God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1125: gone

Chu Jungui did not go directly into the repair shop, but first occupied a small building nearby to collect information. Chu Jungui is naturally an expert in how to deal with the mastermind, and soon controlled the mastermind of the entire block through the wiring in the small building, and also mastered the mastermind of the repair shop.

At this time, the energy supply of the city was restored one after another, and most of the urban area had already fallen into the hands of the landing troops. All key departments, including the city government, communications agencies, police stations, and security agencies were all lost. Only the garrison camp broke out in fierce fighting, and the landing troops were being mobilized for reinforcements one after another.

Chu Jungui and Hathaway each have their own division of labor. Hathaway collects information, while Chu Jungui seizes control of the nearby blocks in order to prepare for the next move. The two were busy when suddenly a strong light flashed outside, a beam of light fell towards the outskirts of the city, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion.

Beams of light fell from the huge starship hovering at low orbital altitudes, and each beam of light would cause a violent explosion. In the dazzling beams of light, several missiles could be vaguely seen launching into the sky, and several beams of light shot from the ground to the starship in the sky. However, no matter whether it was a missile or a beam cannon, the armor and defensive force field of the outer space starship were helpless. After a few rounds of bombardment, the anti-aircraft firepower on the ground was completely destroyed.

Hathaway glanced out, sighed lightly, and continued with her work. After all, this is also a peaceful city, with not many garrisons and no heavy firepower. The defenders are mostly used to maintain law and order, and force is only a symbolic point, so how can they be the elite opponents of the dynasty.

After downloading the data, Hathaway quickly browsed through it, with a solemn expression, and said: "I just got the news from the internal channel that the outer space fleet of the galaxy has suffered heavy losses and has begun to retreat. All orbital stations have been invaded by landing troops, except for the three orbital docks. Except for one that successfully activated self-destruct, the other two remained silent."

"Surrendered?" Chu Jun asked without looking up.

"It should be." Hathaway let out a long breath, her voice was a little heavy: "It is said that the opposite party issued an ultimatum. If you dare to activate the self-destruct procedure, there will be no rescue capsule left." The orbital dock self-destructed, and the inside The staff will enter the rescue capsule to drift in space, and then wait for rescue. There are people who are impassioned and willing to die for the Federation, but not most of them, so the two docks are well preserved, but it is surprising that one still self-destructs.

The two fell into silence, and after a few minutes Chu Jungui said, "My side is fine, let's get ready to act."

The data has been shared between the two for a long time, and Hathaway reviewed the plan again. There is a small private starship being repaired in the repair shop at the moment. It is a typical luxury item with outstanding performance and an even more outstanding price. The maintenance progress of this private spaceship has reached 90%, it can perform short jumps, and it is equipped with basic defensive weapons. At the moment its weapons are all removed, but its powertrain is intact.

Chu Jungui has quietly seized control. As a very important facility, the repair shop is guarded by 200 people, and some people are busy in the warehouse. They seem to have ideas about several spaceships under repair.

Chu Jungui raised the machine gun and said, "The spaceship will be charged in 30 seconds, let's go!"

The two split up like ghosts, and rushed into the repair shop under the cover of a distant explosion.

Chu Jungui walked forward without hiding his whereabouts, and went straight to the side door. There were two guards at the side door. Chu Jungui's machine gun roared and fired a total of 4 bullets, two for each, directly knocking down the two guards. He kept walking, rushed into the door, the machine gun began to roar continuously, and bullets rained in all directions, and every soldier who showed his head would get two rounds.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Jungui crossed the 100-meter empty courtyard, rushed to the door of the warehouse, stood still, and then raised his machine gun and fired wildly at the inside! When the ammunition box was emptied, dozens of soldiers busy in the warehouse turned into corpses. In this strafing, except for one bullet flying, the rest are 2 bullets per person, no more, no less. This machine gun, known for its firepower coverage, felt like a sniper rifle when it was shot by Chu Jungui.

Chu Jungui suddenly felt as if he had returned to the original academy, and he missed it a lot.

The shelves in the warehouse are neatly arranged in rows and rows of boxes, all of which are marked with hazard signs. Several boxes had been opened, and the marines took out one-meter-high drums and stacked them on the truck. These drums are miniature fusion energy reactors, which belong to private

Advanced fuel for starships. Once these energy piles are hit by powerful bullets, it is quite dangerous, so the soldiers working in the warehouse did not dare to fight back when they were attacked, but wanted to escape, but they were all shot by Chu Jungui.

Then gunshots sounded from the other direction, da da da, ta da da, very rhythmic, fast and rhythmic. As soon as Chu Jungui heard it, he knew that it was Hathaway who was fighting with the enemy.

Chu Jungui quickly removed several boxes from the shelf, opened the package with the multi-purpose knife carried by the armor, and took out the energy stack inside. When there were ten energy piles on the truck, Chu Jungui jumped into the cab and drove towards the repair workshop.

On the other side of the repair shop, Hathaway was as agile as a cheetah, using various terrains to continuously advance. The assault rifle in her hand hardly stopped, and every burst of fire would have a marine fall.

Soon the two met in the repair workshop, and several soldiers stationed in the workshop were knocked down as soon as they met each other, and failed to survive for 10 seconds. There are three workshops in the repair shop, each of which has a private starship ~www.readwn.com~ It seems that the business is quite good. The soldiers from the other two workshops rushed over and were killed by two of them on the road.

Hathaway's marksmanship is also extremely accurate now. Even if the marines only show a little body within a hundred meters, a bullet will fly towards them immediately. Hiding behind the fragile bunker will attract a powerful electromagnetic bomb. As for those who dare to make tactical moves in front of her, the hit rate of the little princess moving target has never been lower than 100%.

The two successfully met in the repair workshop, and Chu Jungui immediately opened the cargo door on the hull, moved the energy piles in one by one, and stuffed two piles into the energy slot to start the connection.

Hathaway entered the cockpit and connected the personal terminal to the operating system. She didn't try to crack the system, but directly took over the starship using the military interface, which was simple and rude.

As Chu Jungui pressed the switch, the entire starship hummed slightly, and the hull vibrated slightly, showing signs of floating. Chu Jungui closed the hatch, entered the cockpit from the inside, and sat down in the co-pilot position.

"Let's go!" Hathaway's hands were full of manipulating halos. She pushed forward slightly, and the private spaceship floated from the repair stand, then slammed forward and opened the door, turned her head upward, and rushed out of the atmosphere in a blink of an eye.

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