God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1104: I got the wrong guy

Witherspoon, 37, Lieutenant General, Commander of the Starfleet. He came from a decent family, and although he did not enter the Ring of Roses, it was enough to support him to study in the best academies. After graduation, he entered the Federal Fleet, and he was uneventful, even a little mediocre, until the Battle of the Longitudinal Line.

What brought Witherspoon's comet-like rise was the battle at Leph's Jump Point. When this battle broke out, the vertical line had broken out for more than half a year, and Xu Bingyan had just defeated almost all the famous generals of the Federation. As long as the Dynasty Fleet raised Xu Bingyan's banner, the Federal Army would flee wherever it went.

At that time, Witherspoon led a small fleet to guard the jumping point. The Dynasty fleet, which was facing absolute superiority, should normally retreat, and most of the federal troops did the same. However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Witherspoon not only did not escape, but also launched a counterattack! He led the fleet and jumped directly into the center of the dynasty fleet!

This act was tantamount to suicide, but Witherspoon pointed a gun at the head of the flagship captain, forcing him to complete the jump. The flagship jumped first, and the rest of the fleet's starships exploded in an instant, jumping forward one after the other, and no one flinched!

The space shock caused by the jump tore apart half of the dynasty fleet in an instant, and two of Witherspoon's fleet were torn apart when they jumped out of the jumping point. Witherspoon was very lucky, the flagship was not damaged much, he immediately launched a suicide attack on the dynasty fleet, and even accelerated directly to sub-light speed. Sub-light speed is definitely not a combat speed. Once a collision occurs, the hit party can't dodge at all, and the hit party can only end up returning to the atom.

In this way, the dynasty fleet, which had been hit hard, had to choose to retreat, making the Lev Jump Point battle one of the few highlights in the entire campaign.

After this battle, Witherspoon was promoted to major general.

If the battle of Lev Witherspoon can be said to have accounted for a lot of luck, then the battle of Seyue a few months later silenced all doubters. In this battle, Witherspoon led a powerful fleet with three heavy cruisers as the core. His opponent was one of the three famous generals under Xu Bingyan, and the fleet strength also surpassed Witherspoon. This battle Witherspoon showed impeccable fleet command level and perseverance willpower, the two sides launched an extremely brutal head-to-head confrontation, and exchanged one starship after another. The loss of Witherspoon's fleet is already inconceivable. When the battle situation was at its tightest, he brazenly led the flagship to launch an unstoppable death assault on the opponent's flagship.

As the youngest and most promising of the three famous generals under Xu Bingyan, Du Hu obviously did not want to die with a lunatic. So after both sides lost one-third of their fleets, the Dynasty fleet chose to retreat.

In this battle, Witherspoon repulsed the opponent with inferior troops, and the loss was slightly smaller than that of the dynasty. It was extremely conspicuous in the silent Federal fleet, and no one could say anything. After the battle, Witherspoon was promoted to lieutenant general, two ranks in just a few months.

The Federation is too big, and the famous generals bloom like flowers and wither like night stars. Since then, Witherspoon has gone up and down, and he has never played such a classic battle, but looking at all his battles since then, at least it can be described as a leak. He won everything he should have won, and some should have lost. It is a battle that must be lost, and there is no suspense.

After reading Witherspoon's information, Hathaway's bad impression of him faded by most. Why would such a person, who performed much better on the battlefield than most of the so-called famous generals, come to his office and do such a strange act?

Witherspoon acted strangely, but his eyes were cold and he didn't look like a lunatic.

At this moment, Hathaway received a message from Witherspoon: "Have you seen my profile? You may be wondering why I met in this way. The reason is very simple, I Want to impress you, good or bad; the second reason is to see your reaction. Now we can get to know each other again, I booked a spot at Wilson's for dinner together A meal, all your questions can be answered, and this meeting may be about the future of Pirate Flag."

"It's a mystery." Hathaway sneered and threw the information into the trash.

7 p.m. exactly.

In Wilson's restaurant by the window, Witherspoon looked at Hathaway on the opposite side and smiled: "You are truly beautiful. And you are dangerous from the inside out, this attraction is simply Deadly. If I'm not mistaken, the afternoon meeting might kill me with one touch."

Hathaway said with a blank face, "I didn't come to hear some boring stories from you, but you guessed it right."

Witherspoon shrugged, "I have an instinct for danger."

"That's why you fought the battle of Lev and Seyue?" Hathaway asked. Her seemingly casual attitude actually mobilized all attention to Witherspoon's reaction. After returning from the real dream, Hathaway knew that humanity itself had countless secrets to be discovered, and perhaps Witherspoon had a similar ability.

The smile on Witherspoon's face faded a little, and he said, "At Lev's jump point, my gut told me that if I stayed, I would lose this battle, and I would also die. I'm not afraid of your jokes, I was cold all over, almost I couldn't say anything. Maybe because I was too scared, I jumped directly to the center of the dynasty fleet, thinking that I could die faster like this. I didn't expect my luck to be good, and I actually survived. I can't think of it, a game The heroic feat that the media is bragging about is the real reason a coward is driven mad."

Hathaway didn't laugh, saying, "Whatever the reason, this is indeed a feat."

"The next battle is my true level. There are winners and losers, and it depends a lot on military strength. Without the advantage in military strength, it is very difficult for me to win. Because I escaped twice, the media is no longer interested in me. The superiors are promoting. I'm also stressed."

Hathaway said: "I have seen the information of those two battles, you are at an absolute disadvantage, and it is quite remarkable to be able to bring the fleet back with 15% of the loss."

Witherspoon was not proud at all, and said calmly: "Strictly speaking, I just didn't make a mistake. Unfortunately, the opponent didn't make a mistake either, so I retreated."

Hathaway said: "Why did you come to me? Want to find a beautiful woman to hear your glorious deeds?"

Witherspoon smiled and said, "I really want to do that, but the war isn't over yet, and Xu Bingyan hasn't returned to the dynasty. So now is not the time to do this. Xu Bingyan is about to start a new offensive, this time He needs someone to give him a head-on. It reminds me of me, and I need to find some reliable partners and warriors, so I found you. Bring your pirate flag, and follow me to give that **** Xu Bingyan a hard time, How about it?"

"You're looking for the wrong person." Hathaway stood up to leave, but the food on the table didn't move.

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