God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 117: see who kills who

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Although wise men gave these organizations a very high evaluation, Chu Jungui was not interested at all. The reason is very simple. In terms of function, these tissues are not stronger than biochemical organs, and they are not as fast as the iteration of biochemical organ technology. As for the organization he got from the real dream, it was another matter. The mechanism of those tissues is very mysterious, and they can emit energy that doesn't match the volume at all. With Chu Jungui's knowledge, he doesn't know where the energy comes from. But the energy it releases is at least ten thousand times that of these organizations of the wise.

Chu Jungui put away the list and let the wise man continue to monitor Brother Dao's evolution, while he turned his attention to the implementation of the Federation's plan.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and spheres of different sizes were hung on the outer edge of the film formed by Brother Dao. As the central membrane body swayed a layer of ripples, the largest batch of spheres shattered one after another, and a new generation of daughter bodies flew out of it.

Chu Jungui had already received the news, and he was already on the spaceship next to him. He stretched out his hand, and several newborn offspring flew towards him and landed on the spaceship.

The light in Chu Jungui's eyes was changing, and he kept scanning these offspring, and several scanning beams of different colors were fired from the spaceship to scan the offspring in all directions. Although Brother Dao had already transmitted the font data, Chu Jungui still wanted to check it himself.

The shape of the newborn daughter changed somewhat, with a few more multipurpose tentacles, and it looked like an octopus from a starfish, but the body part was much smaller than a normal octopus. The body part of the daughter body is the energy storage and communication organ. As for thinking, it is responsible for hundreds of thousands of miniature thought centers distributed throughout the body as in the past. There is no distinction between these miniature thought centers, the functions are all the same. In other words, even if he has only one tentacle left, he can still think, but the speed of thinking is a little slower.

That's all, it's normal. What left Chu Jungui speechless was the comprehensive data interface on the tentacles and the rows of multi-purpose sockets on the body. These sockets not only have dynasty and federal standards, but even community ones. These interfaces are used for plug-in equipment and extra energy, and are generally standard equipment for engineering robots. Unexpectedly, Brother Dao used them on the sub-body.

Apart from the half-biological, half-mechanical body, the most shocking thing about these daughters is that they can survive in the universe. They can absorb sunlight and cosmic rays as auxiliary energy sources, and move by their own matter or by the gravity of stars. In addition to the slower speed, it seems that there are already prototypes of cosmic creatures.

In addition to the lower daughters, hundreds of higher daughters emerged from the silver sphere. They have a human-like appearance and a face with neutral beauty. They look similar to ordinary humans, but they are a bit bigger, each about 3 meters in length. Chu Jungui recruited two high-ranking descendants and checked them carefully.

These high-level descendants also have multiple data and common interfaces, but the interfaces are hidden under the skin. Their ten fingers can all be extended to be used as data cables, and there are dozens of eyes all over the surface of the body. However, only two eyes are the same as humans, and the rest of the eyes are small imperceptible dots. These high-level daughters are impressively intelligent, which is equivalent to half a small intelligent brain purely in terms of data.

They also have autonomous intelligence. When leading the low-level sub-groups, they can assign different jobs to each sub-body, and even take actions independently according to the established strategy when they lose contact with Brother Dao. In a sense, they are no different from humans, perhaps the difference is that they are much smarter than humans.

At this time, the side light flickered, and engineering ships approached like a swarm of bees. As soon as tens of thousands of engineering ships entered the communication distance, they dispersed and flew to different airspaces. Those descendants also took off one after another, facing the engineering ship. For a moment, it was like two swarms of bees colliding head-on, but in the end, two daughters entered an engineering ship, no more, no less, exactly. It took only a few minutes for 100,000 descendants to board 50,000 engineering ships, and the efficiency was much higher than that of humans.

Those high-level descendants boarded a special engineering command ship, and several engineering ships stopped beside Chu Jungui's starship, waiting for a few descendants to be inspected.

Chu Jungui thought about it, canceled the task of those engineering ships, and planned to take these descendants back for research. Research is always incomplete without a walk on the test bench at Le Mans.

offspring not

It only showed high efficiency in the boarding process. After boarding, all engineering ships turned around immediately and flew to different docks. Their task lists are already full of tasks, and they can be executed immediately when they arrive. The task list is not on the engineering ship, but in the wisdom center of the offspring. When the offspring hatched, Brother Dao had already assigned corresponding tasks to each of them. The source of the task is naturally a wise man. The cooperation of the two Wu tribes is completely seamless, bringing the efficiency to the extreme, not wasting a second.

In the deep sky far away, the second batch of empty engineering ships are already on their way. They will enter the airspace around Brother Dao in about a day. At that time, the second batch of offspring just hatched and can enter the engineering ship immediately.

Chu Jungui roughly calculated that in about a month, the production capacity of starships in the entire light year will be doubled, and then doubled in three months, which is 4 times the current level. Although there is a limit to the compression of the production cycle of a starship, the extra production capacity can open more docks and start construction of multiple starships at the same time. It is roughly estimated that under ideal circumstances, 10 Canglang-class capital ships can be started at the same time in one year.

Of course, that's ideal. The reality is that the shipboard equipment is the bottleneck. Even if all the factories in the Federation are built, the production capacity is only enough for three battleships. It is completely impossible to buy more equipment in the current war environment. It takes time and effort to build a factory in the N77 star field, and the export control of the Federation and the Dynasty is a big hurdle, which cannot be bypassed at all.

In addition to equipment, there are also some high-end materials that need to be imported, which cannot be produced with Light Years' existing technology. However, material restrictions are mostly limited to external orders, used on starships produced for third parties. Light Year's self-use starship basically uses Brother Dao's offspring as the crew, and the power furnace can also be used as much as possible, so he doesn't care about the dead weight of more materials. In other words, as long as the same structural strength is achieved, it doesn't matter if it is thicker.

In the next few months, with the continuous production of Brother Dao's offspring, the entire light year became completely different. There are more than 10 orbital stations of various types around planet No. 4, and dozens of large and small docks are under construction, and some small docks are almost completed. And at the edge of the star field, a large number of transport ships have completed the jump, entered the sub-light speed flight, and headed towards the galaxy. Outside the galaxy, a huge space station has been built, with a single floor area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers. It is a transfer station for super-large transport spacecraft to unload cargo. Now there are too many secrets in light years, and it is no longer convenient for foreign transport ships to enter the interior of the galaxy.

Originally, some human generals in Light Year suggested building several defensive space stations, but Chu Jungui prefers to use offense instead of defense and build a fleet with all his strength. With a powerful fleet in hand, there is a foundation for mobile defense.

As Daoge's descendants are used more and more widely, the wise men and the scientific research team have many new plans for the use of descendants. The phased results are the comprehensive improvement and update of the light-year self-use starship plan.

At this moment, Chu Jungui had a row of starship design drawings in front of him, and his eyes were on the light cruiser. The new light cruiser is named the heroic class, with a combined combat power of 9000, which is very close to the main light cruiser currently in service in the Dynasty and the Federation. This light cruiser is equipped with 2,000 low-level sub-body and 10 high-level sub-body as standard. Except for energy and ammunition, it basically does not need to be replenished. It only needs to replace a batch of sub-body every 50 years. Starships use outdated technology, which is extremely low in cost and fast in construction. The cost of building a Dynasty light cruiser is enough to build 8 Heroic-class ships, and the maintenance cost of the Heroic-class is only 5% of the same-level starship of the Dynasty. %.

On the design drawings, there are also tactics specially configured by wise men for this type of starship. When a single-ship operation encounters a powerful and high-value target, the tactic is to rush over and bombard it, exchanging injuries for injuries. Under this tactic, except for special starships such as Champion Knights, other heavy cruisers will basically be destroyed. Of course, the fate of the light cruiser must be destroyed. Because of this, it was named the Heroic class.

When operating with the fleet, the mission of the heroic class is to rush to local high-level high-value targets and trade injuries for injuries

"Isn't this just cannon fodder?" Chu Jungui was speechless. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com

Cannon fodder is cannon fodder, anyway, the design of the Heroic class is labeled as consumables, money-saving, disposable, etc. inside and out. There are as many descendants as you want. And because the sub-body is worthless, the wise men canceled many necessary equipment and replaced it with the sub-body. like the parent star

Modern tanks, some use automatic loading machines, and some use human flesh loading machines.

Chu Jungui zoomed in on the heavy patrol design. This level of heavy patrol is called the Dreadnought class, and its combat power is roughly a line lower than that of the Dynasty and Federation active duty. It is still characterized by low cost and short cycle, and it only takes one year to complete. As for its standard tactics, it can be roughly summed up in one sentence: trade injuries for injuries.

After watching the heavy patrol, Mr. Chu returned to look at the frigate. The name of the frigate is Unyielding. As the name suggests, no matter how powerful the opponent is, it will rush forward to exchange injuries for injuries, and would rather die than surrender.

Chu Jungui let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes fell on the last battleship. The capital ship is called Fury, because it is already the highest level, so its tactic is to exchange injuries for injuries, and destroy whoever it sees until it is destroyed.

After reading all the design drawings, Chu Jungui finally understood that the wise man designed a whole cannon fodder and suicide fleet.

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