God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 116: highest level

Brother Dao's evolution is all-round, covering all aspects. There are tens of thousands of major items alone, and millions of small changes. With so many changes, Chu Jungui couldn't process them instantly even if his computing power increased by one cubic meter. All he could do was roughly classify them and hand them over to different laboratories for processing. Fortunately, there are wise men to assist it. As a fog tribe, it is naturally no stranger to evolution, so it only took an hour to divide all the tasks.

After Brother Dao completed the evolution, an unexpected situation occurred, that is, all the offspring that had been separated before had lost their activity and needed to be replaced by new offspring. Fortunately, there is a process for the old daughter body to lose its activity, and it will take more than a month to completely die, and it can still work normally before that. Otherwise, Light Year's production line will be shut down instantly, and the loss will be immeasurable. Light Year now has two large, four small, and six docks, and nine starships, including two capital ships, are under construction at the same time. Among the nearly one million engineering ships, less than one hundred thousand are driven by humans, and the rest are Daoist ships. Brother's offspring. If they shut down at the same time, all these starships under construction will be destroyed.

The evolved Brother Dao needs to regenerate daughter bodies, which requires massive energy and material supplements. However, the way of replenishment is different now. It turns into a thin film with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers, facing the direction of the blue sun to absorb energy. As for the material aspect, there are engineering ships tow asteroids one by one, crush them and feed them. The evolved Brother Dao has already given people the feeling that he is not a living thing.

It takes about 10 days for Brother Dao to complete the initial energy replenishment, and then he will split new offspring at a rate of 200,000 per day.

Standing on the space station, Chu Jungui looked at the thin curtain slowly opening in the distance, wondering what he was thinking. After a while, he returned to the base. Before Brother Dao began to produce offspring, there was nothing to see for the time being.

Back at the orbital base, Chu Jungui directly entered the laboratory and connected the wise man and Le Mans.

Le Mans eyes were bloodshot, and his thinning hair was also disheveled. It looked like he hadn't had a good rest for a long time. Seeing Chu Jungui, he rubbed his face, then downed a bottle of chrysanthemum, he was refreshed, and said: "There are too many evolutionary data, and I can't process them all at once, but there are still some in the past few days. A few discoveries. First we look at its cells."

Two images appeared in the center of the laboratory, which were Daoge's pre-evolution and post-evolution cells. From the intuitive comparison of the images, it can be seen that the basic cell volume of Brother Dao after evolution is almost 10 times that of before evolution.

Le Mans said: "According to the examination of more than 1 million samples, the volume of the new cell after evolution is 10.73 times that of the original, and the mass is 15 times. Inside the cell, the most obvious increase is the genetic material, which is also the most changed. .”

The image changed, revealing the genetic material inside the cell. Before evolution, the genetic material had a special triple-helix structure, which was already complicated enough, but after evolution, the genetic material became round spheres, and each sphere was connected by several filaments.

Le Mans stretched out his hand a little, and the sphere opened, revealing the internal structure, which contained extremely complicated mechanisms, like a honeycomb.

"This kind of genetic structure has never been seen before, but what is certain is that the genetic information it carries has increased by an order of magnitude. Such a genetic ball, the recorded genetic information is equivalent to 1000 times that of our humans. In a cell, this The number of gene-like spheres ranges from 5 to 40. And inside the sphere, there are a large number of inorganic substances, accounting for more than 35% of the mass. To some extent, it can even be said that this is a special half-life and half-machine life form."

Chu Jungui looked at the wise man, who was very calm and did not respond.

"Sage, do you have anything to say?"

"Each evolutionary path of our Wu clan is different. We know very little about other evolutionary paths. Even this path, we don't know anything until we evolve to the next stage. When I evolve to the next stage, Maybe it will be different from Brother Dao.” Chu Jungui had heard similar statements before, so he continued to listen to Le Mans’ analysis.

Le Mans zoomed in on an area inside the gene ball, pointing to the complex criss-cross mechanisms, and said: "This structure seems to have the effect of resonating with the energy field of a specific frequency. In other words, it can be regarded as a kind of receiving information. device, but the specific mechanism still needs further study. Currently we have

What information it can receive, and from where, is still unknown. But I guess, maybe this is the reason why the Wu clan can receive the corresponding knowledge after evolution. "

Chu Jungui is not an expert in biology, so naturally he can't understand those complicated structures.

Next, Le Mans introduced more than a dozen current discoveries, all of which were small discoveries in details. More in-depth research still needs time and computing power. To be able to achieve these developments in such a short period of time, Le Mans' ability is already quite strong. It's just that he has too many projects in his hands, and he really has no skills at all.

After Le Mans reported, Chu Jungui asked him to continue to observe all the changes of Brother Dao, and then ended the meeting.

The wise man didn't quit immediately, it suddenly asked: "Do you want to evolve?"

"Me?" Chu Jungui was a little surprised.

The wise man said: "Every species needs to evolve, but in nature this process will be completed in a long period of time, maybe tens of thousands of years, maybe tens of millions of years. The evolution of our Wuzu is somewhat similar to that of butterflies. , from larvae to adults are almost two species. But butterflies only have one metamorphosis, and we have many times, and each metamorphosis is a huge leap in life form. And you, in fact, have many characteristics of our Mist Clan."

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, thinking, but did not speak.

"After returning from the real dream, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Your body structure has also undergone considerable changes, and tissues that can manipulate the energy field have appeared. If you need, I can add some similar tissues for you. "

"Has our technology reached this point?"

"Yes. There was a lack of key data before, but now Brother Dao's evolution data has filled in the gaps. There is no technical obstacle to adding some functional organizations. This is the list of functional organizations that we can add."

Chu Jungui received the data and read it carefully. The list is not very long, only a dozen items, but they have different functions, ranging from heat generation, energy absorption to discharge.

Chu Jungui read it silently, and asked, "Is there any difference between these tissues and biochemical organs?"

"Of course!" The wise man replied proudly: "These tissues are pure genetic technology, that is to say, they can all be programmed in the genes and passed on to the next generation. From a technical perspective, far from biochemical organs can compare Yes. As far as the level of gene editing is concerned, it is already the highest level of human beings."

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