God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1115: to submerge

After reviewing the whole plan again, Chu Jungui nodded and let the wise man begin to implement it.

After receiving the order, the wise man fell silent. After a while, a communication orbital station shone with dazzling light. It actually opened a temporary wormhole with powerful energy, and then sent a large amount of information to the main federal communication site more than ten light-years away. Then the data The flow is then centered on this, and sent to hundreds of next-level nodes, and then sent to all parts of the federation level by level.

In the Light Year Federal Headquarters, all director-level personal terminals suddenly received emails, which listed the tasks to be done. The email is at the highest level, which means it comes directly from the board of directors, and may even come from the chairman who is basically absent. The senior executives were surprised, and after a closer look, they found that the assigned tasks were quite heavy, and the time given was very short, and it became a luxury to sleep for a few minutes more every day. After reading the email, almost all the executives jumped up, gathered the staff from the headquarters and went straight to the conference room. The tasks of each department are naturally different, recruiting people, financing financing, public relations public relations, construction construction, all of a sudden, the entire Light Year Headquarters was in a hurry, and all the working elites changed from seemingly busy to busy. really busy.

Almost at the same time, dozens of federal financial institutions received emails from Light Years. After a while, several high-ranking people from each organization entered the meeting room and began to talk with Light Year.

On the surface of a barren planet, a one-person airship is flying at high speed in a storm, and excited screams can be heard from the cockpit from time to time. While the driver was having fun, a communication request suddenly appeared on the bridge, and he connected without waiting for consent. There are very few people who can have this kind of authority, and they are all set by the driver himself.

The driver glanced at the virtual image in front of him, was taken aback, and said, "Your return!"

"It's me, Henry. I have some financing needs now, and I need your help." Chu Jungui didn't talk nonsense, and sent the plan directly.

The pilot of the single-person airship is Henry from the Excalibur Group, and he is on vacation at the moment. However, his hobbies are very special. He doesn't like some beautiful planets, but likes to venture to unmanned stars. He quickly looked at Chu Jungui's plan, with a flash of excitement in his eyes, and said: "I am no longer in the Excalibur Group, but I have opened a small organization by myself. However, the old relationship before is still there, and I will fulfill your request." No problem. The only trouble is that there are a little more permits to apply for, but that's okay, a federal MP owes me a big favor, and he can handle most of the permits. The remaining few big ones I use Looking at the family relationship, there is hope."

Chu Jungui pondered and said: "Aren't you fully sure with your family's energy?"

Henry smiled wryly and said, "Naturally, there is no problem at ordinary times, but it is wartime after all, and the items on these licenses are definitely strategic materials, and the resistance to doing them will definitely not be small, especially the space stabilizer, which is necessary for the spacecraft to jump. The equipment is restricted by the federal law. But you don’t have to worry about it. If it’s not clear, it’s a big deal that we will cover it. Anyway, you don’t plan to sell these equipment in the federation, so let’s set up a factory without a license! As for the factory The location should be on this planet, and the owner there is a good friend of mine.”

Chu Jungui looked at the coordinates sent by Henry, and compared them with the data in his memory, he found that there was actually a base camp of star robbers. Of course, on the bright side, it is just a useless uninhabited planet, far away from any route. It is really surprising that Henry intends to put the factory that produces space stabilization equipment in the star thief base. As a wealthy son from a wealthy family, Henry is actually good friends with the leader of the Star Bandit. If it gets out, it will be quite big news.

However, it is not an easy task for this star thief base to maintain the status of an unmanned planet in the federal system, and to maintain it for so many years. Obviously, it has a lot of connections at the upper levels of the federation.

For Chu Jungui, as long as he can get a stable supply, it doesn't matter where the factory is located, it doesn't matter if it is his own, and it doesn't matter whether it is legal or not.

Chu Jungui said: "If there is no other way, this location is fine. But setting up a factory there will be a lot of trouble. Is there time?"

"Time, this is a problem..." Henry pondered.

Not only the shipboard space stabilization equipment is sensitive equipment, the production line is also sensitive equipment, I want to place an order

If the order must be complete, the manufacturer will not accept such an order with no clear whereabouts, and the traders will not dare to deliver the goods. Even if Henry used his relationship to settle things for a while, there would always be traces left, and it would still be troublesome afterwards.

After weighing repeatedly, Henry gritted his teeth and said, "I know this equipment is very critical and will affect the progress of your entire industrial chain. In this way, I have a solution. Our family happens to have a ready-made factory in the marginal star field, and the warehouse There just happens to be enough inventory to equip an entire fleet. You find some people to pretend to be star robbers, and just move the entire factory away.”

Chu Jungui was taken aback, and said, "Then, isn't your family's loss a bit too great?"

"It doesn't matter, the entire factory is insured, and all losses will be borne by the insurance company. It just so happens that the guy in that insurance company who is in charge of this factory has been a dislike to him for a long time." Henry's smile turned a little sinister.

Chu Jungui said: "Then your family just lost a little time."

"There are still some favors. After all, it needs the cooperation of the person in charge of that factory to make the whole robbery process smooth. It would be even better if no one died. In addition, the cover-up afterwards is also essential."

Chu Jungui nodded and said, "Okay, I will send my own fleet disguised as Star Thief. All starships are new, and the Federation will not have any records."

"Great! The federal investigation will take a long time. But as compensation, I hope to get more shares in this syndicated financing."

"How much?"

"At least 30 billion!"

Chu Jungui thought for a while, then nodded and said, "No problem."

The next two guys who were both well-known in the Federal Financial Circle began to discuss the details, all about robbery, selling stolen goods, buying and framing. Henry is surprisingly proficient in these topics.

Half an hour later, Chu Jungui hung up the communication. After taking care of the space stabilizer factory and Tingli, this operation is half successful. He looked at Light Year's stock price, and it had already started to change. There is no way, such a large financing, it is impossible to keep it secret, the risk control and confidentiality mechanisms of major investment banks are like a sieve, and it has always been like this. Facing the slow but firm rise in the stock price, Chu Jungui didn't feel bad about it. At least those guys who bought in secretly will never interfere with this matter.

Chu Jungui made a few arrangements, and several starships and transport ships started to start, ready to go to the frontier star field. At the same time, Chu Jungui sent a message to Sino, asking him to lead the fleet to complete the task of relocating the factory. As for the location of the new factory provided by Tingli, Chu Jungui has no objection. Anyway, these devices are to be used on his own starship, and it doesn't matter whether it is legal or not. And Sino, with the name of the Louis Family Fleet, has been working as a star thief for many years. With rich experience, he has cultivated a group of elite soldiers and strong generals. Coupled with the new starship built by Light Years, it is like a tiger with wings. It is easy to complete such a small person.

A few hours later, Chu Jungui received a reply from Sino. He had already led his confidants to set off on a high-speed starship to receive Light Year's fleet, which was expected to meet in three days. These crew members are familiar with the operation of the light year starship and do not need training.

After Sino's reply came, a corner of the federal capital market has already reacted. The market value of Light Year has quietly increased by 20 billion, which is just the beginning, and a series of companies related to the financing and construction of factories have also begun to rise.

Chu Jungui didn't care about the fluctuations in the capital market at this time, and his mind had already returned to Brother Dao who was about to evolve.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed, and the sphere that Brother Dao had turned into had not moved except for a slight increase in size, just silently absorbing light and heat. Le Mans naturally refused to let go of such a precious opportunity, and arranged countless detectors around and even on the sphere, but it was a pity that no information was collected.

It wasn't until a month later that the closed sphere suddenly vibrated and shattered open by itself, revealing a light silver mist in the center. At the same time, a voice sounded in Chu Jungui's consciousness: "My evolution has been completed." Chu Jungui, who was inspecting the progress of the starship, immediately put down his work and came to the scene of brother Dao's evolution. A small spaceship also arrived at the same time, carrying a clone of the wise man in the spaceship.

Chu Jungui looked at the cloud of silver mist. he

It can be seen that the volume of the mist is only one percent of the original volume, but the density has increased by dozens of times, and the cells that make up the aggregate have become larger, almost visible to the naked eye. If the former Dao brother gave people a semi-physical feeling, then the current Dao brother is heavy, with a very obvious texture.

"Is there any change in this evolution?" Chu Jungui asked.

Brother Dao’s consciousness came out of the silver mist: "The most important thing is that the number of controlled offspring has increased by more than ten times. At present, I can control 50 million offspring at the same time, and the range of control is within one light-year. In addition, there are more It can control 100,000 high-level offspring, they are highly intelligent and can perform tasks autonomously, and each high-level offspring can be used as a control node to control 10,000 low-level offspring.”

Chu Jungui was taken aback, not only by the number of Brother Dao's descendants, but also by the terrifying range of control. Brother Dao's control over the child body is completely instant, and so far no factors have been seen that can block his control. In the past, it was basically inside or on the orbit of the planet, which is okay to say. Now after evolution, the range of control has jumped to the light-year level in an instant, which has exceeded the current level of human technology.

Next, Brother Dao transmitted the detailed data of evolution, and the massive amount of data almost overwhelmed Chu Jungui.

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