God Prohibitions

Chapter 117 - Come back alive

Twenty-six is ​​dim and fragile, and clouds passing through the north cover the moon from time to time. However, after a little while, the moon poked her head out again, seemingly reluctant to look at this vast land even for a glance in this short quiet night.

   Robben stretched out his hand weakly, as if trying to catch the moon in the sky.

   Moonlight has never been so beautiful.

  ’S outstretched hand, in the end it hangs weakly.”

   smashed heavily on the ground, Robben’s face was like a blooming daffodil, so beautiful, how beautiful!

Just when I thought that this life was going to become bird dung or unknowingly poop, suddenly the clouds disappeared, and the floating bird and the rock sucking beast had been left behind, and the roar and neighing gradually gradually It disappeared, and the thin clouds under the feet gradually became unclear.

At this moment, the magic shield that was about to collapse finally protected Robben and Natalie from the mist, and after throwing away the blood and meat, the familiar sky finally changed. Appeared above the head.

   Both of them were exhausted. Natalie went into a semi-conscious state as soon as she stood on the ground. Robben’s condition is a little better. Now she is smiling silly at the stars in the sky.

Looking at the countless star battles in mid-air, Robben suddenly felt a little emotional. He couldn’t see the North Star here, let alone the big “spoon in the sky.” This is not under the sky he used to be, but maybe it is now in the sky. The shining star is my hometown.

   Robben knew that he was a bit silly. Those stars that shined were actually stars like the sun. They could not be the earth at all. However, Robben would rather believe,

His body was exhausted, and Robben’s eyes began to gradually heavier. In the vagueness, Sasa’s clean and sweet smile appeared in front of him. I don’t know how this little girl is now. I don’t know how many days have passed under the ground, presumably She is also in a hurry.

   If I disappear suddenly, this chick will have to rob again, all the money is in my ring!

   Under the starry sky, the dim moonlight shone on Robben’s body. The night was silent. The occasional worms seemed to add to the silence of this boundless night. For a time, Robben’s thoughts were flying.

  I think of my parents, of home, of the hesitation when I first came to this world, of that poor and strong Metz, of Huma, Hill, and Hierro. http://www..

Of course there is also Sa Sa. Thinking of Sa Sa, Robben smiled vaguely. When he was deceived by the witch at the bottom of the valley, what he thought of was not his girlfriend who had been in love for ten years but was this somewhat confused girl. Tempted?

   In my previous life, my parents are slowly aging. One day, my parents will be away, and I will have my own home, my own children, and relatives. Slowly, oneself will become the concern of others and the root of others,

   Here, when will the road to become a **** come to an end, a hundred years?

   At that time, would I have my own home, my own children, relatives, and would I be cared by others? This long time. How do I spend it myself? After a hundred years, how can you be more like your own roots! ?

   Robben couldn’t answer.” He slowly lowered his eyes and fell asleep.

   When a slight coolness awakened Robben, there was still a moon in the sky. Robben was not sure that this was still the bright moon just now, or a day had passed.

   Turned her head too far, Natalie was lying on the ground not far away, her chest was slightly undulating, obviously sleeping soundly.

Sitting up, Robben twisted his neck and waist, feeling nothing serious. When he was teleported out in the air, he was not too far away from the ground. The magic shield was not broken, except for excessive mental overdraft. There is really no trauma.

   Now that I came out, we should look for an organization and return to the team.

   Robben stood up and stretched, exhaling a stale breath in his chest, looking at the bright moon in the sky, he felt relieved.

   walked over, patted Nata-box’s cheek lightly, and Natajian woke up in a daze.

   Obviously, the girl who wanted to survive the “bearing humiliation” found that she was more excited than Robben when she stood on the ground once.

“Okay, don’t stay, want to see the moon, there will be opportunities in the future, no one will grab you, let’s go, hope we can find the way back as soon as possible.” Watching Natalie have been facing the sky After a while, Robben had to remind him.

   It was a little hard, and a layer of blue light was applied to both of them. Robben and Natalie flew into the air awkwardly,

  ”There is fire over there!”

   Robben surprisingly appeared on the edge of a mountain cliff, and there seemed to be a faint flame flashing!

  ”There may be someone, let’s ask for directions!” Robben suddenly added, and immediately left Natalie behind.

   gradually got closer, and there was people’s crying like a taro. Robben’s heart jumped. Who was crying on the cliff in this wilderness in the middle of the night!

   Robben quickly went around. Bend, instead of rushing to the flames directly, but slowly leaning in from the other side where there is dodge to hide.

   Finally, the faint light of fire was reflected on the ground beside Robben, and the crying became clear.

   only heard a voice choked, and said intermittently: “Roben, I, “I, “No, I won’t forget you!”


   Robben was taken aback, isn’t this calling me? Besides, why is this voice so familiar?

   can’t wait to stick his head out of the rock.

   Under the moonlight, a girl was squatting on the ground and burning something while wiping her tears.

   The girl is wearing black tight leather armor, and the same black travel cloak is placed on the ground next to her, and her delicate face is full of sadness!

   Isn’t this salsa? Robben almost stared out.


With a crisp sound of   ”choking”, a few small stone chips hit Robben’s face.

   Robben shrank his head anxiously, and an arrow of extremely exaggerated length stuck on the rock in front of Robben! The feathers on the tail were still trembling.

   In the shadow of the rock behind Sasa, Su put away his longbow, holding two daggers and walked out silently.

  ”Sa Sa!”

   Robben yelled in surprise and jumped out from behind the rock.


   The girl turned her head in a daze, her big eyes, delicate face, and a somewhat puzzled look, it wasn’t who Salsa was!


   Sasa’s tears welled up in her eyes, and she rushed to Robben and rushed over, hugging Robben’s waist and crying loudly.

  ”The **** finally heard my prayer. Finally let you come back to see me!” Sasha put her head on Robben’s chest, crying.

  ”Of course! That what kind of god, how could he take my life!” Robben was overjoyed, hugging Salsa and laughing.

“Roben, rest assured, I will burn a lot of things for you every year in the future. I heard a bard say that the souls of dead people will live in another world, and I will always miss you!” Sasha kept crying It dripped down, and Robben’s clothes had been wetted.


   Robben blinked. Why is there something wrong with this!

  ”Sasha, what are you doing!?” Robben suddenly saw a small brazier where Sasha was burning something. There seemed to be something suspicious standing in front of the brazier.

  ”Roben, come and take a look. I made this by myself. Do you like it or not!” Sasha wiped the tears off her face, and new tears flowed down again.

   Robben was drawn to the brazier, but his eyes almost didn’t come out.

In front of the brazier is a small earthen bag. On the earthen bag is a long and regular wooden plank inserted into the earthen bag. The book is written with four beautiful big characters “Roben’s Tomb” and a line of small characters”Sasa personally made .”

  ”This, this is my grave!?” Robben yelled, and continued to spit a few times, “Unlucky, unlucky!”

   Delete, there are also things from our hometown in this world?

  ”How about? Robben!” Sasha looked at Robben with tears in her eyes!

how about it! ?

Robben unceremoniously knocked on Sasha’s forehead, and grabbed Sasha’s shoulder with both strength, “I’m not dead yet! Such a big living person is standing here, can’t you see it!? “

  ”Alive!?” There was a little confusion in Sasha’s eyes.

   Robben rolled his eyes directly, and this little chick started to fool around again!

Su Shi, who has been watching Robben in amazement, can’t stand it anymore, “The master has seldom eaten for a month, and only sleeps when he gets tired, and spends almost all the time on the cliff. Looking for your clues, to this day, she hasn’t closed her eyes for three consecutive nights. I think, now the master’s spirit is a bit trance.”

   One self!

   Is it a month since falling down! ?

Robben took a close look at Sa Sa’s face. He was overjoyed and didn’t look at it carefully. Now, with the light of fire nearby, Sa Sa looks a lot thinner, with dark circles on his big eyes, and his eyes are smart in the past. The brilliance disappeared.

   Robben felt very distressed when he watched it. Unexpectedly, the girl had been looking for herself without sleep for a month. Looking at the small grave bag standing aside, Robben felt even more distressed.

“Sasha, I’m still alive! Touch and see, my face is still hot, my heartbeat, I can talk to you, I’m not dead yet, I’m back alive to find you!” Robben grabbed Salsa With both hands on her face and chest, her voice couldn’t help but tremble~www.mtlnovel.com~Sasha still looked a little strangely at Robben’s actions, warm warmth from her palms and powerful heart shaking.

  Sasha’s mouth slowly began to open, her eyes turned from doubt to shock, and then turned into ecstasy!


  Sasha screamed, and hugged Robben’s head with both hands, and rubbed Robben’s face vigorously with her fingers. The expression on her face was surprised and ecstatic. Frightened for a while and turned into regret.

  ”You are still alive! You are still alive!” Sasha yelled in disbelief.

   Robben gently took care of Sa Sa’s messy length, and immediately began to appease Sa Sa. As a doctor [super doctor recommended reading this book], Robben knew that in great joy and great compassion, people are prone to all kinds of unexpected problems.

  ”Okay, take a nap, everything will be fine when you wake up!” Caressing Sasha’s eyes, Robben’s voice became softer.

   Maybe it was really tired. The infinite excitement just consumed the girl’s last bit of energy. Sasha gently lay on Luo herself, closing her eyes softly, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Hey! Robben sighed.

   It’s nice to have someone alive!

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