God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 10 Breakfast and off to the blacksmith

Tommy awoke early the next morning just as the sun was rising.

It was his custom to rise early and perform some exercise before taking a shower.

He started by performing sit-ups, pushups and squats.

After that he threw on some work out clothes he pulled from his item box before heading downstairs.

“Morning handsome, ready for breakfast?” Jue asked as he passed reception.

“Did any of you get any sleep last night?” Tommy asked curiously.

He was surprised since did not meet many people who slept less than him.

He guessed he must have been more tired than normal since he died yesterday.

Jue giggled before saying.

“We get enough, this place won’t run itself.”

Tommy nodded before saying.

“Keep up the good work, I’m going for a run.”

“Early morning workout? Maybe I will join you in the future.” Jue said happily.

“You work out?” Tommy asked.

“Of course, how else can I expect to keep my sexy figure.” Jue replied while striking a pose that showed off her fit body.

Tommy chuckled before saying.

“If you want, but I tend to only work out in the morning.”

“That’s fine, me and Tue work out after we wake up also.” Jue replied.

Tommy nodded before turning to leave while saying.

“I will grab breakfast after I return.”

“Ok.” Jue replied as she watched him leave with a strange look in her eyes which soon vanished.

Tommy left the inn and did a few quick warm up exercises before he started to run.

He didn’t go far from the inn and instead ran looped around the streets that surrounded the inn.

After getting tired he slowed his pace before heading back towards the inn at a walk.

As he passed a public bath he figured he could clean himself up there.

Upon entering he was welcomed by the receptionist who was confused about him wanting to take a bath without a towel or a change of clothes.

However she didn’t think too deeply about it and continued with her work.

She was surprised when she saw Tommy emerge in a clean set of clothes before leaving the bath house wondering where he got them from and if he stole them.

Tommy returned to the inn before heading to the bar for breakfast.

As he sat down Tue came over with a plate of food and a jug of ale.

“Ale? At this time?” Tommy asked with surprise.

“Yeah, is there something wrong?” Tue replied.

“It’s a bit early for me, is there anything else to drink available?” Tommy asked.

You thought for a moment before saying.

“Water, juice, coffee, tea.”

“You have coffee and tea?” Tommy asked surprised as he knew that on earth tea and coffee were not introduced to the whole world until the 1600.

“Is that strange?” Tue asked with a strange look at Tommy.

“No no, i'm just surprised, can I get a coffee please.” Tommy asked in return.

“Sure.” Tue said as she took the ale away to get him a coffee.

Tommy dug into his breakfast and like the meal the night before, the food was amazing.

“Tommy hey.” Came a familiar voice as Tommy turned to find Rizi entering the bar.

“Morning, how are you Rizi?” Tommy asked after swallowing the food he was chewing.

“Good thanks, can I eat with you?” Rizi asked happily.

“Of course.” Tommy replied with a nod before he carried on eating.

Rizi smiled and sat down and a moment later Tue arrived with food and an ale for Rizi and Tommy’s coffee.

“Thanks Tue .” Rizi said with a smile.

Tue replied with a small smile before going back to the other patrons.

“Do you normally eat here?” Tommy asked.

“Most mornings and evenings, after all the food is amazing and great value.” Rizi replied before starting her own food.

“I can't argue about that.” Tommy agreed before they both focussed on their own food.

After he finished his food Tommy sat back and slowly drank his coffee while he waited for Rizi to finish her food.

As Rizi finished she drank some ale before looking at Tommy and saying.

“So I spoke to guild master Kele and she gave me your letter of introduction. Here.” 

Rizi pulled a letter out of her pocket before sliding it over to Tommy.

“Thanks, I will remember this favor you both have done me.” Tommy said with gratitude.

Tommy might be a contract killer, however he always repaid the favors people did for him.

Rizi waved her hand before saying.

“No worries, all I did was speak to the guild master about this, she was the one who wrote the letter.”

“Still it was your suggestion and you who spoke to Kele about the letter for me so I will remember this favor.” Tommy said.

Rizi nodded with a smile before asking.

“So I’m guessing you're heading to see Erden soon?”

“Yes, I will head out after finishing here, can you tell me where to go?” Tommy asked.

“Sure.” Rizi said before saying.

“Just head over to the east side of the city, you will have to pass through the red light district but it won’t be busy during the day.”

“Then after passing through there, walk a bit further along the main road and you will reach the industrial district of the city.”

“After that, simply find the biggest building with smoke coming out of chimneys and you have found his forge.”

Tommy nodded in understanding before saying.

“Sounds easy enough, thanks.”

Rizi started to fidget slightly as if she wanted to ask something but wasn’t sure if she should.

Tommy saw this and said.

“Just ask whatever it is you want to ask.” Before drinking some more coffee.

Rizi giggled in embarrassment before saying.

“Will you come back to the guild after Erden gives you whatever task he thinks of and inform us what it is?”

“Are you that curious?” Tommy asked with a chuckle.

“More worried than curious, no one has ever asked to use his forge before as far as we are aware.” Rizi replied.

“No problem, I will drop in on my way to complete whatever the task is as I might need information regarding it anyway.” Tommy confirmed before he finished his coffee and got to his feet.

“Right, I will see you later.” Tommy said before calling out to Tue.

“Thank your mum for the food again please Tue.”

Tue looked over and gave a small nod before returning to work.

“Bye.” Rizi said with a wave.

Tommy raised his hand without turning around as he returned to the entrance hall and said.

“Cya later Jue.”

“Huh you off already?” Jue said while pretending to be sad.

Tommy chuckled before saying.

“You need to work harder on your acting skills, later.”

After which he left through the entrance and closed the door.

Jue watched him leave before mumbling.

“Hmph, play hard to get all you want but I know you're interested after what you told Tue last night.”


“He just left the inn and is heading east, he must be heading for Eden’s forge let’s move.”

“Hehe it’s time for some fun.”

“Let’s go, we need to stay close enough so that we can make a move as soon as an opportunity appears.”


“Interesting, it seems I’m not the only one stalking that bastard.” A familiar woman who Tommy met when she was naked in a forest said.

“How will you handle these six then? While they are just common thugs it’s still a six against one.”

“At least give me a good show before I take the dagger from you.”

As she finished speaking she vanished and followed the six people who were following Tommy.


(Seven of them, though they seem to be in two different groups.)

(The first group contains six and the guy who was following me all through the city yesterday.)

(The second is the naked girl from the Jaguar incident, is she after revenge or something more?)

(While the naked girl is fairly skilled in stealth and following people, the other six are absolute trash.)

Tommy noticed the people started to follow him as soon as he left the inn and started heading east.

His experience from his life on earth as the greatest assassin allowed him to quickly figure out who they were and the fact that they were not working together.

(My guess is the naked girl will let the trash six ambush  me hoping they will tire me out.)

(In general it’s not a bad plan and it would work against someone else who has to fight a six vs one.)

(It’s just a shame it’s me and not someone else.)

Tommy continued to walk calmly down the street while admiring the city and investigating the different shops, pubs, restaurants and other businesses.

Tommy reached a bridge that went over a small canal and entered the eastern part of the city.

As soon as he did he noticed the difference.

Men and women were lying on the ground, it was unknown if they were dead or alive and Tommy didn’t care to find out.

The city cleaners were hard at work cleaning the mess and trash that littered the street from the night before.

As Tommy moved further east he left the cleaners behind and entered areas with more trash indicating that the cleaners had only just started cleaning this part of the city.

(They're finally making their move.) Tommy thought just before six people appeared, three in front and three behind.

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