God of Vampires

Chapter 45: Secrets

The B-Motherships worked on planets for days leaving only a quarter of the original population alive so they can come back someday to do it again, but they didn't forget to cripple their technology by leaving a drone the size of a spaceship on orbit.

As for the escapees no one knew there were any at all, and the guard sent to Tyrant Mothership to be resurrected somehow didn't get there at all and all of the records of a guard dying was magically wiped.

Of course people who saw things with their own eyes were also gone, and there is only one who found this suspicious and that is Neapol, and today he is to report his suspicions to Min Joo but was told to wait by Lia.

As for Min Joo he is cooked up in the center of the mothership, injecting a large amount of pure core energy.

But it only looks like that, as he has also been keeping secrets. Like creating a new species, after years of polishing them, he put them on cryogenic chambers and sealed them in the center of the mothership with him, he also has been keeping close attention on Lia's code.

'evolution...Impossible' Min Joo thought as his eyes scanned through lines of code, some appeared like gibberish but he understood them.

Then he pulled up a new blank page and filled it with tons of code, typing at a speed that no one will get a glimpse of his fingers.

Then all of a sudden an alarm rang out in one of his holographic screens, he looked at it and sped up his typing speed and then saved the new code and placed it in one of Lia's lines.

Looking at the reason for the alarm.

「Harvester 01 Status: Destroyed」

「Harvester 02 Status: Destroyed」

「Harvester 03 Status: Destroyed」

「Harvester 04 Status: Destroyed」...

Tons of ships sent out were all destroyed at once, he raised his eyebrows and thought 'now that i think about it, i have been here for so long...'

He stood up and called Lia, her holographic image displayed.

"Get me that core energy you have left"

「But sir, the pure substance hasn't been extracted yet」

"Just transfer it to me right now"

「Anything the matter sir?」

"No, just do as i say"

He then hung up and pulled up a new blank code page and started filling it with code but this time, not by typing but just simply putting his fingers on the screen and closing his eyes, the screen being filled with tons of code.


As for Lia, she stopped for a moment when Min Joo hung up on her and made a private call that no one would ever know about.

A face appeared on the screen, the appearance of a noble vampire. "Ma'am?"

「Initiate Plan X immediately」

"But it's too early, the weapon construction hasn't finished yet"

「Then speed it up, there is something going on」

"Ma'am are you okay? You sound a little off, not like you at all"

「I am fine, just do it」

"At once" the man answered and closed the call.

As for Lia, she closed her eyes and processed all her thoughts then came back to where she left off, she transferred the non pure core energy to Min Joo.


Neapol couldn't wait any longer and barged in on Min Joo.

"Your majesty, I am sorry for intruding but I have something to report..." he then explained everything that has been going on to Min Joo.

When Min Joo heard all of it, he sat and thought 'I'm such a fool for a god'


A large amount of cyan liquid arrived on the large glass tube, filled to the brim, without waiting Min Joo sat on his chair and planted the tube on his body but before injecting the fluid he stared at Neapol and said. "Leave immediately and go back home, if anything happens tell Hizar to change locations"

"What about your.." before Neapol continued, Min Joo Interrupted "Don't worry, i will be absolutely fine"

Min Joo thought for a moment and a smile appeared on his face, he was about to say something but kept it to himself.

He pulled up a holographic screen and pressed on a few words, the cryogenic chambers around him shaked and part of the mothership 'Tyrant in its center, turned into a disk, inside it is the cryogenic carrying the dark one species, a new version of the vampire race.

The disk cloaked itself and left in hyperdrive, unknown to anyone else, the disk's destination is outside the milky way galaxy.

Min Joo pushed the button and the cyan fluid entered his body in a rush.

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