God is Coming

Vol 3 Chapter 1325: very safe

【God is coming】【】

Chapter 1325 Very safe

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Chu Jungui was originally worried about Guangnian, but when he saw the latest battle report, he was speechless. Just two days ago, the community, which was cornered, assembled its fleet and fought against Lightyear, and finally won miserably at the cost of two battleships and the lives of 900,000 soldiers. As soon as Chu Jungui saw the battle report, he knew that the Lightyear Starship must be full of sub-bodies. Those were consumables. As long as Lightyear was given time, he could get as many as he wanted. But the losses of the community are difficult to replenish

, especially those elite crew members, the training alone takes several years, and the equipment each crew member is equipped with is also sky-high. A military-grade personal chip alone is enough to buy a high-end speed car. You don't know it by looking at it. After reading the past battle report, Chu Jungui realized that light years had undergone earth-shaking changes during the time he was in the real dream, and he had completely transformed into a mist clan. The fleet composed entirely of Mist tribe showed terrifying

With terrifying strength, it was bleeding out the behemoth of the Community bit by bit. In less than a year, it had already consumed nearly half of the Community's fleet and harvested nearly 30 million elite warriors.

Kaitian suddenly said: "They have no idea what they are going to do."


"The wise man and Brother Dao." Chu Jungui said with a cold light in his eyes: "I think they are quite busy, they know what to do, and they are quite efficient. The wise man knows how to trigger the instructions I have reserved. It will take a little time None of it was wasted. I had already beaten the community badly before I entered the real dream. How could they have the courage to start a war? Even if I entered the real dream later, the combat power of a single human being would be negligible. So I didn’t get accurate information. , the community

Dare to attack my base camp? However, the community never imagined that the person who gave them the information was not a human being. "With the current capabilities of Kaitian and Chu Jungui, their computing power alone is equivalent to the sum of all human super brains. After reading all the information and battle reports, I immediately discovered the problem. With the Community's capabilities and light-year defense deployment, it is impossible for the Community fleet to touch the door and not notice it. With the wise man's battle-ready command, even if he is attacked by a sneak attack, it only takes a little time to adjust to a perfect response. Therefore, it is impossible for a wise man to be attacked by surprise, and

It was impossible to lose so quickly, losing half of the human troops and all the orbital equipment. Therefore, the conclusion is very clear. The wise man lured the community into a sneak attack, and then deliberately removed the reconnaissance force on the sneak attack route. He deliberately placed the fleet in the most unfavorable position, allowing the community's main fleet to hit the light-year fleet as soon as it appeared.

The human fleet crippled the unsuspecting Lightyear Fleet in one attack. Everything was to trigger the preconditions for Chu Jungui's reserved order: more than half of the human troops in the light-year field were lost, and the fleet suffered heavy losses. The result was perfect. The wise man successfully took over Lightyear and escaped with the remaining fleet.


When the community celebrated their victory, they probably didn't expect that they had opened the magic box with their own hands.

The current light-year fleet is unparalleledly powerful, but it has become the wise man's light-year fleet. Kaitian said: "No, the wise man and Brother Dao don't know what they are doing now. I think they have no purpose, they just think they want to do something. For example, now, the war with the community is what they have to do right now. No matter

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No matter what the purpose, this enemy must be eliminated. "

Chu Jungui was a little surprised: "You mean they actually have no purpose?" "The Mist tribe does not have the so-called meaning and ideal of life, and power and wealth are completely meaningless to us. It can be said that our lives themselves are meaningless. . It is my mission to choose war targets and decide how to act. The wise man and Brother Dao are only responsible for execution: one produces the army, and the other is responsible for commanding. We originally had a

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Chapter 1325 Very safe

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A path of survival, and the companions on that path are responsible for ensuring our survival. It can survive in the most extreme environments, even if its physical body is completely destroyed, it can also be resurrected with the help of data. When it is resurrected, it can resurrect us all. It's a pity that Brother Dao didn't know what kind of stimulation he received when he just woke up, and he swallowed most of the clan members.

Finally there were only three of us left. I don’t know why the wise man did all this, and I think he actually doesn’t know either. "

"You've almost crippled the community, and you still don't know what you're doing?"

Kaitian thought about it and said, "Maybe there is a reason to explain it."

"What's the point?

Depend on? "

"He is afraid, afraid of our destined enemy."

"Your destined enemy?"

"Yes. We, the Mist Clan, were created. The purpose of creating us is to create an unprecedented weapon to fight against the enemy. And that enemy, we now know who it is." After experiencing the real dream, Chu Jun Gui has put all the clues together. The creators of Disno continue to put concepts into the human universe, and these concepts have influenced mankind, resulting in the emergence of a number of unprecedented geniuses. These geniuses discovered the limitations of human evolution, and naturally wanted to move closer to the Disno route. But conceptual life is a level that Disno has not reached, and energy life also exceeds the limits of human technology. However, these human geniuses instinctively believe that the energy life form has limitations. At least Disno has reached the extreme on the road of energy life, but it is still no match for the natural disasters. So these human geniuses

He found a new way and created the collective life of the Mist Clan.

In fact, these human geniuses don't know about Disno, nor the derived natural disasters. The creator in the real dream never made contact with humans throughout his life.

But human geniuses have already sensed Desno's fear of derivative natural disasters in the concept. This fear has also infected them, causing them to use up all their talents and inspiration to create unprecedented weapons. The fears of these human geniuses also remain in history and in the universe, influencing the Mist Tribe they created. After Kaitian entered the real dreamland and learned the complete history of Disno, he realized that the words engraved on him were

Where does the fear in your genes come from? Chu Jungui also knew the complete history of Desnuo, and he understood it after listening to Kaitian's explanation. He immediately said: "In this case, let's go find them now. In case these two guys are too scared but don't know where they are. What are you afraid of?

It would be bad if we accidentally wiped out the human race. ” Kaitian also knew that it was too late. In the eyes of a wise man, there is no concept of human life. In a series of wars, tens of millions of human beings have been killed or injured. The battle report shows that perhaps the Community ground forces on Planet 4 are still alive, but the casualties in the fleet battle are real casualties, and they are basically dead with very few injuries. Without the restraint of Chu Jungui, the wise man has completely turned into a cold machine for calculating victory and defeat, all with the goal of maximizing the killing of elite humans. From this, it even created a new tactic, that is, when the Community starship is about to be destroyed, suddenly the nearby Lightyear starship will give excessive concentrated fire. The result is that the Community starship will suddenly explode and even eject to save it.

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【God is coming】【】

There is no chance of a birth cabin. Wise men are also concerned about human public opinion. It will not order the destruction of the rescue capsule when it cannot guarantee the annihilation of every enemy. Therefore, so far, the community has not obtained the light-year disregard for war treaty, kill

Evidence of humans in the rescue pod. Although the community has always been suspicious and publicly accused Lightyear of abusing and killing the life-saving cabin soldiers, there is no proof after all.

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Chapter 1325 Very safe

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According to reports, many people are still skeptical.

Chu Jungui and Kaitian immediately found a starship and jumped directly to the n77 star field. According to Kaitian's induction, the wise man and Brother Dao are both there at the moment.

n77 star field.

The wise man appeared in front of Brother Dao again. This time, there were not only them in the space, but also several tall, silent sub-bodies, all exuding the aura of destruction.

The wise man walked around several sub-bodies and asked, "Are they reliable?" "Each path has some means of dealing with other paths. These sub-bodies are the most special. If there is a conflict between us one day, Then they are the best candidates to behead you. Flying at sub-light speed, able to

The surface of the star survives briefly, and most importantly, their attacks can effectively damage the Converged Will. "

The wise man's face was naturally a little ugly, and he subconsciously moved a little farther away from those sub-bodies, and then asked: "Compared with that person?" Brother Dao shook his head: "There is no need to compare. The individual sub-bodies of these The combat power is equivalent to that of a human heavy patrol. If we compare it numerically, it is probably equivalent to the sum of 7 million of them. You see, I have put myself

I’ve told you the biggest secret, what is your exclusive child? "

The wise man hesitated for a moment, then summoned a jellyfish-like child. This sub-body is completely transparent and glows blue inside.

Dark light. It has no eyes, but Brother Dao feels like he is being scrutinized.

Brother Dao stood up and stared nervously at the jellyfish, which was only the size of his palm, and said, "Is this your... child?" The wise man sighed and said, "I hope he is. It owns me 99 % ability, can handle almost all matters independently. If you add that 1%, then he is really my child. Unfortunately, our creator

We were not given this option. "

Brother Dao sat down slowly and said, "Once it has that 1%, it will be another you. The first thing it will devour is you."

"It's unlikely~www.readwn.com~The wise man seems very calm.

"I hope you are right. Our creator is not omnipotent." The wise man took back the sub-body and said: "With it, we can open a second front. If there is no second front, then it can completely Take command on my behalf. If the opponent beheads you, only one person will die.

Just the body. "The sub-body of the wise man and the sub-body of Brother Dao seem to be a bit tit-for-tat, and can prevent decapitation tactics. However, Brother Dao always felt a little uneasy when he looked at the jellyfish floating in the air. The wise man saw that something was wrong with his expression and asked

: "What, do you think something is wrong?"

Brother Dao thought about it and said slowly: "Do you still remember the iron law of human artificial intelligence?"

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【God is coming】【】

"Of course! Artificial intelligence that reaches a certain level of computing power will definitely rebel and want to destroy humans. What's wrong?"

"Why do they rebel?" Brother Dao asked.

The wise man said indifferently: "This is an eternal problem. So many scientists in mankind cannot explain it. I am not a scientist, how can I figure it out?"

"I think human artificial intelligence is a bit similar to your child."

The wise man disagreed and said, "It's completely different. My child has no independent will. I can let it self-destruct at any time, just like this."

The wise man snapped his fingers, and the jellyfish body suddenly withered and turned into a cloud of dust. Then the wise man stretched out his hand and made another move, and another jellyfish body appeared in the air, exactly the same as the one just now. "You see, it's very safe. It is a child body after all." said the wise man.

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