God Prohibitions

Chapter 1539 - Odagi

Like what she did now was so unforgivable, there was a decided pain on her face.

This… makes Robben very puzzled.

Robben knew very well that he had never seen this thing. In the fantasy world, he pretended to be a husband and wife, ate and lived with Meria, and once hugged the exhausted Meria to fall asleep, except for not breaking through the final limit. The relationship was already very close and ambiguous, and later the entire witch clan was handed over to herself in various senses, but…this thing Meriya never showed herself.

“What… is this?” Robben moved closer, carefully examining the black spar floating on the ring, “I don’t seem to have seen this…”

“Have you never seen Nalan?” Nalan came to the table early, leaned on the edge of the table and looked at this thing curiously, and his eyes slowly appeared surprised, “Sister Melia, what is this? It feels… as if it doesn’t exist.”

“This… is the vow of the pretender!” Melia’s breathing was a little messy.

“The pretender’s oath?” Robben and Nalan Qi were taken aback, looked at each other, only saw more doubts in each other’s eyes.

“This…the pretender’s oath…what is it?” Nalan asked in a low voice.

“It is said that… is a treasure left over from ancient times.”

“It’s said…” A big question mark floated on Robben’s head. “Meria…couldn’t…you don’t know what this thing is?”

“Um…I still know–though it’s not particularly clear.”

“That’s not very clear…” Robben knew very well that Melia was a cautious witch, and what she could say is not completely clear, which almost means that she only knows one or two…

“This…” Merial was a little tight when Robben said, “Anyway…I know the function of this thing!”

It does not seem to be very clear… Robben reluctantly moved his gaze from Merial’s face to the black spar, “Then what is this thing? Are there any side effects… Ah, this must be Make it clear first!”

“This thing… can make the creatures who touch it disappear in this world. It disappears completely without being noticed by anyone, just like it is now. If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, you would never notice its existence.”

“Oh… It’s amazing!?” Nalan’s eyes flashed suddenly, “Uh…but, Sister Meriya…” Nalan suddenly became guilty, “To disappear completely…what does it mean? It sounds weird. , Is it just hiding your breath?”

Robben also wanted to ask this, if it was just a jewel that masked the breath, then it seemed that Merial didn’t need to be so serious. And some are determined, as if this matters.

“Of course it’s not just simply hiding the breath. If you don’t control it well… it will completely disappear from this world!”

“Disappear!?” Robben and Nalan felt a chill.

“That’s it…” Melia flipped her palm, and there was something on her fingertips, which turned out to be a small cricket-like bug.

This thing is very common in the demons continent. It is a kind of night worm that is everywhere, and it will call endlessly at night. It’s much more vigorous than crickets. Witches often use this kind of brainless night worms to do some simple jīng **** magic experiments. The simplest entertainment in Ping Rì is to use jīng **** magic to control these night worm races.

Reaching out his hand on the black jade stone, slightly to one side, the small bug on Meria’s fingertips fell down, and was startled, and immediately screamed. And the moment it touched that piece of black jade, it disappeared… the sound also stopped abruptly.

Robben and Nalan stared at the scene in front of them in a daze, a little unsure for a while.

“You… can anyone find it?” Melia asked.

Nalan leaned forward immediately, looking around with wide-eyed eyes. But the space around the spar has been cleared, and there is no shadow of the bug.

Blinking his eyes, Nalan asked, “Can I search with God?”

“of course.”

In Nalan’s eyes, a silver sèjīng divine light wave that was visible to the naked eye hit the table, and even caused the table to tremble twice. The light wave swept across the table and then the entire camp.

But Nalan was stunned quickly, “No…no?”

“Roben, how about you?” Merial looked at Robben.

Robben felt the novelty, and he leaned forward. His consciousness quickly spread into the air, and he instantly absorbed the situation in the tent. Every fluctuation in the air was very clearly presented before Robben’s eyes, let alone a small one. Worm, it is a piece of dust that can’t escape Robben’s eyes.

However, Robben was stunned this time, “No…no?”

Robben couldn’t believe it. The little thing was there just now. It’s impossible to leave this tent now, but searched everywhere, there is no such little thing. It’s almost impossible, as long as it’s still here. Reasonable, it is still alive, then it must be…

Abruptly, Robben thought of something, and asked in surprise: “Meria, that thing… is dead?”

“No…I’m still alive, right here.” As she said, Merial carefully stretched out her hand and gently clamped on the black spar, as if something was caught, slowly raised her hand, but she There is nothing in his hand…

Robben and Nalan both had their faces full of doubts. They were about to ask, but the sound of insects suddenly came from Meriya’s fingers, and a small shadow slowly emerged.

Merial was holding the two hind legs of the night worm just now, and now it is screaming.

Nalan’s eyes rounded, “This…how is it possible? It was obviously not there just now!”

Meriya gently threw the bug in his hand onto the table. Robben and Nalan were even more surprised that the little thing disappeared in an instant. This time Meriya apparently threw it somewhere else and didn’t make peace at all. The black spar made contact.

“Meria, is this the effect of this thing?” Robben suddenly realized the horror of this thing.

Meriya was serious, “Yes, the reason why this thing is called the “pretender’s oath” is because once it is used, it will not end. The life of using this thing is equivalent to signing an oath with the ancient hidden god. Death… is this oath considered to be lifted.”

The faces of Robben and Nalan changed at the same time. Nalan, who was very interested in this black spar, shrank even more after hearing this. Never be seen by others!”

“It’s not just that. Your image, your shadow, your voice, even your footprints on the ground, your smell, all traces of you in this world will be erased.”

Nalan shrank directly behind Robben this time, “I don’t want to slam something like this. If that’s the case, the master won’t even see Nalan, nor can he hear Nalan’s voice, even Nalan’s taste… uh . Anyway, I don’t want to slam this…”

Robben also shrank subconsciously, “Meria…isn’t this kind of thing too much, it can’t be regarded as a useful baby anymore?”

“No, Robben… this is indeed a treasure. It’s just a pity… we no longer have the ability to use it. You must know that this is a treasure left by the ancient gods to conclude contracts. Almost… it seems like you can use the gods with this thing. The same strength.”

“But…” Robben looked around. The little bug no longer knows where it is now, “Could it be that it has been like that after touching it, and there is no deadline?”

“Until the person touching it dies!” Merial said with certainty.

“Then…then you came up with this…wouldn’t you want us to use it?” Robben looked sad.

Meriya looked at Robben’s unnatural face, naturally understood Robben’s thoughts in her heart, and explained: “Roben, this thing is indeed for you to use. But I have to explain it further now, of course. …You can choose whether to accept this thing, that is your right.”

“Ok… it doesn’t hurt to listen, if you don’t have more to tell me. Then I really dare not slam this thing.” Robben smiled bitterly.

Meria nodded, “First of all… this thing is controllable. Its original effect is to achieve absolute concealment in a short time. No one can notice your existence, even if you scratch it slightly. “

“It’s amazing…” Nalan couldn’t help but poked his head out angrily, but still hid behind Luo himself.

“But now, no one can use this thing perfectly. I used to…I let the jīng sharp witch in the clan try to use it…” A trace of pain flashed in Meriya’s eyes, “and tried to a certain extent. Control this thing.”

From Meria’s expression, Robben knew that this incident might end in tragedy, “Then… what’s the result?”

“She disappeared…” Melia sighed slightly, “completely disappeared, perhaps because of lack of power, perhaps because she angered the gods, or perhaps because of other reasons, she completely disappeared…shadow, voice , Even most of the sense of touch. After that, I have touched her. I can feel her anxiety. She seems to want to say something to me, but… I can’t hear it anymore.”

“Then…” Robben couldn’t bear to ask.

“No one can find her, can’t hear her voice, she can feel vaguely to her, her existence in this world is completely erased, I have to temporarily place her in a secret place, Give her something that can be clearly identified, but then…”

Taking a breath, Melia continued: “Her sense of existence is getting weaker and weaker. My sense of touch with her is getting more and more vague, and I even wonder if I’m touching her. She can’t speak, but can only write to me. Look, things that had been in contact with her body for a long time began to disappear inexplicably. The signs and clothing on her body were the same. I felt her anxious and manic, and finally… I had to bring her an iron chain to lock her. .”

“What?” Rob Nalan was taken aback.

“Because she knows that as long as she dies… it will be over.” Merial’s voice was very heavy, “It’s been about a year after this… she bit her tongue and killed herself.”

“Bite his tongue?” Robben was shocked.

“Yes, she has only one way to prove her existence. Before that, the chains that locked her had gradually disappeared. I couldn’t even hear the ringing of the chains. After I touched her, I was dazed to touch other places. …The next day she left a suicide note and committed suicide…”

Robben sighed, “As time goes by, has the effect of concealment become stronger? Even the sensation of being touched in this world begins to disappear, which means that she is completely isolated from this world. Can’t be noticed by them, it’s like…abandoned by the whole world.”

Melia smiled bitterly. “She said the same in her suicide note…”

“So… this thing?”

“Roben, I hope this thing is useful to you.”

“Meria… are you serious, something like this…”

“I think… maybe you can use this!” Meriya noodles looked a little dignified, “I’m sorry I don’t have any more grounds. This may be a feeling, but after you came here, you said your purpose… …This feeling is particularly strong, maybe…this thing also tells me that it needs a new home.”

Nalan said in a very small voice, the younger one seemed to be afraid that the spar would suddenly fly over and hit her forehead and said, “Sister Melia, this thing… why is it here? Melia in the illusion. The patriarch doesn’t seem to have this…”

“I don’t know this. But this thing… was given to me by the Black Emperor back then.”

“Black Emperor!” Robben and Nalan tightened their faces.

“Ah… it was given to me by the Black Emperor. He told me the purpose of this thing. He hoped that I could find a suitable one among the witches. I searched many ancient books and looked up countless materials. I finally determined that this thing does exist. As well as the effect and possible use method. But in the end… still did not find a suitable person. This incident caused some suspicions in the clan back then, but I quickly suppressed this matter, and it was still clear. Yes, now there are only a few of my confidants.”

“Hei Di will give you this thing… Do you want to experiment with the witches?” A flash of anger flashed in Robben’s eyes.

Nalan said angrily: “This **** knew this thing was dangerous, so he threw it to the Witch Clan? He just wanted to experiment with the potential witch, regardless of whether we live or die!”

Melia’s eyes darkened slightly. “Perhaps… I was very excited when I got this thing. I think this is an opportunity, an opportunity for our witch to play a role. It’s a pity… In the end, I just lost the lives of many innocent people. After that… black The emperor never mentioned this matter again, and this thing has always stayed with me. Since then, I have never used it again.”

Nalan gritted his teeth, “I think he just doesn’t want such dangerous things to stay with him! Such things should be destroyed early!”

Anger surged, Nalan jumped to the table, grabbed an iron box on the table and slammed it at the spar.

A hand quickly stretched out to hug Nalan around the waist, and pulled back.

“Master, don’t stop me, I must…”

“No, we have to hold this thing!”

Nalan was taken aback, his eyes stared at the boss, “Master! Are you crazy? This thing is very dangerous! And it was placed here by the Black Emperor. That cunning and **** guy might have expected this day, and was waiting for us. Take this thing and disappear completely in this world!”

Robben hugged Nalan, who was struggling wildly, and said: “Meria is right, maybe we need this thing, and since someone once used it, it should be used now, only Black Emperor… this If he put this thing here, I’m relieved, that guy has always been very cunning and would never do anything so explicit. I think he just gave this thing to the witches with indifferent mood. , After all… no one can use this thing anymore.”

“That means he can’t use it himself, Master, are you so arrogant that you feel more powerful than the Black Emperor?” Nalan heard that Robben seemed to want to try, and suddenly became nervous and stopped struggling, holding his backhand. Live in Robben, “Master, you can’t leave Nalan alone to disappear…”

“Crow’s mouth!” Robben knocked Nalan on the head. “Meria, leave this to me, no problem?”

Seeing Robben happily agreed after hearing his own words, Merial was taken aback. It was expected that the other party should have more hesitation, “Uh… this is naturally for you, but… you don’t Think about it again? This…”

“No need…I don’t have so much time to think about this now. If I can, I will consider it later…”

“It…after… Robben… are you…” Meriya was worried.

“Master…wake up, wake up!” Nalan saw that Robben was actually very determined, and immediately squeezed Robben’s face and pulled it up.

“It hurts… Nalan! Don’t make trouble!” Robben glared at her immediately after grabbing Nalan’s hand.

Nalan bulged his eyes and stared back without showing any weakness. “Master! We don’t want this, okay… Everyone is waiting for the master to return. If something happens to the master, what should Nalan do? Everyone will kill me…”

“it’s OK……”

“It’s related!” Nalan yelled, then suddenly thought of something and said: “Master, you don’t want the baby to see his father in the future?”

Robben immediately rolled his eyes and bowed his head to give Nalan a head mallet, “When did you crow mouth learn the same as Bier? Master, I won’t do things like sending you to death!”


“Okay. Since you don’t believe me, I’ll show it to you here. Anyway, you have to use this thing right away when you get it, Nalan! Now stand aside and watch it carefully. Don’t bother me. Otherwise. If you do…you will always be responsible for the news.”

“Woo…Master!” Nalan held Robben and didn’t let go.

“If you don’t let go, I’m going to slam into that rock. You want to message with me!”

Nalan hugged Robben hard. He leaned against Luo himself, “If he disappears, let Nalan be his master! At least… the master will not be lonely!”

Robben was taken aback, seeing that Nalan was relying on himself and closing his eyes tightly, a hint of apology suddenly rose in his heart. For Nalan, what just said was a bit wrong, after all, she had been by her side since she was a child, as she grew older. Her mind gradually matured, her feelings for herself were both father and brother, and finally she became her own wife. She relied on herself the most, and the most obsessed one…

He dropped his hand on Nalan’s head and stroked it lightly. Robben said in harmony: “Nalan, sorry… the master doesn’t seem to have made it clear, the master will not disappear, because there is still you and everyone.”

Nalan tears down her master, “Master… don’t slam that thing, okay…”

Seeing this, Merial felt embarrassed, “Roben, this…I think it’s better to forget it, I don’t have any basis for it, so it would be rash to call you over, in case something really happens… “

“No!” Robben interrupted Meriya immediately, “I have paid attention to this matter, and this is not a rash, now is an extraordinary period, the Black Emperor is very likely to mention this thing to you, if Finding that you gave this thing to someone who is unknown, this…that is what you said is the disaster of the witch, right, without careful consideration, I don’t think you will make this decision.”


“Master…” Nalan still begged.

Robbenfu lowered his head and kissed Nalan’s forehead lightly, “Nalan, trust the master, this thing is not dangerous enough to the master, and the master promises you that there will be nothing wrong.”

Raising her small face, Nalan’s eyes were whirring with tears, but looking at Robben’s firm eyes, she was a little confused for a while.

“Don’t worry, the master is in your own way.” Robben gently unlocked Nalan’s hand, and you are standing here. The master will show you a good show. Remember to applaud the master, otherwise the master will have to take care of you Yes, you know? “

Nalan opened her mouth, still bit her lip without speaking, and gently let go of Robben, but when Robben approached the table, he whispered: “If the master makes a mistake and disappears~www.mtlnovel.com~ Nalan tied herself and her master together and slowly disappeared together…”

Robben tapped Nalan’s head casually, “Shut up…you fool, that kind of thing won’t happen.”

When he came to the table, Robben bent down and took a close look at the black jade stone. He touched his chin and seemed to be thinking about something, “Well… if Bier was here, her brain is better than I’m so easy to use…”

“Master…” Nalan had a look of reluctance at first, and even more reluctantly screamed after hearing Robben’s words.

Robben smiled, “I’m not saying that your brain is not easy to use, it’s just that you were not there at the time, this thing…I don’t remember it very clearly, Bier may remember.”



Meriya and Nalanzi were stunned.

“Well… this thing! If you look closely… I do have an impression!” Robben grinned, “I really made a profit this time!” )

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