God Prohibitions

Chapter 1538 - Entrust

The black emperor’s eyes flashed with an astonishing murderous aura: “The space gate is unfolding in the God Realm, and the Protoss can see clearly. We have conducted two trials before and suffered heavy losses. Now the space shock still hasn’t stopped. The Protoss must think we are Will wait, this…is the opportunity, human beings will be surprised, we…naturally too!”

“Father!” Arthur stood up again. “There is always the **** of war guarding the space gate. Before the space shock has subsided, our actions are very difficult. Even a surprise attack will be disturbed by the space shock. This Will still give the Protoss enough time to surround and attack us, are we…”

“No… Tomorrow morning, we will attack!” Hei Di said in a soft, but indisputable tone, “The space shock has been reduced a lot, and our actions have also been a lot. This time it is not the vanguard to stand. A firm foothold, but a formal offense. We no longer need to worry about anything. This time… it’s a comparison of strength. A team of one thousand people will be swallowed instantly, so how about ten thousand, one hundred thousand?”

Arthur didn’t know how to persuade the Black Emperor.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

“Arthur, the time is up… We don’t need to wait any longer, go and prepare, you all go… We can catch the Protoss by surprise. When they are not ready to attack, the vanguard forces all abandon the armor and only carry Weapon, as soon as you enter the God Realm and impact the surrounding circle at all costs, the first Demon King who breaks through the surrounding circle…he has many rewards!”

“Yes!” All the demon kings stood up, their faces full of enthusiasm brought about by the emotions of war, all gearing up, and their faces full of excitement.

“Arthur, go… don’t worry, this time we have the conditions to win, the Protoss… only destruction is waiting for them, go…”

Seeing that the demon kings started to leave quickly, Arthur had no choice but to nod his head and turned to leave. Seeing Nalan who was still standing there, Arthur shook his head and turned to leave.

“Nalan, come here!” When the demon kings left, the Black Emperor waved to Nalan.

This made Nalan a little nervous, and he couldn’t guess what this guy was doing alone. After taking the first two steps, Nalan stopped and asked, “Master Black Emperor, please give orders.”

The Black Emperor looked at Nalan with an inscrutable smile, “Is the human continent…beautiful?”

Nalan was stunned. He really didn’t expect the Black Emperor to ask such a question, “Uh… his subordinates didn’t go to many places in the human continent to visit the mountains and water, but from the places they walked, the human continent is indeed very It is vast, and the land is fertile, and the scenery is very beautiful.”

“Hehe… Then, which one is more beautiful compared to the Devil Realm?”

What the **** does this guy want to do, can it be said that his disguise is stuffed? Nalan couldn’t help muttering in her heart, but she was wrong when she changed her mind. To a large extent, she was just acting as herself, and there was no such thing as stuffing.

After thinking about it, Nalan replied cautiously: “This…I’m afraid that human beings think that the human continent is more beautiful, and our demons think that the devil world is more beautiful.”

“Hahahaha…” Hei Di burst into laughter, and Nalan laughed inexplicably.

The Black Emperor got up and walked off the throne. He wandered slowly in the big tent like a stroll in the courtyard, and said: “I haven’t been to the human continent for a long, long time. The beautiful scenery there really made me intoxicated when I went there last time. The vast sky, the endless land, the air is full of sweet smells, rivers are vertical and horizontal, and the soil is fertile. I really can’t believe that such a beautiful world is actually ruled by a weak race like humans, and we, our powerful demons. But to survive in this barren world, no matter how hard you work, there will be more food and water, far less abundant than the human continent.”

“But… soon, I will be back somewhere again!” Hei Di stood in place, with intoxication on his face like infinite yearning, “Standing again on the land of the human continent as a victor. , To rule that fertile land.”

Suddenly turning his head, the Black Emperor looked at Nalan and said, “Nalan, your loyalty will be rewarded. The witches can choose a piece of land on the human continent as a settlement for their ethnic group. What do you think?”

Nalan was taken aback, could it be said that the Black Emperor was going to give the witches his own land! ? how can that be!

Now the witches don’t even talk about their own land, even if they don’t even have their own headquarters, a large ethnic group is scattered across the entire demon world. Although there are many in number, there is no formed organization. The only large-scale settlement is a city built by humans. Has disappeared in the demon world, this time unexpectedly…

Even if he knew that this had nothing to do with him, Nalan couldn’t help but move. “His Lord Black, you…you mean…”

“The witches… should have their own land. Each of our races will have it. That rich land is enough for us to survive at will, and there will be no enemies to interfere with us. The demons… will always prosper.” Hei Di seems to have been immersed in the beautiful vision of the future, as for Nalan’s existence has been ignored.

Nalan understood at once that this guy had nothing important to say when he kept himself, just to let himself listen to his words and let him enjoy the feeling of intoxication, and he didn’t want to give What kind of blessing is the witch race? If this time the protoss is really wiped out and human beings are completely turned into slaves of the demons, then under the premise that the many races of the demons divide the human continent, the witch… can only get the smallest, most The barren land survives like a sinner in exile.

To put it bluntly, nothing will change. The Demon Race is still the Demon Race, and the Witch is still the Demon Race. The Demon Race is still bullying the Witch.

Thinking of these Nalan could not help but become angry, and even a little angry in sè. Fortunately, the Black Emperor has not paid attention to this side. Nalan quickly adjusted his emotions and said softly: “With the Black Emperor leading us, such a wish will definitely be realized. , Nalan first thanked Lord Black Emperor on behalf of the witch family.”

The Black Emperor laughed, “Okay…you are tired from a long distance, go to rest.”


This **** old thing, it’s #……※※

……)##…… Nalan cursed the Black Emperor over and over again in his heart, and quickly left the big tent. As soon as he left the house and turned a corner, he immediately saw his camp not far from the big tent, and couldn’t help turning over. Eyes, if it weren’t for important things to do, I really didn’t want to live so close to this bastard.

The small camp is not big. There are only thirteen witches living in Nalan. Now the camp has been set up. Several witches are setting up some necessary facilities in the camp.

Nalan came to the camp and looked around, and immediately walked to the witch who was swiftly setting up the stove, and got busy with her.

“Tomorrow morning, the demons will attack.” Nalan said in a very low voice.

The witch who built the pot stove shook her hand when she heard these words, and almost smashed the iron pot in her hand to the ground, her eyes widened quickly, “What…what did you say?”

“The news I just got is tomorrow morning. It seems that we are late.” Nalan nailed the thick wooden stake to the ground, turned and left.

Holding the iron pan, the witch who continued to work was obviously not as swift as before, and her face was also a little more unnatural.

Looking up at the sky, Robben saw that it was not noon yet, but it would be less than a day before tomorrow morning was full. Suddenly Robben felt the iron pan in his hand extremely heavy.

This time I miscalculated.

I wanted to take advantage of the tense state of the Demon Race’s attack on the eve of the attack, spying on the intelligence here, getting rough and getting the Demon Race’s secret to open the space door again, but I didn’t expect the Black Emperor to temporarily decide to start the attack tomorrow.

This… it’s as if the duck with its mouth flies away!

If the demons start to attack tomorrow morning, then everything will not make much sense. Once the attack begins, the demons will come out at the fastest speed, and all the troops will be pressed into the gods. Information before the war The value of is completely equal to zero, and once the demons aggressively attack the God Realm, then the Black Emperor must carry with him the means to open the space door when he finally leaves the God Realm, perhaps some magic item, or some ancient spell In short, he would never leave the **** emperor’s side, so the possibility of obtaining such a thing… is infinitely close to zero!

Tomorrow morning… Damn it, as soon as you come here, it will be too late even before the **** is hot! Robben suddenly became anxious.

Now it’s bright, and we have just settled down here. We haven’t got an official army establishment. Without an official status, we can’t walk around in the barracks. No matter how good the excuse is, we will be thrown back into this camp, but… …Now there is no time to squat here to waste.

Find a way to leave this, immediately! You must act immediately, and you can no longer consider the issue of identity. Now you can leave here as long as you have a reason not to be suspected, even if it sounds extremely unreliable, as long as you don’t abuse your identity…

Robben couldn’t help but start to sweat. This was the first time he encountered this kind of thing. The plan was well planned, but a change actually shattered the plan.

How to leave… How to leave? Robben racked his brains, making noises, fighting, looking for missing items… These can’t be left for a long time without being suspected, and maybe he will cause trouble…

Robben was thinking about it here. Suddenly his ears moved, and his heart was suddenly infinitely surprised. The sound of a witch’s unique footsteps was approaching. Robben quickly stood up and looked behind the camp. A witch was passing the inspections of the guards in the distance and pointed straight. Come here.

It’s really sending charcoal in the snow! Robben was very excited. Here, every witch next to Merial is her confidant, and this is no exception, and she is the kind of trustworthy one who has followed Merial since childhood.

Seeing the other party slowly coming over, Robben almost cheered and went out to greet him. Fortunately, he finally restrained the impulse. Robben also remembered his identity, now… he is just an ordinary witch, this little The owner of the camp is Nalan!

Just a few steps away, he was about to get into the tent and grabbed the lazy Nalan, “Master Guard, you see, the patriarch seems to have sent someone.”

Nalan was about to rest. Hearing what Robben said, he looked a little reluctantly in the direction Robben had instructed, and then closed his eyes, “I didn’t see it!”

Robben suddenly rolled his eyes, “You are in trouble, now is not the time to joke!”

Nalan flattened his mouth, “Why do you have to put this title on your lips… I have been in peace for a long time…”

“From the time you “revised” the stone statue of the founding emperor Caton to the present, it is not a long time!”

“Hmm…a tattered statue, what’s so great…” Nalan pouted again, and then turned around, blinking a few eyes, the **** on her face restored the indifference of Chief Guardian.

The witch quickly entered the camp, and she bowed to Nalan first, and said, “Is Lord Guardian still satisfied with this place? The Lord Patriarch asked me to come over and greet her.”

“Ah… it can’t be better, it’s spacious and bright, with a broad vision!” Nalan answered casually.

“Master Wei, please forgive me. The location of the camp is very tight now. We just arrange Master Wei here temporarily. We will soon…”

“No nonsense!” Nalan interrupted the witch, “What are you doing here? Don’t you just come to ask me if I feel comfortable here? I haven’t even chuáng banged yet?”

“Uh… the subordinates are talking too much, please forgive me, Lord Wei, I am also here to send a letter, the patriarch wants to see you, so I sent me to invite you over.”

“Oh! If you want to see me, then…” Nalan said, “Why didn’t she come to see me by herself?” Then he almost slipped out. Fortunately, Robben glared at him, Nalan finally stopped. He closed his mouth, coughed and said, “That… well, of course I will go, is that right now?”

“Yes, the patriarch is already waiting, please come with me.”

“Master Wei, let’s go!”

The witch who came to pick up people was suddenly surprised, and the witch next to her walked up very affectionately, just like she was going to follow.

“Uh… The patriarch only said to see Master Wei, are you…”

“I am Master Wei’s personal guard, and I must stay with Master Wei whenever and wherever!” The witch that came up was extremely persistent.


Nalan shook his head helplessly, “Forget it, the patriarch won’t mind, you…you don’t need to be nervous when you get here, we are already safe, don’t take it as an example, remember?”

While speaking, Nalan turned his head, and gave a malicious smile at an angle that Nalan Witch could not see. At the same time, he reached out and pressed the nose of the witch next to him, looking very intimate.

Robben rolled his eyes. In this life you have pinched other people’s noses, grabbed other people’s cheeks, mō other people’s heads, and you never thought that you would be treated like a little girl to press your nose one day, and… the other party is still his own wife! This is obviously a communiqué, revenge, revenge…

Nalan smiled extremely proudly, poked and squeezed Robben’s nose with a pampering face for a long time, only to let go after knowing that the witch who came to greet her had already been stunned…

It’s hard to fight…sir Master Wei to the woman… strange thoughts popped up in the witch’s mind.

Following this witch, Nalan and Robben swaggered out of the camp one after another, and soon came to Meriya’s witch camp.

áo opened the curtain and walked into Merial’s tent, Robben and Nalan were in a daze.

The two tables in the tent were put together, and all the books and documents on them were thrown aside. Now there are all kinds of gadgets on the table, from unknown chips the size of a pinky fingernail to gems the size of a fist. From his pockets to square metal boxes, all kinds of things that Robben couldn’t name at all filled the table with round, flat, and long squares.

“Meria, are you… are you going to set up a street stall?” Robben looked at the table with confusion.

“It would be great if I could have that spare time. At least it means that the witch family has escaped from the sea of ​​suffering. I can also find something easier to do!”

Melia smiled bitterly, “Roben, look at this!”

Following Merial’s fingers, Robben discovered that there was a small open space on the table. There was a small ring on the table. The outer ring was black and the inside was white. I didn’t know what material it was supporting. White. There are some magic lines on the lining, but Robben didn’t see what it meant.

It was a small thing floating in the sky above the ring that attracted Robben’s attention.

“What is this?” Robben looked at the thing with curiosity in his eyes, reached out to touch the thing, but Merial grabbed his wrist.

“Roben~www.mtlnovel.com~ be careful, this thing cannot be touched!”

Seeing Meria’s very serious expression, Robben became even more strange, and he took a closer look at this thing. It was a black spar, flat, rectangular, floating on the ring on the table, quietly. Quietly spinning by himself, what is puzzling is that the surface of this thing seems to be changing all the time, it becomes rough and dull again, and then it becomes slippery. The water slide can reflect the human head, as if there is something here. The black spar is flowing back and forth.

Taking a closer look, Robben was a little surprised, this thing… actually did not move at all.

In this world, there is no energy-free thing at all, unless… that thing does not exist at all!

Fearing that he had made a mistake or was too careless, Robben once again felt this spar carefully, and he couldn’t help being stunned. If this thing hadn’t been floating in front of his eyes, he couldn’t be sure of its existence.

“Meria… is this?”

Meriya said with a solemn expression, “Roben, this thing…I hand it to you today, I hope you can use it well, otherwise…hehehe, our witch clan is about to face disaster!” RS! .

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