God Prohibitions

Chapter 1535 - Suspicious

When a row of more than a dozen witches stood in front of her, Meria suddenly felt like a catastrophe. These witches didn’t know any of them, but there was no doubt that each one of them was very special. Kind of inexplicable taste.

Stepping forward and grabbing a witch by the collar, Merial almost gritted her teeth and asked: “Roben, what are you going to do? Come here at this time, do you know how dangerous you are doing?”

The witch who was grabbed by Meriya was surprised, but she quickly calmed down and said innocently: “Patriarch Meriya, you…have you admitted the wrong person, my name is…”

“Don’t give me this set!” Melia growled angrily, “It’s already this time, I’m not in the mood to play with you!”

The witch saw Merial’s eyes full of irritation, so she scratched her head helplessly, “Meria…how do you know this is me? Is there a problem with my disguise?”

Merial let go of Robben angrily and said, “Because they looked at me curiously except you, no one pretended to be anything, only you laughed and cheated!”

Robben mōmō’s face, knowing that Meriya was talking angry words, immediately removed the effect of disguising nuclear, and smiled: “What’s the matter, so angry, does it make you so annoyed by seeing me here?”

Not to mention it’s okay, Robben said so, Merial’s fire suddenly rose, “Roben!! You can figure out the current situation for me!”

Meriya’s voice rose eight degrees higher, “Now there are all the sharp and powerful men of the whole demon world gathered here, the Black Emperor is here, and the devil gods also show signs of lù from time to time. You actually took these with you…” Those witches, “Just bring these mysterious witches that I’ve never seen before. What are you going to do? You’re not here on vacation? If not, then you understand that you’re going to be in the Black Emperor and Is it dangerous to do anything under the eyes of the devil?”

“Meria, calm down, calm…”

“I’m very calm!” Melia was full of anger. “I don’t have time to be more calm than now, so I think I’m going to be in a catastrophe. You stupid actually rushed here by yourself. It’s no different from sending you to death. The secret cooperation between them will also be exposed. I don’t know what a tragic death will happen, and the witch clan… will never have a chance to rise again!”

“Meria…come down!” Robben had to hold Meriya’s shoulders and look straight into her eyes, “It’s not that bad!”

Meriya breathed a little bit quickly, exhaled a long sigh, and opened Robben’s hand at once, “Okay… I am a little jerky, but…”

As soon as I saw the witches still looking at me with novel gazes, and seemed to want to understand what she looked like, Meriya felt her emotions just about to calm down again, “But…what do you want to do? Who is it, and… who is she?”

Meriya pointed her finger straight at Nalan: “What sister or sister! Nalan has no twin sisters at all! But she…”

“Ah…you say this!” Robben smiled and moved the helpless Nalan to Merial. “This matter may be a little time-consuming to explain, but Merial, you don’t need to be exacting about the details. She is also my witch, and… is indeed Nalan’s younger sister, so…”

“Actually?” Merial accurately caught Robben’s vague words.

“Don’t ask for details…” Robben smiled bitterly, “As for the cause and effect of this incident, I will explain it in detail as you have time in the future, but I am afraid that there is not so much time now, so you can temporarily treat her as Nalan. That’s fine for her twin sister. In fact, to a large extent, she is also Nalan!”

Meriya obviously didn’t understand, of course… Actually Robben didn’t explain anything. He looked at Nalan angrily. Seeing that Robben seemed a little difficult to explain, Meriya shook his head, “Okay, I can first Don’t ask, but you’re too risky, do you really think she can fool the Black Emperor? Maybe the Black Emperor is just tactics, we are already completely violent!”

“No, Nalan did a perfect job. There was absolutely no violence!” When Nalan talked about this, Nalan suddenly said, and with a smug expression on his face.

Meriya looked at Robben, Robben smiled, “You don’t have to doubt Nalan’s words, as I said just now, in fact, to a large extent, she is Nalan. You have to use jīng to search carefully for a spiritual master’s jīng. The state of God is also very difficult. Nalan actually didn’t hide anything, she was just playing herself, plus I made some arrangements, it’s impossible to be violent, even if the devil is here, as long as you don’t think of Nalan’s truth in advance It is also difficult to detect the difference between her and her sister.”

As he said, Robben smiled somewhat complacently, “Look…you didn’t realize that she was not the Nalan in your impression?”

“I naturally know that she is not!” Melia snorted, “Roben, you are too careless. Many things cannot be as perfect as you think. Although I admit that she is exactly the same as Nalan, I know that she is not. It’s Nalan!”

“Oh? Why?” Nalan blinked in surprise, “Is there any difference between me and myself?”

“Nalan and I once had a secret oath. Only the two of us knew about this. The oath is about the destiny of the witch clan, and we can’t tell others that this is your flaw!”

“Uh…this…is it a flaw?” Nalan didn’t quite understand.

“It is impossible to pretend to be another person perfectly. I hope you can understand this. I can see through you that it may be a coincidence, but the same coincidence must not appear in others.”

Nalan looked back at Robben, eyes full of surprise, “Master, Nalan seems to have screwed up…”

Robben thought for a while, and smiled and nodded Nalan’s nose. “No, you are doing a good job. You will not be 100% sure about everything. Accidents often determine success or failure, but we have done our best. Okay, you performed pretty well this time!”

“Really?” Nalan immediately became happy, “Then… should the master reward Nalan?”

“My good stuff will all be emptied by you!” Robben looked scared.

“Master… I’m not allowed to fall back on my account… The black crystal pendant that my master promised me last time hasn’t landed yet! This time I’m not allowed to talk about future, future, etc…” Nalan held onto Robben’s clothes. Shook up.

Robben was swayed, “Okay, okay… I know, I know! This time I won’t be wronged, but let’s make a note of it first… I will look for these things when I have time.”

“Master, you’re going to repay the bill again!” Nalan pouted.

“But… it doesn’t matter!” Nalan suddenly showed a weird smile on his face, let go of Robben, took out a small notebook from his arms, and laughed, “Now it’s different from before, Nalan can find it. The hostess, uh… write these down first, there will always be a way.”

Robben couldn’t help complaining.

“Nalan! You will spare the master…”

“Roben!” Melia could not help but roared, and immediately suppressed all the slight laughter of the witches, Robben and Nalan looked over in surprise.

“Now that we are in an enemy camp, we don’t have time to make fun of you!!”

Seeing Meriya getting angry, Nalan quickly put away the little notebook, “Master, I don’t think the master is joking now.” Her face was serious, as if it was not her who was relying on Robben to ask for rewards. same.

Robben could only smile bitterly. Now Merial’s eyes are also looking at herself, as if… it was really her own fault…

Well… Robben sighed in his heart, “Meria, let’s just talk about business. First of all, I must say, I know it’s dangerous here.”

“Then what are you doing here? You are not planning for your future actions where you should be, but you have come to such a dangerous place. Do you know that you are maintaining many fragile covenants now? Event, then everything may collapse, and the previous efforts may be wiped out!”

Robben nodded, “Meria, I understand this, but it doesn’t mean that you must avoid dangerous places. You see…you are not here all the time, you have never left in the most dangerous places.”

“I…” Meriya was a little stuttered by Robben suddenly, “I…I was because…”

“Sister Merial…” Nalan’s serious face lasted only ten seconds, and immediately turned into a smile, and he eagerly grabbed Merial’s hand and begged, “Don’t blame the master anymore. , There are many reasons why we are here, and you see, we have all come, and we have seen it before. Sister Meriya still has to rush us back?”

Seeing Nalan begging softly, Meriya was really uncomfortable, but Meriya understood what Nalan said…

With a helpless sigh, Merial had to say: “Forget it, anyway, you are already here, talk about what you are going to do, no… Now introduce me to these dozen witches, why I think… they are not at all The witch who left the demon world?”

“Hey…” Nalan smiled, “Sister Meriya is amazing! We can see through our identity in a short time, what about us… It is indeed not the witch who went from the devil to the human continent and then returned, um…”

Nalan looked at Robben as he spoke, and saw that Robben had no objection, and then whispered: “We… came here from a fantasy world.”

Merial’s eyes shrank to the size of a needle nose in an instant, and looked at Nalan in amazement, “You…what did you say…a fantasy…a fantasy world?”

Unable to hold onto Nalan’s hand tightly, Meriya clearly felt the temperature in this hand, and felt the softness and bonelessness of the eldest lady. This kind of touch is definitely not wrong, it is not at all. What a phantom.

Looking at the grinning Nalan in front of her, Merial shook her head, “You… this is impossible!”

Nalan scratched his head, “This is a little troublesome to explain, when the time comes, I will ask the master to explain it. Sister Meriya knows this now, um… In other words, I am… not the Nalan of the Demon World. Chief Guard shì, but Nalan in the illusion, and the real Nalan… is actually her!”

Nalan raised his hand and gently pointed at one of the witches.

Meriya looked over with extreme surprise and saw that the witch was pointed out by Nalan, and then she walked up, her body shook a few times, her face and body began to change rapidly, and even the radiating movements of the **** bō became completely different.

In a blink of an eye, the familiar face of Nalan appeared in front of Merial.

“Patriarch Meriya, I’m sorry, we just want to verify whether our disguise can fool the enemy.”

“Naran…you…” Meriya looked at the two identical faces in astonishment. Although one face was small and small, and the other was cold and almost expressionless, they were indeed the same from body to appearance.

Nalan, who was next to Merial, laughed and went back to Robben to stab Robben in the waist, “Master, look at your sister’s disguise, but you are alone!”

Robben said with no shame: “I am not trying to attract Merial’s attention, otherwise Nalan must have been seen through there too!”

“Master, you have such a thick skin!”

“Hey…we are not learning from each other and promoting each other…”

“Well… that’s right.”


Meriya was not in the mood to pay attention to what Robben and Nalan were whispering over there, and came to Nalan and said anxiously: “Nalan, you are too reckless, since you are here, how can you agree to Robben here? Come, he was almost caught here by the Black Emperor last time, and this time he actually rushed in, this…”

Nalan shook his head slightly, “Patriarch Meriya, you don’t have to worry. This time we have an important plan to return to the Demon World. We are not reckless, and it is indeed a decision made after careful consideration.”

Obviously, the real Naren is still a model of caution in Meria’s heart. Robben’s words are useless, but Naren’s words calmed Melia.

After taking a few breaths slowly, Melia asked: “You are here… What else can you do besides collecting some information? There is no room for your activities here, even if you have an official identity now. , But Nalan is still the subject of suspicion. Your actions will be greatly restricted. Do you really think you can make a difference here?”

Nalan’s **** became serious, “Patriarch Meriya, this time we naturally hope to get some useful information, so that we can take the lead before the start of the war, but we don’t really have much hope for this. Now the Black Emperor sits here to direct the battle, and many decisions are made temporarily by him. We don’t know how the Demon Race will go next.”

Merial was taken aback, “You… since your main purpose is not to spy on intelligence, what are you doing here, and…”

Looking at the dozen or so witches in front of her, Meria felt even more disturbed, “Moreover, you still brought so many people here.”

“Master Patriarch, we…this is also a decision made on the road. Given the difficulty of spying on intelligence now, we…want to get something this time!”

“One thing!?” The corner of Meria’s eyes moved slightly. “What is it?”

Nalan shook his head, “We… still don’t know.”

“What? I don’t know?” Meriya was stunned, and looked at Robben naturally, “Roben, you are not here to mess around? You dare to come to such a place if you don’t even know what you want to get!”

“This matter… is a speculation of us.” Robben took Nalan and came to Merial.

Meriya frowned slightly, Robben held Nalan’s hand, and Nalan leaned against Robben with a considerate face, like a lover.

Perceiving Meria’s gaze, Robben smiled and explained: “I haven’t officially introduced it yet, this Nalan… is actually my wife.”

Melia didn’t show much surprise, just nodded and said, “I can understand… She is your witch.”

“No, it’s my wife!” Robben emphasized.

Meriya didn’t want to care about it, “Well, it’s your wife, I know, but what do you mean by your speculation?”

Robben said: “That’s right. This time the demons attacked in a big way, without the slightest reservation, and even opened the space door to the gods twice for this. Such consumption is quite terrifying. The demons’ magicians may have sacrificed. The Demon Race is totally in a posture no matter the cost and is bound to win. I think if this is the case, the Demon Race must have this great dependence.”

“This suspicion is right.”

“You may not know some conditions in the God Realm, and I will not explain it to you in detail. You only need to know that neither the God King nor the Light God will appear again in this battle. On this basis, the Demon Race will attack again. .”

“The King of Gods and the God of Light…” Meriya felt his mind began to sink, “Roben, what are you talking about?”

“It’s what I mean literally, Meriya, it’s good for you to understand it this way. On this basis, the demons are attacking wildly, and they don’t even leave a back road at all. You have to know…”

Robben frowned slightly, “The demons have fewer magicians than the protoss. Except for the witches, which are born to be magicians, the number of magicians of other races is relatively small. This time, two spaces have been opened. Doors… A large number of magicians died because they were drained of magic power for opening and maintaining this space door… Meriya, have you ever thought about the demons coming out of the nest, after the army of millions has entered the realm of God… how do you come back? ?”

Meriya was taken aback, her face turned pale in an instant, she hadn’t even thought about this question!

Robben groaned: “This is a big problem. If you come out to destroy the Protoss, but you can’t return to the Demon Realm, or even go to the Human Continent, it is very difficult. What’s the point of doing this? Even the God Realm. There are many teleportation formations leading to the human continent, but the protoss is still very difficult to use, let alone the demon, and even the black emperor can’t open the huge space door to let the millions of troops pass. Space gates, even if there are powerful magic items, must be opened by magicians. Now you tell how many magicians are responsible for maintaining the space gates by the demons. They can really survive the war until the end of the war, and then millions Will the army take back the Demon Realm?”

Melia’s face was pale, “This…this is…can’t do it anymore!”

Robben nodded, “Indeed, it should have been impossible. When I came here again, I could clearly feel that the surrounding magic bō was weakened. The first time the space gate was made by me with the ancient magic dragon. The space door that was opened by the magician of the demon world as a guide by the spar did not have such a strong impact on the magician, and the second time…”

With a light sigh, Robben said unbearably: “Using powerful magical interference on the first space door, and forcibly opening the space door again, the magicians of the demons performed amazing magic in a short time. The activity is either dead or weakened by magic power. It is not easy to support this space door. It is almost impossible to open a space door again after the demon tribe’s victory.”

“You mean…there is a last resort in the demons!?”

“There must be!” Robben said with certainty, “Such an invasion war, if the Black Emperor and the Demon God do not go to the God Realm, it is almost impossible for the Demon Race to win, but if they exist, they must go to the God Realm through the space gate. , Then the powerful spatial vibration almost killed all the demon wizards. If it hadn’t been for supporting a space gate before, the demon wizards might open another door to let the demon army pass through, but now…”

Meriya already understood what Robben meant, “Indeed…if the Black Emperor or the Demon God is going to the God Realm, then there must be effective means to come back. UU Read www.uukanshu.com and the success rate of this means must be extremely high. High, otherwise… The Black Emperor or the Demon God has fallen into the God Realm. If there is any accident in the middle, the consequences will be difficult to talk about.”

“Yes! So…the Demon Race must have some last resort to forcibly open the space door again! As for this method…this is our new goal this time!”

“You have to pay attention to this…” Melia slowly shook her head, seeming to disagree, “Roben, this method is indeed very important to the demons, and even affects the rhythm of the war, but… we are It’s totally meaningless here. We don’t even know what this means is, and we don’t even have a general direction. It may be a precious magic item, it may be a powerful magic left over from the age of the gods, or it may be Any other weird things, if they can be taken away, if it is a means like magic that cannot be taken away, what are you going to do?”

Robben smiled, “Meria, don’t be nervous. I didn’t say what we must get. This is just an idea. Once we have the right identities, we will start activities immediately, collect intelligence, and spy on everything about that method, even if we can’t get anything. , We will not take our own lives, let alone…”

Robben smiled somewhat proudly, “We are not without clues…” RS! .

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