God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1105: unreliable

"It's rude to leave like this," Witherspoon said.

"People who make such a request are not qualified to be polite."

Witherspoon looked Hathaway in the eyes and said, "Of course I won't convince you just like this. In fact, you don't have the right to decide whether to play the pirate flag or not."

"If you know that, why are you still here?"

"Because you are critical, very critical. Without you, the combat power of the pirate flag will be reduced by at least half."

"So you need a general." Hathaway sneered.

"I need a partner who can support me in the most desperate situation. When I make a decision, I don't want to point the gun at other people's heads and the gun in my heart at my own head. ."

Hathaway looked at Witherspoon, then sat down again after a moment.

Witherspoon put on a smile and said, "I knew you didn't want to stay behind and endure it all the time."

"Say something useful."

"Okay!" Witherspoon was very happy and said, "This time, the first person I came to look for was your brother, Looney, the former captain of the Pirate Flag. He is my very good friend."

Hathaway frowned slightly, instinctively smelling the conspiracy.

Witherspoon didn't give in, saying: "At the next meeting of elders, he will regain the position of the army commander and lead the pirate flag to the front line. The pirate flag will then be merged into my fleet, and then go to fight Xu Bingyan. Cruel! After that battle, he will accumulate enough merit and prestige to take back Winton's first-in-line heir."

Hathaway was startled. If, as Witherspoon said, the Federal Fleet was losing ground and Looney successfully blocked Xu Bingyan's offensive, then Looney would return from the front line with a huge reputation, and Hathaway really couldn't compete with him for the number one spot.

Hathaway said sarcastically: "Is this first-in-line heir so important that it needs thousands of corpses of pirate flag soldiers to lay the foundation?"

Witherspoon shook his head and said, "It's not like that. Their deaths, as well as the deaths of my brothers, could save the lives of countless federal people! As far as I know, many big figures were either scared by Xu Bingyan's beating, or just thinking about it. How to preserve the strength and let the opponent fight against Xu Bingyan for consumption. There are not a few people who think this way. If the front line collapses, what will happen?"

"You want to save the Federation?"

Witherspoon laughed and shook his head, and said, "How can I have such great ambition and ability? I was just lucky and cautious enough to achieve a little victory. If I'm a little discouraged, I'm now even qualified to let Xu Bingyan take a look. Not at all. One day I can stand in front of him and fight him head-to-head. I can't imagine the scene at that time. Now it's very hard to just fight a few dogs under his command. I just want to do something where I can. thing, that's all."

Hathaway's face finally softened, and she said, "If it's really what you said, Looney is really likely to get the first-in-line heir."

"It's not possible, it's inevitable, unless he's too unlucky to die on the battlefield. But I promised him that he'll die behind me in this battle."

Hathaway was startled again, "Your guarantee... a little unreliable."

Witherspoon laughed and said, "It's quite reliable. I found that although the Federation is big, there are not many people like me in the army, so I'm saving my life now, and I won't easily jump into the middle of the dynasty fleet. Of course, if Xu Bingyan was on the opposite side, I might have done something similar."

Hathaway shook her head: "Even if you get Looney, it's useless, will the elders agree?"

Witherspoon said: "That's not necessarily the case. The advantage of your father's seat in the Presbyterian Church was not obvious, and this time, the practice of holding back troops and preserving strength is too ugly and unpopular. The reason why they can control the Presbyterian Church is actually Or because of you. Austin valued you and was borrowed by them into the Presbyterian Church. Everyone knows that Lord Austin likes you very much and wants you to be the first heir. Normally, no one wants to Fighting against Lord Austin. But this time is different. I am Marshal Huaxi. If there is anyone in the Federal Army who can compete with Lord Austin, then Marshal Huaxi is definitely one and the toughest. One."

Hathaway stretched her eyebrows and said, "If that's the case, why did you come to me?"

Witherspoon said: "Simply because I don't have a place for Looney in my fleet in future battles. He's a decent general, but he can't adapt to my battles. I want one ship by one ship. , I will fight alone. But you are different. If you come, you can at least share a small part of my pressure. "

Having said this, Witherspoon smiled and said, "With you here, even if I jump in the middle of the enemy fleet, I can walk more safely."

"What about the first-in-line heir?" Hathaway asked.

Witherspoon was embarrassed now. He scratched his hair and said embarrassedly: "This... I really didn't think about it. But I've already promised Looney, so I can't break my promise. How about you discuss it yourself?"

Hathaway sneered.

Witherspoon himself felt embarrassed and said, "It's not a big deal for a first-in-line heir. After this battle is over, I'll give you my position, right? My fleet is not too small now. …”

Witherspoon spoke in a lower and lower voice, and at last he could no longer speak. He is a federal lieutenant general, and his rank is only one level higher than Hathaway's. With Hathaway's background, even if he is an office general in a step-by-step manner, he will be able to climb up to the general sooner or later. Do you still need him? As for the fleet, no matter how big it is, it is still in the Federation, and it has nothing to do with him.

It is also thanks to Witherspoon that it is possible to exchange a mid-to-future for the first pick of the Winton family.

Hathaway couldn't help laughing at him, and said, "I believe you are not conspiracy material now, wait a minute."

A message appeared on her personal terminal, which was sent by Chu Jungui. Counting the time, it should be that Chu Jungui sent the message immediately after receiving it. Hathaway warmed her heart and opened the message.

The message is very short:

"In my opinion, the war is already there, and there are only two kinds of it: those who win and those who lose.

With me, we can't lose. "

Hathaway's mouth curled into a smile~www.readwn.com~ and secretly said in her heart, "This guy is so good at blowing. Well, he has learned badly..."

Witherspoon had been observing Hathaway's expression, and he couldn't help but sighed and said, "What did I see? A woman in love?"

Hathaway said casually: "You are old and don't understand this."

"Who said that, I'm still young!"

Hathaway then remembered that there was no family column in his profile, and said, "So you're still a playboy."

"I just want to find true love!" Witherspoon said.

"Yes, I've been looking, always on the way." Hathaway was in a good mood at this time, and her mouth couldn't help but be mean.

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