God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 1 Arrival on Dealubies

“Gah fuck my head.” A young man groaned in pain.

The young man looked to be in his twenties, he had short black hair, however he wasn't exactly what you would call handsome, in fact he was kind of ordinary.

He had a rather nasty scar under his left eye.

He was wearing a white t-shirt, navy blue jeans and black trainers.

As he opened his blue eyes he saw the blue sky above him.

He found himself lying on green grass before he turned his head to the left, then to the right.

“Where the fuck am I?” The young man asked out loud.

He slowly managed to raise his upper body so that he was in a sitting position before taking another look around.

All he saw was grass, hills and an overgrown path.

He seemed to be in some sort of valley that had steep hills on three sides while an old overgrown mud path led towards the only exit of the valley.

As he looked around he suddenly heard a chiming sound that appeared to come directly into his brain bypassing his ears before some strange window appeared before him.

“What the…” The young man said as he saw the window appear and looked at it.

[Welcome to your new world.]

[Press to start]

“New world? What?” The young man said bewildered.

He moved his head to the left and the right, then up and down to try and see around the window.

However as he moved his head the window moved with him always staying in the middle of his vision.

Figuring he had to do something since the window was blocking a part of his vision he sighed before pressing a finger against the window.

As he did, the text on the window disappeared and an image of space appeared before yellow writing started to appear from the bottom of the window like the intro to an old sci-fi film series he once watched.


[The New World]

[Our hero, the greatest assassin of his age died in his old world, killed in a car crash with the dreaded truck kun because of a mistake God made.]

[Feeling guilty for his mistake, the God of Earth contacted his old friend, the God of Dealubies and asked if he could transmigrate him to his world since bringing someone straight back from the dead is against the godly laws.]

[The God of Dealubies being the kind, benevolent and allround awesome God that I am…. I mean he is, accepted his friend's request happily and transferred our hero to the world of Dealubies.]

[Now in this new fantasy world and free to start a new life, how will our hero choose to live this second life of his.]

[Adventure, danger, excitement, grief and maybe even romance await our hero in his new world.]

“New world? Fantasy? God's? Fucking truck kun!” The young man said in bewilderment.

As the text disappeared at the top of the screen it once again changed and new text appeared.

[Welcome to Dealubies Tommy Smith.]

[I’m afraid you died, boo hoo.]

[But don’t worry because you have transmigrated to the fantasy world of Dealubies.]

[Since your old God felt bad for his mistake he asked me to give you a few things to help you out at the start of your journey, aren't I the nicest God.]

[First you will see that you have regressed in age, while you died at the age of 48 in your old world, in this one you are 28 years younger at the spritely age of 20.]

[Next this world is what your old world would class as a fantasy world.]

[That means that there is magic and other things which I won't spoil for you now.]

[Because of this I have given you the ability to understand all languages of Dealubies, both written and spoken.]

[When you speak to an individual of Dealubies they will hear you speaking in their native tongue just as you will hear them speaking in yours while also having any text translated into…. I believe it is called English.]

[Next up since we don’t want you dying from plants and animals of this world you have no idea about, I have given you an identification skill.]

[This skill is all powerful and can be used to identify anything and everything on Dealubies.]

[Finally since your old God did not want you to leave Earth empty handed and forget about it he transferred everything you were carrying in your car at the time of your death along with you except the car itself.]

[Now you might be wondering where all your belongings are, well young Tommy that is the final gift.]

[I have given the skill Item Box, this skill allows you to store anything in an alternate dimension that only you can access and has infinite storage capability, aren't I awesome.]

[Now go young Tommy, adventure awaits.]

After that the screen disappeared and there was silence as Tommy just looked at the location where the screen was before.

“Well now what?” Tommy asked no one in particular before continuing.

“Am I just supposed to follow this overgrown path to leave the valley before picking a random direction?”

“Also how do I even use this identification and item box thing?” 

As he finished speaking a new window appeared before text once again started to show.

[Ah right I forgot to tell you how to use the Item Box skill and a few other things.]

[First to use the Item Box skill simply say ‘Item Box’.]

[Next when you want to use identification simply say or think ‘Inspect’.]

[When you do you will get a basic breakdown and sometimes a description of the thing you're identifying, if used on people or living creatures more information will be displayed.]

[Also since we are on that subject everyone in this world can see their own status by saying ‘Status’]

[Since your phone will not be usable here since it will have no signal, I tweaked it slightly so that it is now your map and will show your current position without the need for GPS while also still having none connectivity functions like a camera.]

[Right I think that's everything covered, if I think of anything else I will contact you, peace out.]

The window once again vanished causing Tommy to sigh before he rubbed his forehead and muttered.


[Name: Tommy Smith]

[Race: Alien (Human)]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 20]

[Condition: Healthy]

[Mana Quality: None]

[Occupation: None]

[Description: An alien from another world who was transmigrated here by the all powerful and benevolent God of Dealubies, also don’t try to use magic as you have no mana.]

“An alien? Really?” Tommy said exasperated.

“Item Box”

After saying this a new much larger window appeared that was full of small square boxes with a page slider bar on the right hand side.

Most of the boxes were empty however some of them contained small graphics of items.

As Tommy focussed on an item a description of it appeared before him along with a more detailed image.

[Trench Coat: A knee length dark trench coat that also contains a hood that covers most of the wearer's face when used.]

[Combat Shirt: A high grade black combat shirt.]

[Combat Trousers: High grade black combat trousers with several pockets.]

[Combat Boots: High grade black combat boots.]

[Body Armour: High grade body armor.]

[McMillan TAC-50: Bolt Action Anti-materiel rifle.]

[Barrett M107A1: Semi-automatic Anti-materiel rifle]

[Walther PDP: Compact Steel Frame 4-inch 9mm Semi-automatic pistol]

At this point Tommy stopped inspecting everything as he could tell from the small graphics that everything that was in his car before had indeed been placed in this item box.

Luckily because of the nature of the job he was heading out on when he died, he had packed plenty of provisions and equipment as he was not sure how long the mission would take.

As he thought about this he wondered how he was supposed to remove an item from the Item Box since he wanted to test it out/

He focussed on a bottle of water and thought about retrieving it and a second later the water bottle appeared in his hand.

“Wow” Tommy said both surprised and impressed before he took a drink of the water and noticed it tasted fine.

He then looked at it before saying.


[Bottle of fresh Water]

[Description: A simple bottle of fresh water, what did you think I would poison you?]

Tommy nodded satisfied before thinking about storing the bottle away again and it soon vanished back into his item box.

He then removed his combat shirt, trousers and boots before getting changed and storing his civilian clothing away.

After that he focussed on an icon in the Item Box that seemed to be some sort of holder.

[Walther PDP Holster: A pistol holster for the Walther PDP that straps around your leg.]

Tommy retrieved the holster before attaching it to his leg.

He then focussed on his Walther PDP and retrieved that into his hand before inspecting it.

[Walther PDP: Compact Steel Frame 4-inch 9mm Semi-automatic pistol]

[Cartridge: 9mm]

[Capacity: 15+1]

[Action: Semi-auto, single-action, striker-fired]

[Barrel length: 4 inches]

[Frame material:  Steel]

[Optic compatibility: Three dot iron sights]

He felt the weight and noticed it to be the same as normal before removing the full magazine that was already loaded.

He then emptied the chamber of the bullet inside before proceeding to do a series of tests to make sure the gun was in working order.

He did not however fire any live ammo since he only had a certain amount in his Item Box and he needed to be careful how he used them until he made sure he could manufacture more.

After checking the gun over and being satisfied it was still in full working order, he loaded the gun and placed it in the holster.

After that he started to head towards the valley exit along the overgrown path.


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