God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1164: good job

Remember [New] in a second! In a secret dark space, a small ball of light suddenly lit up, illuminating a small conference table. Images of two people appeared at the table, but neither had a face.

The person on the left said: "My mission failed. All the preparations went smoothly, and I also waited for the target. But just before I was about to enter the operating room, I was suddenly stunned, and when I woke up, everything went wrong." It's over. As a senior member of the organization, there are not many people who can stun me, so I request a detailed investigation."

The person on the right said slowly: "The task has been completed, although you did not complete it. A mysterious force stepped in and completed the task instead of you. We will investigate this matter. From now on, you will act as if nothing happened. We will arrange for you to evacuate when the time is right."

"But the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

"Don't worry about them. You haven't done anything. Even the Ministry of Internal Affairs can't do anything to you. As for the means beyond the law, that's our domain, not theirs."

"I see."

"Then stop here, don't communicate with us for the time being, if there is new news, we will try to notify you."

The light gradually dimmed, and the darkness covered everything again.

In the critical ward, Xu Yan finally opened his eyes and regained consciousness after a while. She raised her hand with difficulty, fumbled for the emergency button, and called the doctor.

The door of the ward opened, and a familiar face appeared in front of him. Her thinking was very dull at the moment, and it took a few minutes to remember that this person was one of her subordinates.

Xu Yan opened his mouth and managed to spit out a few clear words: "What's wrong with me?"

The subordinate came up and said, "You are fine, the operation was successful, you just need to rest for a few days."

"Rest..." Xu Yan felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. However, there was a very clear thought that prompted her to ignore the severe pain after the anesthetic expired, and said, "It's... Mr. Chu... back, it's him! Catch..."

"Okay, I see." The subordinate interrupted her, with an indescribable look in his eyes, got up and left the ward.

"..." Xu Yan wanted to call him back, but he no longer had the strength to speak, his eyes darkened, and he passed out again.

In the office of the Director of the Third Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the director looked tired and looked at the two capable men sitting in front of him. These two people also had dark circles under their eyes and were listless. It seemed that they hadn't slept because of this incident.

"The latest examination results have come out. The operation is a comprehensive comprehensive operation. The final evaluation is that the reaction speed is reduced by 35%, the memory is randomly lost by 10%, and the degree of emotional aggravation is magnified by 3 times... The comprehensive evaluation result is that the IQ has dropped by 40%. It's permanent."

The director said slowly: "Is there a way to restore it?"

"A series of operations are required, lasting for 3 years, costing more than 100 million yuan, and the possibility of recovery is no more than 20%." A subordinate finished reading the report and finally said: "We have found the best experts on this planet, They said there was nothing they could do."

The director let out a hey, and said, "That is to say, the originally very capable woman has now become a woman with a slightly lower IQ than ordinary people and a grumpy temper?"

"And stubbornness." Another subordinate added.

The director paused for a moment on the 20% recovery possibility and the 100 million medical expenses, then put down the report and said, "Let her retire early."

"Okay." The two subordinates immediately recorded it and sent it into the process immediately. It seemed that they didn't want to delay a minute.

After dealing with this matter, the director asked again: "Where is the murderer? How is the investigation going?"

"All leads point to the van, and nothing else."

The director frowned: "We have thoroughly inspected that car, not to mention hiding seven people, even seven mice can't hide it! Could it be that those seven people have become meat in the box?"

The chief's joke wasn't funny, but the two subordinates still smiled cooperatively, even though the laughter was a bit indescribably bitter. At this point, conventional and unconventional means have been used, which means that it has fallen into a dead end. The scanners of the Ministry of the Interior are so advanced that they can detect human DNA. The scan results showed that the whole truck had no human genes at all, so even if the suspects were silenced, it was impossible for them to be in these two trucks.

As for Chu Jungui mentioned by Xu Yan, it was not among the investigation options at all. Want to investigate Chu Jungui? How to investigate, can you still send people to light years?

"Let's just leave it at that, and continue to look for clues." The director concluded.

The two subordinates understood that this case will stop here, and it will be put on hold until one day when new clues appear with good luck, and then the investigation will be restarted. They put away the report and left the director's office.

The director opened the top-secret file, looked at the action plan against Tianyu's Li family and Guangnian, and began to think about how to clean himself up.

In the middle of the night, Xu Yan woke up again in the ICU, and soon there was a hysterical scream in the ward: "How can you do this? I can still work and fight!


The door of the ward was knocked open, and a staff member from the Ministry of Internal Affairs ran out~www.readwn.com~ A tray flew out after him, almost hitting his head. He became a little annoyed and yelled into the ward: "What are you crazy about! Let me tell you, this matter has been settled, and the process will be over soon! You are no longer an official, don't think that you are still the same as before, everyone has to praise you I'm looking at you...hey!"

A pill bottle flew towards him, hitting him on the back of the head. A fierce light flashed in the man's eyes, he clenched his fists and wanted to rush in and make a move. But in the end, he still didn't dare to do so, he just let out a stern bah, and walked away cursing.

In the ward, Xu Yan sat blankly for a while, the entire corridor was quiet, there was no one there, even the nurse's station was empty. In the whole world, it seemed that she was the only one left at this moment. Xu Yan slowly picked up the report on the bedside table and began to check his physical condition.

In the deep space, on an unmarked spaceship, Chu Jungui looked at the endless starry sky outside and said, "So, everything is over?"

The wise man's voice sounded: "It's all over. Part of the offspring decomposed itself and mixed into industrial meat paste, and the other part was thrown into the trash can as domestic waste. With the current means of human beings, even if it is detected, it will only be considered Those are spoiled synthetic meats. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has stopped large-scale operations and should have given up."

"This time..." Chu Jungui heaved a sigh of relief, Fang said: "You did a good job."

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