God Prohibitions

Chapter 118 - Sleepy

Muddled! Bu”, the small fire is burning in the fire, but there is no fire in the fire, the depression is just fuel. There was just a red flame burning silently inside.

   Robben sat on the ground, hugging Sasha’s petite body in his arms, sitting quietly in front of the brazier, just as he had been in the Tower of Forbidden Souls.

   Dark Elf Su sat on the opposite side of the brazier, and told Robben in detail about the life of the past month.

   After a duel with that terrifying fire dragon. Although the fire dragon was killed, the human side also paid a heavy price. There are only 30 members of Wright’s group who are still alive. And it’s still one. With injuries.

On the day of returning to the foot of the mountain, several people died because of their injuries. In view of everyone’s situation, the entire mercenary group was stationed here to recover from their injuries. By the way, they also found Robben and Natalie. .

   It turned out to be one month, now. The injuries of the thirty-something group members at the foot of the mountain have basically stabilized, after a month of searching. Wright also died, and decided to take the rest of the people back to Langya City. Sasha was also anxious. Finally, the tomb was made.

   “What’s buried inside!?” Robben looked helplessly at that little dirt bag, that. It says Robben’s Tomb. The brand of has been kicked by Robben to the bottom of the cliff.

   “It’s your sword!”

   “My sword!?”

Robben suddenly remembered that when he was in Sanz City, Musha did buy a sword for himself, and that sword was always with him, but when he was fighting the abnormal dragon, he didn’t know it. Where did it go, I didn’t expect Sasha to find it again and buried it.

   I didn’t expect someone to erect a burial mound for myself when I was still alive! Robben looked at the sleeping Sasa in his arms, dubiously.

After listening to Su’s introduction, Robben nodded and said that he understood that everything was not bad, except for the death of many people in Wright’s group, but this did not have much to do with him. Natalie was saved by herself, presumably Wright would be crazy with joy, and everyone saw his doting on his sister.

   “That” you” Robben suddenly looked worried on his face, “Have you found Mao Mao!” ? “Roben didn’t even realize it, but his last words trembled.

   Su was taken aback, looking at Robben with expectant eyes. Suddenly it seemed to remember something.

   stood up, Su walked aside, carefully held up the travel cloak that Sasha had placed on the ground, and then handed it to Robben.

   Luo Ben’s face changed from surprise to surprise. He was so happy to see Sasha just now, but he didn’t pay attention to the cloak that seemed to be thrown on the ground randomly. Now that Sue took it in front of him, Robben noticed that the cloak seemed to be wrapped in something.

   Uncovered the cloak, his fluffy green body jumped into Robben’s eyes, now, this. The little guy was sleeping in a thick cloak, Zheng Xiang, who seemed to be disturbed by someone, twisted his body, buried his head directly in his tail, and fell asleep.

   “Haha!” Robben couldn’t help laughing.

   took Mao Mao out of the cloak. Two kisses on Maomao’s forehead fiercely.

   At that time, the little guy was full of horror. The scene when his four little paws hooked his clothes deeply touched Robben, Maomao, it was the first time that Robben felt that he still had a sense of existence in this world.

  ”Why does Mao Mao seem to be sinking!?”

   Seeing Maomao seem to be full of impatience, scratching the top of his head with his paws, without the slightest intention to wake up. Robben remembered that Mao Mao had only two slaps in his tail, but now it seems to have grown a lot, and it is only not much smaller than an ordinary domestic cat.

   An adult magic dragon like Luling has grown so much in only half a month of NPC?

   “Why does it seem to be something wrong? Is it hurt!?” Robben shook the fur in his hands vigorously, but after the little guy swayed up and down like a ragdoll, he still fell asleep deeply.

   “Not long after you fell that day, Maomao flew down from the sky on her own. After that, it looked like this. The owner went to ask Sanniang, but Sanniang couldn’t check whether Maomao was injured!” Su took a step back. Sitting on the ground again.

   “Maomao can fly!?” Robben looked at Maomao’s plump body, which was the result of Sasha feeding Maomao often.

   “It’s just a drowsiness, nothing else!?” Robben put Mao Mao down again. Placed by Sasha’s hand.

“In addition to often falling asleep, these days, Mao Mao doesn’t know where to find some strange crystals to eat, no one knows where they are found, and where they are usually hidden, but every time they wake up, they will eat. That kind of crystal, and then fell asleep again soon.”

“What crystal!?” Luo Ben was frightened, Maomao still absolutely can’t let it eat randomly. Although the green spirit showed its anti-toxicity, but the green spirit is already an adult magic dragon, and Maomao Compared with her, she is inferior to a baby.

   “That’s it” The owner suspected that there was a problem with this crystal, and had grabbed a lot of pieces, but soon Maomao didn’t know where to find the same crystal to eat. As Su said, he took a piece of something from his waist and threw it over.

   Robben stretched out his hand to catch it, and after a closer look, he couldn’t help being a little dumbfounded.

   How come this thing is so familiar!

   Black rhombus crystal with extremely smooth surface. There was a faint luster, and a trace of coolness was coming from the crystal.

   This is a soul stone!

   Robben tried to get a trace of mental power in, but a scorching breath directly blocked Robben out.

   A hot breath continued to burn along the spiritual thread, and Robben was so frightened that he immediately cut off the control of the external spiritual power.

   Is this thing related to that fire dragon! Robben stared at the thing that looked like a soul stone. The hot breath was indeed very similar to the fire dragon. Among them, he could even feel angry and unwilling!

   That dragon’s soul stone! ?

   Luo Ben was wondering, and there was movement in his arms. Perhaps Robben’s trembling just now had an effect. Maomao opened his eyes in a daze. He opened his mouth with a row of tiny fangs and yawned. He twisted his chubby body and raised his head.

   “Maomao!” Robben suddenly woke up when he saw Maomao, and moved his head in surprise.

   The little guy seemed very happy to see Robben. He patted his wings and looked at Robben’s surprised eyes. It really flew, flapping his wings and flying around Robben a few times, and finally Robben was on Robben’s shoulder, and he whispered in excitement.

   “Haha! Really can fly!”

Robben was greatly comforted. Robben has always been a little worried. There will be nothing wrong with Mao Mao and himself, but there is no way to communicate clearly with one person and one dragon. Robben does not know how he should teach this book to occupy the address. Yue Yu changed to: Gang…Kou Yang…. o…Please **** Lu Yuezheng! The magic dragon in its infancy. For a long time, Luo Benqi was unable to learn how to fly, and Sa Sa also stuffed Maomao with countless delicious foods every day, making Maomao look like a little pig with wings.

   Holding Mao Mao in his hand, and looking left and right, Robben suddenly felt amused.

   I really saw a flying pig this time!

   Robben was smiling, but Mao Mao was not idle.

   “Crack! Chuck!”

   Luo Ben was smiling happily, but suddenly stopped, the whole smiling face gradually turned into surprise. The soul stone between his fingers has been bitten by Mao Mao in two bites, and most of his hands shook. The remaining half of the soul stone fell off. Maomao stretched out her paw to grab it, and chewed happily.

   A piece of soul stone was eaten up quickly. Maomao squinted his eyes comfortably, and Robben was a little strange. Something seemed to be coming from Maomao’s mouth.

   The black light flashed strangely, and a soul stone of the same size appeared in Mao Mao’s two small paws.

   Robben was startled, and before Mao Mao opened his mouth, he grabbed the soul stone with his hands and eyes quickly, and took a closer look, it was almost exactly the same as the one just now. A trace of mental energy penetrated in, and sure enough, another extremely hot anger drove him out.

   straightened Maomao’s body, Robben stared at Maomao’s eyes with a little shock. Maomao was staring angrily into his eyes, and a fiery red streamer was slowly rotating in it.

   Robben is shocked, is Maomao sucking the soul of that fire dragon!

   How big is Mao Mao! That fire dragon is thousands of years old!

  ”The soul of the fire dragon!?”

   Robben shook the black soul stone in his hand. http://www.. asked solemnly, as early as in Sans City, Robben knew that Maomao could understand human language.

  Maomao tilted his head, still looking at Robben angrily, scratching and scratching with his little paws, seemingly dissatisfied with what Robben had robbed him.

   “To tell the truth, I’ll give it to you, or tie your mouth with a rope and see how you eat!” Robben began to scare the child.

  Su was aside, watching Robben and Maomao with big eyes and small eyes, and even Robben was still asking Maomao what, even though he knew that the magic dragon was a very magical creature, this magic dragon. It seems too small, how can one understand human language.

   As a result, Su’s eyebrows jumped slightly, watching Mao Mao grumble a few times, and he actually clicked


   “Why do you have so many soul stones?” Robben then asked.

   It’s just that this question doesn’t seem to be answered by nodding or shaking his head, and Maomao is a little dazed.

   “I,” I can answer this question! “

   A trembling voice suddenly rang from Robben’s heart.

   Liben was taken aback, only to realize that it was the voice of the skeleton in the ring. It didn’t make a sound, but Robben almost forgot it.

   “I can tell you this question, but, “I have an exception! “The skeleton’s voice is no longer as jumpy as it was in the valley, but a little frightened.

   “Conditions? What conditions!?” Robben was a little strange.

   “Don’t let that magic dragon know of my existence, Chawan don’t let him see me, absolutely not!” Skeleton screamed.

   “Why!?” Robben was even stranger.

“The name of the magic dragon in our World of Warcraft turned into your human language. It should be the spirit swallowing. This kind of thing is more terrible than any hunter. They eat the body of the prey, and even the soul is the most. Vicious monster, he will kill me instantly!”

   “Maomao is just a baby. It won’t hurt you!” Robben was a little funny.

   “You don’t understand the danger of the magic dragon at all. He is just a baby, but what he is eating now is the soul stone of the dragon!” The skeleton screamed again.

   “He is the nightmare of all our monsters. A young magic dragon is enough to make most of the monsters evade. This kind of thing is simply a mistake of the creator!”

   “Your human language is good!” Robben smiled in his heart, “Tell me. Why are there so many soul stones? There is only one fire dragon.”

“You promised me

   “Say quickly, or I will throw you out immediately!” Robben’s tone was not good.


   What kind of undead is this! Robben felt weak.

   “It’s just to scare you, Maomao will listen to me and won’t hurt you. Even if I promise you, I can’t regret it at any time. Tell me honestly. I will not harm you naturally!” Robben explained patiently.

“Uuuuu, I’m so pitiful, it’s actually nothing, uuu, the soul of the dragon is too powerful. And this magic dragon is too young, he can’t directly swallow such a powerful soul. Nor can Such a powerful soul was trapped in a soul stone, so he had to divide his soul. Hey, then slowly nibble, hey. I’m so good, it doesn’t count if I die, I am still an undead when I survived, and I met in the end. A magic dragon!”

   The skeleton in the ring was crying.

   “It’s okay, there is no need to not let you face Maomao, you will be released when there is no one!” Robben was upset by this skeleton crying. Unilaterally cut off the mental connection with this skeleton.

   Robben grinned, “Good Maomao, come on, there will be such a thing in the future, and I will bring you here!” Robben said as he put the soul stone in his hand to Maomao’s mouth.

  Maomao yelled twice happily, grabbing the soul stone and chewing happily.

It’s really impossible to grow up without experiencing things. Before coming to fight this fire dragon, Mao Mao just ate and went to bed every day. After waking up, he played with Salsa, and then went to bed after eating. He can only shoot like a chicken. Flap your wings and bounce ether on the ground.

  Neither instinct nor stress promotes growth. After a great battle, the missing Maomao actually learned to fly, and he was already flying in a good shape. Now he is absorbing the soul of the fire dragon, and he must be growing. Robben can’t help but look forward to it.

   “That, is the soul of the dragon!?”

   Although Su could not hear Robben and the “Da Mao in the ring, the mental communication, but when Robben asked Mao Mao if the black crystal was the soul of the fire dragon, Mao Mao really ordered


   “Well, good! But don’t tell outsiders! The three of us just know!” Robben pointed to Salsa in his arms.

   Su Yi was stunned. I didn’t expect Robben to regard her as his own. For a long time, although his attitude towards Robben was not bad, it was not friendly. Even almost killed him when they first met.

Robben didn’t think too much about it. There was something secret between this elf and Sasha. The two said they were masters and servants, and Su was also a “master.” The master was called Sasha, but Robben could see it. Sasha was very good. I like and trust Su. Sometimes it’s sweet, and Sa Sa regards Su as her sister.    Tell Sa Sa what I said, I can’t hide it the next day.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this. After a while, the hapless woman arrives. Let’s clean up and go back first. It’s best not to delay anything. This time, it’s been several months!” Robben Raising his hand, the flames in the brazier became more vigorous and stuffed the fur into Sasha’s arms. Robben put the cloak on Sasha.

   “Natalie!?” Su was taken aback again. “She is alive too!?”

   “Live! This woman’s life is like a cockroach, she will live no matter what, I thought she was dead!”

   I remembered how Natalie was faltering when she broke through the blockade of the floating bird and the rock sucker. Robben wondered if Natalie was the last one at that time, it would be better to never suffer from future troubles?

   This woman is not necessarily grateful for saving her. But he will almost certainly get revenge for seeing her body!

  Think about it, forget it, this time I was able to escape, this woman really helped a lot, and this time the mission ended and she didn’t have any intersection with her. If she wants to hate, she hates herself forever.

   was thinking, in mid-air, a blue light fell swayingly, Natalie’s face was pale, and she finally landed on this cliff with a tortoise-like degree.

   Robben’s magic seemed weird to Natalie. Although it has good buoyancy and stability. But unlike all wind magic, it was difficult to control, otherwise it would not be thrown so far by Robben.

   Natalie saw Robben holding Salsa in his arms. The elf named Su also sat aside, feeling a little excited in his heart, and was able to meet acquaintances. Although the relationship is not very good, since they haven’t left, there is a high possibility that their brothers and them will still stay here.

   “Where is my brother!?”

   Natalie walked to Su’s side and couldn’t wait to ask!

  Su frowned. Even in terms of the elf’s plain and tolerant character, Su still somewhat hates Natalie’s self-righteous and domineering temperament. And Natalie’s current tone is also impolite.

   drew out the dagger, unhurriedly untied a small bag around his waist, took out a few pieces of jerky and put them on the dagger, grilled them slightly on the brazier, and put the jerky in his mouth.

  Su didn’t seem to hear Natalie at all.

   “You!” Natalie raised her eyebrows immediately.

   “Su, Wright’s camp, how far is it from here!” Robben ignored Natalie and talked to Su on his own.

   “It’s about midnight. If you go faster, you will be there at dawn!” Su raised his head and looked at the moon in the sky, and said with certainty.

   “Sit down and eat, take a break, let’s go back!” Robben said this to Natalie.

   Natalie bit her lip, sat down, took out her own food and ate.

Su was a little surprised. When did this woman be so obedient, it was the words of Robben she hated the most. Natalie looked badly injured. She had a wooden board tied to her leg. She also sipped her food, and she would show pain from time to time. Zhi Lu obviously had injuries on his body, and Robben, in addition to looking a little weak, was looking at Sasha with a gentle expression, not seeing any injuries at all.

   What happened to the two in the valley? The dark elf chewed the dried meat in his mouth and looked at the two people suspiciously.

   Natalie ate the food in her hands almost quickly, and got up with Shichi.

   Liben still looked at Salsa quietly, and Su took out several pieces of jerky from his pocket.

   “I don’t think we need to waste time anymore. If you want to eat, I want to go back to eat, too!” Natalie was a little afraid of Robben, but she gave Su a fierce look.

   “A four-star magician dared to provoke a high elf warrior!” Su seemed to carelessly held the giant longbow hanging horizontally behind him because he was sitting on the ground.

   Natalie’s face changed, she suddenly remembered the weird black arrow that Su shot at the last moment of the Dragon Slaying War. He was blocked again when he was about to speak back.

   Robben couldn’t help being funny. Natalie seemed to be hitting the wall everywhere during this period, her angry face was red and she didn’t dare to speak.

   “Alright, let’s go, the mission is over, we also want to leave here soon!” Robben gently hugged Salsa and stood up.

   “Let’s fly back, it can save a lot of time!” Robben said, his body lit up with a faint cyan light.

   “Su! Come here!” Robben held Salsa in his hands. Motioned her to stand by her side.

  Su was taken aback, but he still came over. As a result, when Robben’s fingers flicked and a layer of faint light enveloped his whole body, Su was taken aback.

  The pure elemental power flows around. The elves who are naturally close to nature can feel it faintly. The concentration of wind element wrapped around the body is high to an instructive level.

   “Okay, let’s go!” After a blue light was applied to Natalie, Robben was about to take off!

“and many more!”


   Everyone was surprised.

   Robben turned his head, but Natalie and Su were looking at themselves with some doubts, the voice just now was a male voice.

   “Ellen! Wait a minute!”

   This time Robben heard all three of them clearly, and someone else was talking, and it seemed that they were not far away. UU reading www. uukanshu.com But this low cliff is surrounded by steep cliffs, the echo is vibrating, and I don’t know which direction this person is in.

   “It’s all you idiot! You can find a clue here, but I can’t remember the way! If we can’t find the way out, we have to fly out!”

   This time it was a woman’s voice, the voice was clear and pleasant, very nice.

   “Ellen, aren’t you leading the way along the way!?” Although the male voice was arguing, he seemed a little conscientious.

   “That’s because we lost our way once last time!” The female voice was obviously angry.

   “But Ellen, you led the way last time!” the male voice continued.


   “Hugh! Do you want to die!?” The female voice gritted her teeth.

   “Ellen, there seems to be a fire in front!” After a short silence, the male voice rang again.

   “There isn’t even a road here, people from nowhere will light it!”

   Robben was taken aback, the woman’s voice became clear this time, as if it came from behind the mountain wall behind him.

   “Huh? Really there is fire,,! There are still people!”

  Roben and the three turned their heads together. Behind the mountain wall, a woman with a long white and golden head was poking out, and her eyes were surprised.

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