Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 228

Vol 5 Chapter 42: Kosmia

“You lead Cosmia to the ground and exit from the room you just opened.” Lu Feng informed Artoria, “I will go out through another channel and will provide you with support, you should escape in time, don’t fight, we are in the west Foreign exchange over the fence.”

“Understood.” Artoria’s voice came from the sub-squad channel.

on the other hand.

When Esdes arrived, a large number of guards had already surrounded the place.

Then, some people standing in the inner courtyard found that the ground suddenly cracked and separated to both sides, and the wall of the building in front was also moving, and these guards hurriedly avoided the wall.

“It’s General Esders, and she’s here too.”

The guards discovered the Super S female general who came over. Although General Budd and the minister were very different, and there were many conflicts between the guards and the legion controlled by the minister, Esdes itself was still relatively popular.

“Is this a trap mechanism, there is actually such a place in the palace.”

Esdes looked calm and ordered loudly: “The prisoners on the execution ground have been rescued, this is our shame, these people who cooperated with the night raid to invade here must not let them retreat, everyone improved by 100% Vigilance, cheer me up, and kill the enemy when I see it.”

“Yes, General Esders.”

“These organs and facilities must be opened by the people inside, everyone pay attention to meet the enemy.”

“Everyone used 100% of their strength to destroy all the enemies.”

The people of Esdes and the people of the Guards all shouted in response to the command of the Super S female general.

It’s not just because General Bude is dead, the current Guards are leaderless. A strong leader, whether it is a general of the Guards or not, will give them a sense of security.

Nor is it a question of Esders being popular in and of itself.

However, Esdes’ words are very skillful. This public execution was originally the responsibility of the guards. Esdes just asked to participate, or to execute Tazmi himself. Guards.

The prisoner was rescued, and General Bude died. Originally, the responsibility of the Guards occupied the majority, and it was also a shame for the Guards.

But Esdes blurred the responsibilities, did not specifically name the guards, and expanded his responsibilities, so it sounded very pleasing to the guards.

The traps on the ground had not been completely removed, and the voices of the crowd had not yet completely ended, and a figure jumped up from below.

“It’s an intruder.” The guards exclaimed, “Come out.”

“I didn’t expect us to wait for you to come out here.” Esdes stood on the fence with his hands on his hips, and pointed with one hand at this moment, “Fight hard and leave her behind.”

“Kill her.” The guards began to attack the figure, countless arrows, and the bullets slanted down.

The figure was Artoria. She didn’t even look at the people nearby, jumped onto the moving ground, and rushed westward. The guards over there were not her opponents at all, and they were immediately scrambled.

“The people who can get in here are really not weak.” A few ice spears appeared in front of Esdes, planning to throw them at Artoria, but the situation ahead changed suddenly.

Just where Artoria jumped up, two tentacles appeared.

Then, a huge human-like head, then a body, and finally spider-like claws.

The giant monster jumped suddenly and jumped into the crowd of guards in the west. Originally, Cosmia came after Artoria, but when she saw so many delicious dishes, she stopped and swept her mouth. , bit a guard and chewed it.

“Whoa, monster.”

The nearby guards suddenly panicked, and the terrifying pressure brought by the man-eating monsters was great, and the people chasing Arturia suddenly decreased by half, and their attention was attracted by Cosmia.

“What is that?”

The same is true for Esdes, who has to give priority to Cosmia. She is also stunned and doesn’t understand what is going on with this monster.

Esdes stabbed the ice spear at Cosmia, but Cosmia smashed all those ice spears into pieces with a single wave of one hand.

“Oh, the strength is very strong.” The Queen of Super S suddenly became excited, “This kind of monster should not know what it feels like to be tortured and killed.”

At this time, the north wall suddenly became chaotic, and a large number of guards fell like grass swept by the strong wind.

Another figure moved rapidly over there, this time around the wall.

Those guards had no resistance at all in front of the figure. They were either beheaded in an instant, or they jumped off the wall to temporarily avoid the edge.

The figure was Lu Feng, and the confusion he caused here was immediately noticed by Esdes and the other guards.

Many of the guards who had planned to go to the west stopped and turned to attack Lu Feng with long-range weapons.

Arturia killed a few guards on the western fence and disappeared there in a flash. Lu Feng continued to kill around the fence. When he saw the big loli leave the fence, he also jumped into the street. .

A large number of guards followed closely, but because the wall was relatively high, Lu Feng also disappeared from the sight of Esdes and the guards in the inner courtyard.

Lu Feng walked around the root of the wall, and soon joined Artoria in the west. They killed their respective pursuers and fled into the nearby residential area. Relying on those buildings, they left Dotiya’s alchemists in one fell swoop. Square.

At this moment, Esdes is still thinking about how to deal with Cosmia.

Because facing Cosmia, the Guards were too vulnerable. It was a massacre, or the kind that was eaten. Even the Queen of DOU-S, seeing this tragic situation, had to kill this monster first.

Lu Feng could no longer see the situation at the Dotiya Alchemy Workshop, and they continued to evacuate towards the palace wall, which was the last checkpoint.

Now that General Bude is dead it is estimated that the defense of the palace wall will be tighter.

The original plan was to use the relationship between Kane and the others to hide in the palace until night after securing Dotya’s alchemy workshop.

But with the current situation, this plan is unlikely, Lu Feng and the others can only force their way in front of everyone’s eyes.

When he was still two miles away from the palace wall, Lu Feng suddenly found two people standing on the ground near the root of the city wall, waiting for the two of them to arrive.

The sergeant on the city wall also picked up his long-range weapon and aimed at the two Lu Feng who were approaching quickly.

“Sheila and Izang.”

The two people near the root of the city wall were the only remaining members of the Wild Hound, the minister’s son Sheila, and the swordsman Izo.

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