God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1118: i came to you

Chapter 1118 I Come To You

Whether it's cannon fodder or the suicide fleet, this design is all to maximize the advantages of light years.

The formation of production capacity takes time, and the construction of the fleet takes time even more. According to the speed of daughter production, the production capacity of light years will reach its peak after about 2 years. However, the peak is only an ideal situation. Although there can be 50 million descendants at that time, it is impossible to have 20 million engineering ships. This is already equivalent to a small half of the stock of the entire dynasty. How can it be possible for a single entity to have it? In addition, materials, equipment, research and development, etc. are all bottlenecks. But even with the existing conditions, half a year later, the construction of 5 capital ships, 20 light and heavy cruisers, and more than 200 Indomitable-class frigates can be started at the same time.

After Chu Jungui thought about it, he approved the plan. If there are no other changes in the next period of time, it will develop step by step.

After dealing with the internal developments in Light Year, Chu Jungui began to browse the latest situation information. After a period of stalemate, the dynasty's war machine began to run at full speed, and countless soldiers and starships were continuously sent to the front line. After receiving new supplies and support, Xu Bingyan launched a new round of offensive.

According to the battle report of the past month alone, two fleets of the Federation were destroyed, 4 resource stars were destroyed, and more than 40 large orbital bases were destroyed. Although the dynasty's fleet loss was not much less than that of the Federation, the battlefields were all within the Federation territory, and the mainland was not damaged. Each of those destroyed planets and space bases represents the economic foundation and development potential of the Federation.

Although the Federation is in a disadvantageous situation, the resistance is very fierce, and it has not been fully mobilized so far. It is not easy for the dynasty to win.

The think tanks of all parties have released numerous prediction reports on the progress of the war, some predicting that it will end in half a year, and some predicting that it will be marked in 100 years. All major think tanks and experts have their own reasons, and no one agrees with the other. But as to which prediction is more accurate, Chu Jun really didn't see it.

Chu Jungui contacted Dr. Zero again, and got an automatic reply. At present, the progress of the real dream is not smooth, and it will take some time. As for how long it will take, it's hard to say.

For Lightyear, there should be a period of calm ahead. Chu Jungui looked at the schedule, and suddenly an impulsive thought came to his mind. Once the idea arises, there is no stopping it.

Chu Jungui opened the communication channel, hesitated for a moment, and sent Hathaway a message: "Where is it? I'm here to find you."

In the large conference hall of the Federal Theater Command Center, Hathaway's hand suddenly shook, and the water glass fell over. Suddenly, hundreds of eyes fell on her.

The little princess's expression changed from panic to normal in an instant, fast enough to compete for the best actress. She first gave the surroundings an apologetic smile, and then calmly wiped away the water stains on the conference table.

The tall old man sitting on the chair looked away and said: "Let's continue the topic just now. Because of the defeat in the early stage, Marshal Robert decided to relieve Admiral Capin from the command position and Admiral Mason will take over as the commander of the theater. The enlistment decree requires each private legion within the jurisdiction to enlist another 150,000 fighters."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a buzzing discussion in the conference hall, but it quickly subsided, and the participants did not seem to be very surprised by this.

The meeting continued, and each topic passed quickly, with high efficiency.

In the federal border star field, a starship finished its jump and sailed to an empty star field, where there was a space station that was not officially registered. The starship stops here for a day, and then continues to set off. After a short stop, all the identification parts of the starship have been replaced, and it has transformed into a federally registered starship.

After several consecutive jumps, the starship finally arrived at its destination. This is a very prosperous galaxy, 3 of the 6 planets are highly developed, and there are dozens of large space stations scattered inside and outside the galaxy. The starship slowly docked at the starport, Chu Jungui walked out, and there were already people waiting below. Chu Jungui walked out of Xinggang with a few people, boarded the flying car with the logo of the Louis family, and drove to the hotel.

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