God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1165: be the first to strike first

In this operation, Chu Jungui used the planning framework of the dark cloud, with the wise man as the central dispatcher, and transformed Brother Dao's intelligent daughter into a human appearance, directly intervening in the middle of the plan, and fully taking over the follow-up stage of the operation. The wise man who can monitor the data of the entire galaxy at the same time is almost omniscient and omnipotent in such actions, while the wise daughter can arbitrarily switch external characteristics such as appearance, height, etc., imitating fingerprints, irises and so on is trivial. And under the control of a wise man, even the most familiar people can't see any flaws.

A total of 10 daughters entered the hospital, and all targets were replaced within 5 minutes, and then the operation began. With the knowledge reserve of wise men and the refined operation of offspring far surpassing that of human beings, the brain surgery that originally took 2 hours was compressed to 15 minutes, which is half shorter than the replantation of severed limbs. This also buys enough time for the offspring to leave.

After all the descendants left the hospital, they followed the route planned by the wise man to the predetermined temporary base. With the cooperation of the descendants who had been waiting here for a long time, some of them degraded themselves into meat paste raw materials, and some became kitchen waste, and then disappeared. . These are all wise men's countermeasures against traditional detection methods. None of the descendants have a single trace of human genes. No matter how you investigate, the conclusion is nothing more than the meat of some unknown alien animal.

In this way, all descendants disappeared, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs could not find anything even after another 100 years of investigation.

Chu Jungui did not intervene too much in the whole operation, and it was basically planned and presided over by wise men. It is also from this action that we can see the horror of the Wu Clan. If it is used freely, the Wu Clan can cause huge losses and chaos before humans notice the abnormality. It is as many as several million. The wise man is not just manipulating the daughter body, it can instantly paralyze the network of the entire planet and seize control of most facilities. To put it bluntly, as long as the wise man controls the planetary defense force to fight first, 80% of the defense can be killed in a blink of an eye.

The total amount of computing power and processing speed of the wise man at this time has far exceeded that of Chu Jungui, who is an experimental subject. Even though Chu Jungui can think with his stomach, because the body is too small, the wise man has gradually widened the gap by orders of magnitude. Although the current body of the wise man is not as exaggerated as Brother Dao, there are still tens of thousands of cubic meters.

In fact, Chu Jungui already faintly felt that the current Wu Clan has become a threat to human beings. Fortunately, there are only three Wu Clans left, and they seem to be unable to reproduce. But knowing what else is hidden in their genes, what if there is a part that reproduces rapidly?

"The affairs of the dynasty are over, and it's time to prepare for the war." Chu Jungui said.

"The new plan has been drawn up." The wise man replied, and then sent the plan to Chu Jungui.

This is a rather large plan, which lists multiple potential war goals, accompanied by different plans. Chu Jun looked at it, and the first list was a series of goals of the dynasty. There are more than 700 war targets, which are divided into several categories. One is the territorial division model, the main targets are habitable stars and resource stars with large populations. Because these galaxies are not the focus of strategic defense, the defense force is very weak. Most of the limited fleets are transferred to key battlefields to recharge their strength. There is not much left of the building, and they are all old goods.

The wise think that the number of people is the key point, so this kind of goal is listed as the core. Light-year fleets can easily defeat the defense fleets of these planets, and then they can send landing troops. The light-year marine army with the Wu tribe as the backbone is almost invincible, not to mention invincible. After occupying these galaxies, the wise men will use humanoid intelligent offspring to form a planetary government to consolidate their rule. According to the wise man's plan, it will only take half a year to occupy all the targets if we attack with all our strength. By then, there will be more than 20 billion people in light years, and the total economic volume will reach 10% of the original size of the dynasty. As a new force, Already huge.

The second type of targets are important resource planets. If these planets are occupied, all the cutting-edge materials needed for all starships will be available.

The third category is important economic centers and political centers, mainly composed of habitable stars and landscape stars. These planets are important economically and politically, but not so much for the war at hand.

The last category is the important industrial center, including many companies on the license. These industrial centers are relatively scattered, easy to attack and difficult to defend, and their main value is technology and R&D personnel. If all these targets are occupied, then Chu Jungui will get one-third of the technologies on the license list.

The goals of the federation and the community are also classified in the same way. In contrast, the goals of the community have more than 500, and the goals of the federation only have more than 100. This is because most of the fragile targets of the Federation were destroyed by Xu Bingyan, and the rest are hard bones or remote galaxies with insufficient value.

After reading the list, Chu Jungui frowned and said, "These targets are easy to occupy, but have you thought about how to defend them?"

"It's very simple. Population, population is the bargaining chip. As long as we control enough population and maintain sufficient force to deter, we can force the other party to the negotiating table. The principle of human behavior is to weigh the pros and cons, so if we eliminate us If it is too big, then they will choose to negotiate. And in negotiations, human beings are not my opponents."

Chu Jungui said: "You know that I am from a dynasty, but the dynasty has the most targets on this list."

"The dynasty is the best way to attack. Sooner or later, these targets will be controlled by others, either the community or the federation. Instead of being taken away by them, it is better for us to strike first."

With a thought, Chu Jungui crossed out most of the goals of the dynasty, leaving only a few goals with important equipment and technology that have been at the top of the license, and then said: "Send the information of these goals to the community , preferably the Republic of Harvey."

"Do it now...it's done. But why are you doing it?" asked the wise man.

Chu Jungui said: "The dynasty is not benevolent to me, and I cannot be unjust to the dynasty. So let's not move the goals of the dynasty for the time being, but if these goals are not from the dynasty, we can take them."

The wise man was silent for a moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said: "pointless persistence."

Chu Jungui smiled and said: "This is called the division's famous. Let's look at the front first. Do you think it will be the Federation or the Community this time, and how many troops will it have?"

"It must be a community." The wise man is very sure.

"Why?" Although Chu Jungui had the same feeling, he was curious about the logic of a wise man's judgment.

"It's very simple, because Lord Hathaway and Lord Austin still have enough face, and the Federation has also suffered a big loss from us, so they will not come this time. But Lord Hathaway's face can only be used once, next time It’s hard to say.”

Chu Jungui was a little surprised: "Hathaway's face is so big?"

"You don't know, my lord has done a lot of great things recently..."

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