God Prohibitions

Chapter 37 - Land of the dead

East of the Caton Empire, Lent Plain.

   One hundred years ago, the Lent Plain was not yet the territory of the Caton Empire. At that time, the Caton Empire was only two-thirds the size of the current territory. There are many local indigenous nomads living on the Lent Plain. There are hundreds of large and small tribes on the plain. The larger tribes often have tens of thousands of people. The tribes compete for water and pasture. There are often battles with each other. Both men and women in the tribe can become standard warriors as long as they ride on horses and pick up bows and arrows. The folk customs are quite sturdy.

A hundred years ago, the Caton Empire invaded the Lent Plain. The tribes and various tribes fought back. After a year of fighting, the two sides finally launched a decisive battle on the Lent River. The imperial army relied on sophisticated weapons and well-trained formations. Victory was achieved in the crazy killings of the week. In that battle, the blood of the killing ran into rivers, and the corpses were all over the field. The original Lent Plain natives who died under the butcher knife of the imperial army exceeded one million! The Lent River downstream of the battlefield was still blood red after three months. After the mountain of corpses rotted, the stench of the sky was clearly audible ten miles away.

A year later, all the plants in this area had died, exposing the red soil, and all the animals had escaped. It became an inanimate place. At night, people often hear transmissions in this red area. With a stern howl, the old people who have experienced that battle often say that it was a vain soul who refused to ascend to heaven, and was still wandering in pain in the world.

   Gradually, this area has a name-Land of the Dead!

   Now, in this forbidden area of ​​life, two figures are walking slowly.

   The Necromancer walked in front, and the expressionless woman held a person in one hand and followed behind the Necromancer.

As a necromancer, Tawen always does everything cautiously. His lair is hidden in the land of the dead, but when Tawen returns from the outside, he never flies directly to his door. When you reach the edge of the land of the dead, you stop, and then you walk on this land for a while. Along the way, Tawen will repeatedly check if anyone is following him, only to make sure that he is absolutely safe. After that, he will return to his lair.

   Two days of rushing non-stop, Tawen finally rushed back here as soon as he grabbed the magic dragon.

   Robben woke up faintly in the shaking, looking at the red soil in front of him, the smell of hot air in his nose, Robben felt a little dizzy.

I raised my eyes and looked around. I was caught under the armpit by the expressionless, zombie-like woman. There was a man walking in front of me, with silver hair and a long wooden staff in his hand. It should be a tower. The text is undoubtedly. To Robben’s joy, Sasha was being caught under the other arm by this woman. Although her face was pale and her eyes closed, she was still alive from the slightly undulating chest.


   Robben was suddenly thrown on the ground! A hard object gave Robben a click, and when Robben took out what was under him, he was surprised to find that it was a human skull.

   Tawen turned his head, and the expressionless woman surpassed the Necromancer in the next step and continued to move forward.

   “He is awake! He can go by himself.” The woman said without a trace of emotion.

   Tawen’s complexion condensed, and a trace of anger appeared on his face, but then the anger turned into a faint sadness and disappeared instantly.

“Stand up, this little girl is in my hands. If you don’t want me to make her a puppet, just follow me obediently!” Tavin finished speaking, without looking at Robben, turning his head and moving forward. Go.

   Robben’s head still felt like acupuncture, but fortunately, he could bear it. After standing up hard, Robben carefully held his head with his hands and followed.

   Although in terms of the situation, it is not necessarily the opponent of this powerful Necromancer to regain all his mental power, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Robben cannot tolerate the occurrence of Sasha being turned into a puppet.

   Thinking of the moment when two people were about to die in the hands of the huge skeleton puppet, a warm current flowed slowly in Luo Ben’s heart.

   Seeing Luo himself shaking, even standing still is a problem, but he still hangs behind him not too far, the corners of Tavin’s mouth move, and he continues to walk forward.

With the hot sun shining on this scarlet land, through the thick leather boot soles, Robben felt as if he was walking on a red iron plate, the steaming heat with an unpleasant salty smell. He kept drilling into his nose. As soon as the sweat oozes out, the skin is steamed dry, and a feeling of dizziness rushes to the top of the head, and the back of the necromancer in front has begun to become blurred.

   Just when Robben felt that he couldn’t hold on, the necromancer in front finally stopped and stood with the woman with the previously stiff expression.

   Robben couldn’t help looking around with some doubts.

Except for the red soil, there is only the scorching hot air that rises and twists. Looking around, there is not even a slightly higher hill, and all you can see is a barren barren, no wind, no plants, no animals, some only occasionally The thick bones that can be seen in the soil. Robben doesn’t know if there is life here. During the period of walking just now, there was not even a bird call in the sky. The only sound on the quiet plain was the rustling of feet on the ground, the order of silence. Palpitations. Robben unconsciously raised a chill in his heart~www.mtlnovel.com~ The strong sunlight did not relieve this chill, but added a bit of strangeness to the quiet plain.

   “You are still the first living person to come to my tower, cherish this short time!” Tawen turned his head and stared at Robben now without any abnormal hands.


   Robben looked around again, there was nothing on the empty plain.

   “Do you expect me to be like those idiots, build my own residence into such an obvious high tower, and then wait for the lackeys of the gods to find the door?” Tavin’s words can’t help but mock.

   Robben didn’t say a word. As a prisoner, arguing was only insulting himself.

   “In addition to tempering the soul, this is my most proud work.” The Necromancer’s tone was unabashedly proud.

   The long staff lightly paused on the ground, and a black wave visible to the naked eye was spreading around the wooden staff, and the red soil shook like boiling water when the wave passed.

   Just now, there was still a plain piece of red soil. After a while, the entrance of a black hole slowly appeared in front of the three of them. The entrance was a stone step that stretched to an unknown depth.

“Let’s go.” Tarvin himself walked down the stone steps first, and disappeared in the darkness a few seconds later. The expressionless woman also walked down there, taking Sasha with him. The shadow.

   Robben looked at the entrance that seemed to lead to hell, gritted his teeth severely, and quickly followed.

The moment    Robben’s figure disappeared from the entrance, the soil at the entrance was distorted again. After a while, the entrance of the black hole disappeared, and it became the same land as the surroundings. The empty plain was still silent.

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