Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 357

Vol 9 Chapter 7: Miss Tokiwadai Also Began To Be Stunned.

“Need not.”

Lu Feng said, “It’s one of Bao Nanjie’s ten people. They are very aware that there are many sniper teams nearby, and they can’t be so assured that only one person can reveal his identity. The purpose of that person is to track the number of Muyuan and attract the sniper team. bait.”

“You said it right. A group of people who attacked Bao Nanjie were ambushed. Bao Nanjie and the others have given up tracking the wind ahead, and they are all following the number of Kihara.”

Artoria continued to report: “The wind ahead seems to have found a nearby player team, but she ignored anyone and continued to move in her own direction.”

“The wind ahead is to find Kamijou Touma. She should have information on Kamijou Touma’s address, so don’t worry about her, just follow the number of Kihara.”

Although it was pouring rain tonight and the night was dark, it was a good weather for tracking, but as a member of the right seat of God, it was not so easy to keep following. Bao Nanjie and the others must have been very careful before.

But after they found out that there were a lot of Kihara, the situation was different, and they no longer cared about the wind ahead.

The other sniper teams are also expected to leave the scene early, and they are all entering the vantage point where there are many tracking Kihara.

Their battles were too loud, and it was inevitable that they would be discovered.

But for the wind ahead, they are all small characters in Academy City. If they are hostile to her, a Heavenly Punishment spell is enough, and naturally they won’t care too much about it.

Lu Feng continued on his own way.

When the street turned and reached the next intersection, countless lightning bolts hit him on the street on the left.

Lu Feng got off the skateboard and easily dodged to the side. Only some lightning flashes came to him, but he was not affected.

Look in the direction of the attack.

With brown hair, Tokiwadai’s winter uniform, and an umbrella that has been stretched out on the side, he’d rather be drenched in the heavy rain than be in trouble with Lu Feng.

Miss Tokiwadai also began to be stunned.

With such a strong thunderbolt, it looks like the deity at first glance, and Misaka-san usually doesn’t use electric shock attacks.

“I haven’t answered my previous question yet, you bastard, it’s not that easy to escape from me, Misaka-sama.”

Misaka Mikoto was in a fighting stance, holding a game coin in her hand, intending to launch a railgun attack at any time.

“What’s the problem?” Lu Feng thought about whether he should pull Misaka Mikoto into the water.

In terms of attack power alone, Misaka Mikoto has completely reached the level that she can deal with bronze-level players, but unfortunately, the combat power is not only attack power.

With Misaka Mikoto’s six-circle attribute, if she is singled out, even a powerful senior player can completely kill her.

In the face of bronze-level players, she probably couldn’t handle the tricks of most people, and she was killed in minutes.

“How did you manage to use the railgun?” Misaka Mikoto asked.

This is her unique trick, and it is so easy for Lu Feng to master it, which makes Misaka Mikoto very concerned. In the future, there will be two railguns in Academy City. Can she not care?

“Same as you.” Lu Feng said.

“That’s impossible, explain it to me honestly.” Misaka Mikoto shouted, this move is not something that can be done by someone with electrical power.

After speaking, Misaka Mikoto released the railgun, and Miss Tokiwadai decided to defeat Lu Feng first, so that Lu Feng could answer her question honestly.

Lu Feng easily dodged.

However, a few bolts of lightning suddenly flashed on Misaka Mikoto and gathered in her hair.

Grabbing her hair, Misaka Mikoto threw out the condensed lightning, and the lightning beam shot towards Lu Feng like a huge laser beam.

This is the 100,000-volt lightning gun, one of Misaka Mikoto’s real big moves.

“You’re really stunned.” Lu Feng dodged this powerful attack with a dodge. As for the thunder and lightning, it was useless to him.

His body stepped on the building, and his body suddenly folded in the air and swept towards Misaka Mikoto.

“So fast!”

Misaka Mikoto was shocked, and immediately switched to the close-up defense mode. Countless grains of sand suddenly rose in front of her and began to condense an iron sand shield.

This is to use electromagnetic force to attract the iron in the nearby earth and masonry as a means of attack and defense.

However, Misaka Mikoto’s iron sand shield had not been fully formed, and Lu Feng had already reached her.

Although the iron sand shield has not yet formed, it is full of thunder and lightning and floating iron sand. These are all capable of attacking people, and their power is not low. Not everyone can force a breakthrough.

However, those attacks were useless to Lu Feng and were completely blocked by the absolute defense.

Lu Feng grabbed Miss Tokiwadai’s arm and threw her behind him, throwing her out.

This was a shoulder-to-shoulder fall from a high altitude. Misaka Mikoto flew across the street in a parabola in the air, and was smashed straight onto the grass by the roadside, making her whole body covered in muddy water.

“it hurts.”

Misaka Mikoto was very confused. She was one of the only Level 5 abilities in Academy City. She couldn’t beat her.

Still so embarrassed.

“Do you still fight?” Lu Feng asked.

But Miss Tokiwadai was still lying on the ground, stunned, so she didn’t have the mood to answer him.

“Well, I’m very busy right now, you come with me, and I’ll answer your questions when I’m done with my work.” Lu Feng still decided to pull Misaka Mikoto into the water.

It’s true that Misaka Mikoto can’t handle the player’s tricks by herself, but as long as she cooperates with the attack, there won’t be that kind of problem.

After learning how to perceive radio waves, and using the calculation center, Lu Feng also has the ability to instantly understand the battlefield situation, and can quickly and flexibly arrange tactics.

It’s a team fight now, and Misaka Mikoto can only be used as a fixed power output turret.

Her attack power is still quite strong.

Moreover, her ability is not a player skill, and the consumption level is lower.

This can be seen when Lu Feng uses the Railgun, his consumption of the four mana points is only now, and after he is proficient in playing, the control will be finer and more economical.

The ability to get out of the infinite world power system is also a great advantage, and the consumption of magic power will not be locked.

Generally, after obtaining certain bloodlines, especially the elemental bloodline, some of these abilities will be acquired more or less, and the power is only small. For example, when Lu Feng attacks, he attaches thunder and lightning to the blade, or directly releases a large amount of thunder and lightning.

It’s just that the power is usually limited, and releasing a large amount of lightning will also consume mana very quickly, because it requires a lot of energy, which is not cost-effective.

After learning the railgun, it’s different. This is a conventional skill, it doesn’t require much energy, and it uses the principle of the railgun.

Misaka Mikoto can perform long-range strikes quickly and efficiently, and has higher stamina than players who use mana.

She didn’t need to defend at all, Lu Feng and Artoria would help her defend, no one could beat her. Using an iron sand shield can also block one side, reducing the defense of the companions, and if someone helps, her move will not be interrupted.

The only question is whether she dares to kill, and whether she will cooperate with Accelerator.

But Lu Feng felt that these two problems could also be solved.

First of all, the cooperation with Accelerator, as long as it is to save one of the Misaka sisters, should not be difficult.

Secondly, it’s okay to kill Mikoto without Misaka Mikoto.

In fact, Lu Feng didn’t want her and Accelerator to kill the invaders.

Because the ten members of the invasion team are united, no one knows the specific team distribution. That is to say, if the sniper team wants to complete the task, it basically needs to completely expel ten members, and it is useless to simply kill two or three people.

If these two or three people are not from the same team, it would be a waste of time.

In other words, if the people killed by Misaka Mikoto and Accelerator happened to be one person from each team of the invasion team, then Lu Feng and the others would have stopped their mission and were doomed to fail. Because there were just a few teams in the invasion team, each team had one person that was not handled by Lu Feng and the others.

Calling Misaka Mikoto and Accelerator, Lu Feng wanted to avoid this situation.

So, in general, compared to Accelerator, Misaka Mikoto is a more ideal helper, because she won’t kill people easily, and Lu Feng and the others can do the final blow.

“What are you talking about?” Misaka Mikoto got up from the muddy, dirty grass.

“The last work, she is one of Misaka’s younger sisters. You may not have seen her before. She is a little girl. She is exactly the same as when you were a child, and is different from the other younger sisters.”

Lu Feng made a height gesture and began to explain.

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask the other sisters how many of them are in the hospital.”

“Not long ago, someone went to catch the last work, and a large group of people planned to kill her. We have to save her. After this incident is over, I will tell you how I learned the railgun.”

Lu Feng went on to explain in more detail.

In fact, without Lu Feng saying too much, Misaka Mikoto agreed, she couldn’t help but save Sister Misaka.


The troubles of girls are always beyond Lu Feng’s imagination.

“I’ll go back and change my clothes first.” Misaka Mikoto glanced at her wet, muddy school uniform and said, “You go first, tell me the meeting point, and I’ll rush over there.”

“You really are the eldest lady.” Lu Feng pointed to the sky, and the rain was pouring down, “It’s raining so hard, just flush it and it will be clean. The automatic all-natural washing machine is great, you don’t need to go back.”

“You’re so sloppy, how can you get it clean? If your clothes get wet, you have to change them.” Misaka Mikoto said.

“There’s no one to help you with the umbrella. Tonight, you still want your clothes dry to fight.” Lu Feng was depressed, and sure enough, girls have the most troubles, and Arturia is much better. She never complains about these things.

Being a king is really different from a little girl.

Lu Feng was also emotional.

“It’s not because of you bastard.” Misaka Mikoto was a little annoyed, but she was also afraid of wasting her time, and the final work had an accident, “But it seems to be the same, the rain is a little heavy, forget it, let’s go.”

“It doesn’t seem like it is, it is like this.” Lu Feng was unable to complain.

Finally, they moved on.

“Those are all vicious people, you must not be soft-hearted.” Along the way, Lu Feng did not forget to get his vaccinations.

The ones who will be absorbed into the hounds are the worst and most ferocious people, that is, the part called scum.

Many of them are prospective criminals who have committed crimes, and some people come to this organization to kill legally, but at the same time, their combat effectiveness is also among the best.

When Lu Feng said this, he didn’t just snap the black hat.

When they arrived at the resource recycling facility in the Fifth School District, they found that several utility vans had just arrived from another road.

“Why are there still people here at such a time?” Those people were of course the hounds. They were very agile and all got out of the car within a few seconds.

They came here for reinforcements, because the first batch was killed a lot.

It’s not difficult to track Accelerator, because they have electronic devices similar to the dog’s nose, which can be accurately tracked by smell, even if it rains, it is more powerful than real tracking dogs.

“Maybe it was disturbed by the battle inside.”

“How to do?”

“What else can we do, let them get out, otherwise we can only deal with it.”

The group had a simple discussion, and one of them aimed the gun at Lu Feng and Misaka Mikoto, and shouted a warning.

“The guards here are performing their tasks, you should leave immediately, or you will be severely punished.”

The others also cooperated and aimed their guns at Lu Feng.

“How can the guards talk like this, I know their uniforms very well, bastard.” Misaka Mikoto was upset, sparks flashing in her hair, and a game coin appeared in her hand.

With a bang, the railgun was released.

But instead of hitting people directly, they hit the car next to the group of people. The car exploded, and several people were knocked to the ground by electricity, or were knocked out by shock waves.

The others scattered in panic.

“It’s the Railgun, she’s here anyway.” The hounds immediately recognized who they were facing and started to fight back.

Academy City’s Level 5 was very strong, but Accelerator they hunted was also Level 5 and ranked first. For these guys, they wouldn’t be scared away.

“Your efficiency is too low.” Lu Feng took the shadow with his right hand, broke the army with his left, and rushed directly to the group of hounds.

“Hey, come back, are you courting death?”

Misaka Mikoto was stunned. Academy City’s weapons were much more powerful than those outside, which would be fatal.

What’s more, these people are fully armed, not only with assault rifles, but with such a large number of people, they can completely attack without dead ends. How can there be a rampage like Lu Feng.

“Kill him.”

“Ha, I rushed up with my sword.”

“What an idiot.”

The people of the Hound Troop were also stunned for a moment, but they quickly Countless gun muzzles aimed at Lu Feng and greeted him directly.

chug chu…

However, he saw countless warheads hitting Lu Feng, but they seemed to be hitting an iron wall and were of no use at all.

The speed of Lu Feng’s explosion was very fast, and the two sides were not far from themselves. By the time the first round of the Hounds’ attack was over, he had already reached the other side.

Hands up and swords down, puff puff…

Blood spattered, and accompanied by many screams, the Hound Army members fell to the ground one after another. Lu Feng was not Tokiwatai’s eldest lady.

In the blink of an eye, there was no sound, and the ground was full of corpses.

Lu Feng stood in the torrential rain like a Shura.

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