God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 2 Bandits

After several minutes Tommy made it out of the valley and the surroundings opened up to show huge grassy fields.

There was a road leading past the valley and far in the distance Tommy thought he could make out a forest in one direction and a body of water in another.

Tommy opened his Item Box before taking out his phone.

“How will I charge this up when it runs out of power?” Tommy wondered before inspecting the phone.

[Smart Phone: Although it is unable to perform any sort of communications in Dealubies, it can perform any off-line functions it has.]

[Also the God of Dealubies has uploaded a full world map with the function to show your current position.]

Tommy touched the power button and the phone came to life.

After a few moments of waiting for it to start up his home screen appeared exactly as he remembered it, except for a few differences.

First off all functions that required some sort of signal or connection such as calling or the web where grayed out.

Second his maps icon was different and was now called ‘Dealubies Maps’.

Tommy clicked on the Dealubies Maps and a map of the local area showed up with a pin showing his current position.

There wasn’t much to see apart from his pin being beside a road while everything else around the pin was showing fields.

Tommy used his thumb and index finger to zoom the map out and as he did so he eventually saw the forest he noticed before as well as the large body of water which surprisingly seemed to be the ocean.

Then just past the forest the image of a city appeared on a map with the words ‘Oakfast City’.

“Guess I know which way I’m heading," Tommy said as he turned and followed the road towards Oakfast City.

Tommy walked along the road for a few hours before he finally reached the edge of the forest.

Nothing much had taken place except for some horse drawn carriages and waggons passing him.

From this Tommy understood he was in a world that was not very technologically advanced.

In fact as the carriage approached him from behind, he heard people speak.


“What’s the matter Francis?” Asked another voice.

“Nothing my lord, just someone in the way.” Francis the guard replied.

“Well run them over if they wont move.” The other voice replied.

Tommy moved off the road to allow the carriage to pass and saw the carriage bore a strange coat of arms on the door.

“Filthy commoner.” He heard the guard who was riding up front with the driver say.

As Tommy looked at him he noticed a sword that hung at the guard's waist before the carriage moved ahead and left him behind.

The path led right through the forest and Oakfast City was located on the other side.

As Tommy entered the forest he heard the rustle of the trees and the movement of small animals now and then.

He kept his senses alert because he was unsure of what creatures lived in this new world he found himself in.

As the greatest assassin back in his old world, Tommy had long honed his senses to pick up on the smallest detail and it wasn’t long before he realized he was being followed.

While they were doing a good job at keeping out of sight, Tommy was able to pick up the occasional sound of humans moving between trees.

After focusing on the noise for a moment Tommy determined that three individuals were stalking him.

(Well I guess I will get to see how strong people in this world are.) Tommy thought as he kept walking, pretending as if he was unaware.


In the woods by the roadside three men were stalking a man in strange clothes while speaking in hushed tones.

“What the hell is he wearing?” 

“No clue, but from the looks it seems to be high quality.”

“Why would someone who can afford high quality clothing be walking alone along the road?

“Who knows and cares, this is a great opportunity for us, I bet he has a nice amount of gold on his person.”

“What’s that strange thing strapped to his leg?” 

“Yeah I was wondering that.”

“Does it matter? Once he is dead we will just find out.”

“Good point, ok lets go.”


Tommy heard a bunch more loud rustling before three men in bandits clothing and wielding swords jumped out in front of him.

Tommy stopped and looked at the three with interest.

“Make this easy on yourself kid, hand over the goods and let us kill you quickly.” The bandit in the center ordered.

Tommy tilted his head to one side before asking.

“Aren’t you supposed to say ‘Your money or your life?’”

The three bandits gave him strange looks before laughing and the second said.

“Brat are you stupid, why would we spare your life and let you report this to the city guards in Oakfast?”

“Nah easier and cleaner to kill you, loot your corpse and then dispose of it, never to be found.”

“I see.” Tommy responded as he studied the three bandits' stances.

Tommy sighed in disappointment and shook his  head before saying.

“If you three are so desperate to die I don't mind killing you.”

Once again the three looked at him with strange looks before they started to laugh and the leader replied.

“Kid are you really that stupid, there are three of us and only one of you, if you make it easy we will make it quick and painless.”

Tommy just shook his head before saying.

“Come on then let's get this over with.”

After that he started to walk towards the bandits slowly.

“Kid, I guess you like pain, kill him slow boys.” The leader said before all three charged towards Tommy.

Tommy showed no concern and kept walking towards the three bandits.

Just as the leader who was in front reached within attack range of Tommy and swung his sword at him, Tommy ducked and easily dodged the attack.

The moment of the swing made it so the leader could not adapt straight away and Tommy took advantage of the opening to strike the leader in the stomach causing him to collapse as he bent over in pain and gripped his stomach while releasing his sword.

Even though the other two bandits saw this they were too late to stop their attacks as one swung his sword and the other stabbed it forward.

Tommy made a quick roll to the side avoiding both attacks before he swung his leg out like a wipe and took the now unstable bandits legs out from under them who also collapsed to the floor groaning.

Tommy got up and looked at the three groaning in pain before shaking his head.

He went towards the nearest of the two who he had just tripped up before he raised his foot and brought it down hard on the man's shin, breaking it with a sickening crack.

The man screamed in pain as he dropped his sword causing the other two to wince and look over towards their comrade.

As they saw what happened their eyes widened before they tried to get up taking hold of their swords again.

While the leader got up safely the same could not be said for the second man, he was just rising to his feet when a foot whipped out and slammed into the back of his own shin and broke it.

The man collapsed back to the floor while howling in pain as he also dropped his sword.

The leader looked at this with wide eyes that soon turned to anger before saying.

“Bastard, you will pay for that.”

Tommy looked at him like he was an idiot before saying.

“After what just happened you're spouting nonsense instead of fleeing for your life, are you that stupid?”

The leader grit his teeth in anger before he once again charged at Tommy to attack.

Tommy’s expression did not change as he saw this and simply waited for the leader to reach him and attack.

The leader thrust his sword forward aiming for Tommy’s chest.

Tommy just twisted his body slightly avoiding the tip of the sword before he reached out and caught the leader's wrist.

After gaining a firm grip he twisted his body in a way that allowed him to flip the leader while also disarming him.

As the leader landed heavily on the road Tommy gave the sword now in his hand a quick glance over before saying.

“Piece of trash, but good enough to kill you three.”

Tommy then looked down at the leader who was still dizzy from being flipped over and hitting the road hard before he plunged the sword into the leader's throat.

The leader's eyes went wide before going dark as he died.

The two other bandits witnessed this and nearly wet themselves in fright.

They tried to stand up so they could flee, but with their leg broken they found it impossible.

Instead they attempted to crawl away as quickly as possible.

Tommy saw this and withdrew the now bloody sword from the bandits throat before he walked after the bandits.

It only took a moment for him to catch up to the nearest one before he pierced the back of the bandit's throat with the sword.

The bandit twitched for a moment before dying.

As the last bandit looked back over his shoulder he saw Tommy killing his other companion and collapsed back onto the road before saying.

“Please, please spare me.”

“Spare you?” Tommy asked before saying.

“Wasn’t it you who said ‘Nah easier and cleaner to kill you, loot your corpse and then dispose of it, never to be found’?”

“I am just following your advice.” 

As the bandit opened his mouth again to beg for his life Tommy wasted no time and stabbed the end of the sword into his now open mouth and through the back of his head.


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