Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 227

Vol 5 Chapter 41: The Abacus Of Kane 2 Team

However, the few guards who entered the facility did not wait for General Bude. When another group of guards came to support, they said that General Bude was dead.

The night raid on the robbery field has escaped, and Esdes knows that the palace has been invaded, so he will also bring people over.

They probably thought that the invaders were also in the same group as the people who robbed the execution ground. The members of the night raid all appeared on the execution ground, but there was support from the revolutionary army. It was normal to have this understanding.

Although General Budd is dead, this is a palace after all. How dare other high-level guards dare to neglect them. They have no time to mourn for General Budd. here.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the guards ignored the guards. With the help of their companions, the two knocked down the guards who were staring at them and ran over to report.

“It turns out that Kane and the others didn’t notify us on the team channel.” Lu Feng immediately talked to Artoria on the sub-team channel to discuss countermeasures.

“Kane, they should have a plot, intending to use this opportunity to kill us, or one of us.”

In fact, it was a loophole in the infinite world teaming method to trap teammates. Lu Feng analyzed: “If I use the teamup props and get killed, it should be what they are most happy to see.”

“That way they not only get rid of the shackles of the C-level squad, but they can also find a way to convince me to continue to cooperate with them.”

Arturia quickly understood Lu Feng’s analysis.

For any squad, once the person using the squad scroll dies, the squad will automatically disband, even if B- and D-tier squads don’t have a default leader.

So, who uses the team scroll is a very critical issue.

“If I am killed, then our strength will become weaker, and it will be beneficial to them. If both of our squads are killed, then they don’t seem to have much loss, at least the battle plan for General Bude has been removed. ended.”

Artoria sneered: “Sure enough, the infinite world is a sinful place, and it will be calculated if you are not careful.”

“Your analysis is in place.” Lu Feng also gave a compliment. Big Loli’s adaptability is good, “If General Bud is not dead, Kane and the others can also take the risk and kill it by themselves. It is best to die.”

“In short, they will be more free, and even without our help, it is still easier to kill the minister than if there is no cooperation at all.”

“However, in fact, we have nothing to complain about, everyone is almost there.” Lu Feng said.

“That’s you.” Arturia said.

“Okay, it’s just me.” Lu Feng had no intention of arguing with Da Loli.

In essence, Arturia said and did exactly that, she just became Lu Feng’s right-hand man. In the dungeon world, the core plan was made by Lu Feng alone.

At most, Artoria can provide a little opinion within the scope of her own approval.

If it was something she couldn’t agree with, she wouldn’t offer advice, but she would still follow her own promise to assist Lu Feng’s plan, no matter how dark those things were.

As she said herself, since the infinite world is the projection of all evil in the real world, it is not so necessary to stick to those ethereal real moral factors.

And in order to survive, for the purpose of the team, there are some things that I can’t fully control.

“Now we have to change our plan. In a conflict with Esdes, we will have to use all our strength. It is very likely that we will be exposed. It is hard to say whether we can escape.” Lu Feng continued.

“It’s not good for us to fight Esdes now.”

Artoria asked: “What plan do you have to avoid fighting and escape? I think Esdes will be here soon, and it’s not far from the execution ground.”

“Let Cosmia go.”

Cosmia’s big man, once released, would definitely attract everyone’s attention, and Lu Feng and the others could escape while the chaos.

“The most important Sage Stone has been obtained, and now Cosmia is useless.”

“How to let it out?”

“Ask more.”

Artoria continued to hold Cosmia in the room below. Lu Feng picked up the guard and asked how to release the creatures here.

Sure enough, he obtained basic information, that is, the ground of the inner courtyard and the walls of the building without doors can be opened, but the guards do not know where the switch is.

As a guard, Lu Feng felt that the other party did not lie.

The guards still knew some of the places inside, so Lu Feng asked the guards to lead the way into the rest of the underground section.

There are still some researchers here, so Lu Feng soon asked about the basic layout here and how to control the facilities here.

At this time, the words of Kane’s people finally came from the team channel.

“Magic blade, magic blade, pay attention, we were discovered by the guards, and we are currently fleeing. We will try to divert the guards away. You should evacuate as soon as possible.”

“The palace is very chaotic now, because the execution ground is already in battle, and the guards here are very sensitive to invasion, and it is very dangerous to stay at Dotya.”

It’s the words of Kane and Brian.

“Understood, we will leave by ourselves, and everyone will flee separately.” Lu Feng remained calm.

“Okay.” After Kane and the others finished, they didn’t say anything else.

Lu Feng continued his business.

Of course he knew about Kane and their little abacus. First of all, he deliberately didn’t remind him in advance, and he didn’t mention that he was discovered by the guards as soon as he came out of Dotya’s alchemy workshop, which caused the guards to have entered here to investigate. .

As a result, Lu Feng and the others were ruthlessly harassed.

Then delay the reminder to get rid of the responsibility. If anyone in the Lu Feng team survives, then Kane and the others have already reminded them, and they will not be suspected.

After all, the situation is complicated now, and no one can know the specific circumstances of the encounter between the two parties.

Lu Feng’s heart is like a mirror, but the cooperation between the two parties still needs to be maintained. This is one of Lu Feng’s plans, so he doesn’t break anything.

Lu Feng continued to Dotya’s private laboratory.

The switch is There are a lot of materials in Doteya’s private laboratory, but unfortunately most of them can’t be brought out, but Lu Feng still scoured some alchemy materials that can be brought out. Dragons should help.

Then both switches were turned on.

There was a crackling sound from outside, and the ground of the inner courtyard outside the facility began to separate, as did the sidewall of the building without a door, which began to move away.

Lu Feng turned on several switches again, and the room where Cosmia was, the only wall without doors or passages began to move.

Opposite the wall was another huge room, and the ceiling on top of the room also began to move. When it was fully opened, a blue sky appeared.

Because the top of that room is the ground of the inner courtyard.

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