God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1114: Vigorous

Planet 4 is completely different from the past. The three huge docks in orbit are particularly eye-catching, and the densely packed engineering ships shuttle back and forth like ants. Far from the planet, there was a blur of shadows. This shadow can be vaguely seen from planet No. 4, and it is extremely huge.

A starship flew out of the storm clouds and headed for the shadows.

Inside the bridge of the starship, Chu Jungui stood in front of the star map, quietly watching the battle on the vertical line.

A deep voice sounded from the bridge: "Humans really are a race that loves war. If you can't find an enemy, fight with yourself."

"Other races are not necessarily much better, but we have not encountered them yet." Chu Jun returned.

"You still want to meet them? That's not a good thing."

Chu Jungui's eyes finally retracted from the star map and fell on the shadow outside. From this distance, the shadows appear extraordinarily large, blocking the blue sun and making it all appear hazy.

The diameter of this shadow has exceeded 800 kilometers, which is comparable to an asteroid. This is Brother Dao. After separating more than 4 million offspring, its volume has not decreased but increased.

Chu Jungui looked at it for a while, and asked, "Can there be more offspring?"

Brother Dao smiled and said, "It seems that two capital ships can't satisfy you."

"That's for the military. We also need our own capital ships."

A big face of several hundred kilometers emerged from the shadow of Brother Dao, and said with a little sarcasm: "Humans are always very jealous creatures. We behave so... aggressively, aren't you afraid of being targeted?" "We don't Vigorous, but also targeted.”

"That's right, after all, you are the one who brought the Federation to the negotiating table, so you can't keep a low profile.

"Chu Jungui did not continue this topic, but asked: "How many daughters can you make?"

Brother Dao also put away his joking mood and said: "I will not know until I evolve to the next stage, and I can't say it now. Before I complete the evolution, I can't know the information blocked in the gene."

"Is there any other condition needed for evolution?"

"I need your permission." Brother Dao squeezed a flattering smile on his face.

Of course Chu Jungui didn't believe it. He knew very well that since Brother Dao entered the universe, there was no good way to restrict him. Theoretically, Brother Dao does not have an organ to propel in the universe, but evolving a similar organ is as simple as building a house for the Wuzu. Another limiting factor is distance. Even with the evolution of organs capable of propulsion through the universe, the speed of light remains an insurmountable obstacle. Perhaps it would take hundreds of years just to fly to the nearest galaxy. However, the life and time concept of the Wu people may be different from that of human beings. So far, they have not seen the limit of the life of the Wu people. Maybe hundreds of years are just a nap for them.

Anyway, if Brother Dao now abandons most of his body and all his offspring, and escapes as a small piece, there is really no way to capture it.

Brother Dao, who is still on the fourth planet, can only start researching from the most basic mathematics because of the limitation of his knowledge system. But now Brother Dao has come into contact with human technology. Although it is not clear whether he has obtained the entire system, the basic science must be systematic and perfect. As for the rest, it depends on the private transaction between the wise man and Brother Dao.

Chu Jungui didn't intend to go around in circles, and said, "I can't restrict you now."

"This kind of limitation is customary, and it is also a constraint of the soft environment. My evolutionary route has been fixed. In human terms, I am a general, or a marshal. My ability is to win wars, but why and what kind of wars are not What I'm good at. I need a purpose, preferably a meaningful one, and you can give me just that."

Brother Dao continued: "Human beings naturally like war, and your history is a history of war. But compared with the dynasty and the Federation, at least you are not annoying."

Chu Jungui said, "Your compliment...is unique."

Brother Dao smiled and said, "The art of language is still very interesting."

Chu Jungui said: "If your evolution was restricted by me, then the restriction has been lifted now."

"as you wish."

Brother Dao's face was hidden, and the entire shadow began to shrink, gradually turning into a huge sphere. This process lasted for a whole day, and then the surface of the sphere began to change, turning into a pure black that did not reflect light at all. Chu Jungui switched his field of view, only to see that the surface of the sphere is composed of extremely small polygons, absorbing almost all the light, and only reflecting a little bit of long-wave rays that are insignificant on Weibo.

There is no movement inside the sphere, but that is just an illusion. The real situation is that all information inside is blocked, so it looks so peaceful.

The evolution process lasted for a full ten days, during which time the wise man rushed over and inspected the sphere, but failed to break through the shield on the surface of the sphere. According to the wise man, the current Wu clan has embarked on the path of independent evolution, each path is completely different, and it does not know the process and principle of Brother Dao's evolution.

All Chu Jungui can do is wait. However, Brother Dao's body has evolved, and those engineering beasts are not idle. Most of the time they are engaged in simple and repetitive work, and some complicated tasks are divided into simple tasks by the wise men and then distributed.

During these ten days, the construction ships ordered by Chu Jungui arrived one after another, and Brother Dao's engineering beast utilization rate finally reached more than 80%. Most of the new orders came from the dynasty, which was somewhat beyond Chu Jungui's expectations. Although the engineering ship is not a strategic material, the order is usually tens of thousands. How can there be millions of orders like Chu Jungui? Therefore, Chu Jungui's order has encountered a lot of troubles in the Federation. Even with the help of Kun and others secretly, only 200,000 vehicles were ordered in the end, and the rest of the orders were canceled or under review. On the other hand, Dynasty gave the green light, and almost all orders were accepted, and the shipment was expedited.

The reason why Dynasty did this is very simple, that is for the delivery of the Frostwolf class. But if you think about it deeper, it will not be so simple. The Frostwolf class directly competes with the Xu family. With the Xu family's status in the military industry, it is possible to make some stumbling blocks. Why is it so easy to let go?

Chu Jungui didn't know and didn't want to know about the various things behind the scenes. In any case, the arrival of 800,000 construction ships from Dynasty meant that he could open two more docks. It is of course good to get the follow-up order of 1 million engineering ships, but it doesn't matter if you can't get it, Mr. Chu! Gui has already bought a complete set of blueprints for the engineering ship, so he can produce it himself if necessary. It's just that the current light-year production capacity is completely insufficient, and it's best not to make it yourself if you can buy it.

While waiting for Brother Dao to evolve, the wise man quietly appeared beside Chu Jungui, and said enviously, "It can evolve again."

Chu Jungui asked, "Do you want to too?"

The wise man said regretfully: "I haven't reached the point where I can evolve."


"A tipping point to be exact. I'm still quite far away from the next evolutionary tipping point, and I don't know exactly how far."

"How is the critical point determined?"

"It's imprinted in the genes, but until that day, I won't know." Chu Jungui nodded and asked, "Did the last project come to fruition?"

"There have been conclusions, but the certainty is not very high, because there are too many uncontrollable factors."

"Tell me."

The wise man projected countless data and said: "The original topic was Lightyear's development strategy. A short-term strategy with a higher probability of short-term success.”

"short term?"

"Yes, it is only effective in the short term. There are too many long-term drivers and too many unpredictable factors. If I give you a long-term prediction and it comes true, it is probably because of good luck."

Before Chu Junhui answered, he heard a voice in his consciousness: "It may also be my play."

Chu Jungui silently cut off the power of the metaphysical components, and continued to listen to the wise man.

The wise man said: "If you don't consider the factors of war, our core advantage lies in the cost. And the cost comes from two aspects, one is energy, and the other is labor. After Brother Dao completes evolution, our advantage in this aspect will become greater and greater .However, there is limited room for cost reduction, and the lower the better. Another

The limiting factor is the availability of auxiliary equipment. A capital ship needs to use more than 500,000 kinds of auxiliary equipment, many of which have low production capacity flexibility, so they must be purchased in advance to keep up with the pace of our production capacity expansion. Comprehensive consideration, we need to establish our own shipboard equipment production system to ensure the supply of most basic equipment. The current plan is to set up 270 new companies in the Federation to produce 7,098 types of shipboard equipment. Set up 100 trading companies to be responsible for the procurement of 400,000 types of equipment; set up 20 logistics companies ~www.readwn.com~ to be responsible for the transportation and storage of purchased equipment. "

"It will take 8 months to implement the whole plan, with an estimated total investment of 75 billion yuan and 1.1 million employees..."

Chu Jungui interrupted and said, "The number of people hired seems a bit too much."

A wise man said: "1.1 million employees are 1.1 million votes, and when their families are counted, it will become 3 million or more votes. And their friends and circle of life radiate far beyond that. Under the federal system , if these direct and indirect votes are concentrated in a certain star field, we will have an incredible voice. And our voice in the financial field is already very large, and it will become even bigger. This time all investments will be Financing from the Commonwealth Banks, I believe the financing can be successfully completed. Once the financing is completed, these banks will become our loyal servants.”

After listening to the wise man's explanation, Chu Jun'ergui took a closer look at the equipment catalog that was going to be produced by the Federation, and unexpectedly found a lot of sensitive equipment, and dozens of them were on the control list. Although these devices are on the fringes of the control list, they are indeed on the list. Now that it is wartime, the control will be extremely strict. But from another perspective, these devices are not very important, and how to deal with them is often a matter of local officials. With millions of votes and the endorsement of financial oligarchs, all the federal and local government officials can do is turn a blind eye.

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