God Prohibitions

Chapter 1540 - Small error

“Roben… You, have you seen this thing?” Meriya was surprised and inexplicably, “How is this possible?”

“Master… are you comforting Nalan?” Nalan still looked sad.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Only Robben laughed how happy and happily he was, “Well…I didn’t pay attention to it at the time, but I did see it, but the impression is not so deep. If you don’t explain so much, Meriya, I’m afraid I won’t think about it. Get up, um… let me think about how this thing is used, um… it seems like this, no no… it should be like that…”

Luo was at the table, thinking while gesturing, Meriya and Nalan were dumbfounded.

“Master, do you really know how to use this thing?” Nalan suddenly slipped over again, leaning on Robben’s shoulder and looking at the black spar on the table with some fear.

Robben turned his head and poked Nalan’s forehead with a finger, “Didn’t I tell you to wait over there, so what are you doing here?”

“Master, don’t be so fierce…” Nalan wrinkled her nose and didn’t mean to leave at all. Then she squeezed Robben’s shoulder to please, “Master…do you really know this thing? The patriarch doesn’t seem to have this in the fantasy world. , Never showed us…”

“Everything in the illusion that is directly related to the Black Emperor may be quite different from here. After all, that world originally confined his soul. It is not surprising that there is no such thing in the illusion.”

“How did the master know?” Nalan looked curious.

“Want to know?”


“Go over there first and stand for me honestly!”

“Hmm…don’t…Master…” Nalan put his arms around Robben’s waist, and shook his chin on Robben’s shoulders. “Since the master knows, don’t hide from Nalan… Nalan is very anxious. …Now everyone is not here, Nalan is anxious for everyone, Master…”

Nalan started using Robben’s head on his head: “Tell Nalan, tell Nalan, tell Nalan…”

“Okay, okay, okay…” Robben said helplessly, “Meria is there watching. At any rate, you have a captain of the bodyguard, okay…”

“Anyway, I’m the captain of the guard, pretend to be something… Master quickly said, Nalan is listening!” Nalan triumphed, and kissed Robben’s cheek, and laughed.

Meriya was across the table, so she had to try to tell herself that she hadn’t seen anything. If this demon’s witch guard is like this, then…

“This thing… seems to be recorded in the gate of truth.”

“The gate of truth!” Meriya and Nalanziqi exclaimed.

“Yeah…” Robben touched his head embarrassedly, “I don’t know if that thing is the gate of truth, but it must be a remarkable treasure. The demon gods have both hollowed out their minds to get it, and Bier and I have been carefully on it. Looking for, it’s a pity that the information recorded on it is really helpless, and there is no clear search method. Looking for aimlessly is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We finally got some introductions and other records about the power of curse, In the process of searching. I remember seeing this stuff once. Hmm…the pretender’s oath is the name!”

Nalan’s eyes lit up suddenly, “So the master really knows how to use this thing?”

When Robben slapped, Nalan hurriedly shrank his head, but immediately showed his head from the other shoulder of Robben, laughing. “Master, don’t always beat Nalan on the head, you will be beaten stupid…”

“I hope you are a little stupid, so you won’t always go out to make trouble.”

Nalan didn’t mean to reflect at all, just smiled. “Master! Then this thing…how to use it?”

“Well… it needs a very powerful force. To put it bluntly, this thing is the curse of the gods on you. This curse will follow you for the rest of your life, gradually obliterating your sense of existence from this world, and driving you completely away. Into the world of nothingness.”

“Curse!” Nalan was startled, Meriya was also very surprised.

Robben nodded, “So the user needs to use a very powerful force to fight against this curse, and pull himself back from the world of nothingness, otherwise…when he is completely pulled into the world of nothingness, he will never come again. .”

“Where is the void world…” Nalan asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know, this is what the stone that may be the gate of truth said, but it sounds like it is not a good place.”

Nalan immediately nodded in agreement, “It’s not a good place! But… Isn’t that going to fight this curse for the rest of my life? Master is now…”

Robben smiled, stretched out his hand, and Nalan immediately shrank his head, but this time Robben only squeezed Nalan’s nose slightly, “Relax, the curse power has been suppressed now, although the soul is still affected. Influence, but as long as you don’t move it, it won’t develop anymore, and about this thing…” Robben pointed to the black spar, “As long as he can successfully pull himself back into the world, it will be Victory, the effect of the curse will disappear. This is why Merial said that the contract will be terminated after death. Death… is the end of all existence of a creature, and it is also a collection. It is the strongest existence before it disappears. It will pull the body completely back to this world.”

Nalan seemed to understand, “Anyway…that is to say that the master has a way to pull herself back into this world alive?”

Robben smiled, “Of course, your master, I am the worst. If I didn’t know a way, how could I do this kind of thing.”

Meriya’s expression became more and more surprised. Hearing Robben said such affirmative words, he couldn’t help but say: “Roben, are you sure you can? This thing can’t even be controlled by the dark!”

God Nalan suddenly tightened, “Yes, Master, Master is really…”

“Of course!” Robben smiled confidently. “As I said, this thing is actually a curse, and the record clearly states this. When this thing was born, it was not a treasure created to hide its deeds. …Is a torture instrument!”

“It’s a torture instrument!” Nalan yelled, and immediately grabbed Robben’s clothes.

“Well… later it was gradually used in other places, and the method of pulling the user back to the original world also appeared, but… it has naturally been used as a means to deal with enemies or enemies, and this thing was originally …” Robben paused and said emphatically. “Built with dark power!”

Meriya and Nalan obviously did not understand the meaning of Robben’s words.

“That is to say, this thing is based on the dark power as the main body to curse the user, and the best way to combat this curse… is to use the light power!”

“Oh!!” Nalan finally realized, “So that’s the case!!”

Meriya also looked surprised, “Doesn’t that mean… the arrow of judgment last time you ran away from here…”

“Yes!” Robben couldn’t help. “Although I can’t be regarded as a believer in the power of light, and I myself have the strongest dark magic power, but…With the arrow of judgment, everything is different!”

“Nalan. Go over there and stand, don’t bother me!” Robben waved behind him.

“I know!” Nalan promised this time very happily, and immediately slipped out of the distance and retreated directly to the corner of the tent, as if he was afraid that what Robben did would hurt her.

Robben looked at Nalan’s appearance. Some shook his head amusedly, “Meria. You also step back. There may be some energy fluctuations, don’t hurt you.”

Merial stepped back and said anxiously: “Roben, will this cause any problems? After all…”

“No, I have already set up a magic enchantment, and the devil doesn’t know what we are doing, and he doesn’t know where it is now.”

Waiting for Meria to step back. Only then did Robben rub his hands, happily covering his hands on the black spar.

Meriya was a little surprised, it seemed that Robben’s expression seemed to have picked up a great deal, “Roben. You…you be careful…”

“Don’t worry…” Robben’s hands began to move slowly in the air, and the black halo remained in the air as Robben’s fingertips wandered, like solidified smoke.

As if holding a needle with both hands to knit something, Robben soon woven a three-dimensional pattern in midair, but he couldn’t see exactly what the pattern was, vaguely… it seemed to be a human form.

Soon Robben finished the knitting, his hands slowly retracted, his fingers were still gleaming black, closed his palms, Robben closed his eyes and began to chant weird spells.

Meriya looked at Nalan on the opposite side, and found that Nalan also looked over with a weird look, and seemed to have never heard the spell.

The notes in Robben’s mouth were so weird that they sounded so distorted as if they were primitive spells, but occasionally seemed to be mixed with some intelligible words, but I didn’t know if they heard them wrong, which made Meriya and Na Lan felt even more weird.

With a sigh of relief, Robben finally ended his old man’s spell, opened his hands violently, and shè ten black lights from his fingertips connected to the three-dimensional pattern that he had just made in midair.

After the pattern slowly twisted a few times, it actually moved. Robben’s eyes were faintly black, and the black light on his ten fingers connected to the mid-air pattern. The fingers flicked like a puppet, pulling the pattern to make more changes. More actions.

At this time, Meriya and Nalan finally saw that the pattern really seemed to be a person, but… it was really ugly to be able to paint a human form like this…

Robben was affectionate and focused, his ten fingers flicked gently, the black humanoid figure in the air moved slowly, and gradually fell on top of the black spar, and his hands stretched out like smoke to touch the surface of the spar. .

Seeing this scene, Melia and Nalan were suddenly very nervous.

The black spar suddenly buzzed, and the strange exchange of thickness on the surface stopped abruptly. The entire spar seemed to solidify all at once and tremble slightly.

The black humanoid slowly picked up the spar and completely embraced it, and the sound of the spar gradually became louder and began to shake violently.

Robben was still focused on controlling the villain in the air, but sweat was slightly visible on his face. The black villain picked up the spar, floated up slowly, and began to approach Robben’s hand.

However, the shaking of the spar began to increase, and even the black villain began to be unable to hold it, and the strong tremor even made Robben’s control of the villain start to have difficulty.

“Crack!” With a sharp and crisp sound, the black spar unexpectedly appeared cracks.

Robben’s eyes shrank, and his ten fingers twitched fiercely without hesitation. The villain suddenly turned into countless black lights and exploded in the air. At the same time, the black spar had exploded, and countless black crystals scattered. Fly shè.

Robben’s extremely nervous hands turned into a phantom in the air. The black light on the ten fingers shone, and the black light floating in the air like a silver snake dancing wildly in the sky, instantly enveloping all the broken black crystal blocks.

In an instant, countless crackling noises rang intensively in the tent…

Everything lasted for only a moment, the sound disappeared quickly, and the scene in the sky was completely still…

Around Robben, countless black lights solidified in the air, like a long frozen dragon. At the end of each black light was wrapped a small black crystal block, or a small black powder, the black crystal stone. Burst into countless pieces. There was not even the slightest splash out of the distance of two meters around Robben.

Seeing everything calmed down, Nalan quickly approached Robben, looking at the solidified black light in the sky, with a surprised expression, “Master. This is…”

“Damn… almost made a big disaster!” Robben swallowed, his face full of fear. “If this thing is ruined, we will be in big trouble.”

Merial looked at the light solidified in the air in surprise, “Isn’t this… already ruined?”

After exhaling heavily, Robben shook his head and said, “No… this thing seems to be alive, ah no! It should be said that he was given the will to destroy others early in the morning, and felt that he would not get the corresponding price this time. Rebelled. This look… just a form of it.”

Meriya was stunned immediately.

Luo Ben’s hands slowly closed again, and the black light in the air suddenly danced and quickly gathered in one place, and the broken crystal pieces were also gathered together. In the blink of an eye, the black light disappeared, and a long black spar appeared in the air again.

Reaching out and grabbing, Robben grabbed the spar directly in his hand, which made Meriya and Nalan exclaim.

“It’s okay!” Robben smiled at the two of them, “Now this thing has settled down.”

“Lord…Master!” Nalan’s eyes suddenly widened, “You…your hand!”

“What’s the matter?” Robben glanced at his hand and saw that the spar suddenly turned into water, and it was rapidly infiltrating into his palm, and a dark trace had quickly spread under the skin of his palm.

“It’s really difficult!” Robben’s eyes condensed, and the entire arm sees golden light from the inside to the outside, and the dark traces can’t spread anymore. As the light slowly converges towards the palm, the dark traces gradually Retreated to the middle of the back of his hand.

With a soft sound, a burst of darkness appeared on the back of Robben’s hand, and a strange black mark appeared on the back of Robben’s hand in the crackling sound of the flame, and the dark trace on Robben’s hand completely disappeared.

“Okay! That’s it!” Robben looked at the marks on the back of his hand and smiled with satisfaction.

Nalan immediately probed over and took a closer look at the back of Robben’s hand, “Is this… the thing just now?”

“Um… this is it. For the time being, this thing will stay in my hand, and it will be fine when I don’t use it.”

“Oh…” Nalan’s eyes were full of surprise, and he took Robben’s hand carefully, “Can you touch it?”

“You just don’t bite my hand off.” Robben couldn’t help laughing.

Be careful, Nalan reached out and clicked on the black mark, and then clicked twice before daring to reach out and touch it. Robben couldn’t help but laugh again.

“It’s okay…” Nalan shook Robben’s hand, and couldn’t feel the difference between this hand and usual. “This…can disappear?”

Nalan’s words were not completely finished. In an instant, Robben’s people disappeared in the air, and Nalan’s eyes almost popped out of his sockets. If it weren’t for the warm touch in his hands, Nalan would not I can believe my master standing in front of me…

“Master…you…can you come back first…” Nalan stammered.

Robben did not respond, which made Nalan nervous for a moment, “Master, what’s the matter with you?”

Meriya hurriedly stepped forward and held down Nalan, “Nalan, we can’t hear Robben’s voice now, don’t worry, since Robben can get this thing, nothing will happen.”

Nalan clutched Robben’s hand tightly, still full of panic: “Master… Master can hear Nalan’s voice, then please come back quickly, Nalan wants to see the master!”

Robben still felt warm in his hands, but he still didn’t show up.

“Master… do you… want to write?” Nalan exclaimed, “Master, what’s wrong with you? Do you want to… huh?” While he was anxious, Nalan felt a slight sinking of her head, as if something was knocking on her head. On his head.

“Woo…Master, you hit me on the head again!” Nalan immediately cried out in dissatisfaction.

“I told you not to worry. You still look like this!” Robben’s voice finally came, which finally made Nalan breathe a sigh of relief, and the knock on his head was immediately forgotten.

“Master, hey? Master, why are you… still can’t see?” Nalan immediately noticed the problem. Although Robben’s voice came back,… the figure was still invisible.

Reaching out for a touch, Robben was indeed standing in front of him, but apart from the sound and touch, he couldn’t feel the presence of the other party in other respects. Nalan was a little confused. “Master, this…is this normal?”

“Uh…Of course, this is absolutely normal.” Luo Ben said confidently.

“Then… can the master be more normal? Nalan can’t see the master.”

“Oh… this… I have to get acquainted with this thing first, um… so… haha… Nalan, you are anxious, I have to get acquainted with this first. So I can act, now it’s not you who are playing a kid time……”

Melia’s eyes trembled. But Nalan’s face changed drastically in an instant. “Master, you…can’t change back?”

“Ah…no, no, it’s not like that, but…just temporarily invisible, invisible…”

“Master!” Nalan pounced on Luo himself, touching Robben’s body in a panic. “Master, what’s wrong with you? How could this happen? Didn’t you say it’s all right?”

“Nalan, wait… Don’t worry, I’m not good! Don’t… Don’t cry, the master is here. Don’t cry… Look at the master… Uh, listening to the master’s voice is not all right .”

“Master…you lied to me…” Nalan cried sadly, and Robben suddenly scratched his head.

Merial was a little nervous, “Roben, is it… an accident?”

“Uh…it’s…” Robben was a little helpless, hugged Nalan lightly to comfort her, but he had to admit, “It’s a little different from what he imagined. It’s a small error, but it doesn’t matter. I’m still here. We have not been drawn into the world of nothingness, but only temporarily invisible, which is more beneficial to us now.”

“Roben, the current advantage is meaningless, you…”

“Don’t worry, there will be accidents in everything. It is already very good to have such results. My next actions will be very convenient. According to my feelings…I will recover soon.”

“Really?” Although knowing that there is no point in asking this sentence, Merial couldn’t help asking.


“Master…” Nalan held back his tears, “Does the master hurt? Tell Nalan…”

Robben gently shook Nalan’s hand, “No, everything is fine, don’t worry, I just can’t see me for the time being, everything else is fine, don’t worry, okay? Everything is still with the master. Within control.”

Nalan sniffed, raised his hand to wipe away the tears, looked at the nothingness in front of him, and suddenly sighed somewhat lonely, “Forget it, Nalan is already very satisfied.”

Robben was surprised, “Naren…what did you say?”

Holding Robben tightly again, Nalan said: “Compared with other hostesses~www.mtlnovel.com~ Nalan has been with her master for many years. She has been with her master since she was a little… Even though Nalan is very greedy as a master woman, Nalan is actually very satisfied very often. In this world, there is no witch happier than Nalan. Nalan has to accompany her master all her life…”

This is… the meaning of life and death… Robben can understand, if there is an accident this time…

“Fool… it’s really just a temporary problem.” Robben patted Nalan’s cheek lightly, “I will recover soon.”

“Um… Nalan believes in the master.” Nalan raised a smile and smiled, “I have to come back earlier, Nalan will be anxious.”

“Okay, Master remembered!” Now that he is completely invisible, Robben didn’t shy away from it, and directly kissed Nalan’s cherry lips, and greedily sucked the sweet uvula.

“Master…” Nalan looked drunk.

Although I can’t see Robben, Meriya can see Nalan clearly. Naturally, knowing what the two are doing, Meriya secretly sighs. After all… an accident happened. This time it is really unpredictable. Up. . )

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