wednesday today, why didn’t you go to work?”

“Don’t mention it, leave.”

“Don’t you work well.”

“My leader was accused of committing a crime. The newcomer is a stupid guy. When he first took office, he asked the employees who messed with the old leader to trouble. Before he tortured me, I’d better get out of it, lest I get angry with him again. Beat it up.”

Speaking of working in Lu Hua’s high-paying high-speed engineering team, he was a little annoyed. He got up and opened the refrigerator. There was no electricity for several months. Even if he put alcohol, the refrigerator would have a somewhat unpleasant smell, frowning and taking it. When I got out of a bottle of beer, I blew half a bottle in one breath.

“Look at the expiration date before you drink. Maybe there are expired ones. I haven’t opened a store for a few months. I don’t remember clearly. I will purchase the goods in two days. All of these goods will be replaced. You pick and want to drink. What? You will take it away before it expires.”

There were still some vacuum-packed snacks in the bar. Lu Ze threw two packs of peanuts on the table, and didn’t persuade him not to drink in the morning. Everyone can tell. He has a fire in his heart. Drink a bit, anyway. This kid drinks well and can’t pour a case of beer.

On the contrary, when Lu Ze said so, he surprised Yu Dahai and looked around the small restaurant, throwing two peanuts in his mouth, chewing vigorously.

“I said, Brother Lu, are you still planning to open a store? You have started making movies again. Let’s not talk about the profitability of this store. Even if the business is not good, you can rely on it, but you will return home this year and a half. Staying for two or three months…why are you still using it?”

It’s such a thing, but Lu Ze always feels that there is something in this kid’s words, and he pretends to give him a casual glance, and sees his fingers pinch the beer bottle mouth, scrolling on the table to observe the LOGO of the bottle, which is pleasing to the eye. The look made Lu Ze feel a little funny.

“What? Planning to do business?”

“Ha, yeah… I have this idea. I have a house to move and I have some money on hand, but it’s too hard to find a suitable class. It’s not a problem to sit and eat in the sky. I just think about it and see if I can do something.”

This was Yu Dahai’s temporary intention. It was definitely not a long time ago that Lu Ze’s tavern had been missed. If it hadn’t been for a walk today to see if there were any shops nearby, he happened to see Lu Ze’s tavern open, and he didn’t even think about it.

In addition, Lu Ze’s career is back on track. Logically speaking, this small business that Lu Ze originally intended to make ends meet must not be able to continue. If you do this small business, you will lose more shares to the big stars.

It happened that the relationship between the two was good, so he looked for it. If Lu Ze wanted to change hands, he would take it directly and continue to make a restaurant. He has a lot of friends, and it is not popular now to go to a friend’s shop without giving money. He has to be sprayed to death by the spitting star, so the profit problem should be good in his expectation, and his heart is inevitable.

But even if he wanted to pick up the stall that Lu Ze didn’t want, he was still a little embarrassed. Secondly, he was afraid of offending Lu Ze. Don’t look at the two people talking and laughing. They were very kind. That’s because Lu Ze didn’t have a lot of air. His little family was not enough for Lu Ze to pinch his fingers, and it was difficult for him to make such a pleasing look with low eyebrows by a powerful man.

He is ready. If Lu Ze really makes a move, he will not be able to take advantage of Lu Zeding’s points, even floating point. No matter whether Lu Ze can see it or not, he will at least leave a good impression on others and don’t hurt your peace.

It’s just… Lu Ze didn’t do what he wanted.

“Ocean, this thing is actually quite difficult, me… the age is not too young, I am 30 years old, so I don’t plan to go outside and float outside anymore. I have to go home after work. , My parents are still in Lu Hua. I have a younger sister. But after all, I have to marry sooner or later. I don’t know where I will settle in the future. I have to support my parents. Can’t just wander around in front of them all day? I have to find something for myself. It doesn’t matter if I make more or less. We don’t live by this stuff. You want to invest in some big business. I’m even a university. People who haven’t been in the business really don’t know what projects to invest in, let alone Lu Hua’s economy is not very good, right?”

“It’s… Brother Lu.”

“Brother is not afraid of you jokes. When I was a little rich, I didn’t learn to invest. The money I saved was managed by trust, and I was able to save money. Now it is even more impossible for me to learn investment, so Well, this restaurant, I still have to do it. If I lose two or three hundred thousand a year, I will also pay it. It’s a game. I admire you if you want to start a business. You are more courageous than me, dare to make gestures, but this house … Brother really can’t do what you want.”

After all, Yu Dahai helped himself to take care of the cripple, which is considered to be his personal feelings. Otherwise, Lu Ze would not waste his tongue. If it is a good thing, people understand the meaning. Lu Ze stopped talking and started to open a bottle of soda. He drank with Yu Dahai until he had a bottle of wine and got up to say goodbye. Lu Ze gave him a lot of wine and sent him to the door.

It seems that he will not come again, and his group of friends will not have a small gathering here. For Lu Ze, there is actually no regret. After all, the relationship between the two is not very good, just occasionally drink a little wine together. Friends outside the circle.

Secondly, there are too many travellers and friends who have left a little footprint in his life and they have returned to the sea of ​​people. He will no longer make waves in his heart for losing friends.

The level is different. Sooner or later, the contact will be broken. It is also a good choice for him to end this not pure friendship before there is no interest entanglement.

As for the fact that they will not come again, it does have an impact on the customer base in the store, but it doesn’t matter. As he said, he can pay for it, play it, and just do something.

But now, I sleep well and take a bite of breakfast. He doesn’t plan to do the hygiene in the store for the time being. He hasn’t been home for half a year. His first task is to go home to see his parents and eat some local dishes. Solve the greasy taste of British cuisine.

“Go lame.”

The pet box opened, the big fat cat got in quietly, the shutter door slowly closed, and he was going to the shopping mall to scan the goods.



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