God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1126: Shame

The private spacecraft successfully flew into outer space and entered high orbit.

The galaxy is not peaceful at the moment. Although the galaxy defense fleet has been repulsed, there is still a small-scale fleet pursuit battle going on, and the battle to defend the space station is not over yet. The dynasty's fleet has begun to send out small high-speed starships to patrol, hunting down fish that slip through the net.

The private spacecraft had already triggered the alarm when it was lifted into the air, and when it broke out of the atmosphere, a frigate was already flying in this direction. A piercing siren sounded in the cockpit of the spaceship, which meant that it had been locked on by the enemy ships behind.

Hathaway said to sit still, and turned on the power to the maximum. The spaceship vibrated violently, and the two people were firmly pressed against the back of the chair! The ship's engine nozzles glowed brightly, and it fled with astonishing acceleration. This spaceship is a first-line private yacht brand, known for its luxury and performance, but its speed alone is far beyond that of the frigate at the rear.

In this way, under the much higher acceleration, the private spacecraft gradually equalized the speed of the chasing frigate, and then surpassed it. The distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther, and the private spacecraft is the first to enter the sublight speed flight state. At this point, the frigate in the rear knew that it couldn't catch up, slowed down slowly, and turned around to return to the galaxy.

Hathaway breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down and accelerated slightly, and was ready to jump. The spaceship accelerated steadily and gradually approached the speed of light. At this time, it was finally safe. While waiting for the jump, Hathaway contacted the military to receive the latest information, while chatting with Chu Jungui.

After receiving the latest information, Hathaway looked at the situation in the star map, frowning and saying nothing. Chu Jungui was also studying the star map, and suddenly clicked two galaxies on the star map, and asked, "Is there any news about these two places?"

Hathaway suddenly understood something, and immediately sent an inquiry. A moment later, the military replied that the two galaxies were also raided by the dynasty, and the current internal situation is unknown.

After receiving this reply, Hathaway understood, and said with a hint of helplessness: "Do you think Xu Bingyan is crazy?" Chu Jungui was silent for a moment, and said: "As long as we can win, only the Federation will think he is crazy in the end." gone."

Hathaway took a deep breath and said, "Attack civilians in three galaxies at the same time. Even if we win this war, the dynasty will liquidate him in the future. It seems that the rumor may be true, that is, he lived It won't be long."

Chu Jungui said: "I don't care about this, but do you want to go back now?"


Chu Jungui stretched out his hand and swipe on the star map, using an arc to connect the three raided galaxies together. This arc is added together with the frontal front, which faintly includes the third war zone where Hathaway is located.

"These three galaxies are important nodes for material supply in your theater. According to the data you just showed me, the materials supplied through these three galaxies account for 90% of the total, and the materials stored here can be used by the entire theater It will be used for one year. However, these are now Xu Bingyan’s. Without these, how long can the theater last?”

Hathaway's expression was not very good, and she said, "There are still enough materials in the theater for 6 months, but the energy and ammunition supplies are less."

"What about accessories and equipment?" Chu Jungui asked.

Hathaway's face became even more ugly. The third war zone had gradually become the forefront position. In the past month alone, there had been three squadron-scale battles with the opposite side. The starship spare parts in the theater can only support one and a half fleet battles. A large number of equipment are stored and transferred in the three rear galaxies.

Xu Bingyan would rather blatantly violate the laws of war to raid and occupy these three galaxies in the shortest possible time. The purpose is probably not just for those supplies. Hathaway thought for a while, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

Chu Jungui waited for a while and said, "Next, the third war zone is likely to become Xu Bingyan's main attack direction. Maybe you will meet his main fleet as soon as you go back."

Chu Jungui didn't say the rest, but Hathaway already understood what he meant. Xu Bingyan used his troops to appear and disappear like ghosts, and once he attacked, he would definitely prepare superior troops. The pirate flag is only semi-official, and it does not have to stick to the war zone. Even if the Federation forcibly recruits, Hathaway does not have to be the commander. It is customary for the military to send another commander. So if Hathaway doesn't return to the team now, there is still a reason.

Chu Jungui's worry is beyond words, he has experienced war,

Knowing the cruelty of fleet warfare. On the ever-changing battlefield, Sui dare not say that he must be safe.

In the history of war, it is not uncommon for a fleet to lose only 10% but the commander of the fleet is killed. This is why Chu Jungui is worried about Hathaway.

Facing Chu Jungui's silent persuasion, Hathaway smiled lightly and said, "I understand what you mean. But..." Hearing that, Chu Jungui's heart sank, but he didn't interrupt, and listened quietly .

Hathaway took a deep breath and said: "Before today, there were still many people in our Federation who opposed the war, even though Xu Bingyan destroyed so many people's homes. But from today, I think most of the Federation people will stand Come out, no one will back down! Xu Bingyan wants war, then we will give him war! An endless war!"

Chu Jungui was speechless. Judging from the fleeing planets, the combined casualties of the three galaxies are probably millions, or even more. With such tragic casualties, the Federation will inevitably enter a full-scale mobilization, and no one can stop the war, not even Austin.

Hathaway looked at Chu Jungui, her voice softened, and said, "At this time, I can't leave the front line, I have to go back. Next time... if there is no next time, remember me!" Chu Jungui's heart trembled .

The speed of the private spaceship has reached the critical point~www.readwn.com~ A light flashed ahead and then disappeared.

Dynasty Front.

In the endless deep sky, there are two huge starships thousands of meters floating quietly. This is the capital ship of the dynasty, but the surrounding area is a bit sparse, and there are only a dozen large and small starships in total. This kind of equipment is not common. As the core of the fleet's offense and defense, capital ships are often equipped with dozens of starships of various types to deal with different situations. Now the two capital ships are equipped with less than a quarter of the normal starships, especially one of them is Xu Bingyan's flagship.

In the flagship command hall, Xu Bingyan stared at the star map in front of him. After a long time, he raised his head, looked at the generals standing beside him, and said, "I know you want to ask: why. No why, you just need to know that you are just the executors, I gave the order, I am the one who will bear war crimes in the future, and I am the one who is nailed to the pillar of historical shame, and it has nothing to do with you.”

"But in this way, the Federation will most likely be fully mobilized. In that case, we and the Federation will enter an all-out war!"

Xu Bingyan sneered: "What's the difference between now and total war? In fact, that's fine too. Aren't those people in the country always blocking and refusing to enter into total war? I see how they are still blocking it now!"

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