God Prohibitions

Chapter 1534 - Confrontation

Meriya circled Nalan quietly twice, without speaking, but silently observing her, trying to find some flaws in her body, and find some flaws other than the swearing.レm♠思♥路♣客レ..

Regarding the only flaw, the reason is only that I know, without any other evidence, if the other party denies it, I can’t do anything about it, and…the incident involved many illegal actions before and after, and I absolutely cannot tell it.

However, the more she walked, the colder Melia felt in her heart and there was no flaw. This witch…or that there was no flaw in this guy, as if she was Nalan herself, as Nalan… she was perfect… …

I thought about conducting the temptation of God, but Meriya finally dispelled this idea. This is very dangerous. Since the Black Emperor seems to have some belief in her, I must have done such a thing…

This made Meriya particularly surprised, the Black Emperor’s jīng **** peeping did not even notice her flaws! This is simply impossible.

When it was the third lap, Nalan suddenly spoke, “Patriarch Meriya, you won’t want me to take off my clothes and verify that I am right?”

Melia knew that it had taken too long, and the black emperor had an impatient **** on his face, so he gritted his teeth and reached out to hold Nalan’s long hair.

“It seems that Chief Guard Nalan has lived very comfortably in the human continent. Our witch’s long hair is like our life. When she is always anxious and worried, her hair will appear to be without a god, but Chief Guard Nalan seems…”

With that, Meria could twist the hair tip on Nalan’s right side, and carefully observe every change in her expression. The hair of the witches is different from that of other races, and the hair of other races is unconscious. Only the witch’s long hair has various perceptions like antennae. If the other party is really Nalan, she will definitely understand her meaning…

Nalan’s expression wasn’t unreasonable, she just smiled and said, “Patriarch Meriya, although there is such a saying. But the witch’s hair mainly depends on the profit and loss of magic power, so the patriarch should not blame me for doing things badly in the human continent. “

Sure enough… it’s fake!

Melia let go of Nalan’s hand with a heavy heart. The Nalan in front of him was real and even made herself wonder if she had made a mistake, but since she answered like this, then… it must be false. But… I couldn’t find any flaws myself.

Looking back on it carefully, besides himself, there is absolutely no guy with such a superb disguise on Robben, and even Robben himself can never pretend to be so vivid. This guy… is outside his own knowledge. What kind of character.

For an irrelevant guy. If you have to accept punishment, you will suffer a big loss, and…breaking into the black emperor’s big account and confounding the military’s mind, you can’t afford this charge. Now the witch clan is highly suspected, and it can’t be done… From then on, I will never see the sky.

Think of these. There was a cold light in Meria’s eyes, staring at Nalan in front of him, and the **** seemed to peel off Nalan’s skin, and then see if it was a real person inside.

Seeing that Meriya was so godly, Nalan couldn’t help but stiffen a little bit, “Patriarch Meriya…if there is nothing to ask.”

“Nalan, why didn’t you go directly to the original teleportation formation, but stole the human Robben’s teleportation reel? Did you know in advance that we have blocked the teleportation formation leading to the human continent?”

Nalan smiled and replied: “This is actually not difficult to guess, and… it is difficult to activate the large teleportation formation only if we are alone. The reason why Robben’s teleportation magic scroll is used is because the teleportation magic formation is very Safe, Patriarch Meriya should understand that there are very few witches in the witch clan who can use us to access the teleportation array without losing their lives. I can’t bring the clan people back like that!”

Meriya nodded and continued to circle Nalan, “Nalan, I ask you… I have been to the human continent to deliver a message to Lord Black Emperor. In Caton, Robben and I used to talk about the Witch Camp, because Due to the size and soil quality of the site, the wooden fence used in our witch’s camp is not a uniform specification for the demon army. Tell me, how many wooden fences can we put down in one step!?”

“This…” Nalan’s face suddenly showed hesitation.

The Black Emperor’s eyes flashed slightly, and his gaze at Nalan suddenly became a little different, but when he saw Nalan suddenly unable to answer the question, the demon kings frowned.

Nalan looked a little nervous, Chief Meriya, “This question…I may not be able to answer, because when we set up camp in Caton, I didn’t get such news. Our camp was established without hindrance… …”

“Don’t you know?” Arthur’s face was a little dark, and his voice became cold.

“Uh… Lord Demon, this matter… the subordinates did not know.”

The demon kings exchanged their eyes quickly, and the atmosphere in the big tent became a little more tense.

Meriya nodded at this moment, “You answered very well. Actually, I saw the camp at the scene, and the specifications are the same as the camp of our regular army of demons…”

When these words were spoken, the Black Emperor was stunned for a moment, and the demon kings were also taken aback, and couldn’t help but smile. Unexpectedly, it was just Merial’s deception.

Staring at Nalan, Melia was struggling. Maybe it was time to take advantage of this guy’s true face just now, but… Since this guy dared to come here so swaggeringly, I’m afraid there is a back hand, if he fails, he will prove it later. The camp is actually of normal specifications, so I am afraid that I will never see the sky.

Now it is necessary to find a flaw that can kill in one hit to expose this guy’s identity. It must be a question that only Nalan and himself know, and there is evidence to find, that can prove that he is correct.

Suddenly, Meriya’s eyes lit up, and a bit of murderous intent appeared on her face, “Nalan, I will ask you again, when you were not the captain of the guard, once I summoned the soldiers from the clan to meet, among them You, I valued you very much at the time. Although you were the youngest one, you were only on my shoulders when you were just beginning to be an adult. At that time, at the door of my office, I told you something to change and do One thing, do you know what it is?”

As soon as this problem came up, the gods of the Black Emperor and the Demon King became serious.

Obviously. This is something that only the real Nalan knows. The first time a young warrior meets the patriarch, he must have a deep memory and will never forget it.

“Nalan, if you can answer this, I will prove that you are the real Nalan!” Meriya stared at Nalan’s face like a bayonet.

Nalan smiled softly, “It turns out… Patriarch Meriya didn’t suspect me for any bad purpose. He was doubting the authenticity of my identity. This… really surprised me.”

“answer me!”

“Okay…” Nalan sighed softly, “That incident… I naturally remember it very clearly. As an excellent warrior, I first met Patriarch Meriya when I was very young. You said that not long after I became an adult, I was only so tall. After everyone left, the patriarch stopped me and told me to practice magic with peace of mind and told me to be more strict with myself in the future. The goal was to become the chief guard, and also said , If I can make a breakthrough in magic before I grow to the height of an adult witch, I will give me a special gift…”

Melia was shocked.

Nalan continued: “After that, the patriarch, you used a knife to compare my height and carved two marks on the door. One is my height and the other is the patriarch’s height, saying that as long as I am between these two heights If there is a breakthrough, the patriarch will keep your promise and say that this is our little secret. It’s a pity…In less than a year, my height has reached the height of an adult witch, and I have magical skills. The breakthrough was three years later, but…you still gave me a gift, which is a long whip, which I have always treasured. I have never used it.”

Merial was completely stunned…

The Black Emperor seemed to be a little disappointed, and sighed boredly, while the demon kings shook their heads one after another, and some felt relieved.

“Master Patriarch, my answer… Are you satisfied? Those two notches should still be on the door…”

Melia was a little lost…

Impossible… how is this possible? How could the other party know such a thing! ? Only the real Nalan knew about this! Only she knows it! There was no one around at the time, no one heard about it, and no one knew what the two knife marks on the door meant…

“Meria, are you okay?” Black Emperor suddenly asked.

Meriya trembled, turned around slowly, swallowed her saliva and replied: “Yes…yes, Lord Black Emperor, I…no problem.”

Hei Di seemed to feel a bit boring, “You broke in with a big fanfare, and in the end only proved that Nalan had no problem at all, right?”

“Yes… That’s right! Lord Black Emperor, please severely punish subordinates!”

“It’s good to know, you are trespassing on the ground and spreading rumors…”

“Master Hei Di!” Nalan suddenly rushed forward and said, “I also ask Master Hei Di to open up his favor. Patriarch Meriya is also very loyal. Now is an important time for us to fight the Protoss. It’s okay to be cautious, after all… …It’s not that the Demon Race has never sent a spy to come to us. Even if Patriarch Meriya is at fault, Lord Black Emperor will be punished lightly because of her unintentional mistakes!”

“Moreover… there are not many witches who can play a role in the war. At this time… it is better to let the chief Meriya commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, which can also demonstrate the kindness and generosity of Lord Black Emperor.”

“Huh?” The Black Emperor raised his eyebrows, “Nalan… not long after you went to the human continent, your mouth became greasy.”

Nalan was slightly startled, “Lord Black Emperor forgive me. Nalan didn’t mean to confuse Lord Black Emperor, but… I feel that under this situation, every point of combat power is still precious. Protoss and humans have formed an alliance with unprecedented strength. , If we…can not lose, it is better not to lose.”

“Hmm…” The Black Emperor touched his chin, “It seems that the human continent is indeed a place rich in cunning lives, Nalan… I hope you don’t lose your dignity as a witch from humans.”

“Nalan dare not!” Nalan lowered his head and said loudly, “Nalan never forgets who she is and who he fights for. It is precisely for this reason that Nalan will return to the Demon Realm, even if she is shattered… Human beings are in the same fashion!”

The Black Emperor nodded, “Okay…Meria, have you heard everything?”

Melia’s body is already completely stiff, this guy… actually speaks for herself again, this is definitely a plot!

“Meria!” Seeing that Meriya did not respond, the Black Emperor was immediately unhappy.

Merial shuddered. Only then did I realize that I had lost his temper, “Yes, Lord Black Emperor! The subordinates are lost!”

“Have you heard what Nalan said just now?”

“Yes, I heard it!”

“Thank her, since the person involved interceded for you. Now it is an extraordinary period. Your penalty will be temporarily written down. You will lose money during the war. If you offend again, you will be punished twice. Do you understand?”

“Yes. The subordinates understand!” Melia’s face was sweaty.

“Well, you go down first, and immediately urge those absent Demon Kings to come here immediately and tell them that it will not be before noon. I want their heads!”

“Yes. The subordinates understand!” Meriya replied in fear and quickly retreated.

Nalan looked at the Black Emperor, “Master Black Emperor, then…”

“You should also withdraw first. Order anytime. I will summon you soon! Let Meria settle you down.”

“Yes, Nalan understands!” Nalan bowed and saluted. Go away quickly.

Meriya went out of the big tent, and walked back affectionately, everything just seemed like a dream, Nalan…what the **** was going on?

Could it be that the real Nalan has been killed and this guy stole her memory?

This is impossible. As a god-mage born out of sè, he protects his god-level protection extremely tightly. What’s more, a witch at the level of Nalan, even a demon king can hardly successfully steal Nalan’s memory. What is that guy? Who. How did it do it?

“Master Patriarch, wait a minute!” Suddenly a urging voice came from behind, Meriya felt her cold hair stand up. Looking back, Nalan with a smile on her face was already standing in front of her.

“You…” Merial couldn’t help but backed up a few steps quickly.

Nalan looked affectionate. Just about to say hello again, seeing Meriya reacting like this, his face was a little embarrassed, “Ah…ahhhh, the patriarch doesn’t need to be so nervous…have you proven that I am fine?”

Melia’s face changed, and the Nalan in front of him seemed to be a different person in an instant. The tone of her speech had changed slightly, and the **** on her face was also very different from just now.

“You…what are you…”

“Master Patriarch, do you… have any doubts?” Nalan asked strangely.

The corner of Meria’s eyes twitched fiercely twice, and in an instant, Nalan in front of him returned to normal. This change was extremely natural, as if the Nalan that appeared just now had never existed.

“Master Patriarch, I think we’d better talk about it. I just came back here, and I don’t understand the situation. Lord Black asked me to find you to settle me down. I hope you don’t take it off…”

“Okay… OK!” Melia understood in her heart that this guy has already focused on herself, and now she can’t tolerate herself saying no. Now that she has a true identity, and it is her own proof, then this time she has to do it. I paid the price for what I did.

“Come to my tent, let’s…talk!” Meriya turned and left, Nalan smiled and immediately followed.

Back in the camp, Melia swung back the only personal guard from a long distance, walked into the tent, took a deep breath, and turned his head, a figure had already hit him.

“Sister Meriya! I finally saw you…”

Meriya was taken aback, Nalan had already jumped over, hugged her neck, her whole body hung on her body…

There is no room for dodge at all. Although it is simple, and rushes forward without any tricks, it is silent and silent. When I noticed, the opponent had already hit me…

Melia froze completely… it was a momentary stillness that was restrained by the enemy and waited for its changes to protect herself…

Then… Meria was a little silly.

I don’t know when the two thick curtains of the tent were put down. It seems…There is still a magic enchantment around, that strange life form hung on me, hugging myself, rubbing my cheek with my face like a baby .

“you you……”

Rub, rub, rub, rub…

“What are you…”

Rub and rub…

Meriya suddenly found that the other party seemed extremely excited, like a small animal…

“Uh… Are you… Nalan?” Meriya asked nonchalantly, but didn’t expect this sentence to have an immediate effect.

Nalan was taken aback, and hurriedly jumped off Meria, stood there to tidy up her clothes, and gave a gentle cough, only then took out the special etiquette of the witch clan to bow to Meria. But this serious atmosphere was immediately destroyed by the grinning expression on her face, “Sister Meriya, I am Naren… the master sent me over!”

Melia’s eyes rounded and looked at Nalan in front of him, but his brain couldn’t react for a while, although this guy only said a word. But… it seems to contain a little more information.

“You… are you really Naren?” Meriya couldn’t believe it.

“Um…really! Uh…but that Nalan is Nalan’s sister, Nalan is Nalan’s sister!” Nalan explained, but from Meriya’s expression, it is obviously not as good as no Explanation.

“That’s…” Nalan seemed to have discovered the problem. “Where is Nalan, that is Nalan’s sister. Where is Nalan, is Nalan’s younger sister, um…it’s not clear to say so, just… Lan is Nalan’s sister, and Nalan is Nalan’s younger sister. Sister Meriya understands?”

Merial’s eyes straightened a little. “Uh…probably…! But you just said…you were sent by the master, could it be…”

“It’s the master!” Nalan was happy for a moment, “Oh yes yes, what about the master…that is the most handsome, strongest, most questionable, greatest and greatest…Ro…Ben!”

Melia has the urge to faint. “You… you were sent by Robben!”

“Yeah! Actually…” Nalan looked around sneakily. Of course… there is nothing good to see around, but Nalan still lowered his voice and said mysteriously: “The master is here… Hidden now.”

Merial almost jumped from the ground, “Roben…he is here too?”

“Hmm!” Nalan nodded repeatedly.

Merial only felt a mess in her mind, “This…what the **** is going on, you…who are you? What are you? You…show me your true colors!”

Nalan tilted her head strangely, “But…this is what Nalan looks like!” Nalan shook her body from side to side, hehe smiled, “It’s exactly the same as Nalan sister… compare carefully. . Only a mole on my body is different, hehe… I asked the master to remove it for me.”

Merial seemed to understand something, “Are you… Robben’s witch?”


“The witch… but I… haven’t seen you, if it’s a witch…”

Nalan grinned and approached familiarly. Hugging Meriya’s hand directly, “Sister Meriya doesn’t need to be surprised, um… We really haven’t met officially, but Nalan knows Sister Meriya. Nalan knows so many things about the master, and the master For Nalan, ha… The question I asked today is so difficult, it almost came out, thanks to the master who told me about it.”

“What… Robben…” Meriya stunned, suddenly remembering that a long time ago, when Robben had just arrived in the Demon Realm, he saw two knife marks on his good door and asked about this. It’s because I thought he was an insignificant human, and answered casually once, but I didn’t expect…

The gods are on top, unexpectedly… it is so…

Seeing the change in Meriya’s face, Nalan stretched out a small hand to Meriya’s head, “Sister Meriya is fine, her face is ugly…”

Meriya resisted Nalan’s hand, and suddenly realized that this guy was a bit too brazen. Although he seemed completely innocent now, in those eyes, there was the cherry that seemed small and charming, but always grinned and showed a smile. Xiaokou, all showed that the witch in front of her was a freak who ignored the rules.

“I’m fine… Where is Robben, is it safe?”

“It’s very safe… The owner is the best at keeping his life safe. No one will find him~www.mtlnovel.com~ Hmm… Later the owner will come here to meet with Melia’s sister and discuss some things.”

“Come to see me? It’s too conspicuous to come here alone. Does the Black Emperor really want me to settle you down?”

“Well, he said it himself.”

“So… if I guessed right, he is hiding in your dozen personal guards?”

“Oh… Sister Melia knows?” Nalan exaggeratedly showed surprise.

Melia’s face was solemn, “It’s so bold, to come here so blatantly, Na…er, Nalan…Since the Black Emperor asked me to settle you down, then you should call them right now. I will see you now. Robben!”

“Um… OK! Sister Melia, wait a minute!” Nalan’s face calmed down, and his indifference and calmness instantly recovered. “Master Patriarch wait a moment, I will bring my guards over immediately. .”

Seeing Nalan walking out, Meriya couldn’t help but shook her head, “What a little monster…”


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