God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 11 Six thieves and the naked girl

The six thieves contained four men and two women who all had daggers in their hands.

“So you six finally decided to make a move?” Tommy asked, surprising the six individuals.

“You knew and yet still came here alone?” One of them asked.

“Of course I knew. This one,” Tommy replied before nodding towards one of them and continuing.

“Was following me all day long yesterday, along with.”

At this Tommy took a quick  glance up at the roof of one of the buildings.


(What the fuck! Does he really know I’m here?) the naked woman thought in shock.


“What are you talking about rich brat?” Asked one of the thieves.

“Nothing you need to concern yourself with since you won’t be alive in a few minutes.” Tommy replied.

“This guy has something wrong with his head, he obviously can’t count.” One of the thieves said with a chuckle while the others laughed.

“I’m afraid I’m too busy to be listening to your useless bravado.” Tommy said before he suddenly shot forward surprising the six thieves and naked girl who was watching from the rooftop.

Tommy arrived in front of one of the thieves faster than any of them could react and used the opportunity to strike the guys wrist making him drop his dagger before Tommy caught the now falling dagger as he spun around to the side of the thief and impaled the side of his skull with it.

As he pulled the dagger back out the thief collapsed to the floor dead.

The remaining five thieves and one spectator stared in shock at how quickly the first one had died.

Tommy didn’t let the opportunity go to waste as he quickly dashed towards his next target while throwing the now bloody dagger at the third.

Just as Tommy reached his second target the dagger pierced the thirds left eye killing him and all that was heard was a thud as the body collapsed.

“Fuck.” The second thief said as he managed to overcome the shock and was about to attack, but it’s a shame he recovered too late.

As the thief had started to thrust his dagger towards Tommy.

Tommy did a slight side step before catching hold of the second thief’s wrist.

He twisted his body and flipped the thief onto his back before he directed the thief's own hand holding the dagger towards his heart and made him stab himself.

The thief could barely understand what happened before he died.

“Fuck this is bad, we need to leave.” Said one of the female thieves that had originally been behind Tommy in the ambush.

The other two nodded in agreement and turned around to start running.

While the female thief was speaking, Tommy had already grabbed the dagger out of the dead hand of the second thief before he moved towards the third thief’s corpse.

Hearing and noticing their intent to leave, Tommy grinned before he threw the dagger in his hand at the female who spoke and was now running away.

After throwing the dagger Tommy arrived at the third thief’s dead corpse where he quickly grabbed the two daggers this thief had, though admittedly one of them was still sticking out of his eye socket.

The dagger he threw before pierced the back of her head causing her to collapse dead just as he turned and loosed the other two daggers, one from each hand.

While one of the daggers pierced the skull of the second female killing her, the last dagger pierced the last thief’s leg causing him to collapse to the ground howling in pain.

Tommy dusted off his hands as he slowly walked towards the last surviving thief.

“Spare me please.” The thief begged as tears fell from his eyes.

“I never understood why common thieves and bullies like you always beg to be spared or for forgiveness when you're about to die and yet everyone knows that you would never offer it if the roles were reversed.” Tommy wondered.

“I….I…” the thief stammered.

“Well anyway, why don’t you tell me who you're working for and why you're targeting me?” Tommy asked the thief.

“I am part of the Black Tree Snake gang, we only targeted you because you're rich.”

The man replied in haste hoping to survive if he answered.

“Seriously, It was that easy? Man you guys are dumb.” Tommy said while shaking his head as he walked over to the nearest dead female thief and retrieved the dagger.

“No, no please…” the thief began but never finished as Tommy stamped on the thief’s injured leg making him scream in pain before he shoved the dagger in his mouth and pierced his brain, silencing him permanently.

“So now that that’s over, what do you plan to do?” 

Tommy asked as he turned to look up at the roof where the naked girl was still hiding as she watched the fight.

After a few moments no response came so Tommy said.

“Look I know you're still here, so why don’t you show yourself and tell me why you're following me.”

“Or of course you could not reply and just patiently wait for your opportunity to strike, but if you do that and fail, which you will, you’ll end up like this trash.”

After a moment a voice came from above as the naked girl showed herself before asking.

“You're awfully confident that you will win.”

“You just saw what I did and you're still putting up fake bravado?” Tommy asked in return.

“You have never seen me fight.” The girl retorted.

“True.” Tommy admitted with a nod before adding.

“However from the way you move and your stealth skills I can tell you’re more suited to espionage and intelligence than combat “

The girl showed surprise before asking.

“What makes you think that?”

“Experience, I have met and killed many of both types, very few can excel in both and I’m afraid you're not one of them.”

The girl studied Tommy for a moment before saying.

“Alright let’s negotiate…” however Tommy cut her off half way before saying.

“Negotiate? Negotiations only happen when both parties are on an even footing which we are not, I obviously have something you want and I have a good idea what it is, while I’m also better at you in combat so from what I can see you only have two options.”

“Option one, tell me what you want and if I have it we can try to work out a deal.”

“Option two, retreat and call for reinforcements from whatever group you're part of to help you in dealing with me.”

“Option two has its flaws since you will have to wait on support to arrive and I could leave the city at anytime, and while you attempt to follow me I could easily lose you since your stealth skills are not good enough to avoid my senses and then what’s to stop me from using my stealth skills to kill you?”

The girl frowned and went silent to think.

“How about I give you time to decide, meet me at the Forest Rest this evening if you decide you want to take option one.”

After Tommy finished speaking he quickly threw something towards the girl which she caught while taking her eyes off Tommy for a moment.

After catching the item she turned her attention back to Tommy.

However he was now gone and no matter where she looked or how much she tried to locate him with her other senses she couldn’t.

“Fuck.” She said as she looked at the item that he threw at her.

It was a common stone from the ground.

She had no idea when he picked one up to throw at her as a distraction.

“I should have placed a tracking spell on him, too late now.”

“At least I know where he will be later, I need to consider his offer.” 

After thinking out loud she vanished.


After she was gone Tommy appeared from the shadow of the building that she had been standing on.

“So this world has tracking spells, I need to find a contingency for that in the future.” Tommy muttered before continuing on his way.

Soon he left the red light district and the sound of metal banging against each other and the occasional explosion reached his ears indicating he had entered the industrial area.

Tommy was curious as to why he could hear small explosions and so took a slight detour to follow the sound.

He arrived outside a fairly large building that had the words ’Nele Alchemy’ above the door.

(An alchemist, that will be useful later.) Tommy thought before turning away and heading in the direction of the largest building in the area that had smoke coming out of chimneys.

As he arrived outside the forge the sign above this door read ‘Erden Metalwork’.

Interestingly there was a second smaller sigh written on paper that was nailed next to the door that read ‘If you don’t have a Letter of Introduction, FUCK OFF!’


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