God Prohibitions

Chapter 69 - No disaster

Suddenly there was a scream, and the elf’s body turned into a black shadow and slammed into Robben like lightning!

Before Robben could react, his hands were already squeezing his neck, the elf woman’s body slammed into Luo himself, and the two bodies flew out of the sky and fell heavily to the ground. , And like a ground gourd, the yellow sand rolls forward on the ground uncontrollably!

The elf woman was obviously good at fighting. In three rolls and two rolls, she slammed her legs and rode Robben completely under her. Her beautiful face was fierce, and her hands were even stronger. Robben felt a panic in his throat. The pain was unbearable, and the elf’s breathing was cut off.

   Anxiously, both hands slammed on the ground, and Luo himself burst into blue light!

   There was a muffled sound, the sand on the ground splashed with Lao Gao, Robben’s whole body was spinning, and the cannonball rushed into the sky! That elven woman was completely shaken by Robben’s spinning body!

  The blue light surged, Robben swayed his hands in a staggered manner, his body turned madly in the sky, the bodies of the two people were spinning fast, and the dust flying everywhere on the ground was drifting, slowly being pulled into the air!

Robben only hopes to throw out the elf in front of him soon, but the elf is stuck in his neck. The faster she turns, the tighter she grasps, but he is self-defeating. Robben feels that his eyeballs have begun. It’s bulging, and his chest is about to explode!

Oh shit! I don’t believe you don’t let go!

Gritting his teeth fiercely, the light on Luo itself did not grow long but recovered. All the light was recovered like a long whale absorbing water, but the speed of rotation increased again. The level of the elf body being directly pulled by Robben followed Luo. Ben’s body was spinning frantically in the air.

“Roben!” Sasha screamed and reacted for the first time. The two daggers flashed cold light at the same time, and Robben, who was already rushing into the air, rushed over, but his body had just left the ground. The severe pain in the chest that turned over the river and the sea spread to the whole body like an explosion. With a snorting, Sasa fell to the ground with a “bang”, a trace of blood oozes from the corner of her mouth. With the current injury, occasional running and jumping are not a problem, but It was impossible to fight. Sasha raised her head and looked at the blurred figure in the air, tears bursting out of her eyes.

  Right looked astonished on the ground, and the soft fine sand continued to roll forward at his feet, and with the screaming wind, it rolled towards the small tornado that was slowly taking shape!

Robben took the elves around crazy in the sky while spinning around without a direction. Wherever he passed, the strong rotating suction pulled up the fine sand on the ground, just a few breaths. As the center, an ultra-small rotating dust storm began to raging in front of the walls of Langya City.

   There, the conscientious knight took his hundreds of guards and has not left yet, but now all his faces have changed!

Grains of sand fell from the air with a crackle and hit the head. A black-yellow storm in front of me was getting thicker and thicker, and it swayed around. Although the knight screamed with exhaustion, the number in front of the city gate The hundreds of soldiers still lost their helmets and armor, and fled directly to the city.

  I can charge and bleed if there are enemies, but this…what the **** is this!

   In the end, the knight couldn’t hold on anymore. The helmet couldn’t hold back and was clinked by sand. This death is not considered a martyrdom! Turning the horse’s head, four feet can run faster than two feet, the knight rushed into the gate first!

   Robben’s eyes are protruding, his tongue is long outside, the saliva in his mouth has already been shaken clean, and there seems to be a creaking sound on his neck! Are elves not all peace-loving, kind and gentle races? Where is this weird woman from? Robben felt that half of his soul had been thrown out of his body!

   Finally, when Robben was about to be unable to support it, the elf woman couldn’t support it either. With a light on Robben’s neck, the elf woman’s “swish” was finally thrown out by the huge centrifugal force.

   Then, with a muffled “bang”, Robben’s high-speed spinning body slammed into the high walls of Spike City! The fine grains of sand rubbed against the wall, sneered and sparked, and the corner of Wright’s eyes twitched as he looked at the distance! That seemingly aggressive sandstorm instantly collapsed in front of this tall and thick city wall! Robben stuck his whole body on the city wall, and in the next second, with the crashing sand and dust, Robben slammed down.

Although the elf couldn’t stand the huge power and was thrown out fiercely, his body turned a few times in the air like a civet. When he landed, he flicked a few times, and the dust under his feet was dusty, and his figure was already the same. A sharp arrow shot towards Robben.

Robben was about to hit the ground with his head down, but the collision on the city wall was really an egg and a stone. Robben didn’t have his brain splashed on the spot and it was a blessing for the heavens. Now his mind is in chaos, and the Venus is in front of him. There is noisy ears, no one knows what is going on now!

It was terrible to land, but his heart was tight. Life stopped in the air. A strong wind swept the sand and hit Luo himself. Wright finally reacted this time, and finally flashed like a gust of wind at the critical moment. , Grabbing Robben in the air.

   Throwing Robben to the ground with no weight or weight, Wright’s face is ugly! First, he was misunderstood, and then robbed by the city defense captain, and then he showed his face in front of the residents of Langya City. Now this Robben was beaten up in front of him again!

   Of course, Wright is a little bit paranoid. Now that Robben looks like, he is mostly to blame for himself, and the elf is just pinching his neck. Luo’s clothes have been torn into strips by the violent grains of sand, and his whole body is covered with dust~www.mtlnovel.com~ as if he had just drilled out of the ground, now he is lying in the sand. Coughing ceaselessly, panting hard while whirring, looking embarrassed and embarrassed.

   was only a little slower than Wright, and the elf came close in a blink of an eye.

Wright looked at the elf’s twinkling figure, and the whole body trembled. The air around his body condensed fiercely, and the floating soil under his feet was blown far away with a strong momentum. With a “whee”, a flashing hand rushed to his side. A piece of emptiness was caught!

   The speed of the figure that the elf rushed to did not decrease, and his expression did not change. He ran straight to Wright and hit him. The moment he hit Wright, his body turned into a phantom and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Wright’s face was full of anger, and his hands were tight, accompanied by a painful grunt. The elf’s body seemed to be torn out of a void in the air, and appeared abruptly on the side. Wright’s iron-like hands were stuck in hers. On the neck.

   “Wait…wait…wait!” Robben’s out-of-tune voice came over.

Robben finally landed firmly on the ground after turning around for a while. After throwing away the full-eyed Venus, he immediately found that Wright was flashing thunder, and his hand caught the elf’s neck and lifted her in the air. The elf had begun to turn up. With white eyes, his hands were weakly placed on Wright’s arms, his whole body was twitching unnaturally, and Wright’s face was already full of murderous intent!

  Wright looked at Robben in amazement. Although the man on the ground looked embarrassed, he didn’t seem to have suffered any injuries! There was a bang against the city wall, but Wright still felt a bit of toothache when he thought of it now, thinking of Robben’s injury last night, but today he looks like alive and well. Wright can’t help raising his eyebrows. Song, that elf fell to the ground like a soft corpse!


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