Global Racing: My extreme operation show shocked the audience

Chapter 264

The next day, six o'clock in the morning.

It was cloudy, so Chen Yi got up.

Turn on the system and look at the data.

Reputation: 144625

Strength: 22

Agility: 25

Spirit: 24

Skills: Skydiving LV3 (perfect), rock climbing LV3 (perfect), roller skating LV3 (perfect), skateboarding LV3 (perfect), parkour LV3 (perfect), surfing LV3 (perfect)...

When the game started yesterday, the reputation was only over 70,000. Upgrading surfing to LV3 in the middle cost 100,000 reputation. Upgrading to wilderness survival and Jeet Kune Do to LV2 cost more than 20,000 reputation. The health cabin consumed 60,000 reputation. Still, There are 140,000 reputation left, mainly because yesterday's skydiving in space was so shocking that it gained a lot of reputation throughout the process. Of course, yesterday's wilderness survival also gained a lot of reputation.

The strength has not increased, but the agility and spirit have increased a little respectively. The increase in agility is probably due to the influence of the cat's senses. The increase in spirit, Chen Yi suspects, is the influence of the eagle's senses.

If your guess is correct, the animal senses not only make you feel like you were a certain animal in your previous life and learned the skills of that animal, but also can have a subtle impact on the body while performing these skills. The limits of the human body are far beyond what ordinary people imagine, but ordinary people It is difficult to develop. Some people have independently developed one thing, which is a god-like existence. Chen Yi is now developing it through immersive animal senses. Different animals have different advantages, and different animal senses develop different abilities.

Chen Yi stretched himself, feeling relaxed and happy. The fire had been extinguished long ago. Six wolves were lying next to him. When he woke up, they immediately gathered around him like dogs. The two female wolves were not here, and they probably went home to look after their children.

Chen Yi pulled out a willow branch from the roof and walked to the nearby water pool. Most people would definitely not approach the water pool if they knew there were crocodiles, but Chen Yi was not afraid.

Due to special circumstances last night, the live broadcast room was not closed and kept open all night. Of course, after Chen Yi fell asleep, the only pictures captured were the fire, the wolf, and the corner of the bed. Even so, there were many people in the live broadcast room last night. Now Chen Yi When Yi woke up, the photographer naturally let the camera follow him.

The audience in the live broadcast room was very excited, and the exciting day was about to begin again. The popularity of the live broadcast room also began to soar rapidly. Apparently many viewers were waiting for Chen Yi to wake up.

"Chen Shen is so early, he woke up at six o'clock"

"It seems that Chenshen slept well and was very energetic"

"Such a dry and warm bed, protected by a pack of wolves, not only makes you sleep comfortably, but you don’t have to worry about wild beasts. If it were me, I would be able to sleep soundly."

"The other contestants were a little miserable. Most of them had been caught in the rain. Some were in average health, had some colds, and some even started to have a fever."

"This is normal. Survival in the wilderness is inherently difficult. Even for Xiao Sheng, a wilderness survival expert, the shelter had some rain last night. Not everyone can be like Chenshen and turn survival in the wilderness into an outing."

"Ordinary outings are not as enjoyable as Chenshen. Eating crocodile meat, drinking bamboo juice and wolf milk, taming a pack of wolves into dogs, and tying them up to look after the house and the yard. How can this compare to an outing?"

Liu Jing and Yan Xueqi entered the live broadcast room at almost the same time. Su Ya hadn't come yet, and Lin Hai hadn't come either. This was not working time, and there was no obligation to arrive so early. Liu Jing and Yan Xueqi were purely out of interest in the game. , Needless to say, Liu Jing, this is his favorite and best wilderness survival project.

Yan Xueqi was very interested in Chen Yi's move to defeat the wolves last night. At first glance, it seemed to be a simple move, but because of its speed It was too fast to produce such a good effect, but the more I thought about it, the less simple it became. Unfortunately, it ended too quickly and failed to see clearly. After leaving the live broadcast room last night, she found the master, watched the replays many times and studied them carefully, and the results were repeated. Her master was shocked.

They all agreed that Chen Yi was a kind of martial arts, a simple, direct and extremely practical martial art, but they had never seen it before. It might have been created by Chen Yi.

I saw that Chen Yi came to Tan At the water's edge, the pond water was very clear. Chen Yi directly used the pond water to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth. He didn't have a toothbrush, so he broke off a willow branch and used it as a toothbrush.

Liu Jing praised again:"Chen Yi really knows how to use everything in the wilderness. His knowledge is admirable. No wonder he specially cut a willow branch yesterday. It turned out that he had already thought of today’s toothbrushing tools at that time. Some people may think that all branches are the same, but this is not the case. The earliest dental sanitary ware in China was willow branches, probably in the late Tang Dynasty. At that time, willow branches were soaked in water, and when needed, they were bitten open with teeth. , the willow fiber inside will come out, like small wooden comb teeth, very convenient toothbrush, this is the origin of the ancient saying"Morning Chewing Teeth Wood""

"That’s it, I’ve learned, I’ve learned"

"It seems like there are a lot of supplies in the wilderness, it just depends on whether you know how to use them."

"Another item has been added to Chen Shen’s supplies."

Chen Yi simply brushed his teeth, washed his face, filled the water bottle, and returned to the shelter.

He put dozens of kilograms of half-roasted meat into a crocodile backpack and carried it on his back, along with other supplies. , and then tied the prepared canes to the six wolves, with the first wolf leading the head, and connected them in a line. Then the homemade skis last night were fixed on the soles of the shoes.

Looking at that posture, the audience in the live broadcast room, Liu Jing, Yan Xueqi, director Xie Kui, the staff and others all stared wide-eyed. Why did this scene look familiar?

At this moment, Chen Yi flicked the cane and shouted"run". The next moment, the six wolves almost At the same time, Chen Yi started running forward, and Chen Yi, who was riding a skateboard, began to slide forward under their pull. Although this was not snow, there were leaves on the ground, and the friction between the skateboard and the ground was not very large. It could be pulled, but it was just a comparison. It took a lot of effort. At the beginning, the speed was very slow, but after a while, the speed became faster and faster.

Swish, swish, six wolves lined up in a line, shuttled through the forest, Chen Yi held the cane with both hands, Perfectly controlling balance, it was like sitting on a sled, gliding forward rapidly.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Is this a sled?"

"I’ve heard of sled dogs pulling sleds, but I’ve never heard of wolves pulling sleds. And this is not a snowy field, but a summer forest. Is it possible to do sledding?"

"If someone told me that, I would definitely think it was fanciful, but Chen Shen can not only play sledding, but he is also very fast."

"It turns out that this is how Chenshen uses it to tame wolves and make snowboards."

"Let me take a stab at it, this is so beautiful that it can fly"

"Ahhhhh, this is so handsome"

"The prodigal son returns and gets 20 super rockets……"

"The prince will give you 20 super rockets in a row……"

"The mountain eagle will give you 20 super rockets in a row……"

As soon as it started, the live broadcast room was buzzing with excitement. After all, this scene is so beautiful.

The six wolves continued to run forward, and Chen Yi continued to be pulled to slide rapidly. The direction of the wolves was naturally controlled by the cane in Chen Yi's hand. In addition, Chen Yi also had to control his body balance, avoid trees and shrubs, and prevent his skateboard from hitting raised roots, stones, etc. on the ground.

Although this forest is not as dense as before, which provides a basis for Chen Yi to play sledding, it is still an extremely complex terrain and is very difficult to operate.

The average person here would probably overturn after sliding for less than ten meters. Every time he slides for a short distance, he would be bumped and even injured.

Only people like Chenshen, who are both LV3 (perfect) in skateboarding and surfing, and have naturally upgraded their skiing to LV2 (proficient), have extremely strong physical fitness, and have the senses of cats and eagles as assistants, can play it successfully.

Under his control, all this seemed to be very easy. Sometimes he tilted his body and bent, just like skiing, avoiding trees easily and gracefully. Sometimes he jumped up, climbed over obstacles on the ground, galloped all the way, leaped all the way, and the skateboard followed The ground, as if there was no friction, was so silky and smooth.

Even the photographer who controls the drone has to concentrate very hard because the speed is too fast and there are too many obstacles in the branches and leaves of the trees. If he is not careful, he may not be able to catch up.

Liu Jing's expression was a little dull:"I never thought that we could make such progress in wilderness survival."

Yan Xueqi said:"This idea is simply unique. But obviously, ordinary people can't do it even if they think of it. First of all, taming the wolves is not something ordinary people can do. It can be done. Secondly, this wolf-pulled sled is actually a very difficult move. It would be absolutely difficult for ordinary people to use skis here."

Director Xie Kui and the staff were also dumbfounded.

"Does the way he's moving forward count as a foul?"

"He tamed the wolf by himself and made the skis by himself. Why do you have to accuse him of violating the rules?"

"This is not a foul, this is cheating"

"I feel sorry for other players for a few seconds. This is so bullying."

"When the other players looked back and saw the replay, they probably lost their mentality again."

Before, the combination of Naruto pose and Tarzan pose made other contestants feel a little depressed after seeing it. Not to mention this, others were so tired walking in the forest, but he was dragged by a pack of wolves, as fast as playing sledding. It’s so easy, you don’t play like this.

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