God Prohibitions

Chapter 68 - Last 1

The very old slave in front of him looked like a frightened bird. He tremblingly came to Robben and fell to his knees with a thud, “Master!”

   The slave dropped his head on the ground with a trembling voice. The yellow sand was full of messy hair, and under the harsh sunlight, most of the thin bodies exposed in the air couldn’t help shaking in the strong wind outside the city!

   Human beings are always crueler than other creatures!

   Robben sighed, stepped forward and helped the slave up!

   “Master?” This slave has no idea what the situation is now. He should have been thrown to work at this time, but how did he get taken out of the city now.

   “Sasha! Put your hand on the pattern on his head, just show that you are willing to let him go and give him freedom!” Robben said softly!

   “Wh…what!?” The cringing old slave was struck by lightning, and the wrinkles on his face trembled, “Freedom!?”

   Until the moment when Sasha pressed her hand to his forehead, the slave still couldn’t believe everything in front of him, “Old man, would you like to leave?” Sasha’s crisp voice finally awakened him!

   “Yes, I wish… I am willing!” The old slave woke up like a dream, and could not even speak coherently when he was excited.

As soon as   ’s words fell, a ray of light lit up on the slave’s head, and the light dissipated, and the pattern that symbolized slavery had disappeared!

The old man seemed to be in a daze. He stretched out his hand and touched his head. He opened his mouth and looked at Robben and Salsa in a daze for a long time. Feeling the restraint on his body like pulling a thread, the old man gradually widened. Tears burst into the eyes and muddy eyes, “Benefactor!” The old man softened, and he knelt down in front of Robben and Sasha again. Robben had noticed this time and helped him in advance.

   Luo Ben thought to himself: I can’t afford to kneel as you. Our current countrymen kneel to the ground, kneel to the ground, kneel to the ground, kneel to the ground, kneel to the ground, and kneel to the ground.

“Old man, there are ten gold coins here. You can take them and find a place to stay. If you have any acquaintances here, you can go with them in a short while, lest there be any mistakes!” Robben said in a gentle voice. He took out ten gold coins and put them in the hands of the old man

“Yes, yes! Both of my sons were arrested together, right behind me, look! Look!” The old man turned around abruptly, pointing to the two men not far behind in a hurry. Say! The gold coin in his hand fell silently on the ground full of floating soil, and the old man didn’t notice it.

   “Old man, you go to one side and wait a while, it will be fine soon!” Robben picked up the gold coin and placed it in the old man’s arms, patted the old man’s thin hands, and motioned him to stand aside first.

   Seeing the old man with tears and bowing back step by step three steps, there is no joy in Robben’s heart, there is only this he can do!

Looking at the front, all the slaves’ lifeless eyes, after the pattern of slavery status on the old man’s head disappeared, all revealed immense eagerness and hope. They were all standing far away, but now everyone is urgent. Squeezed in front of Robben and Sasha.

   Robben smiled slightly, afraid that you have no confidence in the new life! Thinking of this, I was finally a little happy.

   Pulled out a magic scroll in the ring, Robben was overjoyed. I didn’t expect this thing to work. This is a amplified magic scroll, or Robben bought it with Wright from a black market merchant.

   Tear open the scroll, Robben felt an itching in his throat, and no longer felt anymore. To be on the safe side, he left Sasha’s side, but unfortunately stood in front of Wright.

   “Listen, everyone!” Robben yelled!

“Listen, everyone!…Listen, everyone!…” The air in front of Robben was violently distorted, and the huge sound shook the fine sand on the ground, which echoed loudly from the direction of the walls of Langya City. echo!

Behind him, a hand slapped Robben’s shoulder vigorously. Robben looked back and saw that it was Wright’s eggplant-colored face. “Sorry! Sorry!” Robben opened his mouth again, causing Wright’s hair to stand upright. …

   Robben scratched his head, why are you running so fast? I don’t think it is loud! As for the protection of magic to the caster, Robben had seen it in Hill’s magic book, but he has forgotten all about it now…

“Everyone line up, don’t mess, everyone comes to me to get ten gold coins after the contract is cancelled! The guards will not let you enter Langfang City again, you all hurry up to settle down in the nearby villages and towns at dawn, there are The food I just bought on the road” Robben’s finger, several large carts in Spike City are pushing something over, “Everyone can take some when they leave. If you feel unsafe, you can go under Spike City. Just one night! I believe the guards of the empire will protect you!” Robben turned his head and smiled at the three rows of soldiers blocking the city gate.

   Then things were much simpler. Basically, it took less than five seconds to dissolve a slave’s contract. Naturally, these slaves kowtowed and swayed against Salsa. After receiving the gold coins, they were grateful to Robben.

   Ninety-nine percent of these slaves are humans. Robben has only seen one dwarf. After the dwarf broke the contract, he didn’t get any gold coins but simply bowed to Salsa and left in a hurry.

Most of the others are the orcs. These ugly-looking tall guys with blue-faced fangs are silent. With their right hand on their left shoulder, they must bow to Salsa and Robben before leaving. Then Robben realized that this was the benefactor of the orcs to him. Express the courtesy of gratitude and respect.

When a few female elves walked in front of Robben, Robben couldn’t help being a little surprised. I have to say that the creatures of elves have a natural advantage in beauty that humans cannot match. Although they are dressed in simple clothes, they are full of faces. The dust still couldn’t conceal the beautiful appearance and attractive figure of these elves. Robben vaguely remembers that these elves were sold on a large booth, which seemed to be there. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com himself spent tens of thousands of gold coins at a time, using money tickets in his hand. , So Robben had some impressions.

The few elves did not take the money from Robben, but stood in a circle, slightly lowered their heads, clasped their hands together and prayed religiously in a weird language that Robben could not understand. After a long time, , A faint green halo appeared around Robben, slowly shrinking and shrinking…Finally, it disappeared into Robben’s body, and then these elves smiled at Robben in relief and left together.

   Robben twisted his body. Apart from feeling refreshed, there seemed to be nothing wrong with him. I think it was some kind of blessing from a kind race like elves.

   The long line of slaves was rapidly shortening. Seeing that the last one was reached, Robben was also relieved. After counting the last ten gold coins, Robben walked towards Salsa.

   “Sister, why don’t you agree!?” Sasha’s puzzled voice came over, which made Robben’s eyes focus on the last person.

   This is a woman, with her head down slightly, a pair of long pointed ears in her messy hair show the identity of the master elf, and Sasha’s hand touches her forehead, her face full of doubt.

   “Your companions have already left, don’t you hurry to chase them? I think if you go together, it will be safer!” Robben was talking about the previous elves, they have been gone for a while.

   The elf in front of him trembled as if suddenly awakened, and finally slowly raised his head.

   Robben suddenly felt a strange feeling. There seemed to be something different between the elves in front of him and the elves just now.

   The elf raised his head, revealing a beautiful face.

   In the black and white eyes, the murderous intent skyrocketed!


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