God Prohibitions

Chapter 1536 - Conspiracy

“You… have a clue?” Merial was quite surprised.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

“Yes!” Nalan smiled a little more proudly than Robben, and tried her best to show her own sense of existence with the plump ōngfu.

“What clue?”

Nalan blinked her eyes, and then tǐngtǐōng.

Meriya wondered, “Do you…what’s wrong with your ōng…?”

“Ahhhhh!” Nalan’s cheeks flushed, and he came forward and took Meriya’s hand, angrily, “I didn’t mean that! It’s… Look, the clue is actually here!” Nalan shook his head proudly.

Meriya suddenly realized, “You mean to live…you?”

Nalan nodded triumphantly, “Yes, it’s me! Nalan is a very important presence in this operation, um…If you want to find that means, Nalan must…”

“Okay, okay, if you want to explain it, I will explain it later!” Robben dragged Nalan back with excitement, “Meria, we need some help now. The Black Emperor asks you to settle us, we need A suitable position must not be subject to excessive suspicion and must be easy to move.”

“Suitable location…” Meriya was a little bit awkward. “Roben, according to the truth… You should be settled in my camp. Although there are not many witches here, it is a witch camp. You have no reason to be Set up elsewhere.”

Robben thought carefully, “Is there really no other way? I looked at this place carefully when I came here. This location is not suitable for our actions. The distance between the Black Fortress and the Black Emperor’s big tent is far away. There are still a lot of powerful auras in the middle. It is not so easy to communicate. If we fail, it is very difficult for us to return here and continue to pretend.”

“The black fortress… the big account of the black emperor… you are really brave, and you directly set your goals in these two places.”

“We don’t have time to take it slow, even if it is dangerous, we have to try it, and… I am afraid there is nothing more dangerous than meeting the Black Emperor directly…”

Meriya nodded slowly, “Well, since you said that… then I can put you in one place alone, but… I’m afraid you dare not go.”

“Where, say!”

“There is an open space not far behind the Black Emperor’s Great Tent. It is a blank area reserved around the Black Emperor’s settlement camp. If you are confident, I will place you there. The emperor’s tent is very close, and not far away is the black fortress. There are no other tents within tens of meters around you!”

“There…I noticed it.” Robben thought and couldn’t help looking at his witches.

Nalan nodded immediately, “No problem master! Since that guy didn’t recognize me, there is absolutely no danger.”

“Okay! That’s it, but… what reason do you use to place us in such a strange place?” Robben worried.

Meriya looked at the person in front of her, “Do you think this still needs a reason, you suspicious witches, it would be dangerous if you were placed in a camp where no one was paying attention, and throwing you to the attention of everyone? The place seems more reasonable.”

Robben suddenly said, “So…even if we are witches, our identities are indeed suspicious. Who knows if we are spies sent by humans, huh… this is a good way, just do it!”

“Roben, this is extremely dangerous. There are many powerful guards around you, and the demon kings often appear there. If you make a mistake…”

“I have lived like this for a long time. Fortunately… I was lucky. I made a lot of calculation mistakes but survived. I think this time it will be no exception.” Robben said with a smile.

“Okay… Since you insist!” Meriya nodded, “But… can I ask a few more questions?”

“Of course, you can know anything you want. The clearer you know, the smoother our actions will be.”

Meriya asked in a puzzled way: “Just now…she said she was the clue. What does this mean?”

“This… is also difficult to explain.” Robben smiled bitterly and moved Nalan to his front again. “Look, except for our guard Nalan, these are all the witches I brought in the illusion. It’s not much different from ours, but these few differences became an opportunity for this action. Simply put, their existence has been supported by the power of the Black Emperor Spirit. Among them, Nalan can very well manage This residual power is refined and turned into something that is actually usable, that is… the jīng **** split of the black emperor spirit hún.”

Meriya’s face instantly turned blue and purple, “Hei…Hei Di, Hei Di’s jīng **** split!”

“Ah… it’s just a little bit of spiritual hún, not conscious, huh… It’s like the difference between a witch’s hair and the witch herself. Although the hair has a certain feeling, it is aware of the witch itself. huge.”

“Even…even if that’s the case…”

“I know it’s a little unbelievable, but it’s not really a great thing to do. Through this, we can steal the jīng **** bō movement in the black emperor spirit hún to a certain extent, that is… Nalan can be at close range I felt Hei Di’s thoughts at that time!”

Meriya didn’t know how she should be surprised anymore.

Robben smiled and said: “That’s why we are sure that our identity is not violent now. Nalan can feel the emotions and thoughts of the Black Emperor to a certain extent. He has not yet identified us as enemies, but he is still very skeptical, and you Today’s question of Nalan in front of the Black Emperor really created an opportunity for us, otherwise the Black Emperor would not believe us so quickly to a certain extent.”


“So, we are still safe for the time being, and we need a place that can be easily approached to the Black Emperor. The rest of us will act separately, and Nalan’s task… is to stare at the Black Emperor and get as much as possible from his mind. .”

“You…you are crazy!”

“No, no… this is just using the conditions that can be used. To say crazy, the demons are much crazy than us!”

Robben smiled, “Are there any questions? If not…we will act!”

Meriya took a few deep breaths to make her emotions more stable, and said: “Okay, Robben… I understand what you are going to do this time, and what I am going to do. I didn’t expect that I would be so soon. Facing the danger of violence, I have one last question. If you can answer this question to my satisfaction, then… I think I should do something right away.”

“Um… you ask!”

“Roben, you did hide from the Black Emperor, but… are you really sure you can hide from the Demon God? During this period of time, the Demon God has been showing signs here frequently. Maybe… Maybe we are being watched by him now, We conspired, we were cautious, we were nervous and eager to do everything, but this is actually meaningless, just a joke in the eyes of the superior creatures, you… are you really sure we can succeed?”

Robben couldn’t help but smile when he heard this question, but when he was about to answer, he was suddenly pinched by Nalan, and Robben grinned in pain.

Just about to ask Nalan for an explanation, Robben was taken aback, and finally noticed Merial’s eyes…

Those stubborn eyes struggling in torment, persisting in hesitation, fear, trembling, but still refusing to fall…

Robben understood in an instant, he could not help but curse himself carelessly.

Coming up, Robben gently pulled Meriya’s hands, held them tightly in front of ōng, and said solemnly: “Meria, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize this. We joined forces, but I am as far away as the human continent, as far as the God Realm. The Devil Realm is the only one who is struggling to support me. I have to collect intelligence in such a harsh environment. I am facing serious disasters at any time, and I am under tremendous pressure that will cause the witch clan to never recover. I actually…never thought about it.”

Merial shook a few times, “Roben…I…I now…I want an answer!”

“Yes!” Robben replied firmly, “We can succeed, we can hide from the devil, Meriya, I am very serious to tell you that the devil is not omniscient and omnipotent, he is just a little **** in the ancient times, although he is better than We are much stronger, but… he also has his own limits. He can’t predict many things and can’t see every corner of the demon world. We can speak with peace of mind as long as we prop up a strict magical enchantment here. Don’t worry about being eavesdropped by him, being spied on by him, Meriya…you are safe, and there will be nothing wrong with the witch clan, and our action will definitely succeed. Do you understand?”

Meriya couldn’t help but moved after hearing Robben’s words, and her mood moved, her mouth trembling slightly, and she opened her mouth several times, but because of the movement, she didn’t speak.

Nalan smiled and came to Meriya at this time, “Sister Meriya, don’t worry, we are not just kids who only know about sullen heads. Although we are not old, we have experienced great wars. We are not sure. If you don’t, you won’t do such a dangerous thing. Look, even your sister is here. You should rest assured that your sister is very cautious about what she does.”

Meriya finally nodded, relieved, “Okay…I understand, I will arrange for you to live in the empty space behind the Black Emperor’s Great Tent, and soon the Black Emperor will summon Nalan, you are ready, what do you have? Come to me immediately if anything happens. I have to prepare now. Since you are all here, then… my free time is over.”

“Meria…you…” Robben doubted.

Melia Lù smiled, “If your plan is missing me, I am afraid it will be more difficult. You must know that in the Black Emperor’s account just now, I really suspect that Nalan is a strange character, and it is related to my own safety. I wanted to grab Nalan’s tail with all my heart, but this incident made the Black Emperor believe in Nalan’s identity, and… there is no abnormal relationship between me and you, so…”

Nalan’s eyes lit up, “Sister Meriya, do you want to act with us?”

Merial smiled softly, “Yes, I can cooperate with you. Now you are the object of suspicion and attract most of the attention, and I was not cared about. Now it is even more so. You must be careful. Action, but in many cases, I can do it in a swagger and without being suspected.”

Robben’s eyes lit up, “This is a good idea, why didn’t I expect it!”

Melia smiled helplessly, “But Robben, what Nalan said before the Black Emperor… are all true? The news about the gods, about our alliance with the gods…”

Robben nodded, “All this is sudden, but it’s true, and there is no need to conceal these news. The Demon Race will know it soon after the war. It is better for us to exchange it for credible identity now.”

Merial nodded clearly, “Okay…If that’s the case, I probably know it too, now… I’m going to be busy with you again.”

“Sister Merial… you are so kind!” Nalan hugged Merial happily.

Merial could not squeeze Nalan’s face, “Your name is Nalan, right?”

“Um! Nalan is also called Nalan! Uh… and it’s not fake! They belong to Nalan!”

Melia couldn’t help but smile, “I see, but how old are you and why do you feel that you have just grown up.”

“Sister Meriya…” Nalan raised her mouth, “You mean I’m not stable enough, right?”

“Hmm…Hmm!” Meriya nodded in agreement.

Nalan suddenly looked miserable, “I’ve been like this since I was a child… Oh! The master is responsible for this! My mother often said that I was spoiled by the master!”

“You’re ashamed to say!” Robben immediately glared at Nalan. “You little demon can’t do anything unscrupulous wherever you go. Don’t think I don’t know. You dismantled the statue of the founding emperor Catdon into pieces. Isn’t it? Let’s see how you came back to the human continent this time to deal with Nya!”

Nalan froze for a moment, “Oh…I don’t…I don’t have it! That guy agreed with me to modify it. The words are engraved on it, how can they be erased? If they are scraped off, they will leave traces of Nalan. , Um… Nalan also learned to sculpt, that statue is so ugly, so… hehehe… so I changed it! I left the founding emperor, but removed the horse, one horse What does the horse have to do!? And… the old man may not be older than me. I have worked so hard for him. According to the customs of the human continent, he has to be grateful to me!”

“It’s good enough if he doesn’t cheat the corpse to jump out of the grave and bite you right away. You still want him to thank you!” When Robben heard Nalan’s series of reasons, he suddenly stopped getting angry.

“Sister Meriya…look! The master always bullies me!” Nalan found a new backer in an instant.

Meriya felt weak in her heart. This witch who was exactly the same as the familiar Nalan Guardian was not like a witch at all. She had never seen a witch who dared to fight with her master and even talked about it in her life… I don’t know under what circumstances such a witch grew up…

But… it is undeniable that Meriya looked at Nalan with surprises in her heart. Apart from the fact that this witch is not like a witch at all, her strength is completely beyond the limit of a witch. She has never seen such a powerful one in her life. Let yourself see the depth of the witch, the sister in her mouth, the real Nalan Guardian of the Demon Realm, almost represents the level of the strongest witch of the Demon Race, but even so, the strength of the Guardian Nalan is still his own. Can be assessed, and can find the corresponding level of magical generals for comparison, but the little guy in front of me who is staring at him and bickering with the master…but like a bottomless abyss, she can’t see the depths and shallows. She is like Robben, enveloped all over. With a hazy mist…

“Okay…you don’t make any more trouble! I said we don’t have that kind of idle time…” Seeing Robben and Nalan talked endlessly, Meriya had to interrupt them again.

“Now organize your things, let’s act!”

“Sister Melia is really nice… Sister Melia wants to help me in the future when the master bullies me.” Nalan immediately sticks to Melia again, her face is flattering, Melia has no temper at all.

Soon, dozens of soldiers came to the blank area reserved behind the Black Emperor’s Great Tent and began to quickly build small camps. This action immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding soldiers. Not long after, a demon general led the soldiers to stride. Come here.

After drinking the soldiers’ movements, the magic commander looked suspiciously at the dozen or so witches in front of him, “Are you going to establish a camp here?”

“Yes!” Nalan replied in a cold, flat voice.

“Why don’t you go to the Witch Camp? You should be there. This is the isolation belt around the Black Emperor’s camp. No one is allowed to stay. Don’t you know?”

“This is how the patriarch Meriya arranged. He also said that Lord Hei Di would allow us to stay here. If you have any questions, you can go directly to Lord Hei Di and ask to understand.”

“You…” Hearing that Nalan moved out of the black emperor, the face of the demon commander suddenly turned blue. “The witch shì Chief Guard… is just a witch. Do you really think that she is amazing? I will sue you. Leave here immediately, otherwise I will be rude!”

Nalan raised his eyebrows, “I was ordered to be stationed here. The Black Emperor personally ordered Patriarch Meriya to arrange it. Now… do you want to disobey the Black Emperor’s order, or feel that your neck is itchy, want to try The hangman’s axe?”

The demon general was furious, his shoulders shook, and he was about to act immediately.

“Nalan! Why are you here?” A majestic voice suddenly came from not far away, “First Meriya, now you, everyone is making noise here, one is the patriarch, the other is the guard, the witches When did it become so unruly?”

The demon commander was overjoyed when he heard this voice, he turned his head and said loudly: “My lord demon, she is trespassing in the forbidden area and is still camping here. The subordinates are about to drive her away, so she even uttered wild words. , Lord Demon Lord, please deal with it seriously!”

“Naren…Is that so?”

Nalan stood quietly on the spot, looking at the purple-eyed youth not far away, looking at the demon lord who was supposed to be his father, without a trace of expression on his face.

“Master Demon Lord, Nalan was ordered to station again, but was impolitely obstructed, so Master Demon Lord is the master.”

Arthur looked suspicious, “You are ordered to camp here? Whose order?”

“An order from Chief Merial.”

“Meria…” Arthur frowned slightly, “she actually… did this?”

After thinking about it, Arthur looked at Nalan again, “Alright, now we are at a critical moment. The Black Emperor will call you at any time. You will be here for the time being, but…Don’t disturb the Black Emperor, understand?”

“Yes, the subordinate understands!”

After speaking, Nalan glanced at the magic commander next to him, and the magic commander’s face had long turned into an eggplant.

“Are you… anything else?” Nalan asked deliberately.

The demon commander’s face suddenly became ugly again, and he didn’t dare to look at Arthur’s face, bowed his head to salute Arthur, “Subordinate… Subordinate retires! He left without looking back!”

Arthur quickly moved his gaze back from the demon general, “Nalan, come here… the Black Emperor summons you!”


In the Witch’s Camp, Merial is rummaging through boxes and cabinets. Most of the documents on the table have been pushed to the ground. Merial took out things from her ring that hadn’t seen the light for many years. Now she is in these weird little boxes, I was looking for something in books, jewelry, cloth bags.

As soon as the curtain of the door was opened, the witch who had previously asked Meriya to prepare things appeared again in front of Meriya.

Seeing the scattered documents on the ground, Meriya didn’t know what he was doing. The witch was stunned, “Patriarch Meriya, you…you call me!”

“Yes! The previous plan remains the same, now help me find something immediately!”

“Uh…oh! What are you looking for?” Although her heart was full of questions, the witch immediately stepped forward.

“Have you done everything I asked you?”

“It’s done!” The witch replied cautiously, and then couldn’t help but asked: “Master Patriarch~www.mtlnovel.com~What are we…what are we going to do? Why…”

“Hush!” Meriya gave her an angry look and interrupted her, “Don’t ask if you shouldn’t ask!”

“Yes Yes!”

“You have been with me for many years, and I can’t give you anything, this time…I can only give you a chance to live!”

“Master Patriarch! I swear it, even if it’s dead…”

“Shut up!” Melia whispered angrily, “There is something on the table, it is a long black jade stone, you can find it immediately! You can’t search with magic power, you can’t find it like that!”

“Black…long strip of jade? Can I only find it with my eyes?” The witch’s eyes suddenly widened, “Master Patriarch, are you looking for…”

“Shut up, you talked too much today!”

“Yes…Yes!” The witch with a panic expression on her face quickly stood next to Merial, and the two quickly rummaged through the mess on the table. RS! .

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