Global Racing: My extreme operation show shocked the audience

Chapter 265

Pulled by the wild running of the six wolves, Chen Yi continued to slide rapidly. He only needed to control the direction of the wolves, maintain balance and avoid obstacles. There was basically no extra effort required. It was fast and effortless.

His forward speed is above 30km/h. This group of wolves is very strong, and they are well fed and drunk. They can maintain this speed and run long distances.

Other players are also starting to hit the road one after another. Comparing Chen Yi's speed once again shows a huge gap. If you put it into the electronic map, you can find that the other players are moving forward bit by bit as if they are entering a traffic jam. Chen Yi But it is moving forward unimpeded and quickly.

After a while, Lin Hai and Su Ya came in one after another. Although it was not eight o'clock yet, they were also concerned about the situation in the live broadcast room. After getting up and washing up, they hurried in.

They were all shocked when they saw the way Chen Yi was advancing.

Su Ya exclaimed:"It turns out that he tamed wolves to make skis and planned to use them like this. I guessed all night last night and didn't think of this."

Lin Hai was excited:"Who could have imagined this? There are so many people in the live broadcast room. Come to think of it, I thought he was just taming the wolf to look after his house."

Chen Yi continued like this for half an hour, and the speed of the wolves began to slow down. After an hour, the speed of the wolves further slowed down, until they were running for two At one hour, the wolves were so tired that they were almost out of breath and could no longer run.

Chen Yi looked at the mostly downhill terrain in front of him, then stopped the wolves, unhooked the collar and threw away the vines, and took out the unroasted raw meat from his backpack for the wolves to eat. At this point, they have run forty or fifty kilometers and can retire successfully.

However, these six wolves were too tired. They lay on the ground panting and did not eat meat for the time being. They were so tired that they did not even have the strength to eat meat for the time being.

Of course, with this meat, they don't need to hunt today. They are usually so tired from hunting and may not be able to catch prey, so Chen Yi can't be considered as abusing them.

Chen Yi parted ways with the wolves. He searched nearby for a while, cut down two long straight branches, held them in his hands, used the branches to push back, and slid down the slope.

He slid down faster and faster, sometimes tilting his body and turning, sometimes leaping over obstacles, and sometimes using two branches to support himself to accelerate. His posture and movements were just like skiing on the snow.

He actually started skiing in the primeval forest where there was no snow in the summer. Not only was it extremely smooth, but it was also extremely fast. His cool look made him ski even smoother than most people.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Chen Shen is skiing?"

"Don’t lie to me because I don’t have much education. Is it possible to ski without snow?"

"If you can pull a sled without snow, why can’t you ski?"

"It turns out that Chen Shen built this ski not only for wolf sledding, but also for skiing after finishing it. It is estimated that the latter is his main purpose"

"But skiing without snow is too unscientific."

Su Ya, Yan Xueqi, Lin Hai, Liu Jing, director Xie Kui, and the staff were once again dumbfounded. Is it possible to ski without snow? Not so unscientific.

Many people are still thinking, maybe Chen Yi just started sliding, and soon he would stop due to various obstacles and friction in the forest.

However, he saw that Chen Yi slid all the way down, and the extremely complicated and uneven ground was too complicated for him. It seems that it is not a problem at all. He can always avoid obstacles perfectly and walk on flat ground. The silky smoothness is almost the same as skiing. This allows him to make perfect use of the acceleration of gravity. The steep slope is extremely fast, and the slightly gentle slope is as smooth as skiing. Even on flat ground, he could rush forward with the help of inertia. Swish, swish, swish, he rushed down at a very fast speed, and in a moment, he had advanced one or two hundred meters. This speed and efficiency, I don't know how much faster than walking.

Really Wilderness survival experts, when encountering such a slightly steep slope, generally will not walk down it, but will slide down by tilting the body. However, even that method is only less laborious than walking, and will still lose most of the slope. The potential energy is wasted, which is far inferior to skiing.

In fact, theoretically speaking, as long as it is downhill, the force decomposed by gravity and parallel to the slope is greater than the friction force, and you can glide. In his previous life on earth, Chen Yi had seen Candide, a master skier. Snow-free all-terrain skiing video, he challenged forests, grasslands, deserts, water, cement roads, Great Wall stairs... With his superb skiing skills, he challenged almost all terrains, and he was so handsome. Of course, this kind of skiing is very Scrap boards are basically scrapped after one play, and the difficulty level is also much higher because the terrain is complex, unlike the snow, which is basically soft and flat.

Chen Yi's skills are naturally passable. As long as he is given a slope, he can skate. His The speed was getting faster and faster, 30km/h, 40km/h, 50km/h, 60km/h...

When he encountered a very steep grassy hillside without too many trees, his speed quickly soared to a terrifying level. 70km/h, 80km/h, 90km/h, 100km/h... It can be seen that the footage taken by the drone is zooming out rapidly, because the drone once again cannot catch up with him.

"Oh my god, the drone can't catch up with Chenshen again."

"Skiing on grass at 100km/h is going crazy"

"I was thinking before that Chen Shen might have to stop after skating for a while. Who would have thought that he would slide all the way down at a speed of 100km/h. This is too exaggerated."

"Are there any ski professionals on site who can come out and explain?"

"Even now, some people still ask professionals to explain. Don’t you know that Chen Shen’s operation has always been beyond the standard?"

"Have you noticed that Chen Shen didn't seem to walk normally after entering the primeval forest."

Director Xie Kui and the staff were all stunned. Fortunately, a helicopter had been arranged to follow. Otherwise, the photographer would have been unable to keep up. He had previously operated a drone.The photographer is also on the helicopter, but now he can no longer use the drone, so he can only shoot from the helicopter.

In this way, it is impossible to take close-up shots. Looking from above, we can see that Chen Yi is very fast. After passing through the forest, his figure is looming, sometimes suddenly disappearing in the dense woods. After a few seconds, suddenly dozens of people appear from the front. Walking through the forest meters away, the dragon could not see its head but not its tail, which made the photographer's shooting infinitely more difficult.

Lin Hai, Su Ya, Yan Xueqi, and Liu Jing were once again stunned, especially Liu Jing. He couldn't say a single explanation. This was no longer the wilderness survival he knew.

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