God Prohibitions

Chapter 1533 - Mystery

In the large circular camp, the Black Emperor was sitting on the dark throne. The demon kings were still lined up on both sides, but it seemed that some demon kings had not arrived yet, perhaps because of the rush of time, they were still on their way.

In the center of the black emperor and the demon kings, a witch stood.

Nalan only felt a chill climb up his back, and his frozen nerves would be completely paralyzed. This witch, this witch… what kind of monster is it, is this really a witch?

“Meria… it was noisy outside just now, was that you?” Meriya’s soul was hooked back by Hei Di’s words, and hurriedly walked forward to salute, “Please forgive the Hei Di, subordinates I was in a hurry and disturbed Lord Black Emperor!”

“I just wanted to send someone to find you. I didn’t expect you to have come here first, but… why did you trespass and said… the enemy is here?” Hei Di’s words gave people an incomparable calm. Feeling like this, but Merial only felt a deep chill inside.

Hei Di’s gaze quietly looked over, those eyes were like a bottomless abyss.

After being swept away by this gaze, Melia couldn’t help but tremble slightly, then lowered her head and said, “His Lord Black, my subordinates have heard… that Chief Guard Nalan is here.”

“As you can see, Nalan has indeed returned.” The black emperor’s tone was still very calm, “Do you have any opinion on Nalan? If you haven’t seen her, just say she is the enemy.”

“Uh… The subordinate is in a hurry, he doesn’t hesitate to speak, and asks Lord Black Emperor to forgive him.”

“Keep your mouth open? Meriya… When I promoted you to the witch patriarch, I valued you carefully, never said anything wrong, never did anything wrong, today… Speak?”

Melia was sweating coldly on her head. “Master Hei Di, forgive me, my subordinates just now… what I said just now is indeed a bit wrong. My subordinates learned that Captain Nalan had suddenly appeared here, and felt that this matter was very strange, so I couldn’t help but want to come over and take a look. . But I didn’t expect…”

“What did not expect?”

“Unexpectedly…” Meriya raised her head and looked at the Black Emperor and the Ranked Demon King. “The subordinates didn’t expect that the Black Emperor and the Demon Lords are all here. If the subordinates knew this was the case, they would definitely not do that. Stupid move. Under such circumstances, even if the King of God comes here in person, he can never do anything?”

“Oh?” Hei Di moved his eyebrows slightly. Suddenly smiled, turned his head and said, “Naren, have you heard what Meriya said?”

“I heard, Lord Black Emperor.” Nalan replied with a voice.

This sentence made Melia chill all over.

Obviously, this is Nalan’s voice, tone. The tone, even some subtle tones are exactly the same, but… this guy is not Nalan at all! What the **** is this? Actually…

Suddenly, Meriya’s face turned pale, and a thought came out of her heart that made her heart jump out of her throat… Could it be… Robben?

In terms of disguise, it seems that the most powerful person I have ever seen is this human being. He can disguise himself as anyone, from the inside out, without revealing any flaws, and…

Suddenly, Meria could not help but deny her idea again, and glanced at Nalan in front of her…this, it wouldn’t be Robben.

Although Robben’s disguise has no flaws at all, he can’t really play a person’s overall temperament. To put it bluntly, that kind of disguise absolutely imitates the other’s appearance and voice. But the tone of speech and some subtle points will inevitably reveal a little flaw, but this…

Melia felt that the chill in her body had become stronger, because of the unexplained look in the Black Emperor’s eyes, and also because of the guy who had no idea in front of him.

This… seems to be really a witch! Melia could not judge, but she had a very strong instinct to tell Melia this. But… this is not Nalan, this is definitely not Nalan!

The Black Emperor said: “Naren, Meriya seems to be very suspicious of your presence here, even… I think you should be the enemy, what do you think of this matter?”

Melia was startled slightly and couldn’t help but look at Nalan’s reaction, but didn’t see the slightest tension on the opponent’s face, some were free and calm.

“Lord Black Emperor, Nalan is not surprised by this. This is a natural reaction. Nalan has been on the human continent for a while. Now that Robben has openly betrayed us, Nalan will naturally be Identified as an enemy, Nalan was ready to be treated this way when he returned. The situation of Patriarch Meriya Nalan is completely acceptable.”

The Black Emperor smiled lightly, “Meria, you came here in such a hurry, even at the risk of trespassing on my account, what kind of enemy do you think is here? If it’s just Nalan, I think… you You never think that Naren can hurt me?”

Melia’s head hung lower. “His Lord Black Emperor, his subordinates… the subordinates knew their mistakes. They were really nervous when they learned that Guard Nalan was back here. After all… After all… Shouldn’t be here, and…and as she said, she…she is very doubtful now.”

“Is that what you think?”

Melia said in a deep voice, “This… is indeed the subordinate’s idea, and… and the subordinate has some other guesses, but…”


“Yes…” Meriya glanced at Nalan, took a deep breath, and said, “The subordinates naturally don’t think that Chief Guard Nalan is capable of harming Lord Black Emperor, but… this idea also exists in everyone’s. In his mind, Robben in the human continent… he naturally knew that we would think so, so…”

Gritting her teeth, Melia continued: “The first thought of the subordinates after hearing the news was…this may be a conspiracy. The Guardian Nalan suddenly returned, maybe… there is some special conspiracy, and it is us. Unforeseen, so…”

“Oh? Do you think this is a conspiracy?” The Black Emperor looked at Meriya, his smile became more and more playful, “Naren, Meriya seems to distrust you very much.”

Nalan said calmly: “Nalan has been prepared for this. This time he will be doubted by many parties. Meriya Zhengyang’s upright statement Nalan deeply agrees. If it was Nalan, he would be very concerned about the sudden return. Naturally, the suspicious characters in “will not relax their vigilance, here… Nalan affirms that Lord Black will forgive Chief Meriya for trespassing on the big account.”

“Ha ha ha…” The Black Emperor smiled slightly, “Meria, you stand aside. This time Nalan brought a lot of new news. Because he has a close relationship with the witch, I call you When you come over, you can listen to the news first, and at the same time, you can also take a good look at whether Nalan is really doubtful. Later, I hope you can have a new evaluation.”

“Yes!” Merial lowered her head and agreed, stepping forward and standing aside, the cold sweat on her forehead was already radiating outward.

The Black Emperor didn’t see through the identity of this witch, no… The Black Emperor didn’t see through what this guy who didn’t know her identity was! Melia thought frightened.

Although…the other party seems to be a witch, but…but…

Meriya realized that he couldn’t be sure of this matter just for a moment, and he even began to wonder if he had made a mistake. This… is it really Nalan?

Does the Black Emperor really fail to see that this guy is not Nalan? It stands to reason that such a situation would not exist, but… but the facts are in sight.

Melia, with her head down, couldn’t help but lifted her head and wanted to look at Nalan again, only taking a look.

Melia, who quickly retracted her gaze, tried her best to restrain herself from shaking. Melia felt a voice in her mind screaming crazily, that guy… definitely not Nalan! !

Nalan’s familiar, calm and indifferent voice passed into Meria’s ears, like an awl.

“Master Black Emperor, this time his subordinates escaped from the human continent. Originally planned to lead the Witch Corps to return together, but unfortunately… In the end, only a dozen of us successfully returned to the human continent.”

“I can see this.” The Black Emperor said faintly, “Nalan, you have been to the human continent for a while, and you haven’t returned since you left, and our situation on the human continent is through that human race. What I originally understood, of course… there are very few things I learned from other channels. As far as I know, you seem to be very close to humans.”

Nalan knelt down on one knee immediately, “Master Black Emperor. When Nalan led the witch army to the human continent to fight against the Protoss, to win the battle, but… after arriving on the human continent, the war situation has changed a lot. , That humanity also began to slowly change. No longer on our side, Nalan wanted to resist, but… Nalan didn’t have that kind of power, that human being itself was very powerful, and there was a group of extremely powerful companions around him. Nalan tried to initiate a mutiny several times, but finally gave up.”

“Haha… this is correct, that human… is not something your witch can deal with, but… why did you take action at this time and return to the demon world?”

Nalan raised his head, his face showed a certain expression, “Master Black, this is also one of the news that Nalan brought back, that human… is not in the human continent now!”

Black Emperor’s eyes flashed, “What did you say? He is not in the human continent!”

“Yes, he and his men have mostly left the human continent and went to the gods?”

“Go to… God Realm?” Hei Di frowned slightly, “What do you want to do in God Realm?”

“Naren got the news, humans…humans have…”

“Don’t hesitate, tell the truth!”

“Yes! Nalan got the definitive news that human beings have formed an alliance with the gods, and that Robben’s important combat power leading the human forces has gone to the gods, ready to join forces with the gods to fight the demons!”


“Humans and Protoss have joined forces?”

“There is such a thing!?”

The surprised voices of the demon kings suddenly sounded in the big tent. Meriya hung her head on the side, and her body was cold. Meriya couldn’t guess who the talking Nalan was, and she seemed to be speaking completely. Really!

Hei Di’s face is a little ugly, “Humans and gods are joining forces. This kind of thing is really new. In history, humans have always waited for the results of our wars and chose the victors to surrender. This time… they will actually join us. Together, do they really think they have the ability to be on the stage of this war?”

Nalan continued: “After Nalan confirmed the news, he led the witches to leave quietly, but… it seems that the other party still left eyeliner. This incident was finally revealed, and Nalan had to escape alone. Back to the demon world. At that time… there were only a dozen personal guards around.”

“Hmm…” The Black Emperor was thinking, as if he didn’t pay attention to what Nalan said later, “Humans… allied with the gods, this kind of thing… Nalan, are you sure about this?”

“Yes. Black Emperor, mankind has formally formed an alliance with the Protoss, the God of War Crick has been brought back to the God Realm by Robben, and the mankind is also actively contacting the Protoss army on the human continent. It seems that there is some plan.”

“Crick…return to the God Realm?” Hei Di’s expression changed slightly.

“Yes, Lord Black Emperor, Crick has now returned to the God Realm.”

Hei Di frowned. After thinking about it for a while while talking in the big tent, the cold voice asked: “Then…this time Robben went to the God Realm, who did he bring with him? Where are the witch and the elves?”

“The witch and the witch troops are still in the Caton Imperial Capital, and they are not moving now, but this matter has also been put on the agenda. According to the original plan, the witch and the witch troops will also go to the gods to participate in the war, but there is no action yet. “

“This **** human… actually wants to use the soldiers of the Demon Race to attack us in turn.” The Black Emperor snorted softly, “So…where is the queen?”

This question made Nalan stunned.

Hei Di’s gaze became fierce, “The queen has not heard anything since she was taken abducted with Hanging City, where is she now? What is she doing?”

Nalan hesitated, and replied, “My Queen…seems to be controlled.”


“Yes… Lord Queen did not stay in the human continent. Instead, she was taken away together. She should be in the God Realm now. Her subordinates have had many opportunities to contact her Lord Queen. Everything is fine now, just …It seems that movement is restricted.”

“Really… This is really good news.”

The words of the Black Emperor made the demon kings present a little puzzled, but the following words of the Black Emperor made every demon king feel cold.

“If she is willing to work with humans, I will have to kill her in this war. Although it is a waste, it is still possible to be a queen. Re-selecting a queen is a time-consuming task.”

Nalan pondered. He added: “Observed by the subordinates, Lord Queen is also involuntarily, Lord Black Emperor don’t have to worry, after we defeated humanity this time, we can naturally save Lord Queen.”

“Save her… forget it. Let’s not talk about her. You must have seen Ruda, right?”

Speaking of Ruda’s name, the big tent suddenly became quiet, and the demon kings who were still whispering about something just now lost their voices. Ruda’s name is too harsh for most demon kings.

Nalan nodded, “Yes, my subordinates have seen… well, I have seen His Royal Highness Ruda!”

“He is no longer one of us.” Hei Di said directly.

There was a bit of trepidation on Nalan’s face, “Nalan knows his fault. When I was on the human continent, I did meet Ruda, and I often see it.”

“Did he… also go to the God Realm?”


There was an uproar in the big tent, and some demon kings had already stood up excitedly.

“Father! Rudah…” Arthur’s face was a little stiff, “he actually took refuge in the Protoss…”

“Quiet!” The Black Emperor glanced coldly across all the Demon Kings, “It’s a shame that just a Ruda makes you so uneasy.”

The demon kings were stunned, couldn’t help showing ashamed, and immediately became quiet.

The Black Emperor closed his eyes for a moment and opened his eyes and said: “That is to say…there is no decent guy on the human continent now. That human being took his party members to the gods realm, planning to fight us head-on, right? “

“Yes, Lord Black Emperor.” Nalan replied quickly.

“Well… It’s really a group of overpowering guys. No matter how much a group of weak people gather, the result is still the same. The Protoss is really ridiculous, and they will form an alliance with humans. It seems that they are going to the end, and they have always been with us. The old rival of the battle is so depraved, it really makes me feel extremely helpless.”

The Black Emperor shook his head slightly, and suddenly asked: “Nalan, the large teleportation formation between the human continent and the demon world has been closed. How did you…how come back?”

The question was sudden, but Nalan answered very calmly, “Nalan did not dare to walk the frontal teleportation formation, but Robben has created his own spatial teleportation formation, and he can travel between the gods and the demon world. The subordinates take advantage of him. No, I got the magic scroll in the palace. I originally wanted to copy it to open a large teleportation formation and bring the people back together. But… things were revealed. So…”

“Yes…Is that?” The Black Emperor’s smile became a little bit colder, “Nalan, thank you very much for the precious news you brought back, but… you are still very suspicious now, do you understand?”

“Subordinates understand that they are already prepared for this.”

“Very good!” Hei Di looked at Merial. “Meria, now I need you to interrogate Nalan instantly. Since you suspect that she has a problem, now I give you the right to interrogate without any responsibility. You can doubt anything, in any way. As long as you can be in front of me To prove that there is something wrong with this Nalan, I will reward you well, but…”

Hei Di paused, “If you can’t, then…you break into the big account and confuse the military, you…must pay!”

Melia trembled.

Nalan said immediately: “My Lord Black Emperor. Patriarch Meriya has done this with excuses, and Nalan is indeed…”

“Shut up!” The Black Emperor glanced at Nalan lightly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Nalan couldn’t help but lowered his head, “Subordinates are talking too much, then…”

Turning around, Nalan turned to Meriya, “Patriarch Meriya, next… I’m sorry! Although I don’t want you to be punished, but… I am innocent, after proving my innocence. I think you are also meritorious. , I will plead with Lord Black Emperor for you again.”

Innocence… Credit… Plea…

Merial felt that these words were about to pour hot molten iron on her body, making herself want to scream…

What I saw before was the profile. This is… the first time I saw this guy from the front, just looking at her face. Melia felt that the chill in her heart could not be restrained, making herself like an ice cellar.

It’s too much… it’s perfect! This is simply the real Nalan, with almost no flaws from head to toe.

The appearance is absolutely the same, the proportions of the body, the tall, short and thin, the way to wear clothes with a subtle personal personality, every button, the position of every fold, affectionate, tone, and even the look… everything is exactly the same… …

But the more this happened, Melia felt that she became more and more frightened, because this guy who was the same as Nalan was not Nalan, but she was able to hide from the black emperor and so many demon kings, standing here swaggeringly. Narrating so many surprising news as Nalan, everything is so real.

There is only one point, the flaw that is not a flaw has exposed her identity…

Her hair has no gaps…

The real Nalan, if you stand upside down in the air, with a long hair hanging straight down, you can see a small gap on the right edge. At the position that is only **** wide, the hair is shorter than other places. Some, it looks like a gap.

This is an oath of Nalan, an oath that only he and Nalan know.

At the beginning, the two leaders of the Witch Clan, as the Witch Patriarch and the Witch’s Chief Guard, vowed secretly for the rise of the Witch Clan, exhausting all their energy to create all opportunities for the Witch Clan, fight for all benefits, and dedicate everything to the Witch Clan, even if… …Is to do something that cannot be done.

Meriya knew very well that there was such a small gap on the left edge of her hair. That was when the two of them cut off the hair of the witch as if they were alive when they took the oath to prove the oath~www.mtlnovel.com~ after that. , The hair there never grows longer…

The witches are all like clouds and black hair. This little gap is not visible at all, even if you see it occasionally, you don’t care about it, because the gap is too small, and no one will doubt the length of the witch’s hair. …

But this is more important than life in his and Nalan hearts…

As soon as he entered the door, this Nalan stood there quietly with her back facing her, her long hair quietly draped behind her, her long hair was round and neat, without any gaps at all, and no trace of cutting…

This guy… is not Nalan at all!

“Patriarch Meriya, don’t you… don’t want to ask me anything?” Nalan asked suddenly.

Meriya returned to his senses, her eyes suddenly became complicated, “Of course… I have a lot of questions to ask you!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation, monthly ticket, and your support. This is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

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