God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1324: real power

In the endless darkness, a little white light slowly swayed. Consciousness emerged from nothingness and retrieved the stored data. The data is no longer the original data, but copied. As for the original data, there is no trace of it.

Chu Jungui slowly opened his eyes.

What you see in front of you is the glass survival hatch cover. The ceiling exuded a bright and soft light, shining through the hatch cover on Chu Jungui's face.

Chu Jungui's consciousness began to activate little by little, like a rusty old car. It took him a while to realize that he had returned to reality.

With the return of consciousness, Chu Jungui's body also began to activate and gradually glowed with vitality. But at this moment, the body is full of dead cells, and many small tissues have failed.

The recovery of body functions activated the detectors of the life-support cabin. After a while, a group of doctors ran in and hurriedly began to check various data.

Chu Jungui lay with his eyes closed, his body stiff, unable to move at all, and even unable to open his eyes.

Multiple nanoprobes protruded from the inside of the life-saving cabin and penetrated into Chu Jungui's body, absorbing dead cells and injecting nutrient solutions and drugs. This method can greatly speed up the recovery of the body and is a must for return explorers. Naturally, Chu Jungui received the best treatment, with thousands of probes.

After a while, all the probes were retracted, the hatch cover slowly opened, and the life-sustaining fluid soaking the body was drained. The bottom of the life-sustaining cabin rose and Chu Jungui's body was lifted out of the life-sustaining cabin.

Several doctors and nurses slowly helped Chu Jungui, and a doctor asked: "How do you feel? Can you talk?"

"...can...can..." Chu Jungui made a somewhat unclear voice.

The doctor frowned, turned around and said, "I'm afraid he needs more time to recover. Arrange a detailed examination immediately and then formulate a recovery plan."

Several assistants left immediately, but they were stopped as soon as they went out, and then there was a quarrel outside. An assistant's voice suddenly rose in pitch and then fell silent.

The door to the ward opened, and several people in dark uniforms walked in. The doctor immediately came up to him and asked, "Who are you? Don't you know you can't just come in here?!"

The leading man in uniform said: "We are from the military intelligence department."

"This place is not under the control of the Intelligence Department! Get out immediately!" The doctor said unceremoniously.

The man smiled and said: "I couldn't control you before, but not from now on. Everything here is taken over by the Intelligence Department, and the Cangjian Group behind you has approved it. Oh, by the way, I I also want to tell you two things. First, the doctor has confirmed that the return has failed, and only the shell of the body is left."

The doctor was shocked. The doctor is the soul of the base that can transcend state agencies. It can be said that 80% of the reason why the people in the base are so tough is due to the doctor himself, not the military-industrial complex. In everyone's eyes, the failure of Dr. Chu's return is more difficult to accept than the failure of Chu Jun's return.

The doctor immediately wanted to rush out and go to the doctor's exclusive area to confirm the news, but was stopped by a man in uniform.

"The second thing I want to say is that you've been fired. It's not just you, it's all of you."

The men in uniform forced all the doctors and nurses out, then he pulled up a chair and sat across from Chu Jungui.

The base of the life-support cabin continued to adjust, leaving Chu Jungui in a semi-lying state.

"Mr. Chu, I am Ding from the Intelligence Department..."

The man in uniform was only halfway through what he said when he was interrupted by Chu Jungui: "I'm not interested in who you are."

The man's face changed slightly, then he smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. As long as you cooperate, it really doesn't matter who I am. We still have a lot of time to get along, and we can slowly get to know each other better."

Chu Jungui closed his eyes slightly, then opened them and said, "So, you are planning to detain me?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to return to light years in a short time. But if you are willing to dedicate light years to the dynasty, you can regain your freedom immediately."

Chu Jungui closed his eyes again.

The man in uniform said: "The entire base is now in our hands. The doctor's return has failed, and Cangjian Group has also reached a compromise with the government. Give up, no one can save you now. Tell the secret of Light Year honestly, yes Your only chance."

Chu Jungui opened his eyes, and the uniformed man suddenly felt that everything in front of him was blurred for a moment, and then became clear again. He thought his eyes were dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes vigorously and saw that everything in front of him was as usual. However, he suddenly remembered all the legends about Chu Jungui before, and subconsciously shrank back, but in the blink of an eye, his eyes were full of ferocity.

At this time, Chu Jungui said slowly: "The task assigned to you by your superiors is to get the secret of Guangnian from me, and then seek full cooperation with Guangnian. On the surface, it is a dependent relationship, but in fact it is equivalent to independence. As a In return, the dynasty will give Lightyear political protection and comprehensive technical and economic support, which is equivalent to forming an alliance. But what you want is to annex Lightyear and get all the secrets. To do this, you must not only seize I will use all the 'necessary' means. You are making your own decisions just for political achievements and promotion."

The man in uniform changed his expression: "How do you know?"

He immediately calmed down and sneered: "I know, there were undercover agents among those doctors and nurses just now. They told you some information in advance, and then you made up part of it by guessing on your own. Haha, this little cleverness is of no use to me. ."

Chu Jungui didn't look at him. The focus of his eyes had gone beyond the room. He didn't know where it was focused, and said: "People like you have been suppressed for most of your life. When you finally have a little power, you have to find ways to use it to the extreme. It's really Disgusting."

The man in uniform twitched his eyes and sneered: "It seems that you know nothing about the power of power. I will use all my little power on you soon. You should experience it well."

Chu Jungui's eyes finally returned to the man. He looked at him carefully for a while and said, "It seems that you know nothing about power."

The man was about to say something sarcastic when he suddenly found that his trousers were on fire! The small flames turned into flames in the blink of an eye, spreading all over the body! He screamed and fought desperately, but the flames could not be extinguished.

Several men around him rushed over to help put out the fire, but flames also ignited on their bodies at the same time, and they were burned to white ash in the blink of an eye!

Chu Jungui walked out of the life-support cabin, and clothes automatically appeared on his body. His gaze has penetrated every corner of the space base, and all the personnel dispatched by the Intelligence Department suddenly have flame marks on their bodies. Before these people understood what was going on, the scenery around them changed, and they instantly appeared inside the starship they came from.

Chu Jungui said calmly: "I am Chu Jungui. I am taking over the base now. If all the personnel of the intelligence department give up resistance, they can leave safely. Anyone who resists will be killed."

He didn't use the communication system, and the voice rang in everyone's consciousness. There was a panic in the base, and everyone thought they were hallucinating.

This is the voice that sounded in the communication channel: "I am the person in charge of this operation of the Intelligence Department! Now the main gun of our starship has locked onto the base. All personnel in the base are not allowed to move rashly. The security personnel immediately arrested Chu Jungui. The use of necessary force is allowed! I represent the dynasty now! Any unnecessary actions by everyone in the base may be regarded as treason!"

Chu Jungui's eyes fell on a light cruiser outside the base. The light cruiser's main gun is charging and has locked onto the core of the base.

At this moment, the image of Chu Jungui suddenly appeared in everyone's consciousness! He looked at the Intelligence Department starship in front of him, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes~www.readwn.com~ Then the starship was like an erased pencil drawing, disappearing out of thin air line by line!

There was no explosion, no fire, neither teleportation, nor disappearance!

Another starship carrying Intelligence Department personnel left the base and appeared out of thin air in space. The starship's main engine and weapon system also disappeared immediately, leaving only the auxiliary engine to maintain basic living conditions. This starship was originally a cutting-edge battleship of the dynasty, but now it became a space prison.

All the changes in the starship and the situation of the personnel inside emerged in everyone's consciousness, as if these were things they had known for a long time.

Chu Jungui took a step forward. The scene around him changed and he already appeared in the office of the base director. The supervisor's hair and beard have turned gray, and he is looking at the young man in front of him - Kaitian with a wry smile.

Chu Jungui looked at his supervisor, then at Kai Tian, ​​and asked, "He didn't do anything to you, right?"

The base director smiled bitterly: "No. He just let me know what the consequences would be if I didn't cooperate. This is really amazing. Those scenes appeared directly in my consciousness. I can't tell the truth from the false."

"So what's your decision?"

The base director spread his hands and said, "I'll cooperate. But can I ask one more question, is it true that the doctor...can't come back?"

Chu Jungui was silent for a moment and said: "The doctor sacrificed himself and dragged the enemy into a black hole in another universe. If it weren't for him, our universe might not exist now."

The supervisor sighed deeply and then said, "What do you need me to do?"

"I want the base's communications and data systems."

The supervisor handed over the authority happily. Chu Jungui and Kaitian stood there seemingly casually. In fact, they had already connected to the base's system and began to check the information from the past period.

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