God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1107: write a letter

After coming out of the virtual space, Chu Jungui immediately wrote a letter to Hathaway. The distance is far away, and it used to take a day or two to communicate through the most efficient and most expensive wormhole. In the past, if Chu Jungui was all right, he would normally not reply to the letter. The test subjects felt that it was boring to write a letter without content.

But I didn't expect to be educated by Brother Dao, thinking that not long ago, Brother Dao couldn't even say anything.

Chu Jungui just couldn't think of it, not stupid. Hearing what Brother Dao said, he naturally knew what to do. After writing the letter to Hathaway, Chu Jungui wrote letters to Lin Xi, Li Xinyi, Li Ruobai and the doctor respectively, with different contents.

It didn't take long for replies to arrive one after another. Chu Jungui couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and felt that what he did in the past was really not right.

The doctor's reply was very succinct, asking if Chu Jungui wanted another license? This reply made Chu Jungui a little embarrassed, and it seemed that there were a lot of benefits from the doctor. At the end of the letter, he mentioned a real dream, indicating that he had found the hope of a breakthrough.

Seeing this sentence, Chu Jungui knew that there was no hope of breaking through in a short period of time. The doctor's words are extremely accurate, saying that there is hope is really hope, and this kind of thing belongs to metaphysics.

Li Xinyi is fully investing in the improvement of the Frostwolf-class starship. She is very busy now, but the reply is very long, and it is about the little things around her and her daily life.

Li Ruobai, on the other hand, is a starship that sells light years everywhere, and there are many photos attached to the letter, all of which are high-end wine bureaus, gatherings of beautiful women and the like. However, this guy is really capable. He actually sold a lot of starships to him. Not to mention that all the starships are still on the blueprints. According to the original production capacity of light-years, these orders can be placed in 3500 years.

However, since Brother Dao entered the universe, these orders have become less eye-catching.

Finally, Lin Xi, she has been in frequent contact with people in the military recently, and several of her former subordinates are now generals. During the war, a large number of generals will be born in the line of fire. Under the mediation of these people, the attitude of some high-level military officials towards Lin Xi changed. Several senior officers came forward to suppress the rebound of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and advocated restoring Lin Xi to the military.

Chu Jungui was really worried. Taking this step out means that Lin Xi will go back to the battlefield. With her character and ability, if she returns, she will definitely be sent to the front line to face the Federation.

Chu Jungui hesitated, not knowing how to persuade her. For things like going to the battlefield, Chu Jungui felt that it was enough to have himself, and they should all stay behind. But the wording of the letter has become a problem. In fact, there is a voice in Chu Jungui's heart that has been reminding him that this matter is very easy, just say I miss you, and Lin Xi will come back as soon as possible.

Chu Jungui closed the letter, opened the data, and continued to optimize the production process.

Longitudinal line, Dynasty frontline command center.

Xu Bingyan was sitting in the center of the conference hall. There were several different conference venues around him, and he was participating in several conferences at the same time. Compared with the previous time, his face was paler, his skin was almost transparent, and he could faintly see the thin cyan blood vessels below.

The meeting went very fast, and everyone knew that Xu Bingyan's time was extremely valuable. Therefore, when he was present, everyone spoke extremely fast and concisely. 5 minutes, if anything, that's the real deal.

In addition to the meeting, Xu Bingyan also handled the communication of more than a dozen private channels at the same time, which is not convenient to talk about in a public meeting.

On a channel, an old man was talking nonstop, Xu Bingyan's consciousness would only sweep over every ten seconds, collect all the confidence, and wait for further processing. As a result, ten minutes later, before the other party finished speaking, Xu Bingyan finally became impatient and said, "Speak the conclusion!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed on the old man's face, and he said, "However, I'm also your second grandfather..."

"Speak the conclusion." Xu Bingyan repeated it again.

The old man knew that this meant that Xu Bingyan was already angry. Although he was an old man in the clan and had a high reputation, he did not dare to rely too much on the old and sold the old. He quickly said: "The first order the military gave us for our battleships is 4 ships, I think it is not enough, I hope you I can intervene."

Xu Bingyan said: "Isn't the first batch of 4 ships not a practice? Besides, our shipbuilding capacity is also the limit to start 4 ships at the same time? Why should I come forward?"

The old man said: "If it's just four of us, then I have nothing to say. But this time the order is a total of 8 ships, and the two ships are additional orders for the active battleships. They don't even have a decent shipyard, and they resold the one for Comet De Vrey. There must be something tricky in these two orders, I think it makes sense to give Lightyear one order. That's enough, we can eat the other one."

Xu Bingyan was silent for a few seconds, looked at the relevant information, and then said somewhat unexpectedly: "Why is Guangnian's battleship so strange?"

"A cheap piece of garbage with less than half of our combat power."

This time Xu Bingyan was silent for a few minutes, knowing that the old man was a little uneasy waiting, and his voice sounded: "Didn't you say that Guangnian does not have any ability to build ships? Why is the delivery time shown above in 7 months? ?"

The old man disagreed: "It must not be delivered! Or how can I say there is something tricky here..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Bingyan interrupted directly: "Shut up."

The old man's face instantly flushed red, and he wanted to walk away, but he didn't have the courage. Just at the moment of embarrassment, only Xu Bingyan said: "You must be thinking, this guy won't have a good life for a few days, so just put up with him for a while, anyway, it's still worth using now. After he's dead, deal with him later. It's not too late for posterity."

The old man's heart was pierced, and he was immediately very embarrassed, and said repeatedly: "How is it possible, how is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible? After all, you have done a lot of work on this in the past." Xu Bingyan's voice was very calm, but everyone who knew him knew that the calmer it was, the more angry Xu Bingyan was~www.readwn.com~ Xu Bingyan said sternly: "But don't worry, I will definitely arrange for you before I die. The upper floors of the Xu family should also be cleaned up. There is too much waste."

The old man finally got angry and said, "This old man has been conscientious in planning for the family for decades. There is no credit or hard work. Why should I humiliate the old man innocently!"

Xu Bingyan said coldly: "If it's what you guys mean, I can't wait to eat all these 8 orders, right? Fortunately, there are some sensible people in the military department, and they kept the starship Guangnian. This is the starship I want. !"

The old man never thought that Xu Bingyan would say such a thing, and couldn't help but ask, "What good is their tattered starship?"

Xu Bingyan said coldly: "Their combat power is half less than yours, but the price is only one-sixth. Can your starship win three light years? And the delivery cycle of light years is a whole faster than yours. year!"

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