God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 9 First Meal in another world

After a few moments Tue, or maybe Jue returned and placed his drink on the table before leaving again to do more work.

Honestly Tommy thought he wasn't to blame for the mix up.

Both girls were identical, to the extent that Tommy had never seen two identical twins so similar and he had met and killed a few identical twins.

They even wore the same clothes which he guessed was the inn’s uniform.

“Don’t twins normally change their hair at least?” Tommy mumbled before taking a sip of his drink.

“Wow!” Tommy said as he looked at the ale with surprise.

It tasted way stronger than he was expecting.


[Forest Rest’s House Ale]

[Alcohol value: 9%]

[Description: The house ale of the Forest rest inn, be careful it’s almost twice as strong as what you're used to earthling.]

(Fuck it’s almost twice as strong, I need to take it slow and get used to this stuff.)

“Foods up handsome.” A voice suddenly said, causing Tommy to look over and see one of the twins smiling at him while carrying his food.

She placed it in front of him before winking at him and saying.


After which she once again sashayed away.

As the other patrons saw this one group at a nearby table started to laugh before Tommy heard them say.

“Jue is teasing another new arrival.”

“Poor guy, she is like that with all the new arrivals if they are even slightly handsome or beautiful.”

“Right, she will string him along before losing interest just as he thinks he will get lucky.”

As Jue heard this she turned towards the table containing the  gossiping group and glared at them before saying.

“You're all paying double tonight.”

The smiles on the faces of the group all vanished before they said.

“Nooo Jue we didn’t mean it please.

“Jue you're so beautiful and forgiving.”

Jue lifted her head up to the side before saying.


After which she walked away.

Tommy shook his head and was about to eat his food when he noticed a man in a dark corner who watched Jue as she walked away.

(Hmmm) Tommy thought before starting to eat his food.

He had to say it was very good.

He was expecting it to be bland and tasteless since many modern cooking commodities had probably not been invented yet.

However it was very good and he enjoyed it thoroughly while listening to the other patrons talk.

They mostly spoke about their day however they occasionally complained about some of the criminal organizations making trouble collecting protection money.

“All done?” 

Tommy looked up and saw one of the twins had approached his table.

Considering this one was not giving him a flirtatious smile he figured it was Tue.

“Yes, it was very nice, my compliments to the chef.” Tommy replied, causing Tue to show a small smile before she said.

“I will be sure to tell mum.”

She started to collect his empty plates before Tommy asked.

“Who is the individual in the dark corner?”

Tue frowned slightly before looking in the direction Tommy indicated before she turned back and continued to collect the empty plates while asking.

“Why do you ask?”

“Because he has done nothing but follow Jue with his eyes all evening, tell Jue to be careful and not go out alone.” Tommy replied.

Tue looked at Tommy suspiciously before asking.

“Why are you telling me this? If you think being a white knight will get Jue into your bed I’m afraid you're mistaken.”

Tommy chuckled before saying

“Don’t worry I mean no harm, Rizi recommended this inn to me and the last thing I want is to worry about finding a new inn when something happens.”

“Besides I know Jue is only playing around, that’s the type of character she has and I’m fairly sure she is still a virgin.” 

Tue’s eyes widened in surprise before asking.

“How do you know that?”

Tommy chuckled again before saying.

“I didn’t, but thanks for confirming it.”

Tue gave him a glare as she heard his response.

Tommy raised his hands in defeat before saying.

“I’m just kidding, if you really want to know I have met people with similar personalities in the past.”

Tue looked at him carefully for a few moments before asking.

“Then do you expect that man to try something?”

Tommy tapped the table while he thought for a moment before saying.

“I give it a fifty-fifty chance.”

“What?” Tue asked.

“Sorry it's a saying from where I’m from.” Tommy apologized before explaining.

“It means that he has a fifty percent chance of doing something and fifty percent chance of doing nothing.”

“It depends what type of man he is.”

“What will he do?” Tue asked nervously.

Tommy looked at her before saying.

“You already know the answer to that.”

Tue nodded before she nervously looked towards her sister with a worried expression.

Tommy sighed before reaching into his pocket (item box) and withdrawing a small black item which he offered to Tue while saying.

“You're lucky your mom's cooking is so good and that I don’t want to have to find another inn.”

“Take this.”

“What is it?” Tue asked as she took the small black object and examined it closely.

“It’s a type of magical device called a personal alarm.” Tommy began to explain.

“You see that small slightly raised section in the middle on that side?”

Tue nodded to show she did.

“If you press it in it will send a magical signal to its counterpart which I have.” Tommy said, holding up a similar but slightly different black item.

“That will notify me that you or your sister are in trouble, only use it if it’s an emergency as I don’t want to be called if you need help carrying your shopping.”

Tue looked at Tommy with gratitude before nodding and saying.


“Remember to tell Jue to be careful, hopefully nothing will happen but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

Tommy placed a gold coin on the table before getting up and heading towards the stairs.

“Hey, that's too much for the meal.” Tue called after him.

“Consider the rest as a tip for the great food and service.” Tommy replied without turning before he disappeared.

Tue watched him leave before showing a small beautiful smile that soon vanished a moment later.

She then gathers his empty plates before going to find her sister.

The individual who had been following Tommy since he entered the city saw how Tommy paid with a gold coin without batting an eye and smiled darkly before finishing his drink and leaving the inn.

Tommy climbed the stairs before finding room 302.

He unlocked the door and entered before closing after.

The room was of decent size and clean.

It also had a wash basin on a small desk that had a chair in front of it, a small wardrobe and a single bed unlike what a certain receptionist had claimed.

However as he looked out the window he saw that the view was indeed decent as it looked out over the nearby rooftops with the castle visible in the distance.

“Not bad.” Tommy muttered before he gave the room a quick one over for listening devices.

He didn’t expect to find any considering where he was now, but it was a habit he had built over many years.

After confirming there was nothing to worry about Tommy stripped off before pulling his PDP and a suppressor out of his Item Box.

After attaching the suppressor to the PDP he placed it under his pillow before he climbed into bed.

It didn’t take long before he fell asleep and slow deep breaths came from him.


A short distance from the Forest Inn the individual who had been following Tommy walked into a dark alley where he found five others waiting for him.


“It’s confirmed, the guy paid for his meal with a gold coin.”

“So he has a few gold coins, what does that prove?” 

“He didn’t ask for change.”

The other hissed in surprise after hearing this.

They all knew that the meals at the Forest Inn were not only popular because they were delicious, but also because they were cheap.

The meal Tommy ate cost no more than 50 copper.

“Good good, if he can throw away that much he is obviously rich just like his high quality clothing indicates.”

“When do we do it?”

“Tomorrow, apparently he is going to see the blacksmith Erden, we all know that he will have to pass through the red light district.”

“Since it will be daytime hardly anyone will be around there at that time so it’s the perfect spot.”

The six laughed darkly before disappearing into the night.


Knock knock

“Enter.” Kele said from behind her desk.

The door opened and Rizi walked in before closing the door.

“Rizi, why are you here at this hour?” Kele asked.

“Guild Master…”

“Hmmmm.” Kele said, looking at Rizi with a frown.

“Kele.” Rizi corrected, making Kele smile before she continued.

“I came to ask that you write a letter of introduction for Tommy.”

“A letter of introduction.” Kele said with surprise before asking.

“To who?”


“Why?” Kele asked.

“Apparently he wants to use a blacksmith's forge and he was the only one I could think of who might allow it.” Rizi explained.

Kele gaped at Rizi before saying sarcastically.

“Yeah if he performs a miracle.”

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