God Transported me to a Fantasy World with my Guns

Chapter 8 Forest Rest

“Interesting, what test are we talking about?” Tommy asked.

“I’m afraid I have no idea.” Rizi replied with a shake of her head before continuing.

“He changes the test everytime someone comes, Erdon is a master blacksmith and also the best here in Oakfast City as well as being one of the best in the nation of Etria.”

“Because of this people badger him with requests to make them a top class weapon or armor.”

“Erdon got so sick of all the constant interruptions that he made an announcement, first if you want to meet with him you need a letter of invitation from someone powerful in the city, that's not too hard as we can ask guild master Kele to write you one.”

“What happens to the people who try to meet him without the letter?” Tommy asked.

“He tells them to fuck off, if they refuse and still keep bothering him he uses them as moving targets while he test’s out the crossbow’s he made.” Rizi replied with a grimace.

Tommy chuckled before asking.

“And after meeting him?”

“This is where I can see it getting very difficult, he already gives out annoying or hard tests to those who get to meet him and request he make something for them.”

“For you who wants to use his forge personally though, I can see the test being on a whole other level if not impossible.”

“I see.” Tommy said as he thought over what Rizi had told him.

After a moment he said.

“Well we won't know until I ask him, but first I need to ask Kele for a letter of introduction.” 

“That’s fine but I’m afraid it will have to wait until tomorrow now, guild master Kele mentioned having an important meeting before she returned upstairs and it could take hours.” Rizi said apologetically before making a suggestion.

“Might I suggest you head to the Forest Rest for now and get a meal and good nights sleep since you have been traveling all day.”

“I will speak to guid master Kele when she finishes her meeting and you can return here tomorrow morning for the letter.”

Tommy thought for a moment before turning to look out the window and noticed it was starting to get darker so he nodded and said.

“It sounds like a good idea so I will do that.” 

“Thanks for everything today Rizi and I will see you tomorrow.”

After which Tommy turned on his heel and headed for the adventurer's guild entrance before leaving through it.

Rizi watched him go with curiosity in her eyes before mumbling.


After which she pulled herself together and continued her work.


Tommy left the adventurer's guild before turning left and heading down the road past two intersections.

As he walked he noticed the individual who followed him into the guild earlier leave soon after him while other shady characters started to follow him from the shadows again.

Interestingly there was also someone following him from the rooftops, someone who had a familiar body shape. 

Tommy smirked at this thought before he soon arrived outside the Forest Rest.

It was a decently sized three story building which was impressive in a city composed mainly of two story buildings.

Tommy pushed open the doors and entered.

As soon as the door opened he heard the loud noises of talking, laughter, and clinking of cutlery.

Also the smell of fresh food that made his stomach grumble.

He saw a large counter placed directly opposite the main entrance with stairs on the left and right of the counter leading to higher floors.

To the right of the entrance was a large set of double doors with a sign saying ‘Restaurant’ on it.

To his left was a curved open entrance that led down to steps into a bar area.

The bar was filled with people either sitting at the bar itself or one of the many tables.

“Welcome to the Forest Rest, how can we help you sir?” 

Tommy turned to the voice that just spoke and found an attractive woman with long black hair, blue eyes and decent sized breasts, she seemed to be in her late teens.

She was looking at him curiously.

“Hello, Rizi told me to come here to find accommodation, also I am in need of something to eat.”

The girl smiled when she heard Rizi’s name before saying.

“Rizi sent you, then you must be a trustworthy guy.”

Tommy raised an eyebrow at this before saying.


“Oh sorry.” The girl giggled before continuing.

“Lets just say Rizi is a good judge of character, anyone she recommends to us is always welcome.”

“Anyway one room is ten silver a night and that includes breakfast, any other meals you need to pay for separately.”

“That's fine.” Tommy said as he accessed his Item Box in his pocket before pulling out a gold coin and placed it on the counter before saying.

“Ten nights then please.”

Tommy had been practicing using his Item Box while he traveled as he tested out different ways to use it.

The girl behind the counter smiled before taking the gold coin and saying.

“No problem, I just need your name for the register and I can grab your key.”

“Tommy Smith.”

“No problem Tommy, my name is Jue.” Jue replied while introducing her as she noted Tommy’s name down on a ledger.

“Nice to meet you Jue.” Tommy replied.

Jue smiled before turning and grabbing a key which she then placed on the counter.

“Here you go, room 302, it’s got a great view and also a double bed.” Jue said while giving Tommy a suggestive wink.

Tommy was about to reply when a shout from the bar area beat him to it.


“Always amazing timing sis.” Jue grumbled quietly under her breath with Tommy still heard before she said.

“Sorry about that but it seems my sister needs assistance, anyway here is your key and as for food, you can either eat in the bar or the restaurant depending on which atmosphere you prefer.”

After that she came out from behind the counter before giving Tommy a wink and saying.

“Cya later.”

She then sashayed away making sure to give a good show to anyone watching.

Tommy shook his head before thinking.

(So she’s that sort of girl, also Rizi thinks I’m a trustworthy guy?)

(Afraid she's going to be proven wrong at some point in the future.)

Tommy picked up the key before putting it in his pocket (Item Box) and heading for the bar area behind Jue.

While Tommy was fine eating in either area, people tended to give away more information in a bar than a restaurant and information is what Tommy needed.

He had only arrived on this world earlier today and still knew basically nothing about it.

While that god had given him the identification skill that allowed him to identify everything, it did not give him direct knowledge that was common sense.

For example before Rizi mentioned it before he had no idea the nation he was in was called Etria.

However while he now knew the name of the nation he knew nothing else about it, was Etria a democracy or a dictatorship?

How large was it?

Where in the world was it situated?

Who were their allies and enemies?

And that only pertained to Etria, then there was other common sense such as where are humans the only humanoid species in this world?

After all it was a fantasy world and they tended to have other races such as elves or dwarves.

What customs were considered normal and what were not.

Tommy sighed as he thought about all the information he was missing.

As he headed into the bar and looked around a few people gave him curious glances like always because of his clothes before ignoring him.

Tommy soon found an empty table near a wall and went over to it and sat down.

Here was another thing he did not know, did he need to go up to the bar to order or would someone come to him?

There were no menus on the table after all.

As he was thinking Jue reappeared before asking in a rushed tone.

“What do you want?”

“What's available?” Tommy asked back, causing Jue to look at him with a strange look before asking.

“You new here?”

Tommy raised an eyebrow and replied.

“You know I am.”

“What?” Jue asked while tilting her head in confusion before her face changed showing that she realized something.

“I’m not Jue, I’m her older sister Tue.”

Tommy showed a surprise look before asking.

“Jue and Tue?”

“Yeah, got a problem with that?” Tue asked aggressively.

“Not at all, I’m impressed with your parents' naming skills.” Tommy replied.

“Hmph, parent.” Tue replied with a scoff and angry look.

“Pardon?” Tommy said.

“Parent, it’s only mum, the man that would be our biological father left after he realized mum had given birth to twins.” Tue replied before changing the subject.

“Not that it's your business stranger, now what are you ordering?”

Tommy showed a sad smile before saying.

“I’m sorry, I know what it's like, except in my case I didn’t know either of my parents.”

Tue’s angry look softened when she heard this.

“Whatever the special is and the house ale.” Tommy said, also deciding to change the subject.

Tue nodded before turning and leaving to serve other patrons.

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