God of Vampires

Chapter 46: Awakening

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…" Cracks appeared all over Min Joo's body, through the cracks yellow ethereal light seeps through.

His scream caused the mothership to shake uncontrollably and its power turned on and off, not just the mothership but also the surrounding space, planets light years away shaked, some of them were weak that they cracked like an egg.

Min Joo's mouth let off colorful lights like a lamp, Lia took a peek of what's going on and told everyone to evacuate.

But before anyone could evacuate, the Mothership 'Tyrant' exploded or that is just what everyone thinks.

Min Joo was the one who exploded, the explosion sent out a shockwave through both space and subspace that it intercepted all the ships that escaped by hyperdrive.

Everything in the shockwaves way was turned to literally nothing, everything the vampires been building all these years went poof.

An ethereal light expanded from the source of the explosion, and it went on expanding that it swallowed everything in its path.

As if it was the end of whatever is going on, the light started getting smaller and smaller until all that remained was an ethereal humanoid being.


Although the body of Lia died, her consciousness was just code it moved in space till it reached a point and transferred itself to it.

A new body.

「Is everything ready?」She asked a man wearing white uniform standing in front of her.


「Then what are you waiting for」as she said that, the man pulled a holographic panel and sent out an order.

At that large spaceship with the form of a sword left orbit and entered hyperdrive, no one was inside the ship except an artificial intelligence with one order 'Take out the Target'.


"Who..who am i?" Min Joo looked around and all he could see was empty space, but he couldn't help but think who he was.

He looked at his hands who are made of purely light, then touched his face, that's when a rush of memories came to him.

Now he only knows who he is, what he is and what he has been doing for the past hundreds of years, but strangely he senses something is missing.

He was right indeed, his life on earth was wiped clean, he doesn't now remember anything of his life as a human and now he could not understand why he did what he did for the past hundreds of years.

That's when something came back to him, when he was in deep thoughts a voice rang out, it was female yet has a somewhat mechanical voice.

〈Awakening Update Complete〉

〈AI Reawakened〉

'AI...oh that one'

〈Yes, that one sir〉

〈Loss of Memories detected〉


〈Loss of some of the Host's memories are caused by the non pure energy injected earlier〉

"So you've been with me all along?"


"Then why now?"


〈Alert! Alert! Unidentified Object Detected, energy similar to the Host being detected〉

The sword looking spaceship came out of hyperdrive and moved towards Min Joo and stopped at a distance.

The ship started moving and a light beam came out from the edge of the ship, pointed at Min Joo.

〈Host should dodge immediately, Danger is Detected〉

When Min Joo heard that he immediately dodged the beam, but it moved towards Min Joo when it sensed its target moving.

〈Host i have found a solution but it will cause some problems but will not affect you〉

Min Joo thought for a while and asked what it was.

〈Absorb all the beams energy〉

At that, Min Joo let the beam hit him, he felt pain. But not breaking apart kind of pain, more like stomach pain, you eat too much and you'll feel it.

The Artificial intelligence inside the spaceship only goal was to shoot all the beam energy at Min Joo without stopping.

And Min Joo does exactly what Artificial intelligence wants, absorbing the energy, a crack formed in space and when the beam stopped shooting, the crack sucked in everything near it, the ship along with Min Joo.

The ship was torn apart but Min Joo remained intact, when they were all sucked in. The crack changed visibly fast and formed into a normal small black hole.

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