God of Vampires

Chapter 44: Blood Harvest

In a star system with two suns, one yellow and the other red with two exoplanets orbiting them.

A red hole opened in a space vacuum and a giant round spaceship stepped out of it and the hole closed. Inside of it several humanoid beings wearing full red uniforms, their leader sat on a large chair in the center of the ship where the controls are located.

The leader swiped in the air with his hand and a holographic screen appeared, displaying informations being gathered as he sat about the two exoplanets before them.

One of them drones sent out, dived into one of the planet's surface, facing many tribulations caused by the dense atmosphere and when it finally passed all that came to its visual startled the leader because they had no idea of what type of civilization would the beings living in this planet have.

Weird shaped buildings, flying cars. Everything projected to the spaceship, but when the drone got too close they lost the signal and the same goes for the other drone sent to the other planet.

The leader commended with an expressionless face "get me one lifeform from those two planets"


At one of the planets, the drone got shot down by a defense turret and transported to an area underground.

Placed in a white room filled with humanoid beings wearing lab coats?


"So what is it?"

"It appears to be a scout, and it's tremendously advanced"

But before they say anything else an alert alarm sounded throughout the underground base.

And when they all gathered at the command center, the screens on the wall showed a round object closing into their planet.

"Wait there is another one…" one of them said and turned up another round object heading toward the other planet.


The two round objects are spaceships sent out to collect one lifeform from both planets, as soon as they entered the planet's surface hovered above a city, the center opened and a blue light came out of it, pulling one person inside. And of course the planet's inhabitants retaliated, sent out missiles to hit the spaceship by its shield was too powerful, the spaceship even sent out a shockwave that caused all electronics to die and all the helicopters crashed down to the city.

When the two spaceships were done with what they came for, they left and landed inside the B-Mothership's hangar, the lifeforms were transported to the lab and from there, they were scanned, opened up and once everything was done.

The test of the humanoid beings came back 99% human, their blood was given to few vampire soldiers and approved of it satiating their hunger.

When all kinds of tests were done, the mothership got close to the two planets and sent out three big ships to each of the two planets.

Once the ships entered the surface, they hovered above the most populated cities, and opened their hangars letting out lots of ships, coming out like bees heading down the streets and grabbing civilians like catching cattles, the ones that were grabbed were pulled to the cage inside the ship.

Once a ship's cage is filled, the cage moves and opens a hole at the center which sucks in a person, and once a person is sucked in from there all its blood is sucked out by machines, the bones get incinerated by the same machines.

Although it looks like the process is smooth for the vampires, the machines they used are new and need to relax, and that causes the spaceship to stop and hover above a place, and let the machine splatter some fluids that look like blood but turn to veins.

The scene went like that everywhere, while it is just another day to the vampires, it was like the end of the world for the inhabitants, although they were advanced, they still have troubles with space travel, they can only travel to other planet near them, but unfortunately for them that is also off limit as the same is happening there too.

At the B-Mothership, in a room, a person is looking at the window while also paying attention to what's going on the two planets.

"Cruel, so cruel...fuck it i won't do this shit anymore" he spitted on the ground and closed the holographic screen and pulled up a call.

"Hey you there"

"Yes whats wrong?"

"You remember the thing you said a few months ago?"

"Yes, but isn't that a bad time right now?"

"No its not, they are too focused on this hunting thing that they won't notice anyone leaving"

"Ok ok, meet me at the hangar number 4"

He hung up, and opened his room's closet, he took out his gun and wore his uniform then wore his electronic bracelet, he left his room and went to the hangar his friend told him to meet in.

As soon as he got there, he only found seven people looking like they were waiting, he approached and he recognized that one of them was his friend.

"So how are we going to do this?" he asked

"We are going to steal a ship, what else?"

"And what are those people? I thought it was just the two of us"

"You know..they couldn't take it any longer, just like us Jack"

When they finished talking they sneaked around and found an empty ship standing there, but was guarded by one person.

Jack's friend walked quietly, and pulled up a small gun and turned on the silencer then shot at the guard's heart, once the guard was down.

Jack and the people with him boarded the spaceship and left the hangar, they made sure no one was following them and jumped into hyperdrive.

Hours later one of the guards stumbled into the dead guard and reported it to the leader, the dead guard was then immediately transferred back to the Tyrant Mothership to be resurrected.

As for the escapees, no one knew there were any other than Lia, she witnessed everything but kept it to herself.

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