Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 356

Vol 9 Chapter 6: Rainy Street

“Captain, that man is so clever that he escaped so quickly.”

“The speed is very fast. It is a speed flow. With a sword in his hand, he should mainly use sword skills.”

Bao Nanjie’s two teammates caught up from behind.

Two other people rushed out from the small lane that crossed the street where Lu Feng left. They were two of the three members of the Red Dragon Empire, and the other had entered the sniper position.

The three members of the Snow Wolf Empire’s group of four quickly copied over from the other side. Originally, their role was to cut off Lu Feng’s retreat, and the other one was also in the sniper position.

The ten Bao Nanjie did not know the exact location of the final work captured by Kihara Shutao and the Hounds, but they probably guessed that the quest props were in the hands of Kihara Shutao.

This can be deduced from their existing scattered plot strategies, not to say 100%, but the probability is the greatest.

They also know that the wind ahead will encounter many Kihara, so their strategy is to follow the wind ahead.

Some players in the other sniper groups also tracked the wind ahead. They were killed by Bao Nanjie and the others along the way, and only two people escaped.

What they use is to spread out, form a large-scale encirclement, and then close and annihilate.

Under the powerful attack of ten of them, no team could hold back for long, and it was very difficult to escape. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were afraid of being discovered by the wind ahead of them, the two would probably not have escaped.

Fortunately, in this chaotic situation tonight, the wind ahead doesn’t care much about the battle that he hasn’t seen, even if he finds something moving.

The interior of Academy City is not very peaceful. It should be normal for some people to take advantage of the fire, such as those groups of armed incompetents.

The right seat of God must have obtained a lot of information about Academy City. After all, it was such a big attack.

Of course, Bao Nanjie and the others didn’t get close to the wind in front of them, and they used the ultra-long-range tracking method, so they discovered Lu Feng very early.

But he could only wait for the wind in front to leave before he dared to approach the attack.

Then, everyone also needs to spend time to reach the tactical position to form an encirclement. Bao Nanjie’s team is the forward of their ten people, serving as the first round of attack.

Their encirclement attack is layered and also includes cutting off the enemy’s escape route.

Bao Nanjie was the striker of their team. He was the most advanced and exposed his whereabouts, so he had to come out ahead of time.

Bao Nanjie also wanted to take advantage of the fact that he knew Lu Feng, to delay for a while, wait until the wind in front was farther away, at least turn around from this street, and then launch an attack to kill Lu Feng.

But he didn’t expect Lu Feng to leave without fighting, quite decisive.

“It is estimated that the teammates did not come. I guessed that the rest of our team was still hiding behind, so I was scared and ran away.”

Bao Nanjie felt that Lu Feng had no other teammates present, so he was afraid that one person could not beat the three of them, so he fled.

He was a little fortunate. If it was discovered that the three teams had formed an alliance, he felt that Lu Feng would definitely give up the mission and quit, then he would not be able to find it, nor would he be able to kill it.

Sometimes, the copy world will infinitely magnify the contradictions of the real world.

Things that are not dared to do in the real world will explode in the dungeon world. Since the discovery of Lu Feng, Bao Nanjie has been motivated to kill, not only because of the mission.

“Continue to follow the wind ahead. I will meet him anyway. Don’t let him go next time. There are probably only two people in their team, and they can easily be killed.” Bao Nanjie said, and moved on.

The others did not speak, and continued to spread out, following the wind in front of them from a distance and heading to the location where Kihara Shutao was located.

In fact, some things, including Lu Feng’s methods, were not what Bao Nanjie imagined.

“I found the invasion team. At least ten of them have joined forces. Bao Nanjie is also there. He is following the wind ahead to your side.” Lu Feng informed Arturia through the team channel and told her to be careful. “There are other invasion teams. No, I don’t know, and even if there are, there won’t be many.”

It is difficult for a sniper team to cooperate, and it is not difficult to speculate from the mission information, let alone ten people acting together, no matter what, there are at least two teams, and three teams are a high probability event.

So I guessed a little and knew that Bao Nanjie and the others could only be the invasion group.

Although the radio wave perception is still limited in range, the more peripheral the sensitivity is, the worse it is, but the people who surrounded them just now, when they got a little closer, Lu Feng found them all.

The reason why he left without fighting was not only because the probability of winning a one-on-ten battle was very low, but Lu Feng also did not want Bao Nanjie and others to find out that he had already determined the number and faction of the opponent.

“Ten people unite, then no one in our sniper team can stop them.” Arturia said: “They can still come like this, isn’t this cheating.”

“This is better. Let them clear other sniper groups. We can make it easier. You only need to determine the location of the headquarters with a large number of Kihara at high altitude. I have a way to get them.”

Lu Feng said, “Don’t forget, our sniper team is a force from Academy City.”

“Understood.” Arturia had just said this, and suddenly she was a little worried: “Captain, as you said, Accelerator and the little nun grabbed a car and were fleeing, and Kihara Shutao planned to use rocket launchers to blast them away. Their car, but the wind ahead doesn’t seem to be there yet.”

“Dispose of the rocket launcher.” Lu Feng said, “The wind ahead should be late because it took me a while to meet me.”

There is no suspense in the battle between Accelerator and Kihara’s large number of hounds. The general members of the hounds are equipped with high-tech equipment, which is more advanced and advanced than the guards, and that’s all, so they are almost crushed by Accelerator.

But when there were too many Kihara, it was completely reversed, and Accelerator was crushed because his ability was cracked.

The method of cracking is very simple, because Kihara is one of the researchers who studied Accelerator at the beginning, and he knows the ability of Accelerator very well. He knocked Accelerator down simply with his fist.

That method is difficult to explain and understand, probably because the number of Kihara knows the calculation formula of Accelerator’s vector operation, and knows when Accelerator’s reflection starts to work.

Therefore, he can withdraw his fist when it is about to hit Accelerator, but Accelerator’s reflection attack is automatically set and will respond to any attack.

Then, because Kihara’s many attacks were withdrawn, they would not be damaged by reflection, but Accelerator’s reflection mechanism was still working, so he was injured by his own defense.

On the surface, the effect seems to be that the number of Kihara still hit Accelerator.

Therefore, Accelerator didn’t know the reason at all, and was directly stunned.

Although Lu Feng always felt that with the physical conditions of ordinary humans in the magic ban, even if the method with a large number of Kihara was scientifically effective, it could not be done.

Because Accelerator’s vector operation has reached the final stage, it is a purely physical attack method, and the time before the calculation formula becomes the final stage is just a thought, not to mention the reflection that is automatically set.

Humans don’t have that kind of reaction and manipulation ability at all. There are so many Kiharas that players can’t strengthen their bodies, and they don’t have system skills to assist them. They’re not even capable people of Academy City.

But Lu Feng’s opinion is not important, anyway, the number of Kihara has done it.

Accelerator was beaten very badly. He was not the opponent with many Kihara in the fight alone, but he still used his ability to manipulate the wind to send the last work away from the sky, and the last work temporarily escaped, although he will be caught again soon. go.


The little nun Index returned to Accelerator and finally came over.

The Hound Troop is a private organization, and what they do is only to walk in the dark.

Therefore, Kihara Kudos decided to kill Index, the witness. Although the little nun was innocent, for a person like Kihara, even killing a passerby would not matter at all.

Accelerator was overpowered by Kihara, but his ability was not crippled, so he seized a multi-purpose van of the Hound Army, took the driver hostage, and took Index to escape.

Kihara Shuduo took out a heavy weapon, a rocket launcher, which seemed to be a traceable kind of high-tech stuff.

One shot will be able to solve the box car.

But the wind in front suddenly appeared and blocked the shot, thus allowing Accelerator to escape easily.

Now, because of the land wind, the wind ahead is likely to be missed.

Accelerator was scarred and extremely tired, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to use his ultimate move, and the collar was already running out of power, but there was not necessarily a way to deal with the rocket launcher’s blow. Even if he was hit, he might not die.

But Lu Feng couldn’t afford it, he wanted to make sure Accelerator could escape smoothly.

Artoria did not answer, because there was no time, she was not found by the people below, and she was relying on people at high altitude, plus the cover of heavy rain and night.

The multi-purpose military binoculars used are also equipped with head-mounted accessories.

Most of this type of equipment produced by Infinite World has many accessories to choose from, and these accessories are also mainly common items, which are easier to find than the telescope itself.

So high in the sky, it takes time to go down.

Therefore, she immediately started diving, and at the same time began to charge the Sword of Victory. This is her new way of learning. In fact, she can make this attack without anyone stopping there.

The Noble Phantasm version of the Sword of Oath of Victory had a longer attack range, and she swung this sword out as soon as it entered the attack range.


The rain had become heavy, and some large cold raindrops kept falling, splashing a lot of water on the ground. Accelerator took the driver of the utility van hostage and galloped away at the fastest speed.

Kihara Kuta took over the rocket launcher in his subordinate’s hand, put it on his shoulder skillfully, opened the scope, and quickly locked the van that was escaping in front of him.

“What an idiot, since you used a car to escape, it doesn’t mean that you are exhausted, so use this to send you this scum on the road.” Kihara Shutao pressed the trigger without the slightest hesitation.

With a bang, the rocket dragged a tail and flew out.

This thing is all about a miniature missile that can shred any vehicle with just one.


A beam of light suddenly erupted in the air, hitting the ground.


The beam of light hit the ground, and even if it only hit the edge of the sword of the vow of victory, a hole was punched in the ground, the rockets were affected and exploded, and the cement bricks flew in all directions.

“No! What’s the situation, Lightning?”

Kihara Shutao was completely stunned, and the hound team behind him rushed forward with a bulletproof shield, helping Kihara Shutao block the flying stone fragments.

Many people looked up at the night sky where the rain was constantly dripping.

It was dark and cold in the middle of winter, and there was nothing. The battle plan took effect, and Arturia continued to lift off, and no one found her.

“It’s really unfortunate.” Kihara took a long time to realize that lightning is impossible. He can still judge this, but tonight is not peaceful, he also knows.

Importantly, the car taken by Accelerator had disappeared from view.

“Accelerator managed to escape, I wasn’t found,” Arturia reported.

“Nice job.”

Lu Feng gave up to join Artoria, and turned to the junction of the seventh and fifth school districts, a building complex called the Third Resource Recycling Processing Facility.

Because Accelerator would flee over there and deal with the hounds that tracked past.

Lu Feng’s goal is to pull Accelerator to join the team. Accelerator’s ability is very special. Although he will be restrained by his absolute defense, his combat effectiveness is very strong. Unless Bao Nanjie’s group has a way to deal with it, they will still attack Bronze players. generate a certain threat.

This is the case for the capable people in the magic ban. Their strength is not absolute, and it is difficult to quantify simply by the player’s level.

Accelerator may be beaten by incompetent people like Kihara, or he may be defeated by ordinary level players, but at the same time he has the ability to deal with bronze level.

Of course, it may also be directly cracked and beaten. For example, when encountering Arturia, a secret technique penetrates the trick, and Accelerator directly stops the food.

From the perspective of the player’s skill system, Accelerator’s ability can be cracked by a demon attack. In fact, the so-called super ability of Academy City is not much different from magic.

The player’s means are unpredictable.

But Accelerator is still a powerful helper, and there is no problem in containing it. Besides, Accelerator tonight is very special. Even if his ability is suppressed, it will explode, and it will reach the real bronze level in terms of At that time, if there is no restraint method, Accelerator will become a very strong combat power, and the general bronze level will definitely not be able to handle him.

“A strange woman came over. It looked like the wind in front of you, but Kihara’s many cars just stopped for a while. He still didn’t get out of the car and continued to drive away.”

Lu Feng didn’t walk for a few minutes when he heard Artoria’s report on the scene.

“All the people left by the Hounds to clean up the scene fell down. As you said, the wind in front killed the enemy without attacking.”

Artoria’s voice came from the squad channel again:

“I found a player who is catching up with many cars in Kihara. It should be a member of the invasion team. The speed is very fast, and it is estimated that he has the ability to increase the speed. Do you want to kill him, there is only one person?”

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