God Prohibitions

Chapter 1532 - flagrant

All the witches were dispatched, and only Tina stayed in the secret witch training camp. Robben brought a large and a small two Nalan, and the other ten witches into the outer domain, and the other witches scattered towards Perform your own tasks throughout the Devildom.

“Ah……the air in the devil world just smells it and it feels very comfortable!” Nalan yelled, the strong wind blowing her long, like a dancing flame.

“Naran, we are acting secretly. Now I dare not open the space door directly in the outer domain. We must keep quiet when flying close to the ground, and…”

Robben reluctantly covered Nalan’s still yelling mouth, “Can you get off me, can you fly by yourself?”

“No…” Nalan immediately retracted his big hands and hugged Robben, “Since the master can take me to fly, why should I fly by myself…”

Robben: “…”

Looking at Nalan, who was tired of Luo herself, Bazaar had to sigh. More often, this Miss Nalan looked more like a little girl, “Master, from the map, you can see the endless sea ahead.”

“Hmm… I already smell the smell of the sea breeze.” Nalan straightened up quickly again, “I like the sea the most. It is wider than the sky and heavier than the earth, ah… my sea, I I’m going to… woo… Master, don’t press my mouth…”

“Shut up… There are warcraft on the beach, you don’t want us to fight all the way to be quiet!”

“What does it matter…” Nalan pouted, “Oh right! Is the water bone here?”

“That guy who can eat, drink and love to dress up?” Robben was helpless again when he talked about water bones. It seemed that he encountered some strange creatures.

“Well… I went to see him some time ago, he has new bones…”

Robben had a headache, “Aren’t you… you went to tear his bones again?”

“No…just borrow a little bit. It’s hard to find in the fantasy world with materials as hard as his bones…”

“I knew…” Robben shook his head and said, looking at the dark sea that gradually appeared in front of him, “He is not here, you don’t expect to see him, ah… don’t expect to dismantle him again. The bones are gone, let’s be quieter, and quickly pass through this sea. When you get to the Outland, everyone of you must remember that you must be twelve points of spirit. The will of the devil is wandering there. We will easily be felt .”

“Yeah, I know!” Nalan replied with a smile, turned his head and asked behind him: “Sister, is there really no specific number of witches in Outland? Even the approximate distribution is fine.”

Following at the end, Nalan shook his head helplessly, paying attention to the situation behind him, “I am in Humanity 6. A lot of news is not available, and since Hanging City was moved by the owner to Humanity 6. The Devil Realm almost believes that we are here. The witches of the Human Big 6 are traitors… Regarding Outland. I really don’t understand the situation.”

Nalan scratched his head, seeming a bit distressed, but soon became happy again, hugged Robben’s head, and said happily, “Master, then, should we meet the patriarch first? The situation in the Outland is good. There are only a few witches there. If we show up too often, we will be over if we reveal our identity!”

“You just want to meet Merial from the Demon Realm, right?” Robben revealed Nalan’s plan in one sentence.

“Uh… Master, don’t be so direct… Nalan remembers that Sister Melia is very serious, and she doesn’t like to laugh when she is in the fantasy world. After finally getting to the Demon Realm, I must say hello…”

“We are not here to travel… well, but the situation here is really not suitable for witch activities. There are too few witches in the Outland. I should go to Merial to discuss it first, but… this will increase her exposure. Danger.”

“Um… we will quietly!” Nalan suggested.

“Naturally, we can’t be blatant!” Robben knocked on Nalan’s forehead, who stretched his face in front of him.

Nalan retracted her head, rubbed her forehead with an innocent face, and suddenly her eyes lit up, “Master! We might as well go swaggering!”

Robben almost fell into the ocean, “I said Nalan, don’t hurt everyone, okay… As soon as we show our heads, we will be smashed into ashes by the two lightnings of the demon god!”

Nalan dragged his fragrant cheeks, looked at the sky and thought for a while, gently rubbing his small and silky chin, suddenly laughed softly, “I think…that devil must have never thought that we would come over like this, right? Huh… It must be unexpected, and the more nervous I am, the more I pay attention to the hidden enemies. I don’t care about what I see. This…I’m teaching me as a trainee chief guard.”

“Sister, are you right?” Nalan suddenly turned around and asked.

Nalan, who was flying at the end, frowned slightly, “The truth is true, but… this is too risky, once we expose…”

“It’s okay if you don’t expose it…” Nalan tilted his head and thought for a while, and his tone became firm. “From a comprehensive perspective, if we have the master’s disguised nuclear support, then this method is the most feasible. If If we hide our tracks, it may be difficult to enter the demon camp. After all, there are too few witches, and it is difficult for us to stay in the barracks where the most powerful guys in the entire demon world gather. I want to be discovered like that, so we can It’s really desperate, and…”

Nalan’s voice sank, “There is still one condition that must be fulfilled in our action this time, that is, we must not let the Demon Realm notice that there are weird witches in secret activities, otherwise it will bring disaster to this Demon Realm witch. , Even if we are exposed, we must also expose the improper purpose under the premise of having a legitimate identity. After all, the witches obey the master’s order. We only need to have a suitable identity, so that at least we will not be involved. The other witches…”

“But if the current unidentified witch is operating in a barracks in Outland, then…the situation may become very bad…”

Robben felt a slight chill in his heart. Judging from Nalan’s words, his previous thoughts were indeed a little ill-considered.

Nalan had already knocked his head in distress, “But…what identity should we use? We have to appear in the Outland reasonably, and we must also match the identity of a witch, um…Master. Don’t fly away. , Help Nalan think about it…”

“If you talk about witches, I don’t think anyone has a reason to send witches to Outland. After all, the witches are not combatants who are going to play now, and now the witches are still facing doubts and accusations. This approach may be difficult to achieve.” Robben had to tell the truth.

Nalan still tilted his head, “This… indeed! Who would send a witch here at this time? Even if you want to send someone, it should be other fighters. Besides…the witches are unlikely to be there by themselves. Those who move in the Outland, I’m afraid they will be killed by those monsters before entering the Outland, um… this is really difficult…”

Holding his head. Nalan suddenly became distressed, “But if we don’t have the right identities, once the identity of the witch is exposed, it will be a disaster, huh…huh?”

Nalan was taken aback for a moment, “We have to send a witch over. There are indeed such candidates, and…”

See what Nalan thought of. Robben couldn’t help asking: “And what. Any good ideas?”

Nalan said softly: “If we have to send the witch to Outland at this time, it is only our witch family.”


“Yes, we ourselves…” Nalan nodded lightly, her eyes flashing with thoughts, “This is the only reasonable explanation, the identity of the witch. At this time, appearing in Outland, then… it can only be us. Myself, and… if you have to have a certain strength, it can only be…”

Talking. Nalan turned around again and looked at Nalan who was observing the situation for the last time.

Seeing the unreliable little girl in front of her, suddenly turned her head to look at herself, and Nalan couldn’t help feeling a bit nervous, “You… won’t want me, myself…”

“Well, it seems…there is only this…”

Robben said immediately: “Nalan, is this really the way you came up with? Your sister has been regarded as a traitor to the devil world, do you really want her to come back here again as her real identity?”

Nalan thought about it for a while again, “Well, I think…this should be the safest way. After all, the conditions for our operation are too harsh.”

“But this… completely exposes her deeds, and her identity is too sensitive, and she will definitely be watched closely by the Black Emperor and the Demon God, and…what if we are spied by spirit? Aren’t we all exposed. “

Nalan thought about it again, for a long time, and said: “Then…I’ll be the chief guard!”

“What?” Everyone was taken aback.

Nalan chuckled slightly, “Speaking of…I am also named Nalan. Why do you always have no idea about this? I am also the head of the witch guard, and I am exactly the same as my sister. I can do this. Do it!”

“Mischief!” Robben immediately objected, “You and Nalan are completely two people. You can recognize it at a glance. How can you do this well, and…”

“Master, Nalan thinks this thing should be done!” Nalan said suddenly, her voice suddenly becoming serious and calm.

Robben was taken aback. The voice… actually was exactly the same as Nalan after he was broken. If it weren’t for the voice from his own body, Robben couldn’t believe it was the Nalan who he had seen since he was a child. speak.

“Nalan, you…”

“Haha!” Nalan laughed, and his voice recovered. “How? The master was taken aback, right? We are sisters, and they are the most similar, hehe…it’s too easy to imitate.”

Robben settled down and shook his head to veto, “Even if your appearance and tone are exactly the same, there are no loopholes in your behavior, but you still can’t escape their mental peep!”

“It depends on how good the master is!” Nalan leaned on Robben’s shoulder and whispered, “The master’s current magic must be concealed. Nalan is right?”

Robben frowned and said nothing.

“Master… there is no time to hesitate, and we have no other way. Trust Nalan… and trust the master himself.”

Robben was silent, silently resisting the proposal.

Nalan was discouraged, put his arms around Robben’s neck, and said in his ear: “Master…this is not possible. When someone other than the owner goes to adventure, the owner is hesitant, so everyone will not be able to act normally, and Nalan is also restrained. , Nalan believes in the master. The master also believes in Nalan, okay… Moreover, Nalan is also as afraid of death as the master, and he is not sure that he would never do such a thing…”

Robben looked at the coast that was already in sight, and let out a long sigh, “Then…you have to promise me a few requests!”

“Um… Nalan is listening!”

“Full disguise, don’t spy on any information again! You are not allowed to do any extra actions, and as long as you suspect that the enemy has seen through your disguise, immediately use the last resort to escape back to the illusion. If you agree to these two points, I can Agree to this plan.”

“Master is really difficult to deal with…” Nalan pulled Robben’s ears very dissatisfied, but there was a smile on his face, “Okay, of course Nalan listens to what the master says. Nalan listens to what the master says best. Now, Nalan is the best witch. Right?”

Listen to the soft voice in the ear. Robben was a little helpless, this time…Nalan was taking a huge risk, she was about to face the Black Emperor and the Demon God directly!


“Nalan knows!” As if he knew what Robben wanted to say, Nalan kissed Robben’s cheek lightly. “Nalan won’t mess around. Nalan will be afraid of death if he hurts. But he won’t go desperately. The woman who has finally become the master must give birth to a beautiful daughter. Before that, no one can take Nalan’s life!”

Robben nodded and patted Nalan’s hand lightly, “Be careful!”

“Don’t worry, there are as many masters who are afraid of death, there are as many witches who are afraid of death!”

Robben: “…”

Meriya’s emotions have been very anxious recently. In all aspects, countless bad news made the witch patriarch look extremely tired.

The sky is chaotic, as if it has been completely broken. Only on the head of the demon army is there a dark vortex, constantly emitting strong lightning and thunder, and bursts of unstable spatial fluctuations make people feel that the heart seems to be irregular. beat.

Unexpectedly… things will turn out like this…

In the corner of a camp, Merial’s tent was open, and the piles of papers on the table had been squeezed to the ground, but Merial had no intention of looking at those things now, frowning, looking at the broken sky, her face Is anxious.

“Master Patriarch! The big event is not good!” Suddenly, a panicked voice came not far away, and a new witch came to Merial’s tent in a hurry. She even forgot to salute with a panic face.

Meriya’s heart jumped, “What happened again?”

“Nalan…Nalan Chief Guard…”

“Nalan!?” Melia’s face changed drastically, “What’s wrong with the Chief Guard Nalan? Say it!”

“Captain Nalan… just arrived here!”

“What!?” Melia opened her eyes, “Are you… are you crazy? How could she come here, she’s still a human being now!!!”

The witch panted violently, and shook her head obligately, “No, no, no! Lord Patriarch, Chief Guard Nalan has really come here! With a dozen witches! Has been summoned by Lord Black Emperor!”

The corner of Meria’s eyes twitched, “You… did you see clearly? Is it really Captain Nalan?”

“The subordinate can definitely see it clearly. It is definitely Captain Nalan’s guard. She brought more than a dozen guards and was injured. As soon as she arrived, she was surrounded by soldiers. His subordinates hadn’t been admitted yet. They were summoned to go over for questioning.”

Melia’s face was instantly dark, “This…what’s going on? How could Nalan come here? There is no reason at all!”

The witch who ran to report the letter was obviously Merria’s confidant, and said in a low voice: “Master Patriarch, Chief Guard Nalan should have assisted Master Robben in Humanity VI. Now she has been designated as a traitor and will never return to the Demon World. , Now she suddenly appears here, will she…”

A cold light flashed in Meria’s eyes, and the witch lowered her head quickly, “Subordinates are just guessing, but…”

“I understand…” Melia looked up at the sky with an uneasy face, “It’s really messy, what will Nalan do when she comes back… Hell, there is no clue at all, let’s go!”

“Master Patriarch?”

“Go and see the Black Emperor! If it’s bad luck this time, then this is our last chance.”

“Master Patriarch…”

“You don’t have to follow, go and inform everyone, make the final preparations…”

The witch was shocked and opened her mouth to say something, but she closed her mouth again as she watched Meria’s swift departure, bowed her body and saluted Meria, gritted her teeth, and left quickly.

Merial walked fast all the way. The guards stopped him until he came to the periphery of the big tent set by the black emperor on the ground.

“I have an urgent matter to report to Lord Black Emperor!”

“I’m sorry, Lord Merial, Lord Black Emperor just ordered it down, and now I see no one, please come back.” The guard’s face was indifferent.

“I said… I have an urgent matter to report to Lord Black Emperor!” Meriya was full of anger.

“This is the order of Lord Black Emperor, even Lord Meriya.”

Meriya was furious, “A little guard would dare to talk to me like this? It’s an emergency now. If the military situation is delayed, you won’t have a hundred heads to cut!”

The guards still stared at Meria indifferently, “Master Meria, if Lord Black Emperor wants to chop off his subordinates’ heads, his subordinates are very willing to have a hundred heads for Master Black Emperor to have fun.”

“You…” Melia black danced wildly, and the two guards suddenly became vigilant when seeing this, and their weapons were aimed at Melia, “Master Melia, please step back!”

The guards nearby saw a problem at the door. Xun moved closer to this side.

Melia uttered a clear drink, her body turned into a phantom and slammed forward. The two guards yelled almost simultaneously. The spear in his hand stabbed over.

“Puff” and “Puff” twice, the spear pierced into Merial’s body as fast as lightning, but Merial’s somewhat imaginary body shattered directly at this moment, exploding into a silver light.

In the shadow of the light, Melia walked out like a wandering soul. In the horrified gaze of the two guards, they avoided their spears from the front with an unbelievable angle, and their bodies rushed up and squeezed through the gap with only one arm. At the same time, both hands wiped their faces as if touching their lovers’ faces…

A silver light exploded on the two guards, their bodies shook madly, and they fell straight down.

Melia kept walking, rushing forward like the wind.

“There is an assassin!!” At this time, the shout finally sounded, and countless soldiers emerged from around the big tent. Four demon generals appeared instantly and surrounded Merial in the center. In the blink of an eye, Merial became a cage. The bird in.

“Meria…Are you crazy?” A demon commander said mockingly while looking at Meriya with cold eyes.

Melia shouted angrily: “You rice buckets! Idiots! The enemy has entered the big account, you are still unconscious!!”

The four demon generals were taken aback, “What!?”

“The enemy is inside! What are you doing in a daze? Don’t protect Black Emperor!?” Melia yelled and rushed in front of the four.

The spear in the hand of the demon commander who was for this slammed directly in front of Merial, “Meria…I think you are really crazy!”

“You…If Black Emperor is in danger, I will kill your entire clan!” Amidst the anger, Melia’s whole body surged with silver light, and the tide spread from under her feet to all directions.

“I can’t help it!” The demon commander looked at the other party and acted directly, and his eyes flashed murderously. The spear in his hand was twisted and dismantled into two small spears, and a layer of black vindictiveness bulged from his body…

“What’s going on? What are you arguing about!?” A feminine voice with a bit of majesty came from the door of the big tent, and the immediate battle was immediately put down.

Arthur Magic appeared at the door. Seeing Meriya surrounded by four generals, he couldn’t help frowning~www.mtlnovel.com~Meria, what are you doing? “

The demon commander who stopped Merial said immediately: “Master Demon, this mad woman said that the enemy is in the big tent, and his subordinates are about to drive her away.”

“Oh?” Demon King Arthur’s eyes flashed twice, “Just in time, Father wants to see you, Merial, come in!”

When the demon generals heard this, Meriya was overjoyed, “Yes!” At the moment, she took a big step and walked over. When passing by the demon generals, she didn’t forget to knock them aside with her shoulder… …

Following Arthur, Melia quickly stepped into the big tent, and at the same time, her heart was beating as fast as footsteps…

Hei Di wants to see me, why? What happened to Nalan? Meriya suddenly felt her legs trembling, and she couldn’t figure out everything, but… this time, if there was any omission, she might never leave this big account again.

After entering the big tent and passing through the short corridor, Meriya shook his face when he saw the person standing in front of the Black Emperor and the Ranked Demon King!

Damn it… this is not Nalan at all! ! (To be continued…)

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