God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1106: from 1 to the end

There is a platform under the huge blue sun, suspended in the deep space.

There is an osmanthus tree on the platform, and there are tables and chairs under the tree. The three of them are sitting around the table, enjoying tea and enjoying the sun.

Chu Jungui was holding a teacup and was savoring the aroma of tea wholeheartedly. Opposite him is a very tall man with a beard on his face, and on the side is a short-haired teenager, or a girl, wearing a pair of thin-rimmed glasses.

The big man glanced at Chu Jungui and said, "Humans just like to draw cakes and write bad checks, right?"

Bai Jingwenwei next to Chu Jungui nodded, not knowing whether it was a teenager or a girl.

The big man sighed and said, "I haven't spoken for a long time, and I can't even use such a low-level language. But that's better than this kid. Now that he has learned all the ills of human beings, he can actually lie to girls!"

Chu Jungui almost spit out a sip of tea and said, "When did I lie to a girl?"

The big man snorted and said, "Didn't you say that you can't lose the war if you have it? Hey, don't say that humans can destroy you with a fleet of casualties. Didn't you almost fall into my hands?"

Chu Jungui coughed and said, "Xu Bingyan is a marshal and a commander-in-chief. He will not go to the front line. The fleets of the Dynasty and the Federation have no time to deal with us now. As for the other small fleets, they will die if they come."

The big man snorted heavily.

Chu Jungui hurriedly said, "Of course, it's all your credit."

"It's good if you know!" The big man was satisfied. He took a sip from the teacup, savored it carefully, and said, "Don't say, although humans are a little primitive, there are still a lot of flowers and intestines. Tea is something that humans have specially prepared for themselves, without changing the structure of the human body. There is really no benefit to it.”

The quiet boy or girl gave the big man a white look, and said angrily, "Do you know how much computing power it takes for me to perfectly reproduce a human body?"

The big man disagreed: "How can you have so much computing power without Lao Tzu? Besides, no matter how much you study, don't you have to rely on Lao Tzu to build it?"

The boy or girl snorted and turned away from him.

The big man stroked his beard and suddenly looked at Chu Jungui with bad intentions and said, "By the way, with your computing power and my manufacturing ability, we can't do everything? Then what is this kid doing? ?"

Chu Jungui almost spit out another sip of tea.

I don't know if it is a teenager or a girl who has long thought about this issue and said, "Without him, we would be too lonely."

"Lonely?" The big man savored the word carefully and was silent for a while.

Chu Jungui finally couldn't bear it any longer and said, "You two, it's almost enough."

The big man smiled and turned his head: "You look awkward when you look like a man or woman. When will you be able to figure out yourself?"

"Wait for Kaitian." The meaning of the boy or girl is very clear. If Kaitian is a woman, he is a man, or the other way around.

I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, it's the human image of a wise man, and Brother Dao chose a strong bearded man for himself. This is actually a virtual space opened up by wise men, but with the help of huge computing power and understanding of life cells, wise men have perfectly reproduced all human perceptions. It is completely impossible to distinguish between virtual and reality here. Kind of like a real dream. …

When it came to Kaitian, the big man sighed and said, "That guy Kaitian doesn't know what's going on?"

"Before entering the real dream, he was already at the critical point of evolution. According to time, he should start to evolve now. I hope nothing happens." The wise man said.

"What about his body left here, is there any reaction?" the big man asked.

The wise man shook his head: "Only the most basic activity, without any consciousness at all. In human terms, it is the walking dead."

The big man said, "Let's just assume that he has evolved smoothly. Do you think this guy will choose that path?"

The wise man hesitated and said, "If there is a choice, of course it is survival."

The big man nodded: "That's right, let's survive first."

Chu Jungui observed his body, and the child left by Kaitian still had no vitality at all, and began to show signs of death. If it weren't for Chu Jungui's constant infusion of nutrients with cell-level operations, these daughter cells would have died long ago.

Brother Dao said: "When the real dream opens next time, take me in to see and see! I want to see how powerful those ape monsters can be!"

Chu Jungui is a little moved. In the environment of a real dream, letting Brother Dao in is just a **** Called engineering beasts, they really only know how to work. They are also terrifying warriors, and they don't even need to change their image. Maybe in less than three days, Brother Dao can force the real dream to restart.

Unfortunately, this idea can only be imagined. In the real dream, there are still three elders, the Doctor, Austin and McMillan. Their abilities in the real dream are unpredictable, even Chu Jungui is inferior. Once Dao Ge is discovered by the three elders, it goes without saying that he will send meat. That's all for the doctor, Austin and McMillan definitely have to cut a few pieces and go back to study.

Chu Jungui put down the teacup, feeling a little anxious. There has been no news of the real dream for so long, and I don't know what happened there. Kaitian's consciousness must have been lost in a real dream, and he doesn't know if he can recover it.

Chu Jungui finished his tea and said, "Just come here."

Just as he was about to leave the virtual space, Brother Dao suddenly said, "I said, you should pay more attention to that little girl Hathaway."

Chu Jungui frowned, but still asked, "How do you say it?"

Brother Dao said: "By the standards of our Wu people, she is very good, let alone a human being. You just leave her alone more than a hundred light-years away, and you don't say that you send dozens of messages every day. If you have news, you are not afraid of being snatched away by others? The emotional pattern of human beings is very strange. That kind of thing called ** is less reliable than the loyalty of a wise man. If you say it is there, you say it is not. Once it is gone, how much do you have? The starship can't be saved!"

Chu Jungui was thoughtful~www.readwn.com~ Brother Dao on a whim, continued: "And Lin Xi, that girl is also quite good, in my opinion, cells are a bit stronger than Hathaway, and so on. How can you miss the treasure? Isn’t the purpose of your human existence to pass on your genes? Does one more mother mean double the chance of inheritance? How can such a good thing be rejected? Besides, you can watch her marry other people?"

The wise man said displeased: "What a beautiful thing love is, what has it become in your mouth? It's so meaningful to put your feet on two boats!"

Brother Dao sneered: "It's like you're going to start from the beginning!"

The wise man said: "Every cell of mine is from the beginning to the end."

Doug was speechless.

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