God Prohibitions

Chapter 38 - captivity

Before Robben stepped into the entrance, he felt that the strong sunlight behind him quickly dimmed. When he turned his head, it was already pitch black. Robben stood there and didn’t know what to do now. Except for the pitch black or the pitch black, I feel that my feet are steps extending downward, but in the darkness, I am afraid that I will roll down the steps directly after a few steps.

   “Where are you?” Robben shouted courageously, and the narrow passage was filled with Robben’s echoes. Robben knew that Tavin and the woman had arrested him and came back, and would never leave him alone.

   “Living people are trouble!” An extremely unpleasant voice rang in Robben’s ears.

   Robben was startled. There was nothing in the darkness around him. He could only hear an extremely dry and hoarse voice in his ears.

   Slowly, a little green faint light appeared in the darkness, as if squeezed out abruptly in the darkness, the bright spots continued to increase and expand, and finally woven into a green faint light.

Robben’s scalp was numb, and there was a ray of light in the darkness. Robben had been staring at the bright light, but when the faint light started to drive away the surrounding darkness, Robben was surprised to find , A woman is standing in this green light, it is the zombie-like woman who walked with Tawen just now, and that green light came from this woman! This makes the gloomy woman look even more terrifying.

   “Follow me!” The woman turned around and silently walked down the steps, and the space around Robben was quickly filled with darkness.

   Robben suppressed the fear in his heart, took two tight steps, and followed the woman down.

Robben looked around. The woman’s body was covered with bare stone walls. He didn’t know how Tavin was doing such a large-scale project underground. Robben feels that it’s been a long, long time, but it’s still there. Walking down continuously, it seems that this step has no end at all.

   “Where is Sasa?” Seeing this woman empty-handed, Robben accumulated courage for a long time before finally asking.

   The woman stopped and turned around, looking at Robben with no expression on her stiff face. At such a close distance, Robben found that the woman’s eyes seemed to have no eyeballs, and the whole eyes were empty and pale.

   “You care about her very much?” The muscles on Robben’s face twitched unconsciously, and the woman didn’t seem to move her mouth when she spoke.

   “Yes, where is she?” Robben’s eyes widened, his voice extremely firm.

The woman seemed to look down at Robben’s shaking hands unconsciously, “You are scared, why are you still coming in? This is not the place for living people.” After finishing speaking, she ignored Robben’s question and turned around again. Then went on.

   I have to have that strength even if I want to escape, besides, Sasha is still here, how can I leave alone!

   Watching the light fade away, Robben hurriedly walked behind the woman before the darkness swallowed him.

   “This is his home. No one has ever been here. He seems to want to know about your hands. If you want to see that little girl, you might as well negotiate with him.”

“who are you?”

   Luoben was suspicious. This woman was obviously Tavin’s subordinate, but she seemed to be helping herself in words.

   Moreover, she said more than once that no one has been here before, is it possible that she herself is also a dead person? Suddenly thinking of this woman’s all-white eyes and weird expression, Luo Ben couldn’t help but feel cold!

   “I am his puppet!” The woman’s flat voice echoed in the passage.

  Undead puppet?

In fact, various signs indicate that this woman does not look like a living person anymore, but it seems that apart from the weird appearance, this woman is no different from ordinary people. This is the same as the huge undead skeleton that appeared before and Robben later fainted. The puppets of the Tavin are completely different.

   “Here!” The woman stopped, and through the dark light, Robben saw a door appear on the steps.

   The woman put her hand on the door, and the black fluffy light flashed, the door creaked open inward, and the faint light came out from the door.

   “Welcome to the’Forbidden Soul Tower’, pray for your soul, hope it likes it here.”


   Robben now finally knows why this is called a ‘tower’. This underground castle is not a horizontal building unfolding under the surface, but like a well, continuously downwards, downwards and then downwards. Just as a tower fell deep in the ground, Robben could hardly imagine how Tawen completed such an impossible nest. On the first passage, Robben was even surprised that the passage was so long. The wall was actually made of stone, but compared with everything now, it is simply not worth mentioning.

This huge underground tower is divided into many floors, and the area of ​​each floor is not very large. Robben was led down by the woman all the way and saw countless puppets busy in each tower floor, cleaning and carrying goods, Even acting as a light source like this woman, and even holding other puppets in their hands, they don’t know where they are going. But although he also saw many humanoid puppets, when he saw this woman, Robben felt that those puppets seemed to avoid the woman with some fear.

   Robben became more frightened as he looked at it. This Tavin didn’t know how many lives had been killed in exchange for so many puppets?

   After passing a few more doors leading to the ground, the woman stopped.

Robben looked around carefully with the faint light, but here was a prison-like place. The walls were surrounded by prisons surrounded by unknown things. A cold feeling came into Robben. It struck Robben’s body when he struck. U U Reading www.uukahnshu.cOM

“It hasn’t been used much since it was built. You were the first to be locked up here when you were still alive.” Robben saw piles of bones in several prisons, rising up like a hill. .

   “He will come to you, enjoy the rest of the time, maybe you can still see that little girl.”

   “Where is Sasha, how is she now! Why did that old thing grab Maomao!?” Robben stared at the woman.

   Luo Benn had a strange feeling invisibly, the puppet in front of him seemed to tell him a lot.

   “You don’t need to know this!” In the cold answer, the woman still didn’t have the slightest expression.

   “Where is Sasha?” Robben was angry and grabbed the woman’s shoulder.

“I said, you don’t need to know about this.” Robben’s hand grabbed the woman’s shoulder, feeling a piece of hard wood. In astonishment, a strong force came from his chest. Robben let out a scream. Flew out.


   The prison fence of unknown material did not stop Robben’s body at all, just like that, Robben passed straight through and hit the wall behind.

The woman retracted her hand, “If you want to die happily, you’d better answer whatever he asks you. I hope you understand that you are already a dead person.” After the woman finished speaking, her figure was hidden in the darkness. , Quietly disappeared.

   Robben slammed into the fence of the prison, but the fence that looked like nothing a while ago is now as hard as iron. Robben, who bounced back again, sucked in pain.

   In the prison, as the woman disappeared, she was plunged into darkness.


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